publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- “It’s entirely possible to write ‘Architecture Fiction’ instead of ‘Science Fiction’”: ficção e arquitetura, realidades do cinema 2016
- What is it that makes steel homes so different, so appealing? Some considerations on Architecture 2015
- What is it that makes steel homes so different, so appealing? Some considerations on Architecture and the Winterthur Summer Workshop, Re-Doesticizing Steel 2015
artigo de revista
- Semi-Double-loop machine learning based CPS approach for predictive maintenance in manufacturing system based on machine status indications. CIRP Annals. 2021
- Contradictions and complexities: an interview with Manuel Graça Dias. JACK: Journal on Architecture and Cinema. 2018
- Corte de cabelo: how soon is now. JACK: Journal on Architecture and Cinema. 2018
- Lost in translation: reality as fake, image as reality. JACK: Journal on Architecture and Cinema. 2018
- Moving pictures, changing cultures: on the book fast cars, clean bodies. JACK: Journal on Architecture and Cinema. 2018
capítulo de livro