publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- TADA: A Toolkit for Approximate Distributed Agreement. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2024
- When Amnesia Strikes: Understanding and Reproducing Data Loss Bugs with Fault Injection. PVLDB. 2024
- Biomechanical strategies for mitigating unexpected slips: A review. Journal of Biomechanics. 2024
- A Review of Novel Heat Transfer Materials and Fluids for Aerospace Applications. Aerospace. 2024
- An Overview of the Recent Advances in Pool Boiling Enhancement Materials, Structrure, and Devices. Micromachines. 2024
- MRVs: Enforcing Numeric Invariants in Parallel Updates to Hotspots with Randomized Splitting. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data. 2023
- Experiences on teaching Alloy with an automated assessment platform. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Information systems project management success. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management. 2021
- A new approach for improving work distribution in business processes supported by BPMS. Business Process Management Journal. 2020
- Kaizen costing as a culturally-based tool: a Portuguese case-study . International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 2020
- Special Issue on Big Data and Digital Transformation. Journal of Grid Computing. 2018
- An effective scalable SQL engine for NoSQL databases. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- DATAFLASKS: An epidemic dependable key-value substrate. International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. 2013
- A correlation-aware data placement strategy for key-value stores. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2011
- On the cost of database clusters reconfiguration. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Proceedings. 2009
- GORDA: An Open Architecture for Database Replication. Proceedings - 6th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, NCA 2007. 2007
- Semantically reliable multicast protocols. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Proceedings. 2000
- Modelling the teaching activity of a university department: A system dynamics/thinking experience.. WORLD MULTICONFERENCE ON SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, VOL 4, PROCEEDINGS. 1998
artigo de conferência
- Experimental Flow Studies in PDMS Intracranial Aneurysms Manufactured by Two Different Techniques 2024
- Loom: A Closed-Box Disaggregated Database System 2023
- A Survey of Tools for Grading Concurrent Programming Exercises 2023
- Taming Metadata-intensive HPC Jobs Through Dynamic, Application-agnostic QoS Control 2023
- An Experimental Evaluation of Tools for Grading Concurrent Programming Exercises 2023
- Recomendações de Ciência em Plataformas de Redes Sociais 2021
- IS Project Management Success in Developing Countries. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2020
- Building a polyglot data access layer for a low-code application development platform - (Experience Report). Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Knowledge Discovery from RDF Data stored in NoSQL databases 2019
- A Case for Dynamically Programmable Storage Background Tasks 2019
- A Case for Dynamically Programmable Storage Background Tasks 2019
- Avoiding Insurance Fraud: A Blockchain-based Solution for the Vehicle Sector. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- Blockchain based E-voting system: A proposal 2019
- Descoberta de conhecimento em dados RDF armazenados em bases de dados NoSQL. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2019
- From a desktop application to a web API a code conversion approach 2019
- Performance Evaluation in IST Projects: A Case Study. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. 2019
- Recovery in CloudDBAppliance's high-availability middleware 2019
- Towards intra-datacentre high-availability in CloudDBAppliance 2019
- Allocation of human resources to tasks in processes supported by BPMS,Alocação de Recursos Humanos a Tarefas em Processos Suportados por BPMS 2018
- Business process modeling: How CMMN and DMN complement BPMN. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Business process temporal constraints,Restrições Temporais em Processos de Negócio 2018
- Business rules management: Identification of alternative solutions,Gestão de Regras de Negócio: Identificação de Soluções Alternativas 2018
- Graph databases: Contextualization and exploratory study,Bases de dados em grafos: Contextualização e estudo exploratório 2018
- Performance assessment in IST projects: Case study in academic context,Avaliação do desempenho em projetos de TSI: Estudo de caso em contexto académico 2018
- Work performance in organizations: Study of scenarios for the formation of viable teams 2018
- Alocação de recursos humanos a tarefas em processos suportados por BPMS 2018
- Avaliação do desempenho em projetos de TSI: Estudo de caso em contexto académico. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Business process temporal constraints. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Gestão de regras de negócio: Identificação de soluções alternativas. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Graph databases: Contextualization and exploratory study. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2018
- Work performance in organizations: Study of scenarios for the formation of viable teams,A Realização de Trabalho nas Organizações: Estudo de Cenários para Formação de Equipas Viáveis 2018
- HTAPBench: Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing Benchmark 2017
- Human resources selection in business processes supported by BPMS: Optimizing work performance. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance. 2017
- Implementing a linear algebra approach to data processing. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2017
- Prepared scan: efficient retrieval of structured data from HBase 2017
- The Temporal Dimension of Business Processes - Dealing with Time Constraints. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Process-based Information Systems: Technological Infrastructure and Development Issues. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Resource Usage Prediction in Distributed Key-Value Datastores. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Simulation for decision making: The need for multi-paradigm approaches 2016
