publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Forensic psychological procedures in cases of technology-facilitated sexual abuse among adolescents: A scoping review. Behavioral Sciences & the Law (Special Issue on Social Media in Forensic Mental Evaluations). 2024
- Domestic violence professionals in Portuguese shelters: navigating challenges amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Social Work. 2024
- Intimate Partner Homicide: Comparison Between Homicide and Homicide-Suicide in Portugal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2024
- Addressing the psychological trauma in human trafficking victims: A brief review.. Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy. 2023
- Interpartner Agreement on Intimate Partner Violence Reports: Evidence From a Community Sample of Different-Sex Couples. Assessment. 2023
- Nature and human well-being: a systematic review of empirical evidence from nature-based interventions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2023
- (Un)Acknowledgment of Men as Victims of Intimate Partner Violence 2023
- Domestic Violence and COVID-19 mapping: A first-year Scoping Review. Trauma Violence & Abuse. 2023
- Forensic Interview Techniques in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: A Scoping Review. Trauma Violence & Abuse. 2023
- Professionals challenges on working in domestic violence shelters during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Portugal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2023
- Supporting domestic violence victims during COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges of Portuguese stakeholders. Psychology of Violence. 2023
- Professionals Knowledge and Perceptions on Child Trafficking: Evidence from Portugal. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 2022
- The Perspectives of Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence about Group Therapy. Psiquiatria, Psicologia & Justiça. 2022
- Clinical profiles and factors associated with treatment initiation in survivors of sex trafficking: A comparison with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.. Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy. 2022
- The Prevalence, Directionality, and Dyadic Perpetration Types of Intimate Partner Violence in a Community Sample in Portugal: a Gender-Inclusive Inquiry. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 2022
- Developing a Valid and Reliable Cross-cultural Measure of Coparenting Conflict between Divorced Parents: The Portuguese Version of the Acrimony Scale. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2022
- Dropout from evidence-based trauma treatment in a community mental health clinic serving victims of interpersonal violence. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2022
- Exploring Perceptions of Portuguese Police about Human Trafficking Victims and Perpetrators. Crime Law and Social Change. 2022
- Brief Report on a Systematic Review of the Experiences of Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence as Help-Seekers. Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma. 2022
- (Un)Acknowledgement of males as victims of intimate partner violence 2022
- Adaptation of the belief scale about physical punishments to the Brazilian context. Avaliac¸a~o Psicolo´gica. 2022
- Clinical profiles and factors associated with treatment initiation in survivors of sex trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault. Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy. 2022
- Cyber-harassment victimization of Portuguese adolescents: A lifestyle-routine activities theory approach. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 2022
- Post break-up stalking: police officers' perceptions. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 2022
- Police officers discourses about male victims of intimate partner violence in Portugal. Children and Youth Services Review. 2021
- An assessment of Portuguese social professionals awareness of human trafficking. European Journal of Social Work. 2021
- Intimate partner homicide: victims and the dynamics of victim perpetrator relationship. Annals of Medicine. 2021
- Men Victims of Stalking in Portugal: Predictors of Help-Seeking Behaviours. Children and Youth Services Review. 2021
- Exploring Human Trafficking Victimization Experiences in Portugal 2021
- The Early Memories of Warmth and Safeness Scale: Dimensionality and Measurement Invariance. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021
- Escala de Crenças Sobre Violência Conjugal (ECV): Versão Brasileira. Psico-USF. 2021
- Labor Trafficking in Portugal: Victims Perceptions of Formal Support, Post-Victimization and Impact. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. 2021
- Violência na intimidade: Crenças da comunidade Africana Lusófona residente em Portugal. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2021
- Unidade de Consulta em Psicologia da Justiça e Comunitária da Universidade do Minho: 20 anos em prol da Justiça Terapêutica. Revista do Ministério Público. 2020
- Unidade de Consulta em Psicologia da Justiça e Comunitária da Universidade do Minho: 20 anos em prol da Justiça Terapêutica [Consultation Unit in Justice and Community Psychology at the University of Minho: 20 years in favor of Therapeutic Justice]. Revista do Ministério Público. 2020
- Homicide in intimacy: A meta-analysis of risk factors (Extended Abstract). Translational Research and Innovation in Human and Health Science. Annals of Medicine. 2019
- Questionário de competências culturais para profissionais de ajuda (QCC-PA): Tradução transcultural e validação fatorial [Cultural competence questionnaire for help professionals (CCQ-HP): Transcultural translation and factorial validation].. Psychologica. 2019
- Multiple Victimisation in Socially Excluded Women: From Prevalence to Meanings. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2014
