publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Acoustic behaviour of GFRP-PUR web-core composite sandwich panels. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2024
- Behavior of CFRP composites and epoxy adhesives after long-term exposure to outdoor and laboratory-controlled environments. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2024
- Development of a foam-filled steel web sandwich panel for the rehabilitation of timber floors. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024
- A novel design model for predicting the shear resistance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with EBR-CFRP systems. Composite Structures. 2024
- Hybrid strengthening and flexural behaviour of post-tensioned laminated glass beams. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Structural response of steel sandwich panels with PUR foam core subjected to edgewise compression: Experimental, numerical, and analytical considerations. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- A new model for predicting the shear strength of RC beams strengthened with externally bonded FRP sheets. Composite Structures. 2023
- Durabilidade da ligação betão-CFRP em sistemas de reforço com as Técnicas EBR e NSM sob efeito de envelhecimento natural. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (ISSN 2183-8488). 2022
- 'Durabilidade da ligação betão-CFRP em sistemas de reforço com as técnicas EBR e NSM sob efeito de envelhecimento natural'/ Durability of concrete-CFRP bond in EBR and NSM reinforcement systems under natural ageing (in Portuguese). Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2022
- Durabilidade da ligação betão-CFRP em sistemas de reforço com as técnicas EBR e NSM sob efeito de envelhecimento natural'/ Durability of concrete-CFRP bond in EBR and NSM reinforcement systems under natural ageing (in Portuguese). Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2022
- Effect of the curing process and hygrothermal conditions on the viscoelastic response of a structural epoxy adhesive for construction. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2021
- 'Reforço de estruturas de betão com sistemas frp: regulamentação mais recente' / Strengthening of concrete structures with frp systems: latest regulations (in Portuguese). Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Durability of GFRP-concrete adhesively bonded connections: Experimental and numerical studies. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Axial Performance of Jointed Sandwich Wall Panels. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2017
- 'Reforço à flexão de lajes de betão armado com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados usando distintos métodos de ancoragem' / Flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete slabs with prestressed CFRP laminates using different anchorage methods (in Portuguese). Engenharia Civil. 2015
- Bond Behavior between Concrete and Multi-Directional CFRP Laminates Using the MF-EBR Strengthening Technique. Advanced Materials Research. 2012
- Reforço de elementos de betão armado com recurso a laminados de CFRP multidirecionais. Construção magazine : revista profissional arquitectura e engenharia. 2012
- Seismic Retrofit of RC Beam-Column Joints Using the MF-EBR Strengthening Technique. Advanced Materials Research. 2012
- Estudo comparativo de diferentes técnicas no reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado com recurso a CFRP¿s sob acções monotónicas e de fadiga. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
- Estudo comparativo de diferentes técnicas no reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado com recurso a CFRP’s sob acções monotónicas e de fadiga. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
- Bond Between Concrete and Multi-Directional CFRP Laminates. Advanced Materials Research. 2010
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Nova abordagem no reforço de estruturas com materiais compósitos. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007
- Fracture Energy of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2001
- Influência da percentagem de armadura convencional no comportamento à flexão de vigas reforçadas com sistemas de CFRP. Mecânica Experimental. 2001
- Modelo para estruturas porticadas planas de betão armado sob acções cíclicas. Proceedings of SPIE. 2000
- Avaliação da capacidade de absorção de energia de betões reforçados com fibras de aço. Mecânica Experimental. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Bond durability between GFRP bars and fresh and sea water concrete under seawater immersion 2023
- Design of Fibre-Polymer Composite Structures (CEN/TS 19101): Basis of Design and Effects of Temperature and Moisture 2023
- Analytical approaches for flexural analysis of RC slabs strengthened with prestressed or non-prestressed CFRP laminates. 2022
- Numerical Study on reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with prestressed CFRP laminates 2022
- Analytical approaches for flexural analysis of RC slabs strengthened with prestressed or non-prestressed CFRP laminates 2022
- Durability of CFRP-concrete bond and corresponding involved materials under different natural environmental exposures for a period of four years 2022
- Physical and mechanical characterization of polyurethane foam core of sandwich panels of various densities 2022
