publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Identifying depression clues using emotions and AI 2021
- BhTSL, behavior trees specification and processing. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- Musikla: Language for generating musical events. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- Structural onomatology for username generation: A partial account. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020
- Towards a Morphological Analyzer for the Umbundu Language. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2020
- Hunting ancestors: A unified approach for discovering genealogical information. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2019
- LexMart: A smart tool for lexicographers 2019
- Sistema Passarola – geração automática de exercícios 2019
- Abcl: Abc music notation with rich chord support. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2018
- Creating a social media-based personal emotional lexicon 2018
- Hate speech classification in social media using emotional analysis 2018
- Predicting performance problems through emotional analysis. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2018
- eOS: The exercise operating system. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2018
- Architectural approaches to build the museum of the person. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2016
- Building a dictionary using XML technology. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2016
- Context-free grammars: Exercise generation and probabilistic assessment. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2016
- Enriching a Portuguese WordNet using Synonyms from a Monolingual Dictionary 2016
- Gröbner bases and mathematical exercises generation with nondetermined structure,Bases de Gröbner e geração de exercícios matemáticos com estrutura não determinada. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2015
- A workflow description language to orchestrate multi-lingual resources. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2014
- Conclave: Writing programs to understand programs. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2014
- Processing Annotated TMX Parallel Corpora 2014
- Defining a probabilistic translation dictionaries algebra 2013
- ABC with a UNIX flavor. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2013
- Dicionário-Aberto: construção semiautomática de uma funcionalidade codificadora 2013
- Math exercise generation and smart assessment. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2013
- PASSAROLA : high-order exercise generation system. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2013
- Per-Fide: projeto de compilação de um corpus multilingue 2013
- Dicionário-aberto: a source of resources for the portuguese language processing 2012
- Generating flex lexical scanners for perl parse:: Yapp. OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics. 2012
- Probabilistic SynSet based concept location 2012
- OML : a scripting approach for manipulating ontologies 2011
- PFTL: a systematic approach for describing filesystem tree processors 2011
- Weaving OML in a general purpose programming language 2011
- xml2pm: a tool for automatic creation of object 2011
- Bigorna : a toolkit for orthography migration challenges 2010
- Automatic parallel corpora and bilingual terminology extraction from parallel WebSites 2010
- Automating psycholinguistic statistics computation: procura-PALavras 2010
- Processing XML: a rewriting system approach 2010
- Bilingual example segmentation based on markers hypothesis 2009
- A textual rewriting system for NLP 2008
- CGI::Auto: automatic web-service creation 2008
- NAVEGANTE: An intrusive browsing framework 2008
- Makefile : parallel dependency specification language. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- An Ontology-Based Approach To Systems Biology Literature Retrieval and Processing 2007
- XML :: TMX : processamento de memórias de tradução de grandes dimensões 2007
- Publishing multilingual ontologies: a quick way of obtaining feedback 2006
- T2O - Recycling thesauri into a multilingual ontology 2006
- Combinatory examples extraction for machine translation 2006
- Geração dinâmica de APIs Perl para criação de XML 2006
- Transcoding for web accessibility for the blind : semantics from structure 2006
- Inferência de tipos em documentos XML 2005
- Representação em XML da Floresta Sintáctica 2005
- Distributed translation memories implementation using webservices 2004
- Linguateca: um centro de recursos distribuído para o processamento computacional da língua portuguesa 2004
- Memórias de tradução distribuídas 2004
- TX: validação de XML baseada em tipos dinâmicos 2004
- Music publishing 2003
- Engenharia reversa de HTML usando tecnologia XML 2003
- Histórias de vida + processamento estrutural = museu da pessoa 2003
- NATools: a statistical word aligner workbench 2003
- Projecto TerminUM 2003
- Directory attribute grammars 2002
- Extracção de corpora paralelo a partir da web: construção e disponibilização 2002
- Geração de voz com sotaque 2002