- Mudança terapêutica e momentos de inovação. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2014
- Cyber-aggression among portuguese adolescents: A study on perpetration, victim offender overlap and parental supervision. International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2014
- Male victims of partner violence: Methodological analysis of prevalence studies. Psicologia & Sociedade. 2014
- Vitimação múltipla feminina ao longo da vida [Lifetime female multiple victimization]. Psicologia & Sociedade. 2013
- Interacção terapêutica em momentos de ambivalência: Um estudo exploratório de um caso de insucesso. Análise Psicológica. 2013
- Número Especial em homenagem a Carla Machado [Special issue in honor of Carla Machado]. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2013
- Violência doméstica e stalking pós-rutura: Dinâmicas, coping e impacto psicossocial na vítima [Domestic violence and post-breakup stalking: Dynamics, coping and psychosocial impact on the victim]. Revista PSICOLOGIA. 2013
- Violência sexual no namoro: Os atletas universitários como grupo de risco? [Sexual violence in dating: Are college athletes as a risk group?]. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2013
- Vitimação múltipla feminina ao longo da vida: Uma revisão sistemática da literatura [Female multiple victimization across the lifespan: A systematic review of the literature]. Psicologia & Sociedade. 2013
- Crime and female gender construction: Emergence and consolidation of feminist perspectives in criminology [Criminalidade feminina e construção do género: Emergência e consolidação das perspectivas feministas na criminologia]. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Group intervention with victims of domestic violence: A review of their effectiveness [Intervenção em grupo com vítimas de violência doméstica: Uma revisão da sua eficácia]. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Interacção terapêutica em momentos de ambivalência: Um estudo exploratório de um caso de insucesso 2012
- Men who are not talked about: The forgotten victims of intimate violence. Psiquiatria, Psicologia & Justiça. 2012
- Opening Note: Number of Homage to Carla Machado [Nota de abertura: Número de homenagem a carla machado]. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Practices to prevent violence within intimate relationships youth: Guidelines | Práticas de prevenção da violência nas relações de intimidade juvenil: Orientações gerais. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Risks associated with stalking: Violence, persistence and recidivism. Psiquiatria, Psicologia e Justiça. 2012
- Scale of Beliefs about Sexual Violence (ECVs) | Escala de crenças sobre violência sexual (ECVS). Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence: Resilience, competence and coping | Abuso sexual na infância e adolescência: Resiliência, competência e coping. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Social discourses about state violence: A qualitative study | Discursos sociais sobre a violência de estado: Um estudo qualitativo. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Stalking in Portugal: Facing a remarkable challenge. Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia. 2012
- Stalking victimization: Predictors of fear. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- The Forensic Psychology in Portugal - New directions in consolidating the relationship with the justice system | A psicologia forense em Portugal - Novos rumos na consolidação da relação com o sistema de justiça. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- The media construction of human trafficking in the Portuguese press | A construção mediática do tráfico de seres humanos na imprensa escrita Portuguesa. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- The political involvement in armed struggle in Portugal: The perspective of its actors | O envolvimento na luta armada política em portugal: A perspectiva dos seus actores. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Therapeutic interaction in moments of ambivalence: An exploratory study of a case of failure. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Treatment interaction in moments of ambivalence: An exploratory study a case of failure [Interacção terapêutica em momentos de ambivalência: Um estudo exploratório de um caso de insucesso]. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Victimization by stalking: Predictors of fear [Vitimação por stalking: Preditores do medo]. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Violence in dating relationships among adolescents: Evaluation of the impact of a program of awareness and information in schools [Violência nas relações de namoro entre adolescentes: Avaliação do impacto de um programa de sensibilização e informação em contexto escolar]. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Violence in intimate relationships occasional sample student [Violência nas relações íntimas ocasionais de uma amostra estudantil]. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Beliefs and attitudes of profissionals about marital violence: Studies with health profissionals, policemen and teachers | Crenças e atitudes dos profissionais face à violência conjugal: Estudos com profissionais de saúde, polícias e professores. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2009
- Fear of crime: Methodological considerations and results from a biannual survey in the city of oporto. European Journal of Psychology Applied To Legal Context. 2009
- Innovative moments and change pathways in a good outcome case of narrative therapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 2009
- Momentos de inovação e mudança terapêutica. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2009
- Crimes sexuais: Agravantes e atenuantes na determinação da medida da pena | Sexual crimes: Aggravating and mitigating factors in determining the extent of the sentence. Revista do CEJ. 2007
