publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The Impact of Deterrence Policies on Reckless Driving: The Case of Portugal. Children and Youth Services Review. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Delincuencia juvenil, moralidad y exclusión social: resultados preliminares del ISRD-3 en Oporto 2016
- Use of performance measurement in the public sector: the case of the police service 2008
- Modelos multidimensionais de avaliação de desempenho para o sector público: o caso dos serviços policiais 2007
- Performance measurement of the portuguese police force using the balanced scorecard 2006
- Corruption and political institutions in Portugal: an exploratory analysis 2005
- Exploring coalition behaviour in the allocation of Portuguese local government portfolios 2005
- Reckless Driving in Portugal: The Deterrent Impact of Increased Penalties on Traffic Accidents 2005
- Testing the ISRD -2 Questionnaire in Portugal 2005
- Adjustment in the management of the criminal justice system in Portugal and Western Europe 2003
- The changing face of the Portuguese parties: strategic innovation and the dimensionality of the party policy space 2001
- The politics and economics of capital punishment policy: deterrence vs. public opinion 2001
artigo de revista
- Analysing the relationship between immigrant status and the severity of offending behaviour in terms of individual and contextual factors. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022
- Fear and legitimacy in São Paulo, Brazil: police–citizen relations in a high violence, high fear city. Law & SocIETy Review. 2022
- Organizational context, use of performance management practices and their effects on organizational performance: an empirical look at these interrelationships. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 2022
- After-school time use of urban adolescents: Effects on achievement, problem behaviors, and happiness. Journal of Leisure Research. 2021
- Do citizens trust the civil service differently? Comparing the determinants of confidence in political-administrative institutions. International Journal of Public Administration. 2019
- Juvenile victimization in Portugal through the Lens of ISRD-3: lifetime prevalence, predictors, and implications. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 2019
- Public protest and police violence. Peace and Conflict. 2018
- ¿Son los jóvenes de origen migrante más propensos a la delincuencia que los jóvenes portugueses? Una aproximación dinámica con datos del ISRD-3 en Portugal. Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología. 2018
- Impact of PMS on organizational performance and moderating effects of context. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 2017
- Performance measurement and management in portuguese law enforcement. Public Money & Management. 2013
- Cross-temporal and cross-national comparisons of party left-right positions. Electoral Studies. 2007
- Learning to lose : election outcomes, democratic. British Journal of Political Science. 2005
- Certainty, severity, and their relative deterrent effects: questioning the implications of the role of risk in criminal deterrence policy. Policy Studies Journal. 2004
- Endogenous economic voting: evidence from the 1997 British election. Electoral Studies. 2004
- What are elections for? conferring the median mandate. British Journal of Political Science. 2004
- Declining Portuguese voter turnout: political apathy or methodological artifact?. Revista em Administração e Políticas Públicas. 2002
- Putting severity of punishment back in the deterrence package. Policy Studies Journal. 2001
- Property crime and drug enforcement in Portugal. Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2000
capítulo de livro
- Self-report juvenile victimization in Portugal: findings from the third International Self-Report Delinquency study (ISRD-3) 2017
- “Good choice, bad choice”. Influencia de la moralidad en el proceso de elección-acción delictiva en jóvenes. Datos del ISRD3 en Portugal 2017
- Juvenile Justice in Portugal: How are self-report studies measuring up to official delinquency estimates 2016
- Evaluating delinquency policy interventions in Portugal 2016
- Self-report juvenile delinquency and victimization in Portugal: preliminary data from the third International Self-Report Delinquency study (ISRD-3) 2016
- Delinquência em Portugal – números, explicações e desafios à intervenção 2016
- Delincuencia juvenil, moralidad y exclusión social: resultados preliminares del ISRD-3 en Oporto 2016
- Cross-cultural adaptation and online administration format of self-report measures – methodological challenges and implications 2015
- Deterrence theory in practice 2006
- Legislative politics and sentencing policymaking : statutory Severity in the U.S. and western europe 2006
- O impacto do e-government no comportamento político em Portugal 2006
- e-government e outras políticas públicas para o fomento de participação pública 2006
- Personal economic hardship, happiness, and political satisfaction : a cross-national analysis 2005
- Dynamics of left-right party positions : separating systematic movements from noise 2002
- The developing party system in Portugal : a case application 2002
- The dimensionality of the Portuguese party policy space 2002
- Winning, losing, and political trust across political generations 2002