publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- On relaxed acceleration of the ADI iteration. Computational & Applied Mathematics. 2024
- Obtaining triplet-triplet absorption spectra and triplet lifetimes of long-lived molecules with a UV-Visible spectrophotometer. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2024
- What does the literature tell us about the engagement of universities in social innovation?. Tertiary Education and Management. 2022
- Social innovation projects link to sustainable development goals: case of Portugal. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2022
- How does self-reported knowledge influence the effect of extrinsic cues on wine choice? A qualitative approach. Journal of Wine Research. 2022
- The mediating role of entrepreneurial intention between creativity and social innovation tendency. Social Enterprise Journal. 2021
- Agro-ecological services delivered by legume cover crops grown in succession with grain corn crops in the Mediterranean region. Open Agriculture. 2021
- Region of origin and consumers’ quality perception of wine: an assimilation-contrast approach. Wine Economics and Policy. 2021
- Effect of region of origin on willingness to pay for wine: an experimental auction. Applied Economics. 2021
- Consumer preferences and purchasing rationales for wine: a multivariate data analysis. New Medit. 2020
- Is there a gender effect on wine choice in Portugal? – A qualitative approach. International Journal of Wine Business Research. 2019
- The market of electrical and electronic equipment waste in Portugal: Analysis of take-back consumers’ decisions. Waste Management and Research. 2016
- Reversible parkinsonism and cognitive deficits due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Neurological Sciences. 2015
- Atrial Ectopic Activity in Cryptogenic Ischemic Stroke and TIA: A Risk Factor for Recurrence. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2015
- Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration and Cerebrovascular Disease: Movement in a Triangle. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2015
- Clinical, imagiological and etiological spectrum of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2015
- Recurrent Stroke in a Young Cannabis User. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2014
- Deep cerebral venous thrombosis: a challenging diagnosis. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2011
- Primary Bilateral Thalamic Astrocytoma Presenting With Head Tremor, Ataxia, and Dementia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010
- A presumed tubercular choroiditis based on interferon-gamma release assay and response to therapy. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2010
- Alcohol abuse and acute behavioural disturbances in a 24-year-old patient. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2009
- Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Causing a 2-Years Slowly Progressive Isolated Dementia. Behavioural Neurology. 2009
artigo de conferência
- How does social innovation contribute to the energy transition? A SWOt analysis 2022
- Participatory integrated assessment of wildfire risk: a qualitative approach to the case of Portugal 2022
- Understanding the Linkage Between Social Innovation and Sustainable Development Goals: Some Insights of Field Research 2021
- How creativity influences social innovation: The example of university students. 2020
- Role of universities in the social innovation model: Contribution for a systematic literature review 2019
- Análise de diferentes proporções de resíduos na produção de vermicomposto específico para a cultura de tomate 2018
- Cheers with Port Wine by Young Consumers Exploring Perceptions and Attitudes 2018
- An overview of the main wine attributes as perceived by consumers and producers 2017
- Compreender o comportamento do consumidor de vinho: a identidade cultural é importante? 2017
- Contribution to understand the profile of the wine consumer: A multivariate data analysis 2017
- Analysis of the market of electrical and electronic equipment waste in Portugal 2016
- Assessing student individual performance within PBL teams: findings from the implementation of a new mechanism 2015
- Automatic generation of C-code or PLD circuits under SFC graphical environment 1997
artigo de revista
- Inseparable Gershgorin discs and the existence of conjugate complex eigenvalues of real matrices. European Journal of Operational Research. 2023
- On circulant and skew-circulant splitting algorithms for (continuous) Sylvester equations. Computers & Mathematics With Applications. 2022
- A real triple dqds algorithm for the nonsymmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue problem. American Journal of Science. 2022
- Eigenpairs of wilkinson matrices. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 2020
- Stationary splitting iterative methods for the matrix equation AXB=C. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2020
- 2´OMethylRNA EFG1 antisense oligomer to control Candida albicans filamentation. Antibiotics. 2020
- The correlation between serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor VEGF receptor 3 in colorectal cancer. Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research. 2019
- Early inflammatory biomarkers as predictive factors for freedom from infection after colorectal cancer surgery: a prospective cohort study. Surgical Infections. 2018
- Composition in state-based replicated data types. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. 2017
- Análise da decisão de entrega de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos em Portugal. Águas & Resíduos. 2016
- The inverse eigenvector problem for real tridiagonal matrices. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 2016
- Antibacterial activity and mode of action of selected glucosinolate hydrolysis products against bacterial pathogens. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015
- Minimization problems for certain structured matrices. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. 2015
- Structure-preserving schur methods for computing square roots of real skew-hamiltonian matrices. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. 2012
- Sensitivity of eigenvalues of an unsymmetric tridiagonal matrix. American Journal of Science. 2012
- On inverse eigenvalue problems for block Toeplitz matrices with Toeplitz blocks. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2010
- Convergence of LR algorithm for a one-point spectrum tridiagonal matrix. American Journal of Science. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Analysis of wine consumer preferences: an experimental approach 2020
- Análise da estrutura de mercado de Resíduos de Equipamentos Elétricos e Eletrónicos: REEE em Portugal 2015
- Optimização do investimento numa unidade de co-digestão anaeróbia para processar resíduos industriais 2011
- The unsymmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue problem 2007
- Métodos para inclusão de raízes simples de uma equação não linear 1999