- Prevenção da violência nas relações de namoro: intervenção com jovens em contexto escolar [Preventing Violence in dating relationships: intervention with young people in schools]. Psicologia: Teoria e Prática (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie), . 2006
- Prevenção da violência nas relações de namoro: intervenção com jovens em contexto escolar [Preventing Violence in intimate relationships: Evaluation of two interventions with young people in the context of school]. Revista Psicologia: Teoria e Prática. 2006
- Sexual violence in conjugality: An exploratory study on victim narratives. Psychologica. 2006
- Violência nas relações de intimidade: Retratos e práticas [Violence in intimate relationships: Portraits and practices]. Polícia e Justiça. 2005
- Violence in romantic relationships: Behaviors and attitudes in the university population. Psychologica. 2003
- Identity spaces in marital victimization: From problematic narrative to preferential narrative. Psychologica. 2002
- Retratos da violência na conjugalidade | Portraits of violence in conjugal relationships. Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal. 2001
- Violência conjugal e o modelo de intervenção em crise | Marital violence and the crisis intervention model. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática. 1999
- Crime: Será uma questão de oportunidade? | Crime: Is it a question of opportunity?. Revista Infância e Juventude. 1998
- Crime: uma questão de oportunidade. Revista “Infância e Juventude”. 1998
artigo de conferência
- Estão por vossa conta: Crianças e Jovens Privados de Parentalidade por Homicídio do Parceiro Íntimo 2022
- Child trafficking and trauma-informed approach: Speeches by professionals from the USA and Portugal 2022
- Domestic violence against children and adolescents: Evaluation of the group psychological intervention proposal 2022
- Professionals' perception of working in domestic violence shelters during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Portugal 2022
- Trauma-informed practices in victim support professionals 2022
- You are on your own: Children and Young People Deprived of Parenting Due to Homicide of an Intimate Partner 2022
- Intimate Partner Homicide: Victims and dynamics of victim-perpetrator relationship (Extended Abstract) 2021
- Difficulties in the criminalization of human trafficking: A systematic review of the literature 2019
- Perceções dos magistrados portugueses sobre tráfico de pessoas [Perceptions of Portuguese magistrates on human trafficking] 2019
- Tráfico de menores: Uma revisão sistemática sobre perceções e prática profissionais [Child trafficking: A systematic review of professional perceptions and practice] 2019
- Homicide in intimacy: A meta-analysis of risk factors (Extended Abstract) 2018
- Multiple victimization of socially excluded women: From prevalence to meanings 2014
- Stalking and domestic violence: Developments of a new form of interpersonal violence 2013
- Maus Tratos Infantis e Factores Culturais 2008
- Stalking Behavior Inventory 2008
- Práticas educativas parentais e violência: Um estudo de prevalência na região Norte | Parental educational practices and violence: A prevalence study in the Northern region 2004
- Práticas educativas parentais e violência: um estudo na região Norte 2004
- Crime e Psicologia – Algumas reflexões a propósito de um congresso. 1999
- Crime e Psicologia: Algumas reflexões a propósito de um congresso | Crime and Psychology: Some reflections on the subject of a conference 1999
- Oportunidade e Crime | Opportunity and Crime 1999
- Oportunidade e crime. 1999
- Narrativas da violência conjugal: Processos de construção da identidade | Narratives of marital violence: Identity construction processes 1997
- Violência conjugal e a experiência de vitimação: A entrevista qualitativa de avaliação | Marital violence and the experience of victimization: The qualitative assessment interview 1997
artigo de revista
- It takes a community to save a child: Child trafficking knowledge of the Portuguese community. Journal of Community Psychology. 2022
- Assessment of the health status of women in prison: a comparison between drug users versus non-users. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2022
- The Compass of Shame Scale: Dimensionality and Gender Measurement Invariance in a Portuguese Sample. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2021
- Intimate Partner Homicide in Portugal: What Are the (As)Symmetries Between Men and Women?. Children and Youth Services Review. 2021
- Telephone-based psychological crisis intervention: the Portuguese experience with COVID-19. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 2021
- Prevalence of Stalking Among Justice Professionals in Portugal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2020
- Child trafficking, comprehensive needs and professional practices: A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review. 2020
- Victimized Immigrant Women in Portugal: Factors Associated with Formal and Informal Help-seeking. Journal of Social Psychology. 2020
- Lifetime Victimization: Identifying Frequency and Emotional (Dis)Adjustment Among Portuguese and Immigrant Women. Children and Youth Services Review. 2020
- Mental health of multiple victimized immigrant women in Portugal: Does resilience make a difference?. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 2020
- Who are the Victims, Who are the Traffickers? University Students Portrayals on Human Trafficking. Children and Youth Services Review. 2020
- Interpersonal Violence in Immigrant Women in Portugal: An Intersectional Approach. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 2020
- Intimate partner homicide: A meta-analysis of risk factors. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2020
- Cultural competence questionnaire for help professionals (CCQ-HP). Psychologica. 2019
