publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Estabilidade de Hamiltonianos 2016
- Stability of non-deterministic systems. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2015
- Architectures and tools enabling seamless mobility in future collaborative networks. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2012
- Order and chaos: interactive computational activities for the classroom 2011
- Winning Nim with Beatty and Fibonacci 2011
artigo de revista
- Generic behaviours of conservative dynamical systems. CIM Bulletin. 2022
- Stationary measures on infinite graphs. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. 2022
- Expansiveness and hyperbolicity in convex billiards. Regular & Chaotic Dynamics. 2021
- Gluing orbit property and partial hyperbolicity. Journal of Differential Equations. 2021
- The closing lemma and the planar general density theorem for sobolev maps. Proceedings of the American Mathematical SocIETy. 2021
- Topological aspects of incompressible flows. Journal of Differential Equations. 2021
- Hyperbolicity through stable shadowing for generic geodesic flows. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2020
- Isospectral reduction in infinite graphs. Journal of Spectral Theory. 2020
- There are no proper topological hyperbolic homoclinic classes for area-preserving maps. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical SocIETy. 2020
- On the periodic orbits, shadowing and strong transitivity of continuous flows. Nonlinear Analysis. 2018
- Sobolev homeomorphisms are dense in volume preserving automorphisms. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2018
- On shadowing and hyperbolicity for geodesic flows on surfaces. Nonlinear Analysis. 2017
- Topological features of flows with the reparametrized gluing orbit property. Journal of Differential Equations. 2017
- Eigenvectors of isospectral graph transformations. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 2015
- The C0 general density theorem for geodesic flows. Comptes Rendus Mathematique. 2015
- r-Regularity. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 2015
- Smoothness of boundaries of regular sets. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 2014
- Hyperbolicity and stability for Hamiltonian flows. Journal of Differential Equations. 2013
- Shades of hyperbolicity for Hamiltonians. Nonlinearity. 2013
- A discrete Faà di Bruno's formula. Contributions To Discrete Mathematics. 2012
- Spectral stability of Markov systems. Nonlinearity. 2008
- Combinatorial stability of non-deterministic systems. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2006
- Introdução aos Sistemas Dinâmicos: [exercícios e soluções] 2019
- Tópicos de Sistemas Dinâmicos: [exercícios e sua resolução]: licenciatura em Matemática, 2015/2016 2016
- Tópicos de Sistemas Dinâmicos: licenciatura em Matemática, 2015/2016 2016
- Introdução aos sistemas dinâmicos 2011
- Análise e sistemas dinâmicos: aplicações e história 2009
- Análise e sistemas dinâmicos: aplicações e história: exercícios resolvidos 2009