publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The role of brand attachment during the pandemic period: sports brands 2023
- Wear Trials about Comfort on Sport Compression Socks. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. 2022
- Feature Selection for Real-Time NLOS Identification and Mitigation for Body-Mounted UWB Transceivers. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2021
- Perspetiva conciliadora do marketing relacional e digital: um olhar no contexto organizacional 2020
- Evaluating the effect of fabric type on thermal insulation properties of sports clothing. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- Design and characterization of a wearable macrobending fiber optic sensor for human joint angle determination. Optical Engineering. 2013
- Anthropometric characteristics of the elderly population in Portugal. Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013. 2013
- E-Legging for Monitoring the Human Locomotion Patterns. Journal of Textile Engineering. 2013
- Wearable Biopotential Measurement Using the TI ADS1198 Analog Front-End and Textile Electrodes Signal conditioning and signal quality assessment. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA). 2013
- Wearable Monitoring System for Locomotion Rehabilitation. Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2013
- O designer de produto como elemento de ligação nas equipas multidisciplinares. Revista Lusófona de Educação, No. 20, pp: 99-108, 2012. 2012
- The product designer as a connecting element in multidisciplinary teams | O designer de produto como elemento de ligação nas equipas multidisciplinares 2012
- Treat me well : affective and physiological feedback for wheelchair users. MeMeA 2012 - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings. 2012
- The influence of knitted fabrics' structure on the thermal and moisture management properties. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. 2011
- Thermal comfort properties of knitted fabrics made of elastane and bioactive yarns 2011
- Electrically conductive monofilaments for smart textiles. Advances in Science and Technology. 2008
- Recent developments in weft-knitting science and technology: The way ahead in the new milenium (part II) | Dezvoltari recente în stiinta si tehnologia tricoturilor din batatura: directii pentru noul mileniu (partea a II-a). Revista Romana de Textile - Pielarie. 2001
- Recent developments in weft-knitting science and technology: The way ahead in the new millennium | Dezvoltari recente în stiinta si tehnologia tricoturilor din batatura: Directii pentru noul mileniu. Revista Romana de Textile - Pielarie. 2001
- Process control for total quality in circular knitting. Autex Research Journal. 1999
- Real time defect detection and analysis in circular knitting machines by the use of yarn input tension. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Towards a smart-vest for forward posture monitoring: improving usability with e-textiles 2023
- New approach to project teaching methodology in the design of fashion shows 2022
- Comparison and testing of compression stockings for sport activities in the laboratory 2019
- Comparison of compression stockings in the laboratory and by wear trial 2019
- Design and characterization of a textile extension sensor for sports and health applications. Biomedical Materials. 2019
- Design of smart garments for sports and rehabilitation. Biomedical Materials. 2019
- Evaluating the effect of air temperature change on thermal insulation of outdoor sports shirt via thermal manikin in constant heat flux simulating exercise 2019
- Technological clothing as an element of innovation: survey of young Portuguese users 2019
- Design de Superfície através de reaproveitamento têxtil aplicado ao Design de Interiores. 2018
- A Pedestrian Positioning System Integrated into a Cyber-Physical System for Emergency Responders' Monitoring. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. 2018
- Design de superfície através de reaproveitamento de resíduos têxteis aplicados ao design de interiores 2018
- Development of a new outdoor sport shirt using a thermal manikin under different climatic conditions 2018
- Preparation and characterization of gelatin/Arabic gum microcapsules containing methyl salicylate deposited onto a cotton fabric 2018
- Textile-based pressure sensors for step detection: A preliminary assessment. Biomedical Materials. 2018
- A Comparative thermophysiological study in sport bras for running. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- A comparative thermophysiological study in tops for running 2017
- Determination of the heat dissipation of sport bras using thermal manikin and thermography 2017
- Parametric modelling design applied on weft knitted surface and its effects in their physical properties 2017
- Parametric modelling design applied to weft knitted surfaces and its effects in their physical properties. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Shape memory alloys applications on weft knitted fabrics towards a compression sock for venous disease 2017
- Shape memory alloys applications on weft knitted fabrics: Toward a compression sock for venous disease 2017
- Textile based electrodes for ECG and EMG measurements 2017
- Wearable Platform: The Visual Artistic Manifest in Interface with Design, Fashion and Technology 2016
- A smart wearable system for sudden infant death syndrome monitoring 2016
- Comfort effects of weft-knitted structures on rowing shirts using IR thermography 2016
- Development of dry textile electrodes for electromiography a comparison between knitted structures and conductive yarns. International Conference on Sensing Technology. 2016
- Effects on thermal comfort produced by different knitting structures on sportswear design using dry thermal manikin 2016
- NOISEwear: development of an interactive garment that emphasizes noise through light 2016
- Plataforma vestível: o manifesto artístico-visual em interface com o design, a moda e a tecnologia 2016
- NOISEwear: development of an interactive garment that emphasizes noise through light 2015
- Noise: Sound Reactive Fashion 2015
- Smart shirt with embedded vital sign and moisture sensing 2015
- Health monitoring using textile sensors and electrodes 2014
- Validação de elétrodos têxteis para medição de eletromiografia 2013
- Wearable biopotential measurement using the TI ADS1198 analog front-end and textile electrodes 2013
- Wearable monitoring system for locomotion rehabilitation 2013
- Wearable sensors for the prophylaxis of lower limb pathologies 2013
- A wearable sensor network for human locomotion data capture 2012
- Continuous health monitoring using E-textile integrated biosensors. International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering. 2012
