publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Does psychopathy mediate the relationship between exposure to intimate partner violence in childhood and the perpetration of intimate partner violence in adulthood?. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 2024
- Initial validation of Hanson Sex Attitude Questionnaire (HSAQ) in Portuguese perpetrators of child sexual abuse and perpetrators of non-sexual crimes. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 2024
- Does time work its magic? The relationship between time in detention and risk of violence and aggression. Deviant Behavior. 2024
- Psychosocial risk factors for recidivism in juvenile delinquency among young males and females: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2024
- Validation of the Revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI-2) in Portugal. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment. 2024
- Evidence-based Interventions Targeting Remand Prisoners: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychology Applied To Legal Context. 2024
- Male Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse: A Comparison Between Individuals Serving Custodial and Non-Custodial Sentences. Crime & Delinquency. 2024
- The validity of the Violence Risk Scale (VRS) in a Portuguese sample of remand prisoners. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 2024
- Emotional Processing and Psychopathy Among Women: A Systematic Review. Deviant Behavior. 2023
- To Be or Not to Be Empathic: the Role of Empathy in Child Sexual Offending. Children and Youth Services Review. 2023
- Criminal Lifestyle Among Women Who Committed Crimes: The Role of Psychopathy. Deviant Behavior. 2023
- Suicide concerns among pretrial detainees: validation of the Portuguese version of the SCOPE-2. Journal of Forensic Practice. 2023
- Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood and Partner Violence Perpetration in Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Aggression. Deviant Behavior. 2023
- Intra and Extra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse: The Role of Psychopathy. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 2023
- Words matter: judges’ value judgments in sentence pronouncements remarks. Crime Law and Social Change. 2023
- Remand Prisoners’ Specific Needs: A Systematic Review. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2022
- In or Out: Justice-Involved Women Characterization and Their Perceptions about Penal Sanctions. Women and Criminal Justice. 2022
- Psychopathy and Reoffending Among Incarcerated Women. Women and Criminal Justice. 2022
- Children Exposed to Interparental Violence: A Study of Portuguese Children from 7-9 Years of Age. Suma Psicologica. 2022
- The Effectiveness of Psychological Treatment in Adult Male Convicted for Sexual Offenses Against Children: A Systematic Review. Trauma Violence & Abuse. 2022
- Child Sexual Abuse: How Is the Victim Represented in Portuguese Sentences 2022
- Adverse Childhood Experiences Related to Cognitive and Emotional States: A study on Sexual Offenders in Italy and Portugal. Revista de Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala. 2022
- Dropout among perpetrators of intimate partner violence attending an intervention program 2022
- Intimate partner violence: Perceptions and attributions of male perpetrators 2022
- Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire: Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance Among Portuguese Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2021
- Attitudes of Police Recruits Towards Offenders: the Impact of the Police Training on Attitudinal Change. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021
- Criminal lifestyle, psychopathy, and prison adjustment among female inmates. Journal of Criminal Justice. 2021
- Community sanctions: Offenders' perceptions about their appropriateness. European Journal of Probation. 2021
- Primary and Secondary Variants of Psychopathy in Incarcerated Youth: An Investigation with a Focus on Social Anxiety. Deviant Behavior. 2021
- Intimate Partner Violence, Psychopathy, and Recidivism: Do Psychopathic Traits Differentiate First-time Offenders from Repeated Offenders?. Children and Youth Services Review. 2021
- Corrections and Crime in Spain and Portugal during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Impact, Prevention and Lessons for the Future 2020
- Unidade de Consulta em Psicologia da Justiça e Comunitária da Universidade do Minho: 20 anos em prol da Justiça Terapêutica. Revista do Ministério Público. 2020
- Crimes Against Women: From Violence to Homicide. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2020