- Trafficking in Human Beings: Knowledge of Portuguese College Students. Journal of Human Trafficking. 2019
- Knowledge of Trafficking in Human Beings among Portuguese Social Services and Justice Professionals. Children and Youth Services Review. 2019
- Sleep and women intimate partner victimization: Prevalence, effects and good practices in health care settings. Sleep Science. 2019
- The prevalence of Bi-Directional intimate partner violence reported by Portuguese men. Children and Youth Services Review. 2019
- Trafficking in human beings: Portuguese magistrates perceptions. Journal of Human Trafficking. 2019
- Understanding the criminal justice process in human trafficking cases in Portugal: factors associated with successful prosecutions. Crime Law and Social Change. 2019
- Characteristics of intimate partner violence victimization experienced by a sample of portuguese men. Children and Youth Services Review. 2018
- Multiply Victimized Women: How Do They Change?. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2016
- Child custody evaluation: Perceptions of judges about the psychological forensic assessment,Regulação das responsabilidades parentais: Discursos dos magistrados sobre a prática pericial. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2016
- Cultural Competence in Intervention with Immigrants: A Comparative Analysis Between Health Professionals, Social Workers and Police Officers. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2016
- Cyber-Stalking Victimization: What Predicts Fear Among Portuguese Adolescents?. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 2016
- Cyber-harassment victimization in Portugal: Prevalence, fear and help-seeking among adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior. 2016
- Help-seeking and needs of male victims of intimate partner violence in Portugal. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 2016
- Prevalence of Violence against Immigrant Women: A Systematic Review of the Literature 2016
- Female multiple victimization: Life stories, depression and coping strategies. Análise Psicológica. 2015
- Multiple Victimization and Social Exclusion: A Grounded Analysis of the Life Stories of Women. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 2015
- Perceptions and personal experiences of unwanted attention among Portuguese male students. Psychology, Crime & Law. 2015
- Cyber-aggression among portuguese adolescents: A study on perpetration, victim offender overlap and parental supervision. International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2014
- Homens vítimas na intimidade: análise metodológica dos estudos de prevalência. Psicologia & Sociedade. 2014
- Lifetime multiple victimization among women: A systematic review of the literature. Psicologia & Sociedade. 2013
- Post-Relationship Stalking: The Experience of Victims With and Without History of Partner Abuse 2013
- Violência sexual no namoro: os atletas universitários como grupo de risco?. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2013
- Victimization by stalking: predictors of fear. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Homens de quem não se fala : as vítimas esquecidas da violência na intimidade. Psiquiatria, Psicologia & Justiça. 2012
- Interacção terapêutica em momentos de ambivalência: um estudo exploratório de um caso de insucesso. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Intervenção em grupo com vítimas de violência doméstica: uma revisão da sua eficácia. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Riscos associados ao stalking : violência, persistência e reincidência 2012
- Stalking in Portugal: facing a remarkable challenge. Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia. 2012
- Vitimação por stalking: Preditores do medo. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Innovative moments and poor outcome in narrative therapy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 2011
- The role of mutual in-feeding in maintaining problematic self-narratives: Exploring one path to therapeutic failure. Psychotherapy Research. 2011
- Tracking novelties in psychotherapy process research: The innovative moments coding system. Psychotherapy Research. 2011
- Violence in Juvenile Dating Relationships Self-Reported Prevalence and Attitudes in a Portuguese Sample 2010
- Crenças e atitudes dos profissionais face à violência conjugal: estudos com profissionais de saúde, polícias e professores. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2009
- Innovative moments and change in narrative therapy. Psychotherapy Research. 2009
- Innovative moments and change pathways: A good outcome case of narrative therapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy-Theory Research and Practice. 2009
- Narrative therapy and the nature of innovative moments in the construction of change. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2009
- Child and partner abuse: Self-reported prevalence and attitudes in the north of Portugal. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2007
- Prevenção da violência nas relações de namoro: intervenção com jovens em contexto escolar. Psicologia: Teoria e Prática. 2006
capítulo de livro
- Intervenção Psicológica com Adultos Vítimas de Assédio 2024
- How can cyberhate victimization and perpetration can be understood? Towards a psychological approach 2023
- Intervenção Psicológica com Adultos Vítimas de Assédio [Psychological Intervention with Adult Victims of Harassment] 2023
- Male victims of intimate partner violence: Experiences with help seeking 2023
- A violência contra as mulheres ao longo do ciclo de vida: Um retrato atualizado [Violence against women throughout the life cycle: An updated portrait] 2022
- A violência contra as mulheres ao longo do ciclo de vida: Um retrato atualizado ( Violence against women throughout the life cycle: An updated portrait) 2022
