publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Tons, tonneaux, toneladas, lasts: British and European ship tonnages in the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries. Histoire et Mesure. 2021
- The Importance of Social Canteens in the Portuguese Emergency Food Program: A Case Study of the Holy Houses of Mercy. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2020
- Creative Tourism and Urban Sustainability: The Cases of Lisbon and Oporto. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2019
- The importance of new forms of capital in nonprofit organizations – a case study of the fafe delegation of the portuguese red cross,. Mourão, Paulo, Pereira, Teresa, and Moreira, Maria Cristina (2017) “ International Journal of Social Economics, volume 44, issue 7: pp. 978-989). Revista científica Indexada Q2 na Social Sciencies da SCImago Journal Rank Index 2017
- Portugal, 1775-1831. Revue de L'ofce. 2015
- Between Conflicts and Commerce: The Impact of Institutions and Wars on Swedish Portuguese Trade, 1686-1815. The Journal of European Economic History, . 2015
- Early modern trade flows between smaller states. The Portuguese-Swedish trade in the eighteenth century as an example. Revue de L'ofce. 2015
- Turismo e folclore: o papel de valorização das danças populares pelos grupos folclóricos de Viana do Castelo. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento,. 2014
- The Contractor State, c. 1650–1815. International Journal of Maritime History. 2013
- Book review, The concise economic history of Portugal - a comprehensive guide by Maria Eugénia Mata and Nuno Valério, Coimbra, Edições Almedina, 2011, 472 pp., maps, ISBN 978-9-7240-4310-4. Journal: Business History. 2012
- Importance of '' Weak '' States during conflicts: Portuguese Trade with the United States during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Revista de Historia Economica. 2011
- Evolution of Portuguese Military Uniformology in 19th century; examples pictured in sculptoric monuments in Public Space, Portugal. Portuguese Studies Review. 2009
- História e tecnologia: preservação do património estatuário como identidade cultural luso – brasileira. Projecto História. 2008
- Horizontes de Sustentabilidade Social na Nova Economia. Contrato Social com as Novas Gerações, ed. Sociedade Científica da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 2007
- Percursos Turísticos-Culturais e Criatividade -Que futuro para a relação entre turismo-cultura -estatuária?. Tourism & Management Studies, n.º 3 Universidade do Algarve. 2007
- The role of Quality: Spanish wool in Portuguese Trade in the Early 19th Century. Essays in Economic & Business History. 2007
- Educação e produtividade na Euroregiao Galiza - Norte de Portugal, 1995-2002. Regional and Sectorial Economic Studies (RSES)/Estúdios Económicos Regionales Y sectoriales. 2006
- La Importancia del Mercado Español en el Comercio Exterior Portugués (1796-1831). Hispania Nova Revista de Historia Contemporánea. 2006
artigo de conferência
- Creative Tourism and urban sustainability: the case of Lisbon and Oporto” 2018
- Tourism and folklore dancing in Portugal: A symbiotic relationship? 2010
- Tourism, Folk Dance and Regional Identity: The Case of the Alto Minho?” 2008
- “Sinais da Segunda Invasão Francesa na Escultura Portuguesa em Espaço Público – a sua Patrimonialização. A Guerra Peninsular: perspectivas multidisciplinares 2008
artigo de revista
- Early modern trade flows between smaller states : the Portuguese-Swedish trade in the eighteenth century as an example. Revue de L'ofce. 2015
- Between conflicts and commerce: The impact of institutions and wars on Swedish-Portuguese Trade, 1686-1815. Journal of European Economic History. 2015
- La importancia del mercado español en el comercio exterior portugués (1796-1831). Hispania Nova: Revista de Historia Contemporánea. 2006
capítulo de livro
- As contas do comércio externo português (1775-1831) 2024
- Portugal´s French Wars: Cost, Loss, Missed Opportunities? 1793-1850 2021
- Centro histórico do Porto novas formas de hospedagem: o caso da AIRBNB¿ 2020
- Commercial relations between Portugal and Russia: neutrality, trade and finance (1770-1850)”, 2018
- Introduction 2018
- Trade and the new republic American trade during Napolelonic Wars 1783-1830 2018
- Trade between Sweden and Portugal in the eighteenth century : Assessing the reliability of the STRO: compared to Swedish and Portuguese sources 2018
- The impact of the world cultural heritage classification by UNESCO on the cultural touristic demand in Oporto.”, 2016
- Contracts and the Role of the State: Portuguese military provisions supply system in the early nineteenth century 2012
- O Produto Turístico Cultural: entre o Passado e o Futuro” 2011
- Portuguese State Military Expenditure: British support of the Peninsular War efforts of Erário Régio (Royal Treasury) from 1809 to 1811 2011
- Estatuária das guerras napoleónicas e turismo cultural em Portugal 2009
- A importância do mercado brasileiro no comércio externo luso-hamburguês (1796-1831) 2008
- Moreira, Maria Cristina "Tracking signs of Portuguese fiscal military state 1762-1816" War, State and Development, The Fiscal Military States during the Eighteenth Century (editor Rafael Torres Sanchez) Eunsa, Pamplona. 2007
- Tracking signs of Portuguese fiscal military state 1762-1816 2007
- Moreira, Maria Cristina (2005) "Fiery Debate: The Need to Use the Portuguese Dry Ports as a Way of Channelling Consular Duties to Spanish Consuls Based in Portugal (1722 -1841") pp.363-370, Themes in European History: Essays from 2nd International Conference on European History, Edited by Michael Aradas & Nicholas C. J. Pappas. Grécia 2005
- 2020. Turismo e História: Perspectivas sobre o Patrimônio da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano. Editado por Cláudia Henriques; Pedro Bittencourt César; Vânia Herédia; Maria Cristina Moreira. 2020
- Small and Medium Powers in Global History: Trade, Conflicts and Neutrality from the 18th to the 20th Centuries 2018
- Tourism & History: World Heritage Case Studies of Ibero-American Space, 2016
- Relaciones Comerciales Luso-Españolas (1774-1860) 2013