- Design of fibre-polymer composite structures ¿ European Technical Specification: Basis of Design 2022
- Durability of CFRP-concrete bond in EBR and NSM systems under natural ageing for a period of three years 2022
- Influence of temperature and different post curing conditions on the mechanical behaviour of polyurethane-based adhesive for Civil Engineering Applications 2022
- Design of fibre-polymer composite structures - European technical specification: Temperature and moisture effects 2022
- Multi-objective Design Optimization of Sandwich Panel 2021
- 'Durabilidade da ligação betão-CFRP em sistemas de reforço com as técnicas EBR e NSM sob efeito de envelhecimento natural'/ Durability of concrete-CFRP bond in EBR and NSM reinforcement systems under natural ageing (in Portuguese) 2021
- 'Comportamento à flexão de painéis sanduíche híbridos FRC-GFRP/PUR'/Comportamento à flexão de painéis sanduíche híbridos FRC-GFRP/PUR (in Portuguese) 2021
- Influence of the manufacturing process on the tensile stress-strain response of hybrid glass/carbon and carbon/carbon composites 2021
- Comportamento à flexão de painéis sanduíche híbridos FRC-GFRP/PUR 2021
- Experimental and numerical studies on the shared activation anchoring of NSMR CFRP applied to RC beams 2019
- Multi-objective optimization assisting design of sandwich panels 2019
- Behaviour of RC structures strengthened with prestressed CFRP laminates: a numerical study 2019
- Long-term structural and durability performances of reinforced concrete elements strengthened in flexure with CFRP laminates: a research project 2019
- Behaviour of laminar RC structures subjected to cyclic loading 2019
- Comportamento à Compressão de Pilares Circulares de Betão Confinados por Sistemas Compósitos de FRP Híbridos 2018
- 'Efeito da temperatura no comportamento de ancoragens mecânicas para confinamento transversal de FRP' / Temperature effect on the behaviour of mechanical anchorages used on the transverse confinement of FRPs (in Portuguese) 2018
- 'Estudos numéricos de lajes de betão armado reforçadas à flexão com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados' / Numerical studies of RC slabs strengthened in flexure with prestressed CFRP laminate strips (in Portuguese) 2018
- A 3D printer of cement mortars based on initial deposition of dry materials 2018
- A hybrid cementitious based-G/CFRP sandwich panel: concept, design and initial outcomes 2018
- Axial Compressive Behaviour of Hybrid FRP Confined Concrete: Experimental Assessment 2018
- Axial compressive behaviour of hybrid FRP confined concrete 2018
- Bond behaviour between GFRP rods and concrete produced with seawater: an experimental research 2018
- Influence of adhesive type on the flexural behaviour of RC slabs strengthened with NSM-CFRP systems 2018
- Behaviour of Metallic Anchorage Plates for Prestressing CFRP Laminates Under Room and Elevated Temperatures 2018
- Temperature effect on the bond behaviour of a transversely compressed mechanical anchorage system 2018
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) no contexto dos edifícios antigos 2018
- Building Information Modelling no contexto dos edifícios antigos 2018
- Efeito da temperatura no comportamento de ancoragens mecânicas para confinamento transversal de FRP 2018
- Estudos numéricos de lajes de betão armado reforçadas à flexão com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados 2018
- Evolution of the tensile response of unidirectional hybrid FRP laminates fabricated by hand lay-up method: experimental and analytic assessment 2018
- On the use minor and non-destructive methods for the safety evaluation of an historic RC bridge: the Bôco Bridge 2017
- Recent contributions from UMinho and Empa on durability issues of flexural strengthening of RC slab with EB CFRP laminates 2017
- Short and long-term behaviour of RC slabs strengthened with prestressed CFRP laminate strips 2017
- Experimental study on the bond behaviour of a transversely compressed mechanical anchorage system for externally bonded reinforcement 2017
- Bond behavior of EBR CFRP systems in concrete: influence of surface preparation 2017
- Bond durability, quality control and design of NSM CFRP-Concrete Systems 2017
- Shear behaviour of polyurethane foam 2017
- The use of genetic algorithms for structural optimization of hybrid sandwich panels 2017
- Bond behaviour of NSM CFRP-concrete systems: adhesive and CFRP cross-section influences 2016
- Experimental investigation of RC slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP system subjected to elevated temperatures up to 80 ºC 2016
- 'Efeito de distintas condições ambientes na durabilidade de lajes de betão armado reforçadas com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados' / Effect of different ambient conditions on the durability of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with prestressed CFRP laminates (in Portuguese) 2016
- Coeficientes parciais de segurança para o dimensionamento da ligação de sistemas NSM FRP no betão 2016
- Comportamento da aderência de sistema de reforço NSM-CFRP na presença de diferentes tipos de adesivos 2016
- Durabilidade da ligação entre o betão e laminados de CFRP aplicados de acordo com a técnica NSM 2016
- Efeito de distintas condições ambientes na durabilidade de lajes de betão armado reforçadas com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados 2016
