publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Knowledge graph of press clippings referring social minorities. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2021
- Design of a new workstation in a productive process: Importance of multidisciplinary integration 2020
- Automatic simulation models generation of warehouses with milk runs and pickers 2016
- Simulation and economic analysis of an AGV system as a mean of transport of warehouse waste in an automotive OEM 2016
- 3D microsimulation of milkruns and pickers in warehouses using SIMIO 2014
- An overview of the generic product data model GenPDM 2013
- Generic referencing: Methodology of parts characterization 2011
- Especificação de uma aplicação informática para a melhoria da função compras e procurement das unidades de negócio da EFACEC 2011
- Benefícios e desafios da customização em massa 2011
- Referenciação genérica: metodologia de caracterização de artigos 2011
- Analysis of generic product information representation models. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2009
- Distributed production planning and control agent based system 2005
artigo de revista
- Jornalistas em Tempo de Pandemia: Novas Rotinas Profissionais, Novos Desafios Éticos. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2021
- Simulation model generation for warehouse management: Case study to test different storage strategies. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling. 2018
- Using simio to automatically create 3d warehouses and compare different storage strategies. FME Transactions. 2015
- Distributed production planning and control agent-based system. International Journal of Production Research. 2006