publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Emotion regulation and negative urgency in adolescents’ disordered eating: The mediation role of executive functions 2024
- Extraction, Characterization and Properties evaluation of Pineapple Leaf Fibers from Azores Pineapple. Heliyon. 2024
- Extraction, Characterization and Properties evaluation of New Natural Fibres from Azores Pineapple Leaves. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023
- Food Addiction and Grazing—The Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Negative Urgency in University Students. Nutrients. 2023
- Food addiction and grazing - The role of difficulties in emotion regulation and negative urgency in university students. Nutrients. 2023
- Non-suicidal self-injury in Portuguese college students: relationship with emotion regulation, resilience and self-compassion. Current Psychology. 2023
- Loss of Control over Eating, Inhibitory Control, and Reward Sensitivity in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2023
- Eating disorders during lockdown: the transcultural influence on eating and mood disturbances in Ibero-Brazilian population. Journal of Eating Disorders. 2023
- Eating disorders and non-suicidal self-injury: Cluster analysis considering eating pathology, emotion dysregulation, and negative urgency. Análise Psicológica. 2022
- Psychometric properties and convergent and divergent validity of the Portuguese Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (P-YFAS 2.0). Eating and Weight Disorders. 2022
- Group-based intervention for eating disorders with non-suicidal-self-injury: a case series. Clinical Psychologist. 2021
- Group-based intervention for eating disorders with non-suicidal self-injury: A case series. . Clinical Psychologist. 2021
- Overweight in Primary Care: Developing a Weight Loss Intervention 2021
- Prevalence and correlates of picky eating and overeating in school-aged children: A population-based study. . Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2021
- Promoting health behavior in overweight and obese children & adolescents via short message service (SMS): An effectiveness study. 2021
- Sudden gains and ambivalence in the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders. Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 2021
- The Emotional Meaning of Life Events: A Qualitative Study of Eating Disorders Patient ´s Perspective. 2021
- Grazing in the youth: the role of psychological correlates and parental feeding practices.. Pediatric Obesity. 2018
- Dysregulated Behaviors in Bulimia Nervosa: A case-control study 2013
- Comportamentos de risco e excesso de peso na adolescência. Revisão da literatura 2012
- Parental high expectations and childhood overweight as risk factors for bulimia nervosa: A Portuguese case-control study 2012
- Psychosocial correlates of overweight and obesity in infancy. Journal of Human Growth and Development (JHGD). 2012
- Risk behaviors and overweight in adolescence: A systematic review [Comportamentos de risco e excesso de peso na adolescência: Uma revisão da literatura]. Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa. 2012
- Self-injurious behavior in Portuguese adolescents | Conducta autolesiva en adolescentes portugueses. Psicothema. 2012
- Self-injurious behavior in portuguese adolescents 2012
- Moderators and mediators of the relationship between psychopathology and overweight/obesity in adolescence [Moderadores e mediadores da relação entre a psicopatologia e a obesidade ou sobrepeso na adolescência]. Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa. 2011
- The role of sociocultural factors in the development of eating disorders: A systematic review [O papel dos factores socioculturais no desenvolvimento das perturbações do comportamento alimentar: uma revisão da literatura]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças. 2011
- An eight years prospective study of iron deficiency anaemia in infancy. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2005
- Iron deficiency anemia in infants [Anemia por deficiência de ferro no lactante]. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2005
- Iron deficiency anemia in infants: Preliminary development results at five years | Anemia por deficiência de ferro no lactente: Resultados preliminares do desenvolvimento aos cinco anos. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2005
- Eating related problems amongst Iberian female college students. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2004
- Suicide attempts and clinical severity of eating disorders : an exploratory study 2004
- Developmental delay in children with iron deficiency anemia. Can this be reversed by iron therapy? [O atraso de desenvolvimento nas crianças com anemia por deficiência de ferro: Poderá ser revertido pela terapêutica com ferro?]. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2002
- Physiological activity during the adult attchment interview in patients with eating disorders: a preliminary study with case analysis [Actividade fisiológica durante o AAI em doentes com perturbações alimentares: estudo preliminar com análise de casos]. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática. 2002
- A cross-cultural study on eating attitudes and behaviours in two Spanish-speaking countries: Spain and Mexico. European Eating Disorders Review. 2001
