publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Tourism-Led Change of the City Centre. Land. 2024
- Back to business? Taking lessons from Porto (Portugal) to inform sustainable tourism futures after COVID-19. Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles. 2023
- The power of the cities and the power in the cities: a multiscale perspective from Portugal. Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles. 2020
- The role of Airbnb creating a “new”-old city centre: facts, problems and controversies in Porto. Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles. 2019
- Gentrification in Porto: floating city users and internationally-driven urban change. Urban Geography. 2019
- Time-space complexity and the opening hours of commerce: a study of four European cities. GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal. 2017
- Aldeias de montanha: os problemas, as perspetivas e as propostas, vistos desde as serras da Aboboreira, Marão e Montemuro, no Noroeste de Portugal. GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal. 2016
- Time policies, urban policies and planning. GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal. 2015
- Governança e regeneração nas políticas urbanas de França, Holanda e Inglaterra. GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal. 2012
artigo de revista
- Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion and Sustainability in Europe: An Overview. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Urban Rehabilitation and Tourism: Lessons from Porto (2010–2020). Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Corporate hosts: The rise of professional management in the short-term rental industry. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2021
- Urban planning and policy in portugal: an overview on the role of eu funds and guidelines. Urban Research and Practice. 2021
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