publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Null Subjects in European and Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics. 2005
artigo de conferência
- Partial pro-drop as null NP anaphora 2011
- The acquisition of clitic pronouns by European Portuguese heritage speakers 2011
- Minimalidade e predicação 2006
- Sujeitos indeterminados em PE e PB. Revista da ABRALIN. 2003
artigo de revista
- Constraints on multiple dependencies in the left-periphery in European Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics. 2020
- Pro as a minimal np: Toward a unified approach to pro-drop. Linguistic Inquiry. 2019
- Null objects in the spontaneous speech of monolingual and bilingual speakers of European Portuguese. Probus. 2018
- O fenómeno do queísmo no falar bracarense: um estudo sociolinguístico. Diacrítica. 2015
- A case of variable impoverishment in european portuguese. Revista da ABRALIN. 2014
- When reduced input leads to delayed acquisition: A study on the acquisition of clitic placement by Portuguese heritage speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism. 2014
- A colocação dos pronomes átonos em orações infinitivas no português europeu. Diacrítica. 2011
- Pro-drop and Theories of pro in the Minimalist Program Part 1: Consistent Null Subject Languages and the Pronominal-Agr Hypothesis. Linguistics and Language Compass. 2011
- Pro-drop and Theories of pro in the Minimalist Program Part 2: Pronoun Deletion Analyses of Null Subjects and Partial, Discourse and Semi pro-drop. Linguistics and Language Compass. 2011
- Sujeitos explícitos em orações infinitivas de controlo e elevação 2009
- Two kinds of subject pro. Studia Linguistica. 2009
- Deslocação local, cliticização e spell-out cíclico. Diacrítica. 2008
- Ainda a questão dos sujeitos pré-verbais em português europeu : uma resposta a Costa (2001). Delta Documentacao de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada. 2006
- Null subjects in european and Brasilian Portuguese 2005
capítulo de livro
- Emotional Deixis in Online Hate Speech 2023
- On subject realization in infinitival complements of causative and perceptual verbs in European Portuguese: Evidence from monolingual and bilingual speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 2018
- Chapter 6. Variable use of strong preterites 2017
- Chapter 8. Clitic climbing in the speech of Braga and Lisbon 2017
- Studies on Variation in Portuguese 2017
- The study of variation in Portuguese 2017
- A closer look at cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of Portuguese as a heritage language 2016
- Clíticos no português de herança de emigrantes bilingues de segunda geração 2011
- The acquisition of clitic pronouns by European Portuguese heritage speakers. 2011
- A propriedade do sujeito nulo e o princípio da projecção alargado 2002
- On inversion in Wh-questions in romance 2001
- Clitics: A window into the null subject property 2000