publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Automatic Generation of Virtual Learning Spaces Driven by CaVa(DSL): An Experience Report. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 2017
- Computer-supported Techniques to Increase Students Engagement in Programming. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Vol 2 (Csedu). 2016
- Impact of GCC optimization levels in energy consumption during C/C plus plus program execution. 2015 IEEE 13th International Scientific Conference on Informatics. 2015
- Attribute grammars made easier: EvDebugger A visual debugger for attribute grammars. 2014 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE). 2014
- A Comment Analysis approach for Program Comprehension. Proceedings of the 2012 Ieee 35th Software Engineering Workshop (Sew 2012). 2012
- A DSL for PIM Specifications: Design and Attribute Grammar based Implementation. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2011
- Domain-Specific Language for Coordination Patterns. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2011
- Comparing General-Purpose and Domain-Specific Languages: An Empirical Study. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2010
- VisualLISA: A Visual Environment to Develop Attribute Grammars. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2010
- SmartClean: An Incremental Data Cleaning Tool. 2009 Ninth International Conference on Quality Software (Qsic 2009). 2009
- Visualization of Domain-Specific Programs' Behavior. 2009 5th Ieee International Workshop on Visualizing Software For Understanding and Analysis. 2009
- How to interconnect operational and behavioral views of web applications. Proceedings of the 16th Ieee International Conference on Program Comprehension. 2008
- Implementing TMCL: XTche : a topic map schema and constraint specification language 2007
- Using web services to put metamorphosis on the web 2007
- Metamorphosis: an environment to achieve semantic interoperability with topic maps 2006
- Geração automática de interfaces web para sistemas de informação : metamorphosis 2005
- XCSL: XML constraint specification language 2003
- XCSL tutorial 2002
- SGML documents : where does quality go? 1999
artigo de conferência
- Characterization and Identification of Programming Languages 2023
- NLP/AI Based Techniques for Programming Exercises Generation 2023
- A Framework to Assess Melodic Effectiveness in Training Computational Thinking to Visually Impaired People 2022
- The Visual Programming Environment ROBI for Educational Robotics. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2022
- Value-Focused Investigation into Programming Languages Affinity. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2022
- Identifying depression clues using emotions and AI 2021
- Melodic - Teaching computational thinking to visually impaired kids. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- NetAC, An Automatic Classifier of Online Hate Speech Comments. AI Communications. 2021
- NetLangEd, a web editor to support online comment annotation. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- Programmers' Affinity to Languages. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- SHREWS: A game with augmented reality for training computational thinking. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2021
- BhTSL, behavior trees specification and processing. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- Improving Game-Based Learning Experience through Game Appropriation. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- Learning Resources with Augmented Reality. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- OntoJogo: An Ontology for Game Classification. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2020
- An Ontology based approach to teach Computational Thinking. International Symposium on Computers in Education. 2019
- Digital collection creator, visualizer and explorer. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2019
- Scraping News Sites and Social Networks for Prejudice Term Analysis 2019
- CaVa-DSL: Virtual learning spaces formal specification. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2018
- Creating a social media-based personal emotional lexicon 2018
- Hate speech classification in social media using emotional analysis 2018
- Predicting performance problems through emotional analysis. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2018
- Applying attribute grammars to teach linguistic rules. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2017
- Bridging the Gap between bdME and OntoME 2017
- Program analysis for clustering programmers' profile. Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. 2017
- Real-time safe-return-home system for Continental Portugal,Sistema de safe-return-home em tempo real para Portugal continental. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2017
- Socii: A tool to analyze and visualize dynamic social networks. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2017
- Visualization of ontology evolution using ontodi graph. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2017
