publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Urban Traffic Simulation Using Mobility Patterns Synthesized from Real Sensors. Electronics. 2023
- Agnostic Middleware for VANETs: Specification, Implementation and Testing. Winsys: Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems. 2022
- Integration of behavior and neuronal physiology in a mouse model of Rett Syndrome: a focus on serotonergic system modulation. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2022
- Assuring m2m secure transactions via blockchain and smart contracts. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2021
- Forming Suitable Groups in MCSCL Environments. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education. 2021
- A protecção dos menores na sociedade da informação: desafios criados pelas redes sociais 2016
- Group Formation in Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Contexts: A Systematic Literature Review. Educational Technology and SocIETy. 2016
- Internet of Things and Smart Objects for M-Health Monitoring and Control. 6th Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems– aligning technology, organizations and people, CENTERIS 2014. 2014
- Open Architecture for Quality of Service Monitoring at a National Research and Education Network. Information Sciences and Systems 2014. 2014
- Datacenter in a box: Test your SDN cloud-datacenter controller at home. Proceedings - 2013 2nd European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, EWSDN 2013. 2013
- Internet of Things for Medication Control:. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. 2013
- Security Architecture for Mobile E-Health Applications in Medication Control. 2013 21st International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Softcom 2013). 2013
- Evaluation of a mobility/QoS-aware architecture for mobile internet. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2012
- Internet of Things for Medication Control: Service Implementation and Testing. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2012
- Securing Anycast Communications in IPv6 Networks by means of IPSec. 20th International Conference on on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCom 2012. 2012
- Compreender as dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2011
- Performance Analysis of a new Mobility/QoS-aware Architecture. 19th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2011. 2011
- Uma solução IPSec para comunicações seguras Anycast em redes IPv6. 11ª ConferêUniversidade de Coimbrancia sobre Redes de Computadores. 2011
- A Micro-Mobility Solution for Supporting QoS in Global Mobility. 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. 2010
- Evaluating Rate-Estimation for a Mobility and QoS-Aware Network Architecture. 2009 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. 2009
- Design and Evaluation of a Multi-class Based Multicast Routing Protocol. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2008
- Distributed Admission Control for QoS and SLS Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management. 2004
- The Trans Portugal-Galicia Communication Network. Topics - Computer Graphik. 2004
- A distributed admission control model for CoS networks using QoS and SLS monitoring. 2003 Ieee International Conference on Communications, Vols 1-5. 2003
- A new path probing strategy for inter-domain multicast routing. Hpsr 2003: Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing. 2003
- Towards multi-class based multicast routing. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2003
- A distributed admission control model for class-based networks using edge-to-edge QoS and SLS monitoring. Iccs 2002: 8th International Conference on Communications Systems, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings. 2002
- Modeling Intelligent Decision Making on Electronic Mail Distribution Systems. Proc 3rd International Congress of the Federation of EUROpean SIMulation Societies. 1998
- QoS in Web Caching. Computer Networks. 1998
artigo de conferência
- Towards Mobility Management in MEC Simulation 2023
- Machine Learning for VRUs accidents prediction using V2X data 2023
- Evaluation of a Collision Prediction System for VRUs Using V2X and Machine Learning: Intersection Collision Avoidance for Motorcycles 2023
- Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Virtual Traffic Light System for VANETs 2022
- Enhancing VRUs Safety with V2P communications: An experiment with hidden pedestrians on a crosswalk 2022
- Leveraging Vehicular Communications in Automatic VRUs Accidents Detection 2022
- Synthesizing Datasets with Security Threats for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE Global Communications Conference. 2021
- Evaluation of VANET datasets in context of an intrusion detection system 2021
- Information Security Assessment and Certification within Supply Chains 2021
- Intelligent Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System for VANETs 2021
- Are the university websites accessible?: A check based on the principles of W3C 2020
- A Systematic Review on Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems for VANETs. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2019
- Performance Analysis of Two Machine-to-Machine Architecture Types in Vehicular Communications 2019
- PLASA - Platooning service architecture 2018
- Secure Management of Autonomous Vehicle Platooning 2018
- Hybrid model for secure communications and identity management in vehicular ad hoc networks. International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems & Workshops. 2018
- Performance Evaluation of an Emergency Vehicle in a Simulated Traffic Scenario 2018
- Using Semantic Web to Improve Accessibility to Visually Impaired Users 2018
- A New Approach on Communications Architectures for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Evaluation of message dissemination methods in VANETs using a cooperative traffic efficiency application. International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. 2017
- Deploying public surface transit to forward messages in DTN. International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. 2015
- Dynamic group formation in mobile computer supported collaborative learning environment 2015