- Influência do tipo de adesivo no comportamento à flexão de faixas de laje reforçadas com sistemas NSM-CFRP 2016
- Investigação experimental de lajes reforçadas com sistemas NSM CFRP submetidas a temperaturas até 80 °C 2016
- Lei constitutiva para a simulação da ligação de sistemas NSM FRP no betão 2016
- Effect of distinct environmental actions on the durability of RC slabs strengthened with prestressed CFRP laminate strips 2016
- Bond on NSM CFRP systems: Recent contributions of UMinho on durability, quality control and design 2016
- Resposta à tração uniaxial de sistemas FRP híbridos 2016
- Comparação entre modelos constitutivos de interface: abordagem total versus abordagem com plasticidade 2015
- Comportamento de lajes de betão armado reforçadas com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados 2015
- Durabilidade de um adesivo epóxi e um laminado de CFRP expostos a distintas condições ambientais 2015
- Efeitos da fluência num adesivo epóxi: investigação experimental 2015
- An alternative system for measuring displacements in bridges by using displacement transducers 2015
- Experimental investigation on creep behaviour of an epoxy adhesive 2015
- Thermo-mechanical properties of commercially available epoxy resins for structural applications 2015
- 'Comportamento de lajes pré-esforçadas' / Behaviour of prestressed slabs (in Portuguese) 2015
- 'Durabilidade de um adesivo epóxi e um laminado de CFRP expostos a distintas condições ambientais'/ Durability of epoxy adhesives and CFRP laminates exposed to distinct environmental conditions (in Portuguese) 2015
- Effects of curing temperature on pull-out behavior and stiffness evolution of epoxy adhesives for NSM-FRP applications 2015
- Influência do efeito de exposições ambientais no comportamento pós-fissurado de um BAC reforçado com fibras de aço 2015
- Durability of an epoxy adhesive and a CFRP laminate under different exposure conditions 2015
- An innovative hybrid GFRP-concrete footbridge structure 2015
- Estudo comparativo entre modelos de previsão de resistência: leis analíticas versus data mining 2014
- Reforço à flexão de lajes de betão armado com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados : comportamento em estado limite último e de utilização 2014
- 'Reforço à flexão de lajes de betão armado com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados: comportamento em estado limite último e de utilização' / Flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete slabs with prestressed CFRP laminates: behavior in ultimate and serviceability limit state (in Portuguese) 2014
- Bridge decks with GFRP ¿ concrete composite sections 2014
- Nova metodologia para o controlo de qualidade de sistemas NSM CFRP durante a cura do adesivo 2014
- Flexural strengthening of RC slabs with prestressed CFRP strips using different anchorage systems 2014
- Flexural strengthening of RC slabs with prestressed CFRP strips: serviceability and ultimate load state behaviour 2014
- A full-scale innovative GFRP-concrete hybrid footbridge : description and testing 2014
- A full-scale innovative GFRP-concrete hybrid footbridge: Description and testing 2014
- A new methodology for assisting quality control of NSM-CFRP systems since very early ages 2014
- Analysis of the performance of an evolutionary computation algorithm in the identification of geomechanical parameters in underground works 2014
- Analysis of the performance of an evolutionary computation algorithm in the identification of geomechanical parameters in underground works. 2014
- Behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted CFRP strips under thermal cycles 2014
- Bond and flexural behaviour of a NSM CFRP strengthening system under fatigue loading 2014
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento mecânico de painéis sandwich com lâminas de GFRP e núcleo de poliuretano 2014
- Comportamento à fadiga de elementos de betão reforçados através de sistemas NSM CFRP 2014
- Creep behavior and durability of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2014
- Development of hybrid composite plate (HCP) for the repair and strengthening of RC elements 2014
- Double Span Continuous Glulam Slabs Strengthened with GFRP. RILEM Bookseries. 2014
- Efeito de ciclos térmicos e de ciclos gelo/degelo no comportamento estrutural de elementos de betão reforçados com laminados de CFRP pela técnica NSM 2014
- Experimental and numerical study on GFRP-GLASS adhesively bonded joints 2014
- Experimental study on shear behavior of HPFRC beams reinforced by hybrid pre-stressed GFRP and steel bars 2014
- Flexural strengthening of RC slabs with prestressed CFRP strips: serviceability and ultimate load state behavior 2014
- Fluência e durabilidade de elementos de betão armado reforçados com laminados de cfrp pela técnica NSM 2014
- Novel prefabricated panels for the repair of damaged interior RC beam-column joints 2014
- Pontalumis : hybrid GFRP-concrete footbridge: description, experimental tests and modelling (in portuguese) 2014
- Pontalumis : ponte pedonal mista GFRP-betão : descrição da solução, ensaios e modelação 2014
- Projeto de reforço de estruturas de betão com FRP’s : estados limite de utilização 2014
- Flexural response of HSC girders strengthened with non- and prestressed CFRP laminates 2013
- Creep behavior of RC slabs strengthened NSM CFRP laminate strips under different environmental conditions 2013
