publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Introduction: The European Union’s strategic partnerships: conceptual approaches, debates and experiences. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2016
- Portugal and the Netherlands: Punching Above Their Weight?. European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries: Convergence Or Divergence. 2015
- A União Europeia como Ator na Vizinhança do Leste: O Caso da Ucrânia. Contexto Internacional. 2014
artigo de revista
- Portugal’s strategic response to Brexit: enduring Europeanisation?. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2022
- The Soft Power of China and the European Union in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Strategy. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2021
- Brazil’s quest for autonomy in Asia: the role of strategic partnerships with China and Japan. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 2021
- Hedging its bets? Portugal’s diplomatic strategies for a post-Brexit Europe. European Politics and SocIETy. 2021
- As presidências portuguesas do Conselho da União Europeia: promovendo a "Europa global" em busca de relevância internacional. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2020
- Normative resistance to responsibility to protect in times of emerging multipolarity: the cases of Brazil and Russia. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 2018
- Introduction: Competing conditionalities? Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus between the European Union and Russia. European Politics and SocIETy. 2018
- The European Union’s partnership policy towards Brazil: more than meets the eye. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2016
- Ukraine in the European Union’s Partnership Policy: A case of institutionalized ambiguity. European Politics and SocIETy. 2015
- Vietnam's strategic hedging vis-à-vis china: The roles of the European Union and Russia . Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Duarte, P. (2023). The South Atlantic in China s Global Policy: Why It Matters? in Duarte, P.; Leandro, F., and Galán, E. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative(pp.703-720). Singapore: Palgrave (in co-authorship with Ferreira-Pereira, L.). 2023
- Duarte, P. (2023). Why Is China Going Polar? Understanding Engagement and Implications for the Arctic and Antarctica. in Duarte, P.; Leandro, F. and Galán, E. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative (pp.763-779). Singapore: Palgrave (in co-authorship with Ferreira-Pereira, L. and Santos, N.). 2023
- Why Is China Going Polar? Understanding Engagement and Implications for the Arctic and Antarctica 2023
- Portugal in the European Union: chronicling a transformative journey 2022
- The European Union and maritime security: origins, developments and latest trends 2022
- China and the Belt and Road Initiative in Europe: The case of Portugal 2021
- Maritime cooperation in the European Union-China relations and the 21st century maritime silk road: what is at stake? 2020
- The mainstreaming of security and defense in the European Union post-2016: building resilience in challenging times 2020
- A política migratória da União Europeia em relação a Cabo Verde: a parceria para a mobilidade em análise 2017
- Developments in European Union - Africa relations and their implications for Asia 2017
- EU-Brazil relations as a developing field of study: state-of-the-art and perspectives on future Research 2015
- Small EU member states and Brexit: introduction. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2023
- EU-Russia Watch 2012 - Portugal