- Using students’ learning style to create effective learning groups in MCSCL environments 2015
- Using students’ learning style to create effective learning groups in MCSCL environments. 2015
- A Secure QoS Proposal for Vehicular Networks. International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo. 2014
- Intelligent Handover for vehicular networks 2014
- Using DNS to establish a Localization Service. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2014
- Solução aberta para uma rede de sondas de QoS na RCTS 2013
- Securing anycast communications in IPv6 networks by means of IPSec 2012
- Uma solução IPSec para comunicações seguras Anycast em redes IPv6 2011
- Performance analysis of a new mobility/QoS-aware architecture 2011
- A QoS-enable solution for mobile environments 2010
- A micro-mobility solution for supporting QoS in global mobility 2010
- QoS-aware architecture for FHMIP micromobility 2009
- Evaluating rate-estimation for a mobility and QoS-aware network architecture 2009
- Efficiency of PRI and WRR DiffServ Scheduling Mechanisms for Real-Time Services on UMTS Environment 2008
- QoS Aware Multicast Routing Protocols Evaluation through Simulation 2008
- Análise de variantes do protocolo TCP em ambientes de mobilidade 2007
- Experiments with IPV6 network mobility using nemo protocol 2007
- An Introduction to the Network Services Management Framework 2004
- Um Sistema de Carregamento por Lotes de Conteúdos Web 2003
- Directed trees in multicast routing. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2003
- A distributed admission control model for CoS networks using QoS and SLS monitoring 2003
- Implementação e teste do PIM-SM no network simulator 2002
- A Framework for Multi-class-based Multicast Routing 2002
- Internet network services management framework 2002
- Long-Range Dependence of Internet Traffic Aggregates. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2002
- Caracterizaçao de trafego diferenciado na Universidade do Minho 2001
- Avaliação de QoS numa arquitectura Diffserv 2000
- Towards multicast session sirectory services 1999
- Towards Multicast Session Directory Services 1999
- Modeling intelligent decision making on electronic mail distribution systems 1998
- Temporal Logic and Concurrent Logic Programming in Protocol Specification, Verification and Prototyping 1988
artigo de revista
- Using Machine Learning on V2X Communications Data for VRU Collision Prediction. Bioengineering. 2023
- An Intelligent Hierarchical Security Framework for VANETs. Information. 2021
- Evaluation of Push and Pull Communication Models on a VANET with Virtual Traffic Lights. Information. 2020
- Detection of the prostate cancer biomarker PCA3 with electrochemical and impedance-based biosensors.. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2019
- Agnostic and Modular Architecture for the Development of Cooperative ITS Applications. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2018
- A protecção dos menores na sociedade da informação: desafios criados pelas redes sociais 2016
- Group formation in mobile computer supported collaborative learning contexts: a systematic literature review. Educational Technology and SocIETy. 2016
- Internet of things for medication control: e-health architecture and service implementation. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. 2013
- A QoS-Enabled Resource Management Scheme for F-HMIPv6 Micro Mobility Approach. Journal of Telecommunication Systems. 2013
- Evaluation of a mobility/QoS-aware architecture for mobile internet. Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2012
- A QoS/Mobility-Aware Model for Mobile Internet. JCOMSS - Journal of Communications Software and Systems. 2011
- Programação de computadores: compreender as dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos. Revista Galego-Portuguesa de Psicoloxía e Educación. 2011
- Class-based multicast routing in interdomain scenarios. Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications. 2008
- the trans Portugal-Galicia communication network. Computer Graphik Topics. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Are the university websites accessible? a check based on the principles of W3C 2020
- A Survey on Vehicular Communication Technologies. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2016
- Introduction to the Proceedings of FI&SN'2016. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2016
- Named Data for Mobile AdHoc Networks. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2016
- An adaptative semantic model for internet accessibility visually impaired users. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- Experiments with IPV6 network mobility using nemo protocol 2007
- Managing services quality through admission control and active monitoring. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2003
- The Specification and Prototyping of Communication Protocols: From Heterogeneous Temporal Logic to Concurrent PROLOG 1988
- Avaliador de Projectos ANI 2019
- Avaliador de Projectos ANI 2018
- Avaliador de Projectos ANI 2017
- Avaliador de Projectos ANI 2016
- Project Evaluator FP7, CHIST-ERA, Call 2013 2013
- A Internet e a Adaptabilidade das Redes e Aplicações às Comutações de Infra-estruturas 2005
- CRC2005 - A Internet e a Adaptabilidade das Redes e Aplicações à Comutação de Infra-Estruturas 2005
- CRC2004 - Mobilidade,Segurança e Qualidade de Serviço numa Nova Geração da Internet 2004
- Mobilidade, Segurança e Qualidade de Serviço numa Nova Geração da Internet 2004
- Tópicos Avançados de Encaminhamento - Sistemas Autónomos e Protocolos de Encaminhamento 1997
- Evaluation of Broadcast Storm Mitigation Techniques on Vehicular Networks Enabled by WAVE or NDN 2020
- Simulation and Testing of a Platooning Cooperative Longitudinal Controller 2017
- A geographic opportunistic forwarding strategy for vehicular named data networking 2016
- International workshop on future internet and smart networks 2016
- A probabilistic interest forwarding protocol for named data delay tolerant networks 2015
- Actas da 10ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores 2010
- Directed trees in multicast routing 2003
- Managing services quality through admission control and active monitoring 2003