- Psychometric properties of the Parent-child Relationship Inventory (PCRI) in a portuguese forensic sample. Journal of Child Custody. 2018
- Prison sentences: last resort or the default sanction?. Psychology, Crime & Law. 2018
- Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: A Comparison Between Incarcerated and Community Offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2017
- La perpetuación del comportamiento antisocial de los jóvenes caboverdianos: un estudio predictivo. Actualidades en Psicología. 2017
- Predictors of Intimate Partner Homicide in a Sample of Portuguese Male Domestic Offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2016
- Severe and Less Severe Intimate Partner Violence: From Characterization to Prediction 2016
- Efficacy Assessment of an Intervention Program With Batterers. Children and Youth Services Review. 2015
- The current practices of intervention with batterers. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry. 2014
- Intimate partner violence offenders: Generating a data-based typology of batterers and implications for treatment. European Journal of Psychology Applied To Legal Context. 2013
- Análise confirmatória de uma versão Portuguesa do Questionário de Agressividade de Buss-Perry. Laboratório de Psicologia. 2012
- Tratamento de Agressores Domésticos: O Programa de Promoção e Intervenção com Agressores Conjugais (PPRIAC). Revista do Ministério Público. 2011
- Avaliação do Risco em Agressores Conjugais: Resultados da Análise de uma Amostra Forense. Ousar e Integrar – Revista de Reinserção Social e Prova. 2010
- Comportamiento agresivo en el menor: Testimonio de conflictos interparentales. Revista “Infancia, juventud y ley”. 2009
- Agresivity in Children that Witness Parental Violence. Anuario de Psicologia Juridica. 2008
- La agresividad en niños que testimonian la violencia de genero. Anuario de Psicologia Juridica. 2008
- As crenças e as percepções das crianças sobre a violência: conceptualização de um estudo empírico. Psychologica. 2007
- Representações da violência construídas por crianças. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Criminais. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Abuso sexual de Crianças Intra e Extrafamiliar: O papel da psicopatia 2023
- Ser empático ou não ser: O papel da empatia na perpetração de violência sexual contra crianças 2023
- Exploratory results about specific needs and child molesting: Differences between subtypes of offenders 2021
- A Gender Analysis of Perceptions about Sentences in Individuals Serving Community Orders 2020
- O risco da violência entre pais para a criança 2012
- Riscos online: compreendendo os perfis de vulnerabilidade para uma prevenção da vitimização online 2012
- Solicitações sexuais de crianças e adolescentes online: uma análise compreensiva dos perfis de vulnerabilidade 2012
- “Vitimização online : a eficácia das estratégias de supervisão parental na diminuição da exposição aos riscos online” 2012
- Violencia entre padres en la vida del menor. 2009
- Analisis de las percepciones de los niños con edad escolar acerca de los conflicto interparentales 2008
- Análise dos sentimentos, emoções e percepções de crianças em idade escolar sobre os conflitos interparentais 2008
- Unidade de Consulta em Psicologia da Justiça: da avaliação à intervenção. 2008
- Análise de característica sócio-familiares em menores (pré)delinquentes 1999
- Crime e Psicologia – Algumas reflexões a propósito de um congresso. 1999
artigo de revista
- Effectiveness of the Motivational Interviewing Techniques with Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: A Non-Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma. 2024
- The impact of an intervention program on abusive intimate behaviors, self-esteem, and self-concept of male perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2023
- Stalking Behaviors Among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence in Portugal: Correlates and Mediating Variables. Children and Youth Services Review. 2022
- Callous-Unemotional Traits Moderate Anticipated Guilt and Wrongness Judgments to Everyday Moral Transgressions in Adolescents. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021
- Callous-Unemotional Traits Moderate Anticipated Guilt and Wrongness Judgments to Everyday Moral Transgressions in Adolescents. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021
- Can the triarchic model of psychopathy predict youth offender recidivism?. Psychology, Crime & Law. 2021
- The role of low self-control as a mediator between trauma and antisociality/criminality in youth. Healthcare. 2021