- Creep behavior of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under different environmental conditions 2013
- Evaluation of code formulations for NSM CFRP bond strength of RC elements 2013
- Influence of fatigue loading and environmental conditions on the bond behavior between GFRP systems and SFRSCC substrate 2013
- Shear capacity of HPFRC beams flexurally reinforced with steel and prestressed GFRP bars 2013
- Comportamento à rotura de vigas de betão de alta resistência reforçadas com CFRP 2012
- Modelo de análise de reservatórios de betão pré-esforçado 2012
- Assessment of the Luiz Bandeira historical bridge 2012
- Assessment of the bôco historical RC bridge 2012
- Bond behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under wet-dry cycles 2012
- Bond between multidirectional laminates of CFRP and concrete 2012
- Design-curves of strain softening and strain hardening fibre reinforced concrete elements subjected to axial load and bending moments 2012
- Diferentes métodos de avaliação do comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP ao betão de acordo com a técnica NSM 2012
- Efficiency of Different Techniques in Seismic Strengthening of RC Beam-Column Joints 2012
- Estudo da qualidade do projeto de estruturas de edifícios 2012
- Experimental investigations on continuous glass-GFRP Beams; preliminary nonlinear numerical modelling 2012
- Numerical simulation of three-point bending tests : two distinct approaches 2012
- Numerical simulation of transparent glass-GFRP composite beams using smeared crack models 2012
- Seismic strengthening of beam-column joints with multidirectional CFRP laminates 2012
- Steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete for lightweight and durable pedestrian bridges : creep behaviour 2012
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout bending tests 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout direct tests 2011
- Caracterização dinâmica da ponte Luiz Bandeira em Sejães 2011
- Caracterização do betão da Ponte Luiz Bandeira em Sejães 2011
- Diferentes metodologias para a inspeção das armaduras existentes na Ponte Luiz Bandeira em Sejães 2011
- Efficiency Of Different FRP-Based Flexural Strengthening Techniques In Beams Submitted To Fatigue Loading 2011
- Estudos da Ponte Luiz Bandeira em Sejães 2011
- Experimental and numerical study of distinct techniques to strengthen beams failing in bending under monotonic loading 2011
- Numerical simulation of the structural behaviour of concrete tetrapods subject to imposed deformations and applied loads 2011
- Response of FRP-glulam slab systems under five-point bending load 2011
- 2º Congresso Ibérico Betão Auto-Compactável 2010
- Comportamento de laminados multi-direccionais de CFRP para aplicações em engenharia civil 2010
- Comportamento em tracção uniaxial e flexão de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2010
- Eficiência de diferentes técnicas de reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado 2010
- Ensaio de carga numa laje fungiforme de um pavilhão industrial 2010
- Estudo da ligação entre laminados multi-direccionais e o betão 2010
- Previsão geotécnica do comportamento mecânico de uma fundação superficial em modelo físico 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- Tensile behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete. ACI Special Publication. 2010
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- A model to simulate the cyclic axial compressive behavior of RC columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- A model to simulate the cyclic axial compressive behaviour of RC columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- A model to simulate the cyclic axil compressive behaviour of rc columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- Analytical model for bond-slip of hooked-end steel fibres 2008
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Cálculo orgânico de secções quaisquer em flexão desviada segundo o Eurocódigo 2 2008
- Flexão composta : análise comparativa REBAP vs. EC2 2008
- Impact of the fibre manufacturing quality control on the fibre pullout performance 2008
- Influência da geometria e propriedades mecânicas de fibras de aço no desempenho ao arrancamento 2008
- Multi-fixed smeared 3d crack model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures 2008
- A pullout test for the near surface mounted CFRP-concrete bond characterization 2007
- Crack constitutive model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures failing in punching 2007
- Numerical simulation of the nonlinear behavior of RC beams strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2007
- Flexão simples : análise comparativa REBAP vs. EC2 2006
- Modelação analítica da influência da idade de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no seu comportamento à compressão 2006
- Modelação estrutural da ala norte do edifício neoclássico do Hospital Geral de Santo António 2006
- Analysis of the bond between near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips and concrete 2005
- Design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete industrial floors 2005
- Comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão sob acções cíclicas 2004
- Modelação de vigas reforçadas com laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão de recobrimento 2004
- Método das linhas de rotura versus modelos de análise não linear material na determinação da capacidade de carga de lajes apoiadas em solo 2004