- Task allocation in Business Processes supported by BPMS: Optimization perspectives,Alocação de Tarefas em Processos de Negócio Suportados por BPMS Perspetivas de Otimização. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2016
- The development of process-based information systems: Methodological requirements 2016
- Work allocation in organizations: The contribution of the Personality Assessment Frameworks in the selection of human resources 2016
- From a NoSQL data source to a business intelligence solution: An experiment 2015
- Process simulation support in BPM tools: The case of BPMN 2015
- Column-based databases: estudo exploratório no âmbito das bases de dados NoSQL 2015
- Modelação de processos de negócio: Análise comparativa de linguagens 2015
- Modelos de simulação de processos por junção de componentes 2015
- Comparing languages for business process modelling,Modelação de processos de negócio: Análise comparativa de linguagens 2015
- Component-Based development of process simulation models,Modelos de simulação de processos por junção de componentes 2015
- Document-Based databases: estudo exploratório no âmbito das Bases de Dados NoSQL. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2015
- NoSQL databases: Exploring the column-Based family,Column-Based databases: Estudo exploratório no âmbito das bases de dados NoSQL 2015
- NoSQL databases: Exploring the document-Based family,Document-Based databases: Estudo exploratório no âmbito das bases de dados NoSQL 2015
- DATAFLASKS: epidemic store for massive scale systems 2014
- Multi-paradigm simulation projects: the need for practical guidelines 2014
- PH1: A transactional middleware for NoSQL. Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Proceedings. 2014
- Process-based information systems: a component-based systems development infrastructure 2014
- CumuloNimbo: parallel-distributed transactional processing 2012
- A Simulação Computorizada no Suporte à Optimização e Melhoria Contínua de Processos Organizacionais 2008
- From ODL Schemas to XML SCHEMA Schemas: A First Set of Transformation Rules 2002
- Mapping Rules to Convert from ODL to XML-SCHEMA 2002
- Querying XML Data 2002
- Setting the Foundations of a Methodology for the Development of Cooperative Information Systems based on Workflow 2000
- The Development of Cooperative Information Systems based on Workflow: Methodological Requirements 1999
artigo de revista
- Analysis of a Vegetable Oil Performance in a Milling Process by MQL Lubrication. Micromachines. 2022
- Information systems project management success. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management. 2021
- A Survey and Classification of Software-Defined Storage Systems. ACM Computing Surveys. 2020
- A new approach for improving work distribution in business processes supported by BPMS. Business Process Management Journal. 2020
- From nosql databases to decision support systems: Developing a business intelligence solution. International Journal for Quality Research. 2019
- Internet of Things evolution: A European Perspective. FME Transactions. 2019
- The temporal dimension of business processes: Requirements and challenges. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 2019
- Towards a characterization of BPM tools' simulation support: The case of BPMN process models. International Journal for Quality Research. 2019
- Electrochemical Sensor-Based Devices for Assessing Bioactive Compounds in Olive Oils: A Brief Review. Electronics. 2018
- Internet of Things: An Evolution of Development and Research area topics. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems. 2017
- Performance appraisal approaches and methods for IT/IS projects: A review. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. 2017
- Process-based information systems development: Taking advantage of a component-based infrastructure. Business Systems Research. 2017
capítulo de livro
- Towards a Software-Defined Storage Architecture for HPC Infrastructures 2019
- Internet of Things in Europe: Development and Research Area Topics Evolution 2018
- Soluções BPMS no contexto de Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) 2016
- From a NoSQL Data Source to a Business Intelligence Solution: An Experiment 2015
- Process Simulation Support in BPM Tools: The Case of BPMN 2015
- Multi-Paradigm Simulation Projects: The Need for Practical Guidelines 2014
- Process-based Information Systems: A Component-based Systems Development Infrastructure 2014
- Passos a passo para uma alimentação saudável 2011
- A Simulação Computorizada no Suporte à Optimização e Melhoria Contínua de Processos Organizacionais 2008
- A Utilização de Sistemas Groupware/Workflow para Suportar o Desenvolvimento de Software em Equipa 2007
- An Overview of XML Data Storage and Management 2004
- From ODL Schemas to XML-SCHEMA Schemas: A First Set of Transformation Rules 2002
- Querying XML Data 2002
- Querying XML Databases 2002
- Semi-structured Databases and the file system to Store and Manage XML Data 2002
- Storage and Management of XML Data Using Conventional Databases 2002
- Gestão Temporal da Execução de Processos Suportados por Sistemas Workflow 2001
- Linguagens de Interrogação para Documentos em Formato XML 2001
- A Linguagem XML numa Perspectiva de Bases de Dados 2000
- Cooperative Information Systems based on Workflow: A (Macro-)Component Systems Development Infrastructure 2000
- Cooperative Information Systems based on Workflow: Development Issues 2000
- Setting the Foundations of a Methodology for the Development of Cooperative Information Systems based on Workflow 2000
- The Development of Cooperative Information Systems based on Workflow: Methodological Requirements 1999
- PADLL: Taming Metadata-intensive HPC Jobs Through Dynamic, Application-agnostic QoS Control. ArXiv.
- Blockchain projects ecosystem: A review of current technical and legal challenges 2019
- Blockchain technologies: Opportunities in healthcare 2019
- IoT applications using blockchain and smart contracts 2019
- Exploring data analytics of data variety 2018
- Improving work allocation practices in business processes supported by BPMS 2018
- Baby steps in E-health: Internet of things in a doctor’s office 2017
- Business process simulation models: The (Re)use of simulation components 2017
- Business process modeling languages: A comparative framework 2016
- Decision support in big data contexts: A business intelligence solution 2016
- Holistic Shuffler for the Parallel Processing of SQL Window Functions 2016
- Simulation of BPMN process models: Current BPM tools capabilities 2016
- Tecnologia de Bases de Dados 1998