- Cognitive-Behavioral Group Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder: a pilot study [Tratamento cognitivo comportamental em grupo da perturbação de ingestão alimentar compulsiva: um estudo exploratório]. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2001
- Tratamento cognitivo comportamental em grupo da perturbação de ingestão alimentar compulsiva: Um estudo exploratório [Group cognitive behavioral treatment of binge eating disorder: A preliminary report]. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Disordered eating among preadolescents boys and girls: the influence of children´s and mother's variables 2012
- Dysregulated Behaviors in Bulimia Nervosa: A case-control study 2012
- Eating disorders and treatment outcome - Preliminary results 2012
- Exercise frequency and eating behaviors: a study with Portuguese adolescents 2012
- Exercising for weight and shape reasons vs. health control reasons : the impact on eating disorders behaviors 2012
- Antecedent life events in the development of anorexia nervosa: A case control study 2011
- Antecedent life events in the development of bulimia nervosa 2011
- Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence [Ferimentos auto-infligidos na adolescência] 2010
- Therapeutic alliance with children and adolescents and their parents: Results using the Portuguese WAI version for children and adolescents (WAI-CA) 2008
- Activação subliminar e memória implícita: Efeitos de transferência apropriada de processamento 2000
- Correlatos psicofisiológicos da percepção de movimento 1999
- Inventário de dificuldades de memória: Estudo comparativo entre idosos e jovens 1999
- Inventário de recurso às imagens mentais espontâneas: Estudo comparativo entre adolescentes e jovens adultos 1999
- Memória para conhecimentos escolares: A certeza de quem sabe versus a certeza de quem julga que sabe 1998
- Percepção de lapsos de memória em jovens universitários: quanto mais estudo mais esqueço 1998
artigo de revista
- Appearance Comparisons, Affect, Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Pathology in Portuguese Female University Students. Nutrients. 2023
- The challenges faced by higher education students and their expectations during COVID-19 in Portugal 2023
- Penn State Worry Questionnaire in Emotional Disorders: Validation and normative data for Portuguese population. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 2023
- Food Addiction Problems in College Students: The Relationship between Weight-Related Variables, Eating Habits, and Food Choices. Healthcare. 2022
- Experiences of parent–adolescent dyads regarding a Facebook-based intervention to improve overweight/obesity treatment in adolescents: A qualitative study. Applied Psychology-Health and Well Being. 2022
- COVID-19 and people management: the view of human resource managers. Administrative Sciences. 2021
- Sudden Gains and Ambivalence in the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorder. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 2021
- Does weight change relate to psychological variables and eating behaviours in combat sports?. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2021
- Telephone-based psychological crisis intervention: the Portuguese experience with COVID-19. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 2021
- The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Disordered Eating Behaviors: The Mediation Role of Psychological Distress. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2021
- Impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on a cohort of eating disorders patients. Journal of Eating Disorders. 2020
- The Portuguese version of the body investment scale: psychometric properties and relationships with disordered eating and emotion dysregulation. Journal of Eating Disorders. 2020
- Grazing in children: associations with child's characteristics and parental feeding practices. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2020
- APOLO-Teens, a web-based intervention for treatment-seeking adolescents with overweight or obesity: study protocol and baseline characterization of a Portuguese sample. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2020
- Athletes’ perception of leadership according to their perceptions of goal achievement and sport results. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2020
- Eating disorders in males: a case series study to evaluate putative risk factors. Journal of Men's Studies. 2020
- Nonsuicidal self-injury, difficulties in emotion regulation, negative urgency, and childhood invalidation: A study with outpatients with eating disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2020
- Adult attachment in eating disorders mediates the association between perceived invalidating childhood environments and eating psychopathology. Current Psychology. 2019
- Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder symptoms in children: Associations with child and family variables. Children's Health Care. 2019
- Verbal emotional expressiveness in women with eating disorders: recalling autobiographical memories. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2019
- Eating disorders and non-suicidal self-injury: Structural equation modelling of a conceptual model. European Eating Disorders Review. 2018
- Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2018
