publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Close actions speak louder than distant words? The effect of local parties on voter turnout in Swedish local elections 1994–2018. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2024
- Turnout and Territorial Reform: Data from Sub municipal governments in Portugal. Data in Brief. 2020
- Mini-Symposium: Institutional Collective Action in Comparative Perspective. Urban Affairs Review. 2019
- An Empirical Analysis of Social Media Usage by Local Governments in Portugal. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE (ICEGOV2018). 2018
- Announcing Changes to our Editorial Team. Urban Affairs Review. 2018
- Deeply Rooted but Still Striving for a Role: The Portuguese Freguesias Under Reform. Sub-municipal Governance in Europe: Decentralization Beyond the Municipal Tier. 2018
- Municipal amalgamations and their effects: a literature review. Miscellanea Geographica. 2018
- O Sistema de Mérito no Âmbito da Common Law: Origens, Evolução e Atualidade. Ciências e Políticas Públicas/ Public Sciences & Policies. 2018
- Size, density and small scale elections: A multi-level analysis of voter turnout in sub-municipal governments. Electoral Studies. 2018
- Water safety plans by utilities: A review of research on implementation. Utilities Policy. 2018
- Thank You to Outgoing Editorial Board Members and Introduction of New Members. Urban Affairs Review. 2017
- Message of Appreciation to Our Book Review Editor and Editorial Board. Urban Affairs Review. 2015
- A Message from the New Editors of Urban Affairs Review. Urban Affairs Review. 2014
- City Size and Political Participation in Local Government: Reassessing the Contingent Effects of Residential Location Decisions Within Urban Regions. Urban Affairs Review. 2014
- Welcome to Our New Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members and Announcement of the Urban Affairs Forum. Urban Affairs Review. 2014
- The Instruments of Political and Administrative Participation at Local Level: an Empirical Analysis of the Options of Portuguese Municipalities. Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia. 2013
- The instruments of political and administrative participation at local level: An empirical analysis of the options of portuguese municipalities | Los instrumentos de participación política y administrativa a nivel local: Un análisis empírico de las opciones de los municipios portugueses. Reforma y Democracia. 2013
- New forms of local governance: A theoretical and empirical analysis of municipal corporations in Portugal. Public Management Review. 2010
- The Impact of Deterrence Policies on Reckless Driving: The Case of Portugal. Children and Youth Services Review. 2008
- Policy instrument choices for growth management and land use regulation. Policy Studies Journal. 2008
- Local service delivery choices in Portugal: A political transaction costs framework. Local Government Studies. 2007
- The Infrared Phisical Layer og the IEEE 802.11 Standard for Wireless Local Area Netwoks. Communications Magazine. 1998
- Contribuições da Universidade de Aveiro para a especificação da Rede de Area Local Não-cablada IEEE 802.11. Electrónica e Telecomunicações. 1997
artigo de conferência
- Electronic governance for context-specific public service delivery: A survey of the literature. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Too Many Policy Options, Not Enough Diversity? A Typology of Tourism Policy Tools 2016
- The determinants of local government transparency: A preliminary analysis 2014
- Understanding intergovernmental cooperation in a context of devolution: an empirical study of collaboration among portuguese municipalities 2007
- New forms of local governance: a theoretical and empirical analysis of the case of Portuguese Municipal Corporations 2005
- Reckless Driving in Portugal: The Deterrent Impact of Increased Penalties on Traffic Accidents 2005
- Estudo da Imunoexpressão dos Grupos Sanguíneos ABO em Carcinomas Uroteliais Superficiais e Invasores 2002
- Experimental results of a pulse position modulation infrared transceiver 1996
artigo de revista
- Integrating knowledge forms in public transport planning and policies: the case of the Lisbon metropolitan area. Urban Research and Practice. 2023
- Joining the open government partnership initiative: An empirical analysis of diffusion effects. Government Information Quarterly. 2023
- Styles of inter-municipal cooperation and the multiple principal problem: a comparative analysis of European Economic Area countries. Local Government Studies. 2023
- Land use institutions and social-ecological systems: A spatial analysis of local landscape changes in Poland. Land Use Policy. 2022
- Voice, responsiveness, and alternative policy venues: An analysis of citizen complaints against the local government to the national Ombudsman. Public Administration. 2021
- Assessing the intensity of cooperation: a study of joint delegation of municipal functions to inter-municipal associations. Local Government Studies. 2020
- The anatomy of choice: an analysis of the determinants of local service delivery in Poland. Local Government Studies. 2020
- Do Governance Arrangements Affect the Voluntary Adoption of Water Safety Plans? An Empirical Study of Water Utilities in Portugal. Water Resources Management. 2020