- Men's experiences with help seeking 2022
- Trafficking in human beings in Portugal 2022
- Ciberabuso nas relações de intimidade dos adolescentes: Um diálogo entre a Psicologia e a Criminologia [Cyberabuse in adolescents: intimate relationships: A dialogue between Psychology and Criminology] 2021
- Ciberespaço e tráfico de pessoas: Desafios para a criminologia 2021
- Crianças Privadas de Parentalidade por Homicídio do Parceiro Íntimo: Caracterização, Impacto e Boas-Práticas no Apoio e Intervenção 2021
- Crianças privadas da parentalidade por homicídio conjugal: Necessidades e respostas de apoio 2021
- Manual: Escala de Crenças sobre a Violência Conjugal (E.C.V.C.) para a População Brasileira [Manual: Belief Scale about Marital Violence (E.C.V.C.) for the Brazilian Population] 2021
- Adolescents Digital Dating Abuse and Cyberbullying 2020
- Children deprived of parenthood due to spousal homicide: Support needs and responses 2020
- Cyberspace and human trafficking: Challenges for criminology 2020
- Divórcio e Conflito Parental: uma abordagem ecológicosistémica sobre a resistência às visitas [Divorce and Parental Conflict: an ecological-systemic approach to resistance to visits] 2020
- Intervenção Psicológica com Vítimas de Violência na Intimidade [Psychological Intervention with Victims of Intimate Violence] 2020
- Intervenção local com crianças e famílias face à pandemia COVID-19: ProChild CoLAB em Guimarães 2020
- Intervenção psicológica com vítimas de violência na intimidade 2020
- Public policy and laws addressing women's violence against male intimate partners 2020
- Stalking in Portugal after criminalization: The limitations of numbers and intervention practices 2020
- Stalking in Portugal: From numbers to the new challenges 2020
- Stalking: Conceptualization, Visibility and Intervention 2020
- Vítimas de Crime: Abordagens e Intervenções Focadas no Trauma [Victims of Crime: Trauma-Focused Approaches and Interventions] 2020
- Vítimas de crime: Abordagens e intervenções focadas no trauma 2020
- Intervenção multicultural com vítimas de crime 2018
- Intimate violence and intervention with victims: Contributions to an inclusive perspective 2018
- Multicultural Intervention with Victims of Crime 2018
- Stalking in Portugal: A glance at concepts, politics and practices 2018
- The use of grounded analysis in life stories of victims of violence: Uncovering discourses 2018
- Stalking and domestic violence: Developments of a new form of interpersonal violence 2015
- Cyber-crimes against adolescents: Bridges between a psychological and a design approach 2014
- Domestic violence in the context of intimate relationships 2014
- Mulheres multiplamente vitimadas: desafios e especificidades 2014
- Mulheres portuguesas nativas vs. Imigrantes: Trajetórias de vitimação múltipla 2014
- Mulheres portuguesas nativas vs. imigrantes: Trajetórias de vitimação múltipla | Native Portuguese women vs. immigrants: Trajectories of multiple victimization 2014
- Multiple victimization among women: specificities and challenges in intervention 2014
- Stalking: Como intervir com as vítimas? | Stalking: How to intervene with victims? 2014
- Violence in Intimacy 2014
- Violência na Intimidade: Da gestão de risco à construção da autoria | Violence in Intimacy: From risk management to the construction of authorship 2014
- Vitimação múltipla no feminino: Especificidades e desafios de intervenção [Multiple victimization among women: Specificities and intervention challenges] 2014
- Vítimas de crime: Avaliação da credibilidade do testemunho 2014
- Vítimas de crime: Avaliação da credibilidade do testemunho [Victims of crime: Assessing the credibility of testimony] 2014
- Females victims of violence: From knowledge to practice 2013
- Gender and domestic violence: Discourses on intervention practices in Portugal. 2013
- Intervenção em grupo com mulheres vitimadas na intimidade: Potencialidades, desafios e dificuldades | Group intervention with women victims of intimacy: Potentials, challenges and difficulties 2013
- Stalking - The Portuguese case: Discursive constructions of stalking and their implications 2013
- Vítimas de violência conjugal: Intervenção multicultural com mulheres marginalizadas 2013
- Vítimas de violência conjugal: Intervenção multicultural com mulheres marginalizadas [Victims of marital violence: Multicultural intervention with marginalized women] 2013
- Narrative reauthoring therapy with victims of domestic violence 2012
- Vítimas de violência doméstica: Avaliação psicológica [Victims of domestic violence: Psychological assessment] 2012
- Avaliação psicológica das responsabilidades parentais nos casos de separação e divórcio | Psychological assessment of parental responsibilities in cases of separation and divorce 2011
- Crianças expostas à violência interparental: Intervenção psicológica em grupo 2011
- Crianças expostas à violência interparental: Intervenção psicológica em grupo | Children exposed to interparental violence: Group psychological intervention 2011
- Da invisibilidade ao reconhecimento do stalking | From invisibility to recognition of stalking 2011
- Innovative moments in psychotherapy: Dialogical processes in developing narratives 2011
- Psychological assessment of victims of domestic violence 2011
- Stalking: boas práticas no apoio à vítima: manual para profissionais 2011
- The Innovative Moments Coding System: A coding procedure for tracking changes in psychotherapy 2011
- Violência doméstica: intervenção em grupo com mulheres vítimas: manual para profissionais 2011
- Innovations in psychotherapy: Tracking the narrative construction of change 2010
- Prevenção, despistagem e intervenção precoce nos maus tratos à criança [Prevention, screening and early intervention in child abuse] 2010
- Separación y Divorcio: Litigio e interferencias parentales: Lecturas de jueces en casos de guarda y custodia Separation and Divorce: Litigation and parental interference: Readings by judges in custody cases 2010