- Ergonomic garment design for a seamless instrumented swimsuit 2012
- Influence of water repellent finishing on outer water sportswear regarding thermal insulation 2012
- Integration of biosignal monitoring in sports clothing 2012
- Property evaluation of diabetic socks used to prevent diabetic foot syndrome 2012
- Proposal of tubular technical drawing for creation of seamless clothing 2012
- Surface electromyography using textile-based electrodes 2012
- A user centered design methodology for functional and smart garments 2011
- Aquisição de sinais electromiográficos recorrendo a eléctrodos em substratos têxteis 2011
- Biosignal monitoring implemented in a swimsuit for athlete performance evaluation 2011
- Effects of sportswear design on thermal comfort 2011
- Identification and caracterization of materials used by diabetic foot patients 2011
- Throughput limits of two 802.15.4 wireless networks applications for signal acquisition 2011
- Body modification for enhanced sport performance 2010
- Seamless technology applied to the fashion design 2010
- Tecnologia seamless: inovação em malhas 2010
- Tecnologia seamless: perspetivas futuras 2010
- Thermal comfort properties of knitted fabrics made of elastane and bioactive yarns 2010
- Interaction between apparel design and seamless technology 2009
- Study and optimization of swimming performance in swimsuit designed with seamless technology 2009
- Study of vital sign monitoring with textile sensors in swimming pool environment. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2009
- Textile sensors for ECG and respiratory frequency on swimsuits 2009
- A pattern recognition system based on cluster and discriminant analysis for fault identification during production 2007
- Integration and embedding of vital signs sensors and other devices into textiles 2007
- Using multivariate statistics on detection of particular signals during production of knitwear 2006
- Knitting process surveillance using time and frequency analysis 2005
- A new system for monitoring and analysis of the knitting process 2004
- A system for knitting process monitoring and fault detection on weft circular knitting machines 2004
- Advancements in on-line monitoring and control of parameters in knitting and sewing processes 2004
- Surveillance and control of the yarn input tension on circular weft knitting machines : new approaches 2004
- Surveillance and control of the yarn input tension on circular weft knitting machines: New approaches 2004
- Techniques for unveiling faults during knitting production 2004
- Low cost sensor for the measurement of yarn input tension on knitting machines 2003
- Monitoring systems for fault detection on circular weft knitting machines through yarn input tension 2003
- Monitoring knitting process through yarn input tension: New developments 2002
artigo de revista
- Vehiculation of Methyl Salicylate from Microcapsules Supported on Textile Matrix. Materials. 2021
- A Loose-Coupled Fusion of Inertial and UWB Assisted by a Decision-Making Algorithm for Localization of Emergency Responders. Electronics. 2019
- Evaluating the Effect of Water-Repellent Finishing on Thermal Insulation Properties of Rowing Shirts Using a Thermal Manikin. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon. 2019
- Effects of base fabric parameters on the electro-mechanical behavior of piezoresistive knitted sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2018
- Performance Analysis of ToA-Based Positioning Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Targets with Low Ranging Measurements. Bioengineering. 2017
- Localization and Positioning Systems for Emergency Responders: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 2017
- E-legging for monitoring the human locomotion patterns. Journal of Textile Engineering. 2014
- O designer de produto como elemento de ligação nas equipas multidisciplinares 2012
- Investigating the effect of moisture on the thermal comfort properties of functional elastic fabrics. Journal of Industrial Textiles. 2012
- Thermal comfort properties of knitted fabrics made of elastane and bioactive yarns. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A. 2011
- Process control for total quality in circular knitting. Autex Research Journal. 1999
capítulo de livro
- Industrial Tourism and Literary Tourism: Niche Marketing Perspective and Regional Development 2024
- Bridging Fashion Design and the Knitwear Industry: A Literature Review 2023
- Market Segmentation and Relationship Management of Fashion Tourism: An Exploratory Perspective 2023
- Consumer-Brand Relationship and Use of the Website in Virtual Communication in the Luxury Furniture Industry 2021
- Design of a Long Sleeve T-Shirt with ECG and EMG for Athletes and Rehabilitation Patients. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019
- Smart Clothes for Rehabilitation Context: Technical and Technological Issues. Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation. 2017
- Applications of textile based electrodes in gait analysis: Prolimb Project 2013
- Ergonomic garment design for a seamless instrumented swimsuit 2012
- Evaluation of the co-adjuvant antimicrobial effect of lyocell/silver knitted fabrics modified with Nisin Z 2021
- Parametric modelling design applied on weft knitted surface and its effects in their physical properties 2017
- A comparative thermophysiological study in tops for running 2017
- Elétrodos baseados em substratos têxteis 2013
- Caracterização física de meias desportivas sob o ponto de vista do conforto e de compressão 2020
- Libertação controlada de salicilato de metila em estruturas têxteis: desenvolvimento e caracterização 2020
- Mobiliário têxtil insuflável 2020
- Atitude do consumidor de moda face a ações de comunicação de marketing de causas sociais e respetiva influência na decisão de compra 2019
- Development of autonomous and reusable devices for 3d localization and communication, integrated into protective clothing for high temperatures and in unstructured environments 2018
- Valorização de resíduos têxteis através do design de superfície aplicado à decoração de Interiores 2018
- Estudo e aplicação do design paramétrico à superfície da malha de trama 2016
- Têxteis interativos: desenvolvimento de um produto para crianças com autismo 2016
- Estudo das tecnologias de interatividade no processo de compra em contexto das lojas de vestuário on-line 2014
- Aplicação de têxteis inteligentes na arquitetura de interiores 2013
- Espumas com memória de forma : estudo das suas propriedades e aplicações ligadas à saúde 2012
- A tecnologia seamless na relação do têxtil com a estética enquanto produto de vestuário 2009
- O design de moda aplicado à tecnologia seamless 2009
- Dinâmica da tricotagem : estudo da dinâmica da tensão de entrada do fio e sua aplicação em controlo de qualidade 1998