publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Exploring boundary conditions of the single-code/default strategy in pigeons. Learning & Behavior. 2024
- Sample-comparison mapping and joint stimulus control. Behavioural Processes. 2024
- Comparative Cognition Needs to Focus More on Outreach. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews. 2024
- Giving time a chance in the midsession reversal task. Learning & Behavior. 2023
- Trade-offs in stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task. Learning and Motivation. 2023
- Solving problem of ambiguity terms using ontology 2013
- Investigação em sistemas de informação. Encontros Bibli: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. 2010
artigo de conferência
- DeGois - The Portuguese National Academic CV Platform. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Who can assess HR performance in IT/IS projects: A review. AI Communications. 2017
- Formulação de um curso de Mestrado focado no Empreendedorismo TIC: Desafios e oportunidades 2015
- CERIF – Is the standard helping to improve CRIS?. Procedia Computer Science. 2014
- Disponibilização de cursos à distância: uma reflexão 2014
- From the classical concept of Services to Service Systems. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Leveraging knowledge from different communities using ontologies. AI Communications. 2013
- Semantic interrelation in distributed system through green computing ontology 2013
- Integrating large knowledge repositories in multiagent ontologies 2012
- Solving problems of data heterogeneity, semantic heterogeneity and data inequality : an approach using ontologies 2012
- Seismic ground motion scenarios in Lower Tagus Valley Basin 2011
- Periódicos Científicos Digitais e Ontologia: Uma Pesquisa 2010
- Periódicos científicos digitais e ontologia : uma pesquisa 2010
- Enhancing web supported learning by adding a management layer to SCORM compliant LMS 2007
- Enhancing web supported learning by adding a management layer to SCORM compliant LMSs 2006
- Enhancing web supported learning in higher education by adding a management layer to LMSs 2006
- Modelling a layer for real-time management of interactions in web based distance learning 2006
- Definindo a camada de gestão operacional de cursos das plataformas de e-learning, com base numa ontologia de domínio 2004
- Desenvolver a flexibilidade cognitiva através da desconstrução e da reflexão 2004
- Desenvolvimento de Flexibilidade Cognitiva através de Plataforma Web FLEXML 2003
- Desenvolvimento de Flexibilidade Cognitiva Através da Plataforma Web FleXml 2002
- FleXml : Plataforma de Ensino a Distância para Promover Flexibilidade Cognitiva 2002
- FleXml : an integrated distance learning tool to improve cognitive flexibility 2002
- FleXml: Plataforma de Ensino a Distância para Promover Flexibilidade Cognitiva 2002
- Tracing dynamic behaviours in distributed learning communities 2002
artigo de revista
- Externalizing forgetting: Delay testing in a long operant chamber.. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition. 2023
- Searching for nothing: placing zero on the temporal continuum. Animal Cognition. 2023
- Number-of-responses matching in pigeons (Columba livia): Choice biases following delay and no-sample tests. Behavioural Processes. 2022
- Choice biases in no-sample and delay testing in pigeons (Columba livia). Animal Cognition. 2021
- The paradoxical effect of low reward probabilities in suboptimal choice.. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition. 2018
- Joint stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task. Animal Cognition. 2017
- Performance appraisal approaches and methods for IT/IS projects: A review. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. 2017
- The relative value of two options for pigeons depends on their context. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2016
- Unraveling sources of stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task. Learning & Behavior. 2016
- Coding in pigeons: Multiple-coding versus single-code/default strategies. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2015
- Solving problem of ambiguity terms using ontology. Telematika. 2014
- Short-term memory for temporal intervals: Contrasting explanations of the choose-short effect in pigeons. Learning and Motivation. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Approaches and Methods for Individual Performance Assessment in Information Systems Projects 2020
- Interaction of temporal memories in extinction 2012
- Contribuições da tecnologia para a melhoria dos processos de ensino/aprendizagem em cursos a distância 2009
- O trabalho cooperativo e o ensino/aprendizagem à distância 2004
- Ensino/Aprendizagem à Distância: Uma Perspectiva Global 2003
- Ensino à distância utilizando TICs: uma perspectiva global 2002
- O trabalho cooperativo e o ensino/aprendizagem à distância
- A quantitative model of temporal joint stimulus control 2021
- Delay testing in a long operant chamber 2021
- Externalizing “forgetting” in the pigeon 2019
- Formulação de um curso de Mestrado focado no Empreendedorismo TIC: Desafios e oportunidades 2015
- Earthquake Mitigation in the Lisbon and Lower Tagus Valley area, Portugal 2013
- Seismic ground motion scenarios in Lower Tagus Valley Basin 2013
- Site-condition map for Portugal based on Vs30 values and evaluation of the applicability of Vs30 proxies 2013