- The Impact of Exposure to Cartoons Promoting Healthy Eating on Children's Food Preferences and Choices. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2018
- The role of the perception of family environment in relation to body dissatisfaction, disordered eating and difficulties in close relationships. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2018
- Putative Risk Factors for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorders. European Eating Disorders Review. 2017
- Maternal child-feeding practices and associations with maternal and child characteristics. Nutrition Today. 2017
- Romantic relationships and nonsuicidal self-injury among college students: the mediating role of emotion regulation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 2017
- Adversity, emotion regulation, and non-suicidal self-injury in eating disorders. Eating Disorders. 2016
- Anorexia nervosa versus bulimia nervosa: differences based on retrospective correlates in a case-control study. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2016
- Eating-disordered behaviour in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 2016
- Is being overweight associated with engagement in self-injurious behaviours in adolescence, or do psychological factors have more weight?. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2016
- Prevalence and correlates of picky eating in preschool-aged children: A population-based study. Eating Behaviors. 2016
- Retrospective Correlates for Bulimia Nervosa: A Matched Case-Control Study. European Eating Disorders Review. 2016
- Social cognitions about food choice in children aged five to eight years: feasibility and predictive validity of an age appropriate measurement. Appetite. 2016
- The Moderating Role of Purging Behaviour in the Relationship between Sexual/Physical Abuse and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorder Patients. European Eating Disorders Review. 2016
- Promoting health behaviour in Portuguese children via Short Message Service: The efficacy of a text-messaging programme. British Journal of Health Psychology. 2015
- Dysfunctional eating behavior, psychological well-being and adaptation to pregnancy: a study with women in the third trimester of pregnancy. British Journal of Health Psychology. 2015
- Exercise, eating disordered behaviors and psychological well-being: A study with Portuguese adolescents. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia. 2015
- Prevalence and predictors of alcohol and tobacco consumption in adolescence: The role of weight status, clinical status and psychosocial dimensions | Prevalencia y factores de predicción de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco en la adolescencia: El papel de la condición de peso, de la condición clínica y de las dimensiones psicosociales. Anales de Psicología. 2015
- The Influence of BMI and Predictors of Disordered Eating and Life Satisfaction on Postmenopausal Women. Journal of Women & Aging. 2015
- Use of text messaging services to promote health behaviors in children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2015
- Eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q): psychometric properties and norms for the Portuguese population. European Eating Disorders Review. 2014
- Risk Factors and Antecedent Life Events in the Development of Anorexia Nervosa: A Portuguese Case-Control Study.. European Eating Disorders Review. 2014
- Dysregulated behaviors in bulimia nervosa: a case-control study. Clinical Psychologist. 2014
- Eating and weight/shape criticism as a specific life-event related to bulimia nervosa: A case control study. Journal of Psychology. 2014
- Non-Suicidal Self Injury, Psychopathology and Attachment: A Study with University Students. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2014
- The relationship between weight status and psychopathology in adolescence : the role of social support. British Journal of Health Psychology. 2014
- DSM-5 reduces the proportion of EDNOS cases: Evidence from community samples. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2013
- Disordered eating among preadolescent boys and girls: The relationship with child and maternal variables. Nutrients. 2012
- Exercising for weight and shape reasons vs. health control reasons : the impact on eating disturbance and psychological functioning. Eating Behaviors. 2012
- Male gender is an important clinical risk factor for iron deficiency in healthy infants. E-Spen Journal. 2012
- The prevalence of eating disorders not otherwise specified. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2007
- The Portuguese version of the eating disorders inventory: Evaluation of its psychometric properties. European Eating Disorders Review. 2001
capítulo de livro
- Eating Behaviors in Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Importance of Family Context 2022
- Anorexia nervosa 2019
- Bulimia nervosa 2019
- Eating and intake disorders [Perturbações da alimentação e da ingestão] 2019
- Obesity and mental health [Obesidade e saúde mental] 2019
- Psychological mechanisms in diet adherence [Mecanismos psicológicos úteis de adesão à dieta] 2014
- Clinical and Health Psychology Unit for Children and Adolescents [Unidade de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde para Crianças e Adolescentes] 2008
- Consultation of Eating Disorders [Consulta de Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar] 2008