- Near surface mounted CFRP-based technique for the strengthening of concrete structures 2004
- On the experimental study of the interface between a fiber composite lamina and concrete 2004
- Stress-crack opening relationship of enhanced performance concrete 2004
- Bond between near-surface mounted CFRP laminates and the concrete in structural strengthening 2003
- Investigação no âmbito da utilização de materiais compósitos no reforço de estruturas de betão 2003
- Modelação da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão 2003
- Software no ensino e no projecto de estruturas 2003
- Bond behavior of carbon laminate strips into concrete by pullout-bending tests 2002
- Comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão 2002
- Análise experimental de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de carbono sob acções cíclicas 2001
- Assessing the embedded length of epoxy-bonded carbon laminates by pull-out bending tests 2001
- Strengthening a prestressed concrete slab by epoxy-bonded FRP composites and SFRC overlayer 2001
- Reinforced concrete under cyclic loading 2000
- Análise experimental de elementos de viga de betão armado reforçado com fibras de aço sob acções ciclícas 1999
- Energy absorption capacity of steel fibre reinforced concrete 1999
- Análise experimental de elementos de betão armado reforçado com fibras sob acções cíclicas 1998
- Estudo da viabilidade de utilização da Ponte Luiz I pelo Metro Ligeiro do Porto 1997
- Modelo de análise de reservatórios de betão pré-esforçado 1996
artigo de revista
- Durability of bond of EBR CFRP laminates to concrete under real-time field exposure and laboratory accelerated ageing. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Feasibility of mechanical post-tensioning of annealed glass beams by activating externally bonded Fe-SMA reinforcement. Composite Structures. 2023
- Durability of Bond between NSM CFRP Strips and Concrete under Real-Time Field and Laboratory Accelerated Conditioning. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2022
- Effect of fatigue loading on flexural performance of NSM CFRP-strengthened RC beams under different service temperatures. Engineering Structures. 2022
- Influence of adhesive stiffness on the post-cracking behaviour of CFRP-reinforced structural glass beams. Composite Structures. 2022
- Flexural Behaviour Response of Hybrid GFRP/FRC Sandwich Panels. Materials. 2022
- Optimization of steel web core sandwich panel with genetic algorithm. Engineering Structures. 2022
- Review on the bond behavior and durability of FRP bars to concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Activated Ductile CFRP NSMR Strengthening. Materials. 2021
- Numerical simulation of GFRP-reinforced glass structural elements under monotonic loading. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Tension-tension fatigue behavior of hybrid glass/carbon and carbon/carbon composites. International Journal of Fatigue. 2021
- Durability of Epoxy Adhesives and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Laminates Used in Strengthening Systems: Accelerated Ageing versus Natural Ageing. Materials. 2021
- Effects of the preparation, curing and hygrothermal conditions on the viscoelastic response of a structural epoxy adhesive. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2021
- Reforço de estruturas de betão com sistemas FRP: regulamentação mais recente. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Fabrication and curing conditions effects on the fatigue behavior of a structural adhesive. International Journal of Fatigue. 2020
- The effect of surface treatment and environmental actions on the adhesive connection between GFRP laminate surface and fresh FRC. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Bond behaviour of NSM CFRP laminate strip systems in concrete using stiff and flexible adhesives. Composite Structures. 2020
- Flexural behaviour of NSM CFRP laminate strip systems in concrete using stiff and flexible adhesives. Composite Structures. 2020
- Analytical hybrid effect prediction and evolution of the tensile response of unidirectional hybrid fibre-reinforced polymers composites for civil engineering applications. Journal of Composite Materials. 2020
- Assessment of GFRP bond behaviour for the design of sustainable reinforced seawater concrete structures. Composite Structures. 2020
- FEM-Based Numerical Strategy for Analysis of Composite Modular Floor Prototype for Emergency Housing Applications. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2020
- Influence of service temperature on shear creep behaviour of a rigid low-density closed-cell PIR foam. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Effect of Temperature on Bond Behavior of Externally Bonded FRP Laminates with Mechanical End Anchorage. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2019
- 3D finite element model for hybrid FRP-confined concrete in compression using modified CDPM. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Influence of Surface Preparation Method on the Bond Behavior of Externally Bonded CFRP Reinforcements in Concrete. Materials. 2019
- Experimental study on the bond behaviour of a transversely compressed mechanical anchorage system for Externally Bonded Reinforcement. Composite Structures. 2018
- Hybrid FRP jacketing for enhanced confinement of circular concrete columns in compression. Composite Structures. 2018
