publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Heterologous expression and structure prediction of a xylanase identified from a compost metagenomic library. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2024
- Functional and sequence-based metagenomics to uncover carbohydrate-degrading enzymes from composting samples. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023
- Conhecimento e aprendizagem na educação superior: desafios curriculares e pedagógicos no século XXI. Doxa - Revista Brasileira de Psicologia e Educação. 2020
- Oral Yeast Colonization and Fungal Infections in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Pilot Study. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology. 2017
- Avaliação externa de escolas. Um metaestudo. Educação e Pesquisa. 2016
- Avaliação de escolas: os efeitos nos processos de mudança e melhoria da escola 2015
- The effect of folate status on the uptake of physiologically relevant compounds by Caco-2 cells. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Image processing tool for the detection and quantification of xylanase activity in a metagenomic study 2022
- External evaluation of schools: what is changing in the early childhood curriculum practices? 2017
- Schools' external evaluation: what is changing in the early childhood curriculum practices? 2017
- Atas do Seminário Internacional "Avaliação Externa de Escolas" 2015
- Proibição de fumar nos carros e em espaços exteriores: estudo de opinião. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2015
- The impact of hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis on oral health status in endstage renal disease patients 2015
- Avaliação Externa de Escolas: do referencial aos estudos empíricos. 2014
- Improving fECG signal acquisition in the evaluation of fetal well-being 2013
- Low Energy Renovation of Buildings using the Potential of Solar Renewable Energy 2012
- Colonização oral por Staphylococcus em doentes renais crónicos em diálise peritoneal¿ 2012
- Evaluation and selection of textbooks in Portugal : perceptions from mother tongue teachers 2011
- Between the market and the school: textbook approval, selection and evaluation 2009
artigo de revista
- Metagenomic Approaches as a Tool to Unravel Promising Biocatalysts from Natural Resources: Soil and Water. Catalysts. 2022
- Improved method for the extraction of high-quality DNA from lignocellulosic compost samples for metagenomic studies. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2021
- Basic education and pandemic. A study on teachers’ perceptions of the Portuguese reality. (Educação básica e pandemia. Um estudo sobre as perceções dos professores na realidade portuguesa). Revista Ibero-Americana de Educação. 2021
- Knowledge and learning in higher education: curricular and pedagogical challenges in the 21st century (Conhecimento e aprendizagem na educação superior: desafios curriculares e pedagógicos no século XXI). Doxa - Revista Brasileira de Psicologia e Educação. 2020
- Educational transformations in times of pandemic: from social confinement to curricular isolation (Transformações educativas em tempos de pandemia: do confinamento social ao isolamento curricular). Práxis Educativa. 2020
- External evaluation of schools: political logics of institutional evaluation (Avaliação externa das escolas: lógicas políticas de avaliação institucional). Estudos em Avaliação Educacional. 2019
capítulo de livro
- Application of metagenomics in the field of biotechnological conversion of lignocellulosic residues 2024
- Metagenomics to unravel the microbial biodiversity and biotechnological potential of extreme high salinity environments 2024
- Mas afinal existe vida no sal? 2023
- External evaluation of schools: theoretical-conceptual framework in the methodological context of a national study (Avaliação externa de escolas: quadro teórico-conceptual no contexto metodológico de um estudo nacional) 2020
- Capítulo 10 - Avaliação externa e seus efeitos : a perspetiva dos atores escolares 2016
- Avaliação externa de escolas: do referencial aos estudos empíricos 2014
- The hidden potential of hypersaline environments: extremophiles as source of new biosurfactants 2024
- Uncovering novel carbohydrate-degrading enzymes from composting units through metagenomic strategies 2024
- Harnessing the quest for eco-friendly alternatives to chemical surfactants by exploring extreme salinity environments 2023
- Uncovering new biosurfactants from Iberian hypersaline environments through metagenomics 2023
- Identification of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes using metagenomic approaches 2023
- Biodiversity and Bioprospection of Biosurfactants in Saline Environments 2023
- Exploring Aveiro salterns to discover new and robust biosurfactant producers 2023
- Image processing tool for the detection and quantification of xylanase activity in a metagenomic study 2022
- Metagenomics approach to unravel the potential of lignocellulosicresidues towards the discovery of novel enzymes 2021
- Institutional assessment and inspection: theoretical-practical perspectives (Avaliação institucional e Inspeção: perspetivas teórico-práticas) 2020
- Project-Based Learning (Aprendizagem baseada em projeto) 2018
- Currículo, Formação e Internacionalização: desafios contemporâneos. 2018
- Identification of protein markers for bioactivity in Streptomyces aculeolatus : a proteomic approach 2017
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