- Disociación entre la memoria implicita y explicita: Efecto de la formación de imagenes en una tarea de completamiento de fragmentos de palabras 2002
- Percepción de lapsus de memoria e éxito académico 2002
- Subliminal Activation and Implicit Memory: Effects of Proper Processing Transfer [Activação Subliminar e Memória Implícita: Efeitos de Transferência Apropriada de Processamento] 2000
- Eating Disorders: Prevention and Treatment] ]Perturbações do comportamento alimentar: Prevenção e tratamento] 1999
- Inventory of difficulties in memory: A comparative study between adolescents, adults, and elderly [Inventário de Dificuldades de Memória: Estudo Comparativo entre adolescentes, adultos e idosos] 1999
- Inventory of spontaneus mental images: A comparative study between adolescents and young adults [Inventário de Recurso às Imagens Mentais Espontâneas: Estudo Comparativo entre adolescentes e jovens adultos] 1999
- Psychophysiological Correlates of Movement Perception [Correlatos Psicofisiológicos da Perceção de Movimento] 1999
- Da estrada à linha direta: Diferenças e comunalidades em profissionais de infraestruturas rodoviárias 2024
- From the road to the hotline: Differences and commonalities in road infrastructure professionals [on going] 2024
- Bacterial prodigiosin as natural biocolorant for sustainable textile applications 2023
- A Importância da Agricultura na Conservação das Paisagens nas Áreas Protegidas do Norte de Portugal 2022
- O papel mediador do auto-criticismo na relação entre a regulação emocional e o petisco contínuo em adolescentes [The mediating role of self-criticism in the relationship between emotional regulation and grazing in adolescents] 2022
- Eating Disorders and Non-suicidal Self-injury: Cluster Analysis Considering Eating Pathology, Emotion Dysregulation, and Negative Urgency 2021
- O papel da regulação emocional no comportamento alimentar na adolescência: Protocolo de investigação [The role of emotion regulation in eating behavior during adolescence: Research Protocol]. 2021
- Impact of Covid - 19 lockdown measures on eating disorders 2020
- Barriers and facilitators to delivering an effective overweight approach in Primary Care: a cross sectional survey of health professionals 2020
- COVID-19: The impact of lockdown in eating behavior and the mediator role of psychological suffering 2020
- Facial Mask Use during COVID-19 Pandemic: evaluating appropriate use behaviors in the community 2020
- Health Care Professional Barriers and Facilitators to an Effective Overweight Approach in General Practice: a Quantitative Study using TDF 2020
- The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on eating behaviors - A Study with Portuguese Population 2020
- To change or not to change? The impact of ambivalence on therapeutic outcomes 2019
- The emotional meaning of life events: A qualitative study of eating disorders patient´s perspective 2019
- A group intervention for eating disorders and nonsuicidal self-injury [Intervenção em grupo para as perturbações do comportamento alimentar e ferimentos auto-infligidos] 2019
- Disordered eating and juvenile dating abuse: relation with emotion regulation and body investment 2019
- Eating Disorders in Males: A case series study to evaluate putative risk factors 2019
- Non-suicidal self-injury, difficulties in emotion regulation, negative urgency and childhood invalidation: A study with eating disorder patients 2019
- Obesity prevention: Problem analysis and the process of develop an intervention for primary health care [Prevenção da Obesidade: Análise do Problema e Processo de Desenvolvimento de uma Intervenção para os Cuidados de Saúde Primários] 2019
- Overweight in Primary Care: Analysing the Problem and Developing an Intervention Objective 2019
- Parental strategies and self-efficacy among young with overweight. Poster presentation 2019
- Parental strategies to promote weight-loss in children with overweight [Estratégias Parentais para Promover a Perda de Peso em Crianças com Excesso de Peso] 2019
- Pre-obesity in primary health care: Problem analysis and definition of the intervention goal [Pré-obesidade nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários: Análise do Problema e Definição do Objetivo de Intervenção] 2019
- Psychological variables and eating behavior in combat sports athletes 2019
- Promoting Health Behavior in Overweight and Obese Children & Adolescents via Short Message Service (SMS): An Effectiveness Study 2018
- APOLO-Teens, A Web-Based Intervention For Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Early Findings From a Randomized Controlled Trial 2018
- Drive for muscularity and eating disordered behavior: The mediating role of cognitive appraisal 2018
- Group intervention for eating disorders and nonsuicidal self-injury: a pilot study protocol [Intervenção em Grupo para as Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar e Ferimentos Autoinfligidos: Protocolo de um Estudo Piloto] 2018
- Invalidating childhood environments, difficulties in establishing close romantic relationships and eating psychopathology: The role of attachment in eating disorders 2018
- Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version of the Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale 2018
- The role of the perception of family environment in relation to body dissatisfaction, disordered eating and difficulties in close relationships 2018