- Hybrid effect and pseudo-ductile behaviour of unidirectional interlayer hybrid FRP composites for civil engineering applications. Composite Structures. 2018
- Designing NSM FRP systems in concrete using partial safety factors. Composite Structures. 2018
- Durability of bond in NSM CFRP-concrete systems under different environmental conditions. Composite Structures. 2018
- Composite modular floor prototype for emergency housing applications: Experimental and analytical approach. Journal of Composite Materials. 2018
- Durability of GFRP-concrete adhesively bonded connections: experimental and numerical study 2018
- Integrating geomatic approaches, Operational Modal Analysis, advanced numerical and updating methods to evaluate the current safety conditions of the historical Bôco Bridge. Composite Structures. 2018
- Durability of RC slabs strengthened with prestressed CFRP laminate strips under different environmental and loading conditions. Composite Structures. 2017
- Viscoelastic response of an epoxy adhesive for construction since its early ages: Experiments and modelling. Composite Structures. 2017
- Numerical simulation of the flexural behaviour of composite glass-GFRP beams using smeared crack models. Composite Structures. 2017
- Axial performance of jointed sandwich wall panels. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2017
- Using data mining algorithms to predict the bond strength of NSM FRP systems in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Deflection and cracking behavior of SFRSCC beams reinforced with hybrid prestressed GFRP and steel reinforcements. Engineering Structures. 2016
- Development of a composite prototype with GFRP profiles and sandwich panels used as a floor module of an emergency house. Composite Structures. 2016
- Fracture-based interface model for NSM FRP systems in concrete. Composite Structures. 2016
- Mechanical performance of cold-curing epoxy adhesives after different mixing and curing procedures. Composite Structures. 2016
- Effects of different environmental conditions on the mechanical characteristics of a structural epoxy. Composite Structures. 2016
- Influence of temperature on the curing of an epoxy adhesive and its influence on bond behaviour of NSM-CFRP systems. Composite Structures. 2016
- Tension-stiffening model for FRC reinforced by hybrid FRP and steel bars. Composite Structures. 2016
- Flexural behaviour of RC slabs strengthened with prestressed CFRP strips using different anchorage systems. Composite Structures. 2015
- A review on the bond behavior of FRP NSM systems in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Assessment of the efficiency of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) for retrofitting of damaged interior RC beam-column joints. Composite Structures. 2015
- Bond and flexural behavior of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under fatigue loading. Engineering Structures. 2015
- Effect of wet-dry cycles on the bond behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips. Composite Structures. 2015
- Experimental and numerical approaches for structural assessment in new footbridge designs (SFRSCC-GFPR hybrid structure). Composite Structures. 2015
- Flexural strengthening of RC slabs with prestressed CFRP strips using different anchorage systems. E-Polymers. 2015
- Monitoring the early stiffness development in epoxy adhesives for structural strengthening. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2015
- Numerical simulation of galvanized rebars pullout. Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale. 2015
- O uso de laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados no reforço de estruturas de betão armado 2015
- Quality control and monitoring of NSM CFRP systems: E-modulus evolution of epoxy adhesive and its relation to the pull-out force. Composite Structures. 2015
- Reforço à flexão de lajes de betão armado com laminados de CFRP pré-esforçados usando distintos métodos de ancoragem 2015
- Retrofitting of interior RC beam-column joints using CFRP strengthened SHCC: Cast-in-place solution. Composite Structures. 2015
- Effectiveness of prestressed NSM CFRP laminates for the flexural strengthening of RC slabs. Composite Structures. 2014
- Static, dynamic and creep behaviour of a full-scale GFRP-SFRSCC hybrid footbridge. Composite Structures. 2014
- Luiz Bandeira Bridge: Assessment of a Historical Reinforced Concrete (RC) Bridge. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2013
- Analytical Bond Model for GFRP Bars to Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2013
- Back analysis of geomechanical parameters in underground works using an Evolution Strategy algorithm. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2013
- Bond between glulam and NSM CFRP laminates. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Experimental study on bond performance of GFRP bars in self-compacting steel fiber reinforced concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Numerical calibration of bond law for GFRP bars embedded in steel fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Structural strengthening with prestressed CFRP strips with gradient anchorage. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2013
- Reforço de elementos de betão armado com recurso a laminados de CFRP multidirecionais. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2012