- Architectural approaches to build the museum of the person. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2016
- Partial correctness and continuous integration in computer supported education 2014
- Comment-based concept location over system dependency graphs. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2014
- Conclave: Writing programs to understand programs. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2014
- Converting ontologies into DSLs. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2014
- Plagiarism detection: A tool survey and comparison. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2014
- Unfuzzying fuzzy parsing. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2014
- A flexible dynamic system for automatic grading of programming exercises. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2013
- Choosing grammars to support Language Processing courses. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2013
- Interactive verification of safety-critical software. Proceedings International Computer Software and Applications Conference. 2013
- NESSy: A new evaluator for software development tools. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2013
- Automatic test generation for space 2012
- Learning spaces for knowledge generation 2012
- PH-Helper : a syntax-directed editor for Hoshimi Programming Language, HL 2012
- Probabilistic SynSet based concept location 2012
- Problem domain oriented approach for program comprehension 2012
- Program analysis and evaluation using QUIMERA 2012
- A visual inspector for Boogie programs 2011
- PFTL: a systematic approach for describing filesystem tree processors 2011
- Parser generation in Perl: crafting an AnTLR back-end 2011
- Towards rigorous analysis of open source software 2011
- Parser generation in Perl : an overview and available tools 2010
- Agile, a structured editor, analyzer, metric evaluator, and transformer for attribute grammars 2010
- GamaSlicer: An online laboratory for program verification and analysis 2010
- A query by example approach for XML querying 2009
- Applying program comprehension techniques to Karel robot programs 2009
- Code analysis: past and present 2009
- Influence of domain-specific notation to program Understanding 2009
- A framework to specify, extract and manage topic maps driven by ontology 2008
- Generating semantic networks to the PubMed 2008
- Making concept maps available on the web to the students 2008
- Properties preservation during transformation 2008
- Estruturando o conhecimento com a norma ISO 13250 Topic Maps 2007
- Navegando na rede semântica dos topic maps com o Ulisses 2007
- Segmentação bilingue com base na marker hypothesis 2007
- Topic maps applied to PubMed 2007
- Topic maps constraint languages: understanding and comparing 2007
- Topic maps constraint specification languages : comparing AsTMa!, OSL, and XTche 2007
- Topic maps aplicados ao sistema de informação do Museu da Emigração 2006
- A graphical interface based on grafcet for programming industrial robots off-line 2005
- Constraining XML topic maps with XTche 2005
- Constraining topic maps: A TMCL declarative implementation 2005
- Identity and representation: social justice and community building through the Museums of the Person 2005
- Obtendo Interoperabilidade Semântica em Sistemas Heterogéneos de Informação com Metamorphosis 2005
- Representação de conhecimento na semantic web 2005
- Ulisses: um navegador conceptual para topic maps 2005
- A importância do uso de ontologias num Museu Virtual 2004
- ADRIAN : sistema de suporte à produção de conteúdos 2004
- ADRIAN: e-Learning content production (creating online exams) 2004
- Comparação de Linguagens para descrição de Interfaces baseadas em XML 2004
- Extração de topic maps no Oveia: especificação e processamento 2004
- Reconstituição de paróquias e formação de uma base de dados central 2004
- Um extractor de topic maps a partir de recursos heterogêneos de informação 2004
- Using the ontology paradigm to integrate information systems 2004
- XTche : a language for topic maps schema and constraints 2004
- A development approach to industrial robots programming 2003
- Adrian: a platform for E-Learning Content Prodution 2003
- Alfarrábio: adding value to an heterogeneous site collection 2003
- Geração automática de interfaces web para sistemas de informação : metamorphosis 2003
- O tratamento normalizado do registo arqueológico : uma proposta informática 2003
- Ontology driven Websites - Metamorphosis: a framework to specify and manage ontology driven websites 2003
- TM-Builder: um construtor de ontologias baseado em topic maps 2003
- XATA 2003: XML: aplicações e tecnologias associadas 2003
- XML templates for constraints (XTC): um nível de abstracção para linguagens de especificação de restrições 2003
- XML topic map builder: specification and generation 2003
- XML na demografia histórica : anotação de registos paroquiais 2002
- Uma proposta de linguagem de programação para robótica 2002
- Bidirectional Conversion between XML Documents and Relational Data Bases 2002
- Constraint specification languages: comparing XCSL, Schematron and XML-Schemas 2002