- Corrections and crime in Spain and Portugal during the COVID-19 pandemic: impact, prevention and lessons for the future 2020
- Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) Factor Structure in Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. 2020
- Portuguese Validation of the Brief Peer Conflict Scale: Validity, Reliability and Invariance across Gender. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 2020
- Emotions, Affections, and Psychopathy Among Female Prisoners. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2019
- Prison officers' attitudes towards self-harm in prisoners. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 2019
- Are Juveniles Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses the Same Everywhere? Psychometric Properties of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol–II in a Portuguese Youth Sample. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment. 2019
- A Escala de Respostas Socialmente Desejáveis-5: Validação numa amostra escolar de jovens portugueses. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación e Avaliação Psicológica. 2019
- Do incarcerated male juvenile recidivists differ from first-time offenders on self-reported psychopathic traits? A retrospective study. European Journal of Criminology. 2019
- Estudo de Validação do Inventário de Personalidade Narcísica – 13 numa Amostra Escolar de Jovens Portugueses. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación e Avaliação Psicológica. 2019
- How dark are dark figures? Official and self-report rates of inmate-on-inmate victimization 2019
- Prison sentences: last resort or the default sanction?. Psychology, Crime & Law. 2019
- The brief self-control scale and Its refined version among incarcerated and community youths: psychometrics and measurement invariance. Deviant Behavior. 2019
- Versatility and exploratory psychometric properties of the Impulsive/Premeditated Aggression Scale (IPAS): A review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2019
- A retrospective study on how psychopathic traits differentiate recidivists from first-time female youth offenders in juvenile detention centers. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. 2018
- Psychopathy and Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2018
- A brief measure of narcissism among female juvenile delinquents and community youths: The Narcissistic Personality Inventory–13. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2018
- A versão breve da escala de empatia básica numa amostra escolar de jovens portugueses: validade, fiabilidade e invariância. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación e Avaliação Psicológica. 2018
- Autoestima, narcisismo e dimensões de delinquência juvenil: Que relação?. Análise Psicológica. 2018
- Julgar quem mata: A decisão judicial em processos-crime de homicídio. Análise Psicológica. 2018
- Propriedades psicométricas de uma versão curta da Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt - 11 numa amostra escolar de adolescentes portugueses. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación e Avaliação Psicológica. 2018
- Attitudes of police officers toward offenders: implications for future training. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 2017
- Female psychopathic traits in forensic and school context: comparing the antisocial process screening device self-report and the youth psychopathic traits inventory-short. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 2017
- Mental and Physical Healthcare Utilization Among Young Prisoners: A Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 2017
- Psychometric properties of Basic Empathy Scale among female juvenile delinquents and school youths. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 2017
- The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale - 11 Among a Portuguese Sample of Female Juvenile Delinquents and Community Youths. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 2017
- The youth psychopathic traits inventory: measurement invariance and psychometric properties among portuguese youths. Healthcare. 2016
- A comparison of self-report measures of callous-unemotional traits among incarcerated youth: associations with aggression, conduct disorder, and offending behavior. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2016
- Adaptation of the narcissistic personality inventory among a portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders. Psychology, Crime & Law. 2016
- Institutional Infractions Among Young Prisoners: A Longitudinal Study. Prison Journal. 2016