- The effects of amalgamations on voter turnout: Evidence from sub-municipal governments in Portugal. Cities. 2020
- Explaining the transparency of local government websites through a political market framework. Government Information Quarterly. 2020
- Best of both worlds? Independent lists and voter turnout in local elections. Journal of Urban Affairs. 2019
- The good, the bad and the ugly: Three faces of social media usage by local governments. Government Information Quarterly. 2019
- Garden and food waste co-fermentation for biohydrogen and biomethane production in a two-step hyperthermophilic-mesophilic process. Bioresource Technology. 2019
- Rozważni czy romantyczni? Polscy wójtowie, burmistrzowie i prezydenci w mediach społecznościowych. Studia Regionalne I Lokalne. 2019
- Municipal amalgamations and their effects: a literature review. Miscellanea Geographica. 2018
- Size, density and small scale elections: a multi-level analysis of voter turnout in sub-municipal governments. Electoral Studies. 2018
- Water safety plans by utilities: a review of research on implementation. Utilities Policy. 2018
- These rules are made for spending: testing and extending the law of 1/n. Public Choice. 2018
- Policy of Delay: Evidence from a Bayesian Analysis of Metropolitan Land-Use Choices. Policy Studies Journal. 2018
- Ten years after: revisiting the determinants of the adoption of municipal corporations for local service delivery. Local Government Studies. 2017
- The same deep water as you? The impact of alternative governance arrangements of water service delivery on efficiency. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation. 2017
- Applying an Institutional Collective Action Framework to Investigate Intermunicipal Cooperation in Europe. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. 2017
- Measuring Local Government Transparency. Public Management Review. 2016
- The Economic and Political Impacts of Top-Down Territorial Reforms: The Case of Sub-City Governments. Local Government Studies. 2015
- Los instrumentos de participación política y administrativa a nivel local: un análisis empírico de las opciones de los municipios portugueses. Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia. 2013
- From civil servants to liberal professionals: An empirical analysis of the reform of Portuguese notaries. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 2013
- Municipal Service Delivery: The Role of Transaction Costs in the Choice between Alternative Governance Mechanisms. Local Government Studies. 2012
- The effects of institutional design in program performance: Promoting sustainable cities in Portugal. Management of Environmental Quality. 2011
- New forms of local governance : a theoretical and empirical analysis of municipal corporations in Portugal. Public Management Review. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Bureaucracy and Public Administration 2023
- Land use management: local institutions and the power to shape 2023
- Municipal Corporatisation in Portugal: From Mania to Depression 2023
- Bureaucracy and public administration 2022
- Portugal - Elections and voting in a dual-tier, local government system 2022
- Portugal: elections and voting in a dual-tier, local government system 2022
- Water safety plans and climate change mitigation 2021
- Advancing the research agenda on local territorial reforms: taking time and space seriously 2021
- Electronic Participation in a Comparative Perspective 2020
- ‘Trendy’ Cities: Exploring the Adoption of Different Types of Social Media by Portuguese Municipalities. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Inter-municipal Cooperation and Austerity Policies: Obstacles or Opportunities? 2018
- A Implementação de Políticas Sociais pelo Terceiro Sector: Um Enquadramento de Mercado 2015
- Reformas territoriais: fusões de municípios e cooperação intermunicipal 2015
- Smart governance and its transformational role on smartizatoin of street-level bureaucracy 2023
- Duarte, Paulo; Tavares, António & Teixeira, Joana (2022). Mais um episódio da Guerra Fria? A intervenção externa na invasão indonésia do território timorense, pp. 55-73. In Revista de Ciência Política 1820, nº5, julho-dezembro 2022. 2022
- Voice, Accountability, and Alternative Policy Venues: An Analysis of Citizen Complaints against Local Government to the National Ombudsman 2019
- Do tourism policy tools boost local tourism development? The case of Portuguese municipalities 2017
- Look what the cat dragged in : national responses to the EU packaging and packaging waste directive 2005
- County government institutions and local land use regulation 2005
- Can the market be used to preserve land? the case for transfer of development rights 2005
- Evaluation of policy alternatives to reduce alcohol-related traffic fatalities 2005
- Estudo da Imunoexpressão dos Grupos Sanguíneos ABO em Carcinomas Uroteliais Superficiais e Invasores 2002
- Intergovernmental institutions and local environmental policy choices 2001
- State constraints and local environmental programs : solid waste management policy instrument choice 2001
- Institutions, incentives, and the politics of growth management 2001