publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Efficiency of siRNA for removal of transthyretin V30M in a TTR leptomeningeal animal model. Amyloid. 2017
- Efficiency of silencing RNA for removal of transthyretin V30M in a TTR leptomeningeal animal model. Amyloid. 2016
- Preclinical evaluation of RNAi as a treatment for transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2016
- Tissue remodeling after interference RNA mediated knockdown of transthyretin in a familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy mouse model. Neurobiology of Aging. 2016
artigo de revista
- In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of SerpinA1 on the Modulation of Transthyretin Proteolysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Characterization of single- and multi-species Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)-associated biofilms in an ex vivo 3D human vaginal epithelium model 2021
- Effects of Serpina 1 knockdown in TTR proteolysis in the heart of transgenic mice carrying Human TTR V30M 2020
- Neuroprotection of Anakinra on peripheral nerve neurodegeneration in single and combination protocols with TTR siRNA in a transgenic mouse model for human V30M transthyretin 2015
- Preclinical Evaluation of RNAi Therapeutics for the Treatment of ATTR: An Update 2014
- Genetic Reduction of Megalin Increases Brain Aß Plaque Burden: Evidence From a New Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease 2011
- Estudo comparativo do método ThinPrep® com esfregaço convencional em amostras de citologia respiratória 2009