- Stalking: Consensos e controvérsias | Stalking: Consensus and controversies 2010
- Discursos sobre las dinámicas violentas ocurridas en el enamoramiento 2009
- Discursos sobre las dinámicas violentas ocurridas en el enamoramiento | Speeches about the violent dynamics that occur in falling in love 2009
- As crianças, o divórcio e a regulação litigiosa do poder paternal | Children, divorce and the litigious regulation of parental authority 2008
- Creencias de los profesionales de salud: El abuso en la intimidad y las prácticas educativas parentales | Beliefs of health professionals: Intimacy abuse and parenting educational practices. 2007
- Percepciones y prácticas de los médicos sobre la violencia en la intimidad [Perceptions and practices of doctors about intimate partner violence] 2007
- Percepciones y prácticas de los médicos sobre la violencia en la intimidad | Doctors' perceptions and practices regarding intimate violence 2007
- Avaliação psicológica de vítimas de maus tratos conjugais | Psychological assessment of victims of conjugal abuse 2005
- Cultural beliefs and attitudes about violence against women and children. 2005
- Narratives on marital violence: The construction of change through re-authoring. 2005
- Escala de crenças sobre violência conjugal (ECVC) [Beliefs scale on marital violence] 2004
- Escala de crenças sobre punição física (ECPF) [Beliefs about physical punishment scale] 2003
- Unidade de Consulta em Psicologia da Justiça 2002
- Unidade de Consulta em Psicologia da Justiça | Justice Psychology Consultation Unit 2002
- Violência conjugal | Marital violence 2002
- A narrative intervention with a group of abused women: From deconstructing the victim position to reconstructing preferred identities 2001
- Avaliação Psicológica Forense de Crianças e Adolescentes Vítimas de Crimes Sexuais: Uma Scoping Review 2024
- Linha de Apoio e Prevenção do Assédio 2023
- Trauma-focused Psychological Intervention Programs for Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence: A systematic review about efficacy and effectiveness 2023
- The Effectiveness of Forensic Interview Techniques in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: A Systematic Review 2023
- Programas de Intervenção Psicológica Focados no Trauma para Crianças que Experienciaram Violência Doméstica: Uma revisão sistemática sobre a eficácia e eficiência 2023
- Manual de Formação - Exploração Sexual - Profissionais da Área do Apoio às Vítimas de Exploração Sexual [Training Manual - Sexual Exploitation - Professionals in the Area of Support for Victims of Sexual Exploitation] 2023
- Manual de Formação - Exploração Sexual - Profissionais da Área do Combate aos Crimes Relacionados com Violência em Contexto de Exploração Sexual [Training Manual - Sexual Exploitation - Professionals in the Area of Combating Crimes Related to Violence in the Context of Sexual Exploitation] 2023
- Manual de Formação - Exploração sexual - Mediadores [Training Manual - Sexual Exploitation - Mediators] 2023
- Protocolo de Avaliação Psicológica de Vítimas de Assédio [Psychological Assessment Protocol for Harassment Victims] 2023
- Protoloco de Avaliação Psicológica de Vítimas de Assédio 2023
- Técnicas de entrevista forense com crianças e adolescentes vítimas de crimes sexuais: Uma scoping review 2023
- Linha de Apoio e Prevenção do Assédio 2022
- Linha de Apoio e Prevenção do Assédio [Harassment Prevention and Support Line] 2022
- Domestic Violence Against Children and Adolescents: Evaluation of group psychological intervention 2022
- Caracterização dos perfis intra e interpessoais de homens e mulheres em casais com e sem história de violência nas relações de intimidade [Characterization of the intra and interpersonal profiles of men and women in couples with and without a history of violence in intimate relationships] 2022
- Supporting domestic violence victims during COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and views of Portuguese stakeholders 2022
- Violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes: Avaliação da proposta de intervenção psicológica grupal. 2022
- The testimony of child and adolescent victims of sexual crimes: From court practices to psychological impact 2022
- Adolescents Cyber Dating Abuse: Who They Are, How Do They Behave and What They Tell Us 2022
- Cyber-harassment victimization of portuguese adolescents: A lifestyle-routine activities approach 2022
- Domestic Violence and COVID-19: what do we know so far? A Scoping Review 2022
- Forensic interview techniques on child sexual abuse: A scoping review 2022
- Forensic interview techniques with children and adolescents victims of sexual crimes: A scoping review 2022
- Online Risk Behaviors, Victimization and Parental Mediation: Are Adolescents and Parents in Agreement? 2022
- Programa For2Parents: Manual de Intervenção Psicológica no Conflito Coparental Pós-divórcio [For2Parents Program: Manual for Psychological Intervention in Post-divorce Coparental Conflict] 2022
- Técnicas de entrevista forense com crianças e adolescentes vítimas de crimes sexuais: Uma scoping review 2022
- Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Early Memories of Warmth and Safeness Scale (EMWSS) 2021
- The Portuguese version of the Compass of Shame Scale-5 (CoSS-5): Measurement models, sex-invariance and reliability 2021
- Difficulties in Criminalizing Human Trafficking: A Systematic Literature Review 2020
- Guidelines for Telephone Support to the UMinho Academic Community 2020
- Programa Dharma: Violência Doméstica: Intervenção em grupo com crianças e adolescentes [Dharma Program: Domestic Violence: Group intervention with children and adolescents] 2020
- Violência Doméstica: Intervenção em grupo com crianças e adolescentes. Braga, Portugal: Cáritas arquidiocesana de Braga 2020
- Violência nas relações de intimidade: Uma abordagem diádica à luz dos modelos evolucionários 2019
