publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Motivation-based visitor segmentation in the context of a new governance model for a protected area. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism Leisure and Events. 2024
- Visitors' Satisfaction and Loyalty toward Protected Areas: Exploring the Role of Motivations and Perceived Quality. Leisure Sciences. 2023
- Can data openness unlock competition when an incumbent has exclusive data access for personalized pricing?. Information Economics and Policy. 2023
- Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in a Small Protected Area: Mapping Stakeholders' Perceptions in the Alvão Natural Park, Portugal. Tourism Planning and Development. 2023
artigo de conferência
- Tourism Stakeholders' Perceptions Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in a Low-Density Area: The Case of the Alvão Natural Park 2022
- Resource Usage Prediction in Distributed Key-Value Datastores. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Perceção dos participantes dos impactos da Capital Europeia da Juventude 2012 2013
- Efeitos económicos da melhoria da ligação ferroviária Porto-Vigo na euroregião Norte de Portugal-Galiza 2008
- Melhoria da ligação ferroviária Porto-Vigo na euroregião Norte de Portugal-Galiza 2008
- A alta velocidade ferroviária como factor dinamizador da economia na região Norte: o transporte de mercadorias no eixo Porto - Vigo 2007
artigo de revista
capítulo de livro
- Moral Norms in Action: Understanding the Interplay of Visitors' Motivations, Pro-Environmental Personal Norms, and Satisfaction in a Protected Area Context 2023
- Residents' Perceptions of Tourism Development in a Portuguese Peripheral and Small Natural Park 2023
- Can data openness unlock competition when the incumbent has exclusive data access for personalized pricing? (RR at Information Economics and Policy) 2022
- A Cibersegurança em Portugal – Economia. Observatório de Cibersegurança - Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança Portugal. 2022
- Access to Data for Personalised Pricing: Can it raise entry barriers and abuse of dominance concerns? (with Francisco Carballo) 2021
- Access to data for personalized pricing: can it raise entry barriers and abuse of dominance concerns? 2021
- Can data openness unlock competition when the incumbent has exclusive data access for personalized pricing? 2021
- Competition in the Turism Industry with Mass and Targeted Informative Advertising 2020
- O sistema de formação profissional dual alemão: potencialidades e entraves da eventual incorporação ao sistema de formação profissional português. 2015