- Análise da Ponte Luís I com vista à utilização pelo Metro Ligeiro de Porto 2012
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP's by pullout tests. Composite Structures. 2012
- A finite element model with discrete embedded elements for fibre reinforced composites. Computers & Structures. 2012
- Efficiency of different techniques in flexural strengthening of RC beams under monotonic and fatigue loading. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Laminados multi-direccionais de CFRP para aplicações em engenharia civil 2012
- An integrated approach for modelling the tensile behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2011
- Development of a pedestrian bridge with GFRP profiles and fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete deck. Composite Structures. 2011
- Estudo comparativo de diferentes técnicas no reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado com recurso a CFRP’s sob acções monotónicas e de fadiga. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
- Pullout behavior of steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2010
- Numerical model for CFRP confined concrete elements subject to monotonic and cyclic loadings. Composite Structures. 2009
- Modelling the influence of age of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete on its compressive behaviour. Materials and Structures. 2008
- Near surface mounted CFRP strips for the flexural strengthening of RC columns: Experimental and numerical research. Engineering Structures. 2008
- Técnica NSM : uma nova abordagem no reforço de estruturas com materiais compósitos. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2008
- Nova abordagem no reforço de estruturas com materiais compósitos. Ingenium. 2007
- Bond behavior of near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips under monotonic and cyclic loading. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2006
- Bond Between Near-Surface Mounted Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminate Strips and Concrete. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2004
- Modeling of bond between near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips and concrete. Computers & Structures. 2004
- Fracture energy of steel fiber-reinforced concrete. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2001
- Influência da percentagem de armadura convencional no comportamento à flexão de vigas reforçadas com sistemas de CFRP. Mecânica Experimental. 2001
- Modelo para estruturas porticadas planas de betão armado sob acções cíclicas. Engenharia Civil. 2000
- Avaliação da capacidade de absorção de energia de betões reforçados com fibras de aço. Mecânica Experimental. 1999
capítulo de livro
- A Preliminary Design of a New Lightweight Floor System. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2022
- Cyclic Behaviour of Unidirectional Hybrid Interlayer Glass/Carbon and Carbon/Carbon Composites 2022
- Flexural Behaviour of Hybrid FRC-GFRP/PUR Sandwich Panels 2022
- Influence of the Manufacturing Process on the Tensile Stress-Strain Response of Hybrid Glass/Carbon and Carbon/Carbon Composites 2022
- Multi-objective Design Optimization of Sandwich Panel. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2022
- Bond 2019
- Durabilidade de compósitos de GFRP produzidos por infusão a vácuo em ambientes higrotérmicos. Estudo experimental 2022
- COST Action CA18120 - Reliable roadmap for certification of bonded primary structures - 2nd Training School 2022
- Seminário de conclusão do projeto FRPLongDur 2020
- Design and construction of FRP systems for flexural strengthening concrete structures: externally bonded reinforcement and durability effects of the epoxy adhesive 2017
- Design and construction of FRP systems for flexural strengthening concrete structures: near-surface mounted technique 2017
- Análise estrutural de um edifício em betão armado com recurso a software comercial 2016
- A finite element model with discrete embedded elements for fibre reinforced composites 2012
- Bond behavior between concrete and multi-directional CFRP laminates using the MF-EBR strengthening technique 2012
- Bond behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips under wet-dry cycles 2012
- Bond between multidirectional laminates of CFRP and concrete 2012
- Design-curves of strain softening and strain hardening fibre reinforced concrete elements subjected to axial load and bending moments 2012
- Diferentes métodos de avaliação do comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP ao betão de acordo com a técnica NSM 2012
- Efficiency of different techniques in seismic strengthening of RC beam-column joints 2012
- Estudo da qualidade do projeto de estruturas de edifícios 2012
- Numerical simulation of three-point bending tests : two distinct approaches 2012
- Seismic strengthening of beam-column joints with multidirectional CFRP laminates 2012
- Steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete for lightweight and durable pedestrian bridges : creep behaviour 2012
- 1º Seminário sobre projecto de reforço de estruturas de betão com FRP¿s 2011
- 1º Seminário sobre projecto de reforço de estruturas de betão com FRP’s 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout bending tests 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout direct tests 2011