- Intimate partner homicide: Victims and the dynamics of victim-perpetrator relationship 2019
- Parents in high post-divorce coparenting conflict: Pilot study of the effectiveness of the For2Parents Program 2019
- Violence in intimate relationships: A dyadic approach in light of evolutionary models 2019
- Violência Doméstica: Intervenção em grupo com Crianças e Adolescentes. Manual para profissionais 2019
- Male Stalking victimization: Prevalence, characteristics and impact 2018
- Program For2Parents 2018
- Divorce and coparental conflict: proposal to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychological intervention program 2017
- Manual de acolhimento aos alunos da Escola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [Welcome manual for students at the School of Psychology at the University of Minho] 2017
- College Students perceptions of human trafficking victims and traffickers 2016
- Human Trafficking: Comparative analysis between social, justice and health professionals 2016
- CarryOn: o papel da natureza no bem-estar humano 2015
- CarryOn: the role of nature in human well-being 2015
- Impact of a national plan against trafficking in persons: potentialities and limitations 2014
- Impact of a national plan against trafficking in persons: potentialities and limitations. 2014
- Native Portuguese women vs. Immigrants: Multiple Victimization Trajectories 2014
- Prevalence of violence against immigrant women: A systematic review of the literature 2014
- Contributions to its criminalization 2014
- Native versus immigrant Portuguese women: Trajectories of multiple victimization 2014
- Prevalence of violence against immigrant women: Systematic literature review 2014
- Vitimação múltipla em mulheres socialmente excluídas: Prevalência e impacto [Multiple victimization in socially excluded women: Prevalence and impact] 2014
- Prevalence of Violence Against Immigrant Women: A Systematic Review of Literature 2013
- Apresentação do número 2013
- Crimes sexuais contra mulheres adultas: Atenuantes e agravantes na decisão judicial [Sexual crimes against adult women: Mitigating and aggravating factors in the judicial decision] 2013
- El Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) en el ámbito forense 2013
- El Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) en el ámbito forense. 2013
- La experiencia de acecho cibernético entre los adolescentes portugueses: Un estudio pilot [The experience of cyberstalking among Portuguese adolescents: A pilot study] 2013
- Los hombres de que no se habla: Víctimas de la violencia en la intimidad [The men who are not talked about: Victims of violence in intimacy] 2013
- Men victims of intimate partner violence in Portugal 2013
- Multiple victimization among women: Symptomatology, trauma and resilience 2013
- Ser acosado por la ex-pareja: Experiencias y atribuciones de significado [Being harassed by your ex-partner: Experiences and attributions of meaning] 2013
- Narratives from group intervention with women victim of intimate violence 2012
- Beliefs and attitudes of college athletes regarding sexual violence in dating 2012
- Group intervention with women victim of intimate violence: An outcome study. 2012
- Female Victimization: From the intersectionality of cultural meanings about love and violence to intervention 2012
- Crimes Sexuais: O impacto em mulheres adultas | Sexual Crimes: The impact on adult women 2012
- Crimes sexuais em adultos: perícia psicológica forense | Sexual crimes in adults: forensic psychological expertise 2012
- Stalking - perceptions of reasonableness among victims and non-victims in the context of intimate relationships 2012
- Group intervention with women victims of intimate violence: Study of results 2011
- Program GAM 2011
- Sexual crimes against adult women: Characteristics of a forensic sample 2011
- Group intervention with battered women: An outcome study. 2010
- Narrative Therapy and Externalizing Conversations in Therapeutic Change 2010
- Psychological treatments for Battered Women: Results from a clinical trial 2009
- Beliefs and attitudes of professionals towards marital violence: studies with health professionals, police officers and teachers 2009
- Narrative Therapy and Externalizing Conversations in Therapeutic Change 2009
- Psychological Intervention with Battered Women: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach. 2008
- Schema avoidance dimensions and strategies: Comparisons between normals and patients 2008
- Psychological Intervention with Battered Women: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach 2008
- Sistema de Codificação dos Momentos de Inovação: Versão 7 [Innovation Moments Coding System: Version 7] 2008
- Intervenção em grupo com crianças expostas à violência interparental 2007
- Momentos de Inovação: Treino de Codificação I [Moments of Innovation: Coding Train I] 2007
- Momentos de Inovação: Treino de Codificação II [Moments of Innovation: Coding Train II] 2007
- Crianças expostas à violência interparental: intervenção psicológica em grupo 2006
- Development of psychological assessment protocols 2006
- Unidade de consulta em Psicologia da Justiça: no apoio a crianças 2000
- Crimes: práticas e testemunhos 1999
- Unidade de consulta em Psicologia da Justiça: avaliação de um ano de funcionamento. 1999
- As mulheres e a violência (Manual de formação) [Women and violence (Training manual)] 1998
- Crime: uma questão de oportunidade? 1998
- Desenvolvimento de competências de relacionamento interpessoal e de comunicação (Manual de formação) [Development of interpersonal relationship and communication skills (Training manual)] 1998
- Linhas de Orientação para a Prática Profissional da Psicologia no âmbito de Violência Doméstica [Guidelines for the Professional Practice of Psychology in the context of Domestic Violence] 2020