- Directory attribute grammars 2002
- XCSL: XML constraint specification language 2002
- XML na Demografia Histórica: Anotação de Registos Paroquiais 2002
- Moving from CEN TC 287 to ISO TC 211 – The approach of the Portuguese National Geographic Information Infrastructure 2001
- Moving from CEN TC 287 to ISO/TC 211 : the approach of the Portuguese National Geographic Information Infrastructure 2001
- Realimentação em Sistemas para Extracção de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados 2001
- Reconstituição de Paróquias e Formação de uma Base de Dados Central 2001
- Museu da Pessoa: arquitectura 2000
- XML and semantic validation 2000
- Intelligent system to study demographic evolution 1999
- Suporte Informático para trabalhos de prospecção e escavação arqueológica 1999
- Adapting museum structures for the web: no changes needed! 1998
- Beyond DTDs: constraining data content 1998
- Generating SGML specific editors: from DTDs to attribute grammars 1998
- Knowledge discovery with retail basket analysis 1998
- Qualidade na publicação electrónica: como controlá-la?. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 1998
- INES: ambiente para construção assistida de editores estruturados baseados em SGML 1997
- SGML documents : where does quality go? 1997
- Document semantics: Two approaches 1996
artigo de revista
- Motion Sensors for Knee Angle Recognition in Muscle Rehabilitation Solutions. Bioengineering. 2022
- Analysis of human activities and identification of uncertain situations in context-aware systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 2020
- A sentiment analysis approach to increase authorship identification. Electronics. 2019
- A perspective on architectural re-engineering. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- From source code identifiers to natural language terms. Journal of Systems and Software. 2015
- Assertion-based slicing and slice graphs. Formal Aspects of Computing. 2012
- GammaPolarSlicer. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2011
- Safe integration of annotated components in open source projects. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 2010
- Topic maps constraint languages : understanding and comparing. International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. 2009
- Implementing TMCL: XTche: a topic map schema and constraint specification language 2007
- Using web services to put metamorphosis on the web 2007
- Metamorphosis: an environment to achieve semantic interoperability with topic maps 2006
- Geração automática de interfaces web para sistemas de informação : metamorphosis. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2005
- XCSL: XML constraint specification language 2003
- Uso da linguagem RS em robótica 2002
- XCSL tutorial 2002
- Realimentação em sistemas para extracção de conhecimento em bases de dados 2001
- SGML documents : where does quality go? 1999
- Algebraic specification of documents. Theoretical Computer Science. 1998
capítulo de livro
- PathIt: Computational Thinking Training for Visually Impaired Individuals 2023
- Artefact of Augmented Reality to Support the Treatment of Specific Phobias 2020
- CAPAS: A Context-Aware System Architecture for Physical Activities Monitoring. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Knowledge Inference Through Analysis of Human Activities. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Automatizing Ontology Population to drive the navigation on Virtual Learning Spaces. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2017
- Real-time Safe-return-home system for Continental Portugal 2017
- Animation and Automatic Evaluation in Supporting the teaching of Programming 2015
- Uncertainty Identification in Context-Aware Systems Using Public Datasets 2022
- Attribute grammar applied to human activities recognition in intelligent environments 2020
- Predicting an Election’s Outcome Using Sentiment Analysis 2020
- Context-awareness and uncertainty: Current scenario and challenges for the future 2019
- Determining Emotional Profile Based on Microblogging Analysis 2019
- Domain identification through sentiment analysis 2019
- Annotated documents and expanded CIDOC-CRM ontology in the automatic construction of a virtual museum 2018
- CaVa: An example of the automatic generation of virtual learning spaces 2018
- Increasing authorship identification through emotional analysis 2018
- Uncertainty in context-aware systems: A case study for intelligent environments 2018
- A reduced CRM-compatible form ontology for the virtual emigration museum 2016
- OntoMP, an ontology to build the museum of the person 2016
- Conclave: Ontology-driven measurement of semantic relatedness between source code elements and problem domain concepts 2014
- Guess XQ: A query-by-example approach for XML querying 2012
- Using semantics in XML information access: Application to the portuguese emigration museum 2012
- Contract-based slicing 2010
- Comparing topic maps constraint specification languages 2008
- Metamorphosis - A topic maps based environment to handle heterogeneous information resources 2006