- Library::* : a toolkit for digital libraries 2002
- Cálculo de frequências para entradas de dicionários através do uso conjunto de analisadores morfológicos, taggers e corpora 2001
- Text to speech: "a rewriting system approach" 2001
- um módulo de análise morfológica para uso em processamento de linguagem natural 2001
- Museu da Pessoa: arquitectura 2000
- Polytipic recursion patterns 2000
- XML::DT : a PERL down translation module 1999
- Adapting museum structures for the web: no changes needed! 1998
- CAMILA: Prototyping and Refinement of Constructive Specifications. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 1997
- CAMILA: formal software engineering supported by functional programming 1997
- SGML documents : where does quality go? 1997
- Document semantics: Two approaches 1996
artigo de revista
- Automatic Exercise Generation for Exploring Connections between Mathematics and Music. Open Education Studies. 2023
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- On solving cycle-free context-free grammar equivalence problem using numerical analysis. Journal of Computer Languages. 2019
- A sentiment analysis approach to increase authorship identification. Electronics. 2019
- Mvgen: Multi Version Question Generation for Math Courses. Open Education Studies. 2019
- Procura-PALavras (P-PAL): A Web application for a new European Portuguese lexical database. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation. 2018
- From source code identifiers to natural language terms. Journal of Systems and Software. 2015
- On the advantages of word frequency and contextual diversity measures extracted from subtitles: The case of Portuguese. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2015
- DMOSS: Open source software documentation assessment. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2014
- ESCOLEX : a grade-level lexical database from European Portuguese elementary to middle school textbooks. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation. 2014
- Procura-PALavras (P-PAL): A new measure of word frequency for contemporary European Portuguese | Procura-PALavras (P-PAL): Uma nova medida de frequência lexical do Português Europeu contemporâneo. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 2014
- WIKI::SCORE A Collaborative Environment For Music Transcription And Publishing. Information Services & Use. 2012
- Apresentação do projecto Per-Fide: paralelizando o Português com seis outras línguas. Linguamática: Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas. 2010
- Processing and extracting data from Dicionário Aberto 2010
- P-PAL: uma base lexical com índices psicolinguístico do português europeu 2010
- Testing as a certification approach. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 2010
- Bilingual terminology extraction based on translation patterns. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2008
- Using text mining techniques for classical music scores analysis 2007
- Parallel corpora based translation resources extraction. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2007
- NatServer: a client-server architecture for building Parallel Corpora applications. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. 2006
- Grabbing parallel corpora from the web 2002
- SGML documents : where does quality go? 1999
- Algebraic specification of documents. Theoretical Computer Science. 1998
capítulo de livro
- Designing and Randomising Multiple-Choice Questions for E-Learning in Mathematics Using MVGEN 2022
- The Per-Fide corpus: a new resource for corpus-based terminology, contrastive linguistics and translation studies 2014
- Math exercise generation and smart assessment. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2013
- Avaliação de alinhadores 2007
- Jspellando nas morfolimpíadas : sobre a participação do jspell nas morfolimpíadas 2007
- Automation of Social Media Interactions: A Framework for Online Social “Sowing” 2022
- A Profile on Twitter Shadowban: An AI Ethics Position Paper on Free-Speech 2021
- A Short Survey on Chatbot Technology: Failure in Raising the State of the Art 2020
- Predicting an Election’s Outcome Using Sentiment Analysis 2020
- Domain identification through sentiment analysis 2019
- Annotated documents and expanded CIDOC-CRM ontology in the automatic construction of a virtual museum 2018
- Chatbot Theory: A Naïve and Elementary Theory for Dialogue Management 2018
- Increasing authorship identification through emotional analysis 2018
- Exercise generation on language specification 2017
- Exercise composition: From environment properties to composed problems 2016
- OntoMP, an ontology to build the museum of the person 2016
- Experiments on enlarging a lexical ontology 2015
- New Algorithms for Smart Assessment of Math Exercises 2015
- Conclave: Ontology-driven measurement of semantic relatedness between source code elements and problem domain concepts 2014
- A framework for modular and customizable software analysis 2013
- Evaluating web site structure based on navigation profiles and site topology 2013
- Open source software documentation mining for quality assessment 2013