- International note: Confirmatory factor analysis and psychometric properties of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory in a sample of Portuguese adolescents. Journal of Adolescence. 2016
- Why do people kill? A critical review of the literature on factors associated with homicide. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2016
- Adaptation of the Basic Empathy Scale among a Portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders. Psychology, Crime & Law. 2015
- Validation of the youth psychopathic traits inventory and youth psychopathic traits inventory: short version among incarcerated juvenile delinquents. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 2015
- Age of crime onset and psychopathic traits in female juvenile delinquents. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2014
- International self-report delinquency (ISRD3): tradução e adaptação ao contexto cabo-verdiano. Liberabit. 2014
- Predicting Infractions and Health Care Utilization in Prison: A Meta-Analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2014
- Delinquência juvenil: Um estudo comparativo de raparigas institucionalizados. Análise Psicológica. 2013
- Agressividade, estilo de vida criminal e adaptação à prisão. Psicologia USP. 2012
- O estado de arte do conceito de Psicopatia. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- The media construction of human trafficking in the Portuguese press. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Prison guards’ attitudes towards the prevention of sexual contacts between inmates. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 2010
- A avaliação do estilo de vida criminal em ofensores sexuais. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática. 2005
- A avaliação do risco de violência sexual. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática. 2005
- Atitudes face aos reclusos em guardas prisionais: implicações para a formação do pessoal penitenciário 2005
capítulo de livro
- Comportamento sexual desviante contra crianças: um caso clinico-forense 2024
- Resource Dispatch Optimization for Firefighting Using a Differential Evolution Algorithm 2024
- Violência nas relações de intimidade: Caracterização e intervenção nos ofensores 2023
- Corrections and Crime in Spain and Portugal during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Impact, Prevention and Lessons for the Future 2022
- A avaliação psicológica forense de ofensores/as sexuais 2021
- Mental Health Issues during Covid-19 Pandemic in Portuguese Prisons 2021
- Violência nas relações de intimidade: Caracterização e intervenção nos ofensores 2021
- How Inmates and Prison Officers Perceived Prison: An Exploratory Study 2020
- How inmates and prison officers perceive prison: an exploratory study 2020
- Intervenção Psicológica com Ofensores Adultos 2020
- Justicia Terapéutica e Intervencion con Ofensores 2020
- Justicia terapeutica e intervención com ofensores 2020
- A Escala de Psicopatia de Hare – Versão Revista (PCL-R) 2018
- Agressores nas relações de intimidade: o olhar da psicologia 2018
- Prisoners' coping strategies in Portugal 2015
- Abuso sexual na infância e na adolescência: Intervenção com a vítima e seus cuidadores 2014
- How batterers change: Results from a qualitative research following a successful intervention 2014
- Intervenção com agressores conjugais: A experiência do PPRIAC 2013
- Avaliação psicológica de agressores conjugais 2011
- Estudio empírico sobre las creencias y las percepciones de los niños sobre la violencia 2007
- Portugal 2007
- Arson and arsonists: Results from a study with a portuguese sample 2006
- Agresores sexuales y peligrosidad: la contribución de la psicopatía 2005
- Adaptation to prison and psychopathy 2004
- Unidade de Consulta em Psicologia da Justiça 2002
- In their voices: Perceptions of Individuals who sexually offended children about Insight Program 2024
- Validating the Revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI-2) in a Portuguese sample of male offenders 2024
- Intra and extra-familial child sexual abuse: The role of empathy 2023
- Who are the people on remand in Portugal? 2023
- Does gender influence anxiety levels of pre-trial detainees? 2023
- Depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among both men and women in pre-trial detention 2023
- AdapT - A Manualized Program for Remanded Prisoners 2023
- Violência sexual contra crianças: Uma análise da prevalência dos interesses sexuais pedófilos 2023
- Violência sexual contra crianças: Uma análise da prevalência dos interesses sexuais pedófilos [Sexual Violence Against Children: An Analysis of the Prevalence of Pedophilic Interests] 2023
- A eficácia do tratamento psicológico de homens condenados por crimes sexuais contra crianças: Uma revisão sistemática 2022
