publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The native grape berry-associated Wickerhamomyces anomalus HN1 and its secretory antifungal metabolites are involved in the biocontrol of grapevines grey mould.. Submitted manuscript. 2024
- A comparison of microbiota isolation methods reveals habitat preferences for fermentative yeasts and plant pathogenic fungi in the grape berry. Antibiotics. 2024
- Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a collaborative deprescribing intervention of proton-pump-inhibitors on community-dwelling older adults: Protocol for the C-SENIoR, a pragmatic non-randomized controlled trial. Cancer. 2024
- Combined omics expose microbial niches of fungi and bacteria correlating with wine volatile profiles in Douro wine region. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2024
- Seed germination and seedling development assisted by ultrasound: gaps and future research directions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2024
- Estimating Type 2 Diabetes Prevalence: A Model of Drug Consumption Data. Pharmacy. 2024
- Estudo da composição florística para a conservação da biodiversidade no Parque das Camélias (Munícipio de Braga) 2024
- Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning and Teachers’ Digital Competence. Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa. 2023
- Ultrasound Prototype for Improving Germination and Seedling Growth in Tomato and Maize Seeds. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2023
- Combined omics approaches expose metabolite-microbiota correlations in grape berries of three cultivars of Douro wine region. Food Chemistry. 2023
- Educators by proxy: Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning from the voice of parents. Frontiers in Education. 2023
- The grapevine metabolite profile of phloem sap is modified by flavescence dorée. Oeno One. 2023
- Identification of grape berry indigenous epiphytic yeasts with in vitro and in vivo antagonistic activity towards pathogenic fungi. Oeno One. 2023
- Biosynthesis of Chlorophyll and Other Isoprenoids in the Plastid of Red Grape Berry Skins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023
- Canopy management through crop forcing impacts grapevine cv. ‘Touriga Nacional’ performance, ripening and berry metabolomics profile. Oeno One. 2023
- A proteomic analysis shows the stimulation of light reactions and inhibition of the Calvin cycle in the skin chloroplasts of ripe red grape berries. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022
- A catalogue of cultivable yeasts from the microbiota of grape berries cv. Vinhão and Loureiro. Oeno One. 2022
- Real-World Impact of Transferring the Dispensing of Hospital-Only Medicines to Community Pharmacies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Value in Health. 2022
- Characteristics of Reliever Inhaler Users and Asthma Control: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study in Portuguese Community Pharmacies. Journal of Asthma and Allergy. 2021
- Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning in Portugal: Preschool to Secondary School Teachers' Perceptions. Education Sciences. 2021
- Transição para o ensino remoto de emergência no ensino superior em Portugal - um estudo exploratório. DIALOGIA. 2020
- Effectiveness of an intervention to improve antibiotic-prescribing behaviour in primary care: a controlled, interrupted time-series study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2019
- Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems and Antibiotic Prescribing: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clinical Therapeutics. 2019
- Acute Treatment of Malignant Colorectal Occlusion: Real Life Practice 2016
- Decreasing antibiotic use through a joint intervention targeting physicians and pharmacists. Antibiotics. 2016
- Determinants of physician antibiotic prescribing behavior: a 3 year cohort study in Portugal. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2016
- Medicinal Product Regulation: Portugal¿s Framework. Clinical Therapeutics. 2016
- O uso de antibióticos e as resistências bacterianas: breves notas sobre a sua evolução. Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica. 2016
- Physicians’ attitudes and knowledge concerning antibiotic prescription and resistance: questionnaire development and reliability. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2016
- Safety Alerts: An Observational Study in Portugal. Clinical Therapeutics. 2015
- Educational interventions to improve prescription and dispensing of antibiotics: a systematic review. BMC Public Health. 2014
- Understanding physician antibiotic prescribing behaviour: a systematic review of qualitative studies. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2013
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Impact of Deficit Irrigation on Grapevine cv. ‘Touriga Nacional’ during Three Seasons in Douro Region: An Agronomical and Metabolomics Approach. Plants. 2022
- The restructuring of grape berry waxes by calcium changes the surface microbiota. Food Research International. 2021
- Calcium and methyl jasmonate cross-talk in the secondary metabolism of grape cells. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2021
- Exogenous Calcium Delays Grape Berry Maturation in the White cv. Loureiro While Increasing Fruit Firmness and Flavonol Content. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021
- Flavescence Dorée-Derived Leaf Yellowing in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Is Associated to a General Repression of Isoprenoid Biosynthetic Pathways. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020
- Vineyard calcium sprays shift the volatile profile of young red wine produced by induced and spontaneous fermentation. Food Research International. 2020
- The first insight into the metabolite profiling of grapes from three Vitis vinifera L. cultivars of two controlled appellation (DOC) regions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2014
- Berry phenolics of grapevine under challenging environments. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2013
capítulo de livro
- FEC-Enabled PAM4 400G PON Architecture for Access Networks 2023
- Conformational dynamics of soy protein isolate under Ohmic Heating 2022
- Membrane solute transport in plant-environment interaction 2022
- Transição de emergência para o online em universidades portuguesas no contexto de covid-19: estudo exploratório 2020
- The effect of heat and salicylic acid on the DAHPS expression and activity in grape cells 2011