publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Combining SMED methodology and ergonomics for reduction of setup in a turning production area. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
artigo de conferência
- Mechanical joining methods for additive manufactured assembly tools 2018
- Presentation and validation of a new optical sensing concept based in a 3d-printing solution 2018
- Synchrotron X-ray studies on polyamide composites prepared by reactive injection molding 2014
- Semi-automatic laboratory equipment for reactive injection molding 2012
- A study on the mouldability of technical parts using hybrid moulds and structural foams 2012
- Influence of the injection rate and mould block material of hybrid moulds on the morphological development of PP parts 2011
- Effect of melt viscosity on the ejection force in injection moulds. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
artigo de revista
- Minimalistic supramolecular proteoglycan mimics by co-assembly of aromatic peptide and carbohydrate amphiphiles. Chemical Science. 2019
- Preparation and Properties of Polyamide-6 Based Thermoplastic Laminate Composites by a Novel In-Mold Polymerization Technique, 2014 (in press). Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013
- Studies on the mouldability of structural foams. Advances in Production Engineering and Management. 2013
- Studies on the mouldability of structural foams in hybrid moulds. Advances in Production Engineering and Management. 2013
- Gloss and surface topography of ABS: A study on the influence of the injection molding parameters. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2006
- Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization of polymers: Analysis with a shear differential thermal analyzer. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2005
- Evaluation of the sample temperature increase during the quiescent and shear-induced isothermal crystallization of polyethylene. E-Polymers. 2003
- Assessment of the Ejection Force in Tubular Injection Moldings 2002
- Injection mould for assessment of ejection forces 2001
- Isothermal and non-isothermal consolidation of carbon fiber towpregs. E-Polymers. 2001
capítulo de livro
- Assembly workstation and installation method thereof 2020
- CARB 113: Co-assembly of peptide and carbohydrate amphiphiles to generate proteoglycan mimics. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical SocIETy. 2018
- Short carbohydrate amphiphiles as smart therapeutics targeting cancer. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical SocIETy. 2018