publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Multi-project scheduling under uncertainty and resource flexibility: a systematic literature review. Production and Manufacturing Research. 2024
- Integrated urban freight logistics combining passenger and freight flows - Mathematical model proposal. Transportation Research Procedia. 2018
- A compact formulation for maximizing the expected number of transplants in kidney exchange programs. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015
- Selecting an open-source framework: a practical case based on software development for sensory analysis 2015
- Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with General Precedence Relations Optimized with SAT. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- Solving Two-dimensional Bin Packing Problems with Two-stage Guillotine Cutting by Combined Local Search Heuristics. Pacific Journal of Optimization. 2013
- A Fast Heuristic for a Lot Splitting and Scheduling Problem of a Textile Industry. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- Algoritmos de partição e geração de colunas para dimensionamento de lotes de produção 2006
artigo de conferência
- Development of CFD Model to Study the Spread of Wildfires 2022
- Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem in a Health Unit 2019
- Probing for maximizing the expected number of transplants 2019
- Optimization model for transit fleet replacement with budgetary and environmental constraints. ICEE International Conference on Energy & Environment. 2017
- Interface design for a sensory analysis decision support system 2015
- A hybrid metaheuristic for the Bus Driver Rostering Problem. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- Dantzig-Wolfe reformulations for the forest harvest scheduling subject to maximum area restrictions 2013
- Energy efficient routing for telecommunication networks with multiperiod traffic 2013
- Genetic algorithms for the SearchCol++ framework : application to drivers’ rostering 2013
- Heuristic approaches for a practical lot splitting and scheduling problem 2010
- Heuristic approaches for lot splitting and scheduling in identical parallel machines 2010
- Link load balancing optimization of telecommunication networks: A column generation based heuristic approach 2010
- Solution methods for an integrated lot sizing and scheduling problem 2009
- Traffic engineering of multiple spanning tree routing networks: the load balancing case 2009
- Uma abordagem metaheurística para um problema integrado de dimensionamento de lotes e de sequenciamento 2009
- A scheduling model for a knitting planning problem 2008
- Modelos de planeamento de tricotagem - estudo de um caso 2008
artigo de revista
- A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Wildland Fire Behavior Modeling. Fluids. 2022
- Optimization of the System of Allocation of Overdue Loans in a Sub-Saharan Africa Microfinance Institution†. Future Internet. 2022
- An optimization model for bus fleet replacement with budgetary and environmental constraints. Transportation Planning and Technology. 2020
- Maximizing the expected number of transplants in kidney exchange programs with branch-and-price. Annals of Operations Research. 2019
- Optimization of logistics services in hospitals. Energy Policy. 2018
- Maximizing expected number of transplants in kidney exchange programs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 2016
- Integrating two-dimensional cutting stock and lot-sizing problems. Journal of the Operational Research SocIETy. 2014
- New mixed integer-programming model for the pickup-and-delivery problem with transshipment. European Journal of Operational Research. 2014
- A hybrid column generation with GRASP and path relinking for the network load balancing problem. Computers & Operations Research. 2013
- Optimizing network load balancing: An hybridization approach of metaheuristics with column generation. Telecommunication Systems. 2013
- Solving two-dimensional bin packing problems with two-stage guillotine cutting by combined local search heuristics. Pacific Journal of Optimization. 2013
- A branch-and-price approach for harvest scheduling subject to maximum area restrictions. Computational Optimization and Applications. 2012
- Exact and heuristic approaches for lot splitting and scheduling on identical parallel machines. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 2011
- Optimization of link load balancing in multiple spanning tree routing networks. Telecommunication Systems. 2011
- An integer programming model for two- and three-stage two-dimensional cutting stock problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 2010
- Comparing Dantzig-Wolfe decompositions and branch-and-price algorithms for the multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem. Optimization Methods & Software. 2010
- Sequence based heuristics for two-dimensional bin packing problems. Engineering Optimization. 2009
- An extended model and a column generation algorithm for the planar multicommodity flow problem. Networks. 2007
capítulo de livro
- Resource Dispatch Optimization for Firefighting Using a Differential Evolution Algorithm 2024
- A Bi-objective Optimization Approach for Wildfire Detection 2023
- An Integer Programming Approach for Sensor Location in a Forest Fire Monitoring System. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2023
- Towards an Integrated Framework for Aerospace Supply Chain Sustainability. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2019
- Heuristics for two-dimensional bin-packing problems 2016
- A Matheuristic based on column generation for forest harvest scheduling 2015
- A SearchCol algorithm for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with job splitting 2015
- Combining column generation and metaheuristics. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2013
- Stochastic programming for positioning wildfire suppression resources under wind uncertainty 2022
- Otimização de Bases de Drones para apoio à gestão do risco de Incêndio Florestal 2022
- Integrating remote sensing and wildfire simulation: a case study 2022
- Location with network design for wildfire surveillance and response 2022
- Optimizing drone base locations for assessing forest fires 2022
- Optimização de redes 2016
- A Genetic Algorithm for Forest Firefighting Optimization 2022
- Optimizing the Kidney Exchange Problem with a Budget for Simultaneous Crossmatch Tests 2019
- Mixed integer programming models for fire fighting 2018
- A matheuristic based on column generation for parallel machine scheduling with sequence dependent setup times 2016
- A repair operator for global solutions of decomposable problems 2016
- Bus driver rostering by column generation metaheuristics 2016
- A Hybrid Heuristic Based on Column Generation for Two- and Three- Stage Bin Packing Problems 2014
- A new branch-and-price approach for the kidney exchange problem 2014
- Improving branch-and-price for parallel machine scheduling 2014
- Combining column generation and metaheuristics 2013
- Design of wood biomass supply chains 2012
- Livro de Actas do Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2011 (ENEGI 2011) 2011
- SearchCol: Metaheuristic search by column generation 2010
- Traffic engineering of telecommunication networks based on multiple spanning tree routing 2009
- Gestão de equipamentos de elevação de carga numa empresa do setor automóvel 2016
- Logística humanitária internacional: ajuda de emergência no Nepal 2016
- Análise e propostas de melhoria para o funcionamento de um Hospital de Dia 2015
- Automatização e otimização do escalonamento de pessoal hospitalar 2015
- Um modelo de programação inteira para a otimização da distribuição do serviço docente 2015
- Branch-and-price and multicommodity flows 2005