- Verbal emotional expressiveness in women with eating disorders: Recalling autobiographical memories 2018
- Violence in juvenille intimacy and eating behavior problems: The relationship between emotion regulation and body care [Violência na intimidade juvenile e problemas do comportamento alimentar: Relação com a regulação emocional e os cuidados com o corpo] 2018
- Violence in romantic relationships and disordered eating behaviors: The relationship between emotion regulation and body care [Violência no namoro e comportamentos alimentares perturbados: Relação com a regulação emocional e o cuidado com o corpo] 2018
- APOLO-Teens: Early Findings From a Web-Based Intervention For Overweight And Obese Adolescents 2017
- The Impact of Exposure to Cartoons Promoting Healthy Eating on Children's Food Preferences and Choices 2017
- The Use of a Text-Messaging Program during Weight Loss Treatment: Baseline Results Regarding Fruits and Vegetables Intake, Screen Time and Physical Activity in Obese Children and Adolescents 2017
- Adversity, emotion regulation, and nonsuicidal self-injury in eating disorders [Adversidade, regulação emocional e ferimentos autoinfligidos nas perturbações do comportamento alimentar] 2016
- Fruits and Vegetables Intake, Screen Time and Physical Activity among Child/Adolescents-Caregiver Seeking Weight Loss Treatment 2016
- Reproductive history, clinical evolution, and remission in eating disorders [História reprodutiva, evolução clínica e recuperação nas perturbações do comportamento alimentar] 2016
- Risk factors associated with the early onset of eating disorders [Factores de risco associados ao início precoce das perturbações do comportamento alimentar] 2016
- Perception of disease, dysfunctional feeding behavior and psychological well-being in celiac adolescents and young adults 2015
- Prevalence and Correlates of Picky Eating in Early Childhood 2015
- Promoting Health Behaviour in Children via Short Message Service (SMS): The Efficacy of a Text-Messaging Program 2015
- Romantic relationships and non-suicidal self-injury among Portuguese college students: The mediating role of emotion regulation 2015
- The moderating role of purging behavior in the relationship between sexual/physical abuse and non-suicidal self-injury in eating disorder patients 2015
- Eating Behavior, physical activity, and quality of life in Type 1 diabetic adolescents with different perceptions about ideal weight [Comportamento alimentar, exercício físico e qualidade de vida em adolescentes diabéticos tipo 1 com diferentes percepções de peso ideal] 2013
- Impact of Different Diagnostic Criteria on the Proportion of EDNOS Cases: Evidence from Community Samples 2013
- Promoting health behaviors in children via text messaging 2013
- Risk factors and attachment organization in eating disorders: Preliminary results 2013
- Acolhimento de Jovens de risco a nível europeu: análise de contributos para a construção de carreira dos jovens. 2012
- Disordered eating among preadolescents boys and girls: The influence of children´s and mother's variable 2012
- Dysregulated Behaviors in Bulimia Nervosa – A case-control study 2012
- Eating Behavior and Family Relationships among Overweight and Normal Weight Adolescents 2012
- Eating disorders and treatment outcome - Preliminary results. 2012
- Exercise Frequency and Eating Behaviors: A Study with Portuguese Adolescents. Psychology & Health. 2012
- Exercising for weight and shape reasons vs. health control reasons: The impact on eating disorders behaviors 2012
- Non-suicidal self-injury, psychopathology and attachment. 2012
- Prevalence and predictors of risky behaviors in adolescence: The role of weight status, treatment condition and psychosocial dimensions 2012
- Promoting health behavior in children via text messaging 2012
- Somatic embryogenesis from adult tree of cork oak (Quercus suber): induction and antibiotic sensibility assays 2012
- Somatic embryogenesis from adult tree of cork oak (Quercus suber): induction and antibiotic sensibility assays (Oral presentation) 2012
- The Influence of Romantic Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Behavior among College Students 2012
- The impact of Child Eating Style and Parental Body Mass Index on child’s weight status 2012
- The relationship between psychopathology and weight status in adolescence: The role of social support. 2012
- Psychossocial variables in childhood obesity [Variáveis psicossociais na obesidade infantil] 2009
- Early nutrition and its future development consequences – an eight year prospective study of iron deficiency anaemia 2008
- Shoud iron requirement in first years of life be differentiated by gender? 2007
- Early nutrition and its future development consequences – an eight year prospective study of iron deficiency anemia 2004
- Prospective evaluation of the development and school performance in adolescents. at 11 years of age, with or without IDA in infants 1999
- Memory for school knowledge: The certainty of those who know versus the certainty of those who think they know [Memória para conhecimentos escolares: A certeza de quem sabe versus a certeza de quem julga que sabe] 1998
- Iron deficiency anemia [Anemia por deficiência de ferro] 1997
- Psychometric Properties and Convergent and Divergent Validity of the Portuguese Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (P-YFAS 2.0)