publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Comparison of different numerical modelling approaches for the assessment of the out-of-plane behaviour of two-leaf stone masonry walls. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Damage index model and hysteretic viscous damping of masonry infill walls subjected to out-of-plane loadings. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Seismic damage scenarios for the Historic City Center of Leiria, Portugal: Analysis of the impact of different seismic retrofitting strategies on emergency planning. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020
artigo de conferência
- A Design Optimization Methodology Applied to Conformal Cooling Channels in Injection Molds: 2D Transient Heat Transfer Analysis 2023
- Structural Analysis of Molds with Conformal Cooling Channels: A Numerical Study 2023
- 2D Heat Transfer of an Injection Mold: ANSYS Workbench and Mechanical APDL 2023
- 3D Heat Transfer of an Injection Mold: ANSYS Workbench and Mechanical APDL 2023
- BIM-based methodology for the seismic performance assessment of existing buildings 2020
- Modelling strategies for earthquake resisting techniques enhancing Wall-to-wall connections 2019
- Out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls built with earthquake resistant techniques: experimental characterization 2019
- Out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls built with earthquake resistant techniques: numerical modelling 2019
- Seismic vulnerability assessment method for vernacular architecture 2018
- Numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of timber-framed structures using OpenSees 2017
- Caracterização de paredes de pedra de junta seca a ações para fora do plano 2016
- Seismic behavior of an old masonry building in Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal 2016
- Seismic behaviour of portuguese rammed earth buildings 2015
artigo de revista
- Assessment and mitigation of seismic risk at the urban scale: an application to the historic city center of Leiria, Portugal. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2020
- Development of a Numerical Tool for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Vernacular Architecture. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2019
- Numerical modelling of the cyclic behavior of timber-framed structures. Engineering Structures. 2018