- Efficiency of different FRP-based flexural strengthening techniques in beams submitted to fatigue loading 2011
- Experimental and numerical study of distinct techniques to strengthen beams failing in bending under monotonic loading 2011
- Response of FRP-glulam slab systems under five-point bending load 2011
- Comportamento de laminados multi-direccionais de CFRP para aplicações em engenharia civil 2010
- Comportamento em tracção uniaxial e flexão de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2010
- Eficiência de diferentes técnicas de reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado 2010
- Ensaio de carga numa laje fungiforme de um pavilhão industrial 2010
- Estudo da ligação entre laminados multi-direccionais e o betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- A model to simulate the cyclic axial compressive behavior of RC columns confined with CFRP sheets 2008
- Analytical model for bond-slip of hooked-end steel fibres 2008
- Impact of the fibre manufacturing quality control on the fibre pullout performance 2008
- Influência da geometria e propriedades mecânicas de fibras de aço no desempenho ao arrancamento 2008
- Modelling the influence of age of steel fibre reinforced self : compacting concrete on its compressive behaviour 2008
- Multi-fixed smeared 3d crack model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures 2008
- A pullout test for the near surface mounted CFRP-concrete bond characterization 2007
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete 2007
- Crack constitutive model to simulate the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete structures failing in punching 2007
- Numerical simulation of the nonlinear behavior of RC beams strengthened with NSM CFRP strips 2007
- Modelação analítica da influência da idade de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no seu comportamento à compressão 2006
- Design methods for steel fiber reinforced concrete industrial floors 2005
- Comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão sob acções cíclicas 2004
- Modelação de vigas reforçadas com laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão de recobrimento 2004
- Método das linhas de rotura versus modelos de análise não linear material na determinação da capacidade de carga de lajes apoiadas em solo 2004
- Near surface mounted CFRP-based technique for the strengthening of concrete structures 2004
- On the experimental study of the interface between a fiber composite lamina and concrete 2004
- Stress-crack opening relationship of enhanced performance concrete 2004
- Bond between near-surface mounted CFRP laminates and the concrete in structural strengthening 2003
- Investigação no âmbito da utilização de materiais compósitos no reforço de estruturas de betão 2003
- Modelação da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão 2003
- Software no ensino e no projecto de estruturas 2003
- Bond behavior of carbon laminate strips into concrete by pullout-bending tests 2002
- Comportamento da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão 2002
- Análise experimental de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de carbono sob acções cíclicas 2001
- Assessing the embedded length of epoxy-bonded carbon laminates by pull-out bending tests 2001
- Strengthening a prestressed concrete slab by epoxy-bonded FRP composites and SFRC overlayer 2001
- Reinforced concrete under cyclic loading 2000
- Análise experimental de elementos de viga de betão armado reforçado com fibras de aço sob acções ciclícas 1999
- Energy absorption capacity of steel fibre reinforced concrete 1999
- Análise experimental de elementos de betão armado reforçado com fibras sob acções cíclicas 1998
- Service life extension of existing structures. Proceedings of the 3rd Rilem Spring Convention 2020 2021
- 'Seminário de Conclusão do Projeto FRPLongDur' / Seminar of the conclusion of the Project FRPLongDur (in portuguese) 2020
- Externally applied FRP reinforcement for concrete structures: technical report 2019
- NSM Systems 2016
- Prestressed FRP Systems 2016
- Star 234-DUC: Design procedures for the use of composites in strengthening of reinforced concrete structures 2016
- '3º Seminário sobre o projeto de reforço de estruturas de betão com FRPs' / 3rd Seminar on the design of reinforcement of concrete structures with FRPs (in portuguese) 2015
- Advancements in retrofitting reinforced concrete structures by the use of CFRP materials 2014
- 1º seminário sobre o projeto de reforço de estruturas de betão com FRP’s 2011
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete 2008
- Seismic strengthening of beam-column joints with multi-directional CFRP laminates 2011
- Comportamento da ligação entre laminados multi-direccionais de CFRP e o betão 2011
- Pullout behaviour of hooked-end steel fibres in self-compacting concrete 2007
- Fibrous model for the simulation of the cyclic behaviour of 3D reinforced concrete frames 2007
- Implementação da técnica do arc-length e métodos relacionados no programa de elementos finitos FEMIX 2006
- Compression behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete : age influence and modeling 2006
- Bond behavior of near-surface mounted CFRP laminate strips under monotonic and cyclic loading 2004
- Elasto-plastic multi-fixed smeared crack model for concrete 2004
- Caracterização experimental da ligação de laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão de recobrimento 2002