- Violência Doméstica: Intervenção em grupo com crianças e adolescentes. Manual para profissionais [Domestic Violence: Group intervention with children and adolescents. Manual for professionals] 2020
- CarryOn natural.mente.felizes: Manual de boas práticas [CarryOn natural.mente.felizes: Manual of good practices.] 2016
- Training Manual: CarryOn Holistic Development Methodology 2015
- Tráfico de pessoas e tramitação criminal 2015
- Victims of Crime and Violence: Intervention practices 2014
- Stalking: Criminal and multidisciplinary approach (e-book). Training actions collection. 2013
- Domestic Violence: Group intervention with female victims: A Manual for Professionals 2011
- Handbook of Forensic Psychology: Contexts, Practices and Challenges (Manual de Psicologia Forense: Contextos, práticas e desafios) 2011
- Stalking: Good practices on victims support: A Manual for Professionals 2011
- Manual with the Scale beliefs about marital violence (E.C.V.C.) and the Marital violence Inventory (I.V.C.). 2008
- Manual with the Scale beliefs about physical punishment (E.C.P.F.) and Parental practices inventory (I.P.E.) 2008
- Manual: Escala de Crenças sobre Punição Física (ECPF) e o Inventário das Práticas Educativas Parentais (IPE) [Manual: Physical Punishment Belief Scale (ECPF) and the Inventory of Parental Educational Practices (IPE)] 2000
- Crimes: Práticas e testemunhos | Crimes: Practices and testimonies 1999
- Conhecimento e crenças acerca da memória por parte das forças policiais PSP e GNR [Knowledge and beliefs about memory on the part of the PSP and GNR police forces] 2023
- Declarações para memória futura: práticas judiciais junto de vítimas de crime contra a autodeterminação sexual [Declarations for future memory: judicial practices with victims of crimes against sexual self-determination] 2023
- Desafios, dilemas e impacto nos profissionais em casos de elevado conflito interparental: uma scoping review [Challenges, dilemmas and impact on professionals in cases of high interparental conflict: a scoping review] 2023
- Tráfico de pessoas nas decisões judiciais em Portugal: da especial vulnerabilidade ao testemunho da vítima [Human trafficking in judicial decisions in Portugal: from special vulnerability to the victim's testimony] 2023
- Perseguição na esfera política em Portugal: prevalência, dinâmicas, impacto e coping [Persecution in the political sphere in Portugal: prevalence, dynamics, impact and coping] 2022
- Práticas informadas pelo trauma e qualidade de vida profissional no Sistema Judicial Português [Trauma-informed practices and quality of professional life in the Portuguese Judicial System] 2022
- Tráfico de crianças: o conhecimento dos profissionais sobre o processo de identificação e referenciação das vítimas em Portugal [Child trafficking: professionals' knowledge about the process of identifying and referring victims in Portugal] 2022
- Victim support system in Portugal: trauma-informed care and professional quality of life 2022
- Divórcio e conflito coparental: da caracterização à intervenção psicológica com pais litigantes [Divorce and coparental conflict: from characterization to psychological intervention with disputing parents] 2021
- Impacto do homicídio conjugal nos filhos: revisão sistemática [Impact of marital homicide on children: systematic review] 2021
- Perseguição nos jovens em Portugal: dinâmicas, impacto e respostas à vitimação [Persecution of young people in Portugal: dynamics, impact and responses to victimization] 2021
- Perseguição nos profissionais de apoio à vítima: prevalência, impacto e procura de ajuda [Stalking victim support professionals: prevalence, impact and help seeking] 2021
- Towards and effective change: a reflection about the past, present and future of environmental education 2021
- Até que a morte nos separe: Homicídio nas relações de intimidade [Until death do us part: Homicide in intimate relationships] 2020
- Estão por vossa conta: crianças e jovens privados de parentalidade por homicídio do parceiro íntimo [You are on your own: children and young people deprived of parenthood due to the homicide of an intimate partner] 2020
- Falar como se tivesse um discurso decorado: discursos e práticas dos profissionais de saúde sobre potenciais vítimas de tráfico de pessoas [Speaking as if you had a memorized speech: speeches and practices of health professionals regarding potential victims of human trafficking] 2020
- Human trafficking in Portugal: from perceptions to victims support 2020
- Perceção da competência cultural dos profissionais de apoio à vítima em Portugal [Perception of cultural competence of victim support professionals in Portugal] 2020
- Perseguição pós rutura: as perceções dos órgãos de polícia criminal [Post-breakdown persecution: the perceptions of criminal police bodies] 2020
- Quando o amor se transforma em hostilidade: fatores associados ao conflito coparental pósdivórcio [When love turns into hostility: factors associated with postdivorce coparental conflict] 2020
- Disordered eating and dating violence: relation with emotiona regulation and body investment 2019
- Homicide in intimate relationships: comparison between homicide and homicide-suicide in Portugal 2019
- O crime de perseguição junto dos profissionais de justiça em Portugal [The crime of persecution among justice professionals in Portugal] 2019
- Tráfico de pessoas: perceção dos profissionais de saúde [Human trafficking: perception of health professionals] 2019
- Violência doméstica, psicoterapia em grupo e momentos de inovação [Domestic violence, group psychotherapy and moments of innovation] 2019
- Experiências de atenção indesejada em universitários portugueses [Experiences of unwanted attention in Portuguese university students] 2018
- Homens vítimas de violência na intimidade: perceções dos técnicos de apoio à vítima [Men victims of intimate violence: perceptions of victim support technicians] 2018
- Violência nas relações de intimidade: estudo sobre a mudança psicoterapêutica na mulher 2006