publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- P.63 Sarcopenia and Atherosclerotic Occlusive Disease: How Much We Know and What We Need to Know About this Association?. Artery Research. 2020
- Micro-Analysis of Mortality in Urban Areas. The Parish of Oliveira in Guimarães, in Northern Portugal Between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries. International Studies in Population. 2016
artigo de conferência
- Estimation of the transition probabilities condition on repeated measures in multi-state models 2019
- Methods for checking the markov condition in multi-state survival data 2019
- Multi-level modelling of longitudinal child growth data: a comparison of growth models in the generation XXI birth cohort 2019
- An R package for determining groups in multiple survival curves 2018
- An R package for inference and prediction in an illness-death model 2018
- Estimation of multivariate distributions for recurrent event data 2017
- Presmoothed Landmark estimators of the transition probabilities 2016
- Nonparametric estimation of the survival function for ordered multivariate failure time data: a comparative study 2015
- Estimation of the bivariate distribution function: a comparative study 2012
- Conditional estimation of the bivariate distribution under dependent right censoring 2012
- Alternatives to the Cox model in multi-state models 2005
artigo de revista
- Wound healing and healing process in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: A survival analysis study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2023
- Nonparametric estimation of the distribution of gap times for recurrent events. Statistical Methods and Applications. 2022
- Parametric Landmark Estimation of the Transition Probabilities in Survival Data with Multiple Events. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics. 2022
- A method for determining groups in nonparametric regression curves: Application to prefrontal cortex neural activity analysis. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 2022
- Effect of crown-to-implant ratio and crown height space on marginal bone stress: a finite element analysis. International Journal of Implant Dentistry. 2021
- Methods for checking the Markov condition in multi-state survival data. Computational Statistics. 2021
- clustcurv: An R Package for Determining Groups in Multiple Curves. The R Journal. 2021
- survidm: An R package for Inference and Prediction in an Illness-Death Model. The R Journal. 2021
- UM departamento com ESTATÍSTICA. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística. 2020
- Anxiety and/or depression: which symptoms contribute to adverse clinical outcomes after amputation?. Journal of Mental Health. 2020
- A Multistate Model for Analyzing Transitions Between Body Mass Index Categories During Childhood. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2019
- Estimation in the progressive illness-death model: A nonexhaustive review. Biometrical Journal. 2018
- A method for determining groups in multiple survival curves. Statistics in Medicine. 2018
- Fatigue and microgap behaviour of a three-unit implant-fixed dental prosthesis combining conventional and dynamic abutments. Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology. 2018
- Comparison of two discrimination indexes in the categorisation of continuous predictors in time-to-event studies. SORT. 2017
- Estimation of the bivariate distribution function for censored gap times. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 2017
- npregfast: An R Package for Nonparametric Estimation and Inference in Life Sciences. Journal of Statistical Software. 2017
- condSURV: An R package for the estimation of the conditional survival function for ordered multivariate failure time data. The R Journal. 2016
- Nonparametric estimation of the survival function for ordered multivariate failure time data: A comparative study.. Biometrical Journal. 2016
- FWDselect: an R package for variable selection in regression models. The R Journal. 2016
- Nonparametric estimation of time-dependent ROC curves conditional on a continuous covariate. Statistics in Medicine. 2016
- Nonparametric regression with doubly truncated data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2016
- Smoothed landmark estimators of the transition probabilities. SORT. 2016
- Nonparametric estimation of conditional transition probabilities in a non-Markov illness-death model. Computational Statistics. 2015
- Nonparametric estimation of transition probabilities in the non-Markov illness-death model: A comparative study. Biometrics. 2015
- TPmsm : estimation of the transition probabilities in 3-state models. Journal of Statistical Software. 2014
- Presmoothing the Aalen-Johansen estimator in the illness-death model. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 2013
- A simulation study comparing modeling approaches in an illness-death multi-state model. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 2013
- Bandwidth selection for the estimation of transition probabilities in the location-scale progressive three-state model. Computational Statistics. 2013
- smoothHR: An R Package for Pointwise Nonparametric Estimation of Hazard Ratio Curves of Continuous Predictors. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2013
- SurvivalBIV : estimation of the bivariate distribution function for sequentially ordered events under univariate censoring. Journal of Statistical Software. 2012
- Inference for non-markov multi-state models: an overview. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2011
- Nonparametric location-scale models for censored successive survival times. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2011
- P3state.msm : analyzing survival data from an illness-death model. Journal of Statistical Software. 2011
- Presmoothing the transition probabilities in the illness-death model. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2011
- Flexible hazard ratio curves for continuous predictors in multi-state models : application to breast cancer data. Statistical Modelling. 2010
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