publicações selecionadas
artigo de revista
- Corporate social responsibility: the impact of employees’ perceptions on organizational citizenship behavior through organizational identification 2022
- The impact of green human resource management on organizational citizenship behaviors: the mediating role of organizational identification and job satisfaction 2022
- The relationship between responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in the hospitality industry 2021
- Academic misconduct among Portuguese Economics and Business undergraduate students - a comparative analysis with other major students. Journal of Academic Ethics. 2014
- The integrity factor in subordinates` trust of their supervisors and its impact on commitment: understanding its importance in Portuguese technological enterprises. International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (ijamse). 2014
- Trust in the team leader : operationalization of the construct in an R&D context. Management Research : the Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. 2010
- Confiança nas equipas de I&D: operacionalização de um constructo. Tékhne. 2008
- Organizational commitment: Toward a different understanding of the ways people feel attached to their organizations. Management Research : the Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. 2004
- Justiça nas organizações : um modelo tetra-dimensional. Revista Psicologia: Organizações e Trabalho. 2002