- Remanded Prisoners' specific needs: A comprehensive literature review. 2021
- Exploratory results about specific needs and child molesting: Differences between subtypes of offenders 2021
- Perceptions of Individuals Serving Non-custodial Sanctions Regarding Crime and Sentences 2019
- Início, Manutenção e Desistência do Crime - Perceção de Ofensores a cumprir pena na comunidade 2018
- Criminal lifestyle, crimes and desistence: Perceptions of offenders serving a penal sanction 2018
- Predictors of intimate partner homicide and attempted intimate partner homicide 2018
- Penas de prisión: Entre la evidencia académica y las prácticas de sentencia 2017
- Psicopatía y violencia contra la pareja 2017
- Agressores conjugais e os seus filhos: Impacto na relação paterno-filial 2014
- Agressores conjugais e os seus filhos: Impacto na relação paterno-filial. 2014
- Avaliação psicológica forense de crianças vítimas de violência interparental 2014
- Avaliação psicológica forense de crianças vítimas de violência interparental. 2014
- Compreender a perceção da criança vítima de violência interparental 2014
- Intervenção com agressores conjugais: dos resultados ao processo de mudança 2014
- Process of change in perpetrators of intimate partner violence 2014
- Apresentação do número 2013
- Children’s experience of domestic violence 2013
- El Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) en el ámbito forense 2013
- La violencia doméstica desde los ojos de los hijos 2013
- O processo de saída de casa sob a perspetiva da criança vítima de violência doméstica 2013
- Realidades construídas a partir da violência interparental 2013
- Compreendendo a vitimização online: uma análise da validade da teoria das actividades de rotina na explicação da vitimização online 2012
- Prevenindo o cyberbullying: análise crítica sobre a sobreposição de vítimas e agressores 2012
- Rehabilitation of Young Children Living with Family Violence 2012
- Rehabilitation of Young Children Living with Family Violence. 2012
- Relatos de crianças sobre as vivências de violência doméstica 2012
- Relatos de crianças sobre as vivências de violência doméstica. 2012
- Riscos online: uma análise compreensiva dos perfis de vulnerabilidade 2012
- Supervisão parental online: análise compreensiva das estratégias de mediação 2012
- Supervisão parental online: análise compreensiva das estratégias de mediação parental na prevenção da exposição aos riscos online 2012
- Compreendendo a vitimização online: uma análise da validade da teoria das actividades de rotina na explicação da vitimização online 2011
- Riscos online: uma análise compreensiva dos perfis de vulnerabilidade 2011
- Cyberbullying: a critical perspective on cyberbullying victimization and the overlap between the roles of victims and aggressors 2011
- Understanding online victimization: An analysis of routines activities theory value in explaining online victimization 2011
- Online sexual grooming : a cross-cultural perspective on online child grooming victimization. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2011
- Victimización y nuevas tecnologías: un análisis transcultural de los riesgos de vivir en la era digital 2011
- A Experiência da Criança à Violência entre os Progenitores: A Reconstrução do Trauma. 2011
- Children responses to interparental conflict. 2011
- Conflictos interparentales en una muestra de niños portugueses. 2011
- Fundação Eng. António de Almeida 2011
- Young people exposure to intimate partner conflict. 2011
- Children’s Insight of Interparental Violence in a Portuguese Sample. 2010
- Perception of interparental violence: differences between children victims and non victims of interparental violence in scholar age 2009
- Análise dos sentimentos, emoções e percepções de crianças em idade escolar sobre os conflitos interparentais 2008
- Análisis de las percepciones de los niños con edad escolar acerca e los conflictos interparentales. 2008
- Estudio empírico sobre las creencias y las percepciones de los niños sobre la violência. 2005
- Children’s beliefs about violence: a Portuguese preliminary survey 2002
- Representations of interpersonal violence in children 2002
- Subjective experience of children’s victims and witnesses of interpersonal violence: a qualitative research in Portugal 2001
- As realidades experienciais de crianças vítimas e testemunhas de violência 2000
- Unidade de consulta em Psicologia da Justiça: no apoio a crianças 2000
- Crimes: práticas e testemunhos 1999
- Unidade de consulta em Psicologia da Justiça: avaliação de um ano de funcionamento. 1999
- Análise de características sócio-familiares em menores (pré)delinquentes. 1998