publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Experimental and Analytical Study of the High-Strain Rate Flexural Behavior of SFRC. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2024
- A Review of Sheet Metal Forming Evaluation of Advanced High-Strength Steels (AHSS). Metals. 2024
- Parametric study of local laser heat treatment technology on multi forming of advanced-high strength steel (AHSS) part with complex shape. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture. 2024
- Experimental and analytical study of the high-strain-rate compressive behavior of SFRC. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2023
- Magnesium stents manufacturing: Experimental application of a novel hybrid thin-walled investment casting approach. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2022
- Experimental and Numerical Assessment of the Impact Test Performance Between Two UHSS Toe Cap Models. Materials Research. 2022
- Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Aluminum Foams Subjected to Compression Loading. International Applied Mechanics. 2017
- Static and Dynamic Tensile Behavior of Unidirectional Glass/Epoxy Composites. Advanced Materials Research. 2014
- Compressive properties and energy absorption of aluminum foams with modified cellular geometry. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2014
- Numerical simulation of impact behaviour of structures with internal pressurization for crash-adaptive concept. Engineering Transactions. 2013
- Numerical simulation of impact behaviour of structures with response adapted to the intensity of shock. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2013
- Numerical study on the sensitivity analysis for strenght and stiffness of regular cellular solids 2013
- Experimental study of impact energy absorption in aluminium square tubes with thermal triggers. Materials Research. 2012
- Design and testing of a new metallic solution for toecap component on safety footwear. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2011
- Laser Assisted Procedure for Local Thermal Manipulation of Aluminium Alloys. Advanced Materials Research. 2011
- Characterization of dynamic material properties of light alloys for crashworthiness applications. Materials Research. 2010
- Testing and analysis of masonry arches subjected to impact loads. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARCH BRIDGES (ARCH). 2010
- Dynamic Material Properties of Stainless Steel and Multiphase High Strength Steels. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Study of viscoplasticity models for the impact behavior of high-strength steels. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2007
- Application of advanced multiphase steels in crashworthiness structures: Experimental study and constitutive equations. Defects-recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors Xiv. 2006
- Dent resistance of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2006
- Determination of crash-relevant material properties of stainless steel alloy and constitutive equations. Journal De Physique. IV : JP. 2006
- Experimental and numerical study in denting resistance of 6111-T4 aluminium alloy. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Application of Dual-Phase and TRIP steels on the improvement of crashworthy structures. Defects-recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors Xiv. 2005
- Dynamic material properties of dual-phase and TRIP steels and constitutive equations. Structural Dynamics - EURODYN, Vols 1-3. 2005
- Experimental and numerical study in axial crushing of thin walled sections made of high-strength steels. Journal De Physique. IV : JP. 2003
- Determination of crash-relevant material properties for high-strength steels and constitutive equations. SAE Technical Papers. 2002
- Validation of a calibration procedure for fatigue crack growth measurement in circular section specimens. Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures Viii. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Development of laser heat treatment process for assisted forming of aluminum alloys 2021
- Experimental investigation of the effect of high strain rate loading on the compressive behaviour of the steel fibre-reinforced concrete. fib Symposium Proceedings. 2021
- Experimental investigation of the effect of high strain rate loading on the flexural behaviour of the steel fibre-reinforced concrete. fib Symposium Proceedings. 2021
- Dynamic material properties for numerical modelling of impact behavior of light-alloy structures 2019
- Simulation of thermal trigger design for crashworthiness structures 2019
- Comparison between the dynamic and initial creep response of porcine and human lumbar intervertebral discs 2015
- Geometry and material strategies for improved management of crash energy absorption 2015
- Numerical simulation of impact loading on open-cell aluminum foams 2015
- On the experimental intradiscal pressure measurement techniques: A review. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- A novel methodology to assess therelaxation rate of the intervertebral disc by increments on Intradiscal Pressure. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014
- Analysis of masonry walls subjected to high strain rate out-of-plane loads with a rate dependent interface model 2014
- Numerical simulation of impact events of the ultimate metallic toe cap model for Safety footwear 2014
- A novel methodology for measurement of the intradiscal pressure and height disc variation of intervertebral disc under compression 2013
- Advanced metallic solution for toe cap component 2013
- Contact analysis for different viscoelastic contact force models 2013
- Development of an experimental apparatus to determine impact response of articular cartilage 2013
- Innovative geometric redesign of safety footwear components using a reverse engineering approach 2013
- Sustainable reverse engineering methodology assisting 3d modeling of footwear safety metallic components 2013
- On the constraints violation for forward multibody dynamics : application of the Baumgarte stabilization method 2012
- Testing and analysis of masonry arches subjected to impact loads 2010
- INOV-MAT project: Active experience for development of learning tools in mechanics of materials 2006
artigo de revista
- An Experimental and Numerical Study on Aluminum Alloy Tailor Heat Treated Blanks. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2023
- Compressive properties and energy absorption of metal-polymer hybrid cellular structures. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2020
- Predicting the output dimensions, porosity and elastic modulus of additive manufactured biomaterial structures targeting orthopedic implants 2019
- Development of forming tool concept validator with variable stiffness blank-holder for high strength steel applications. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture. 2019
- A study on the production of thin-walled Ti6Al4V parts by selective laser melting. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2019
- Thin-rib and high aspect ratio non-stochastic scaffolds by vacuum assisted investment casting. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2019
- Impact behaviour of safety shoe high strength steel parts. Engineering Transactions. 2018
- Significance of cell number on the bulk elastic properties of auxetic reentrant lattices. Science and Technology of Materials. 2018
- Special issue on cellular materials. Science and Technology of Materials. 2018
- Study on the impact behaviour of a new safety toe cap model made of ultra-high-strength steels. Materials & Design. 2016
- A comparative study of the viscoelastic constitutive models for frictionless contact interfaces in solids. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2015
- Dynamic interface model for masonry walls subjected to high strain rate out-of-plane loads. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2015
- Implementation and validation of a strain rate dependent anisotropic continuum model for masonry. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015
- Process development for manufacturing of cellular structures with controlled geometry and properties. Materials Research. 2015
- Quasi-static and dynamic properties of the intervertebral disc: Experimental study and model parameter determination for the porcine lumbar motion segment. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. 2015
- Study and characterization of the crest module design: A 3D finite element analysis. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 2015
- The intradiscal failure pressure on porcine lumbar intervertebral discs: An experimental approach. Mechanical Sciences. 2015
- Numerical study on the sensitivity analysis for strenght and stiffness of regular cellular solids. International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Simulation Strategies for Dynamic and Static Behaviour of Composite Beams 2022
- Simulation of Crashworthiness Performance of Thin-Walled Structures with Adapted Trigger Design 2022
- Study on forming tool module with variable stiffness blank-holder for applications in high strength steel and laser welding parts. Advanced Structured Materials. 2019
- Development of Impact Loading Equipment for Testing of FRP Strips as Reinforcement of Masonry Bricks 2015
- Apontamentos de apoio às aulas teórico-práticas de Mecânica dos Materiais 1, edição 2017/2018: Mestrado Integrado em Eng. Mecânica 2017
- System for Automatic and Personalized Modelling/Bending of Surgical Prosthesis for Correction of Pectus Excavatum Based on Pre-Surgical Imagyology Information 2009
- Sistema de modelagem/dobragem automática e personalizada de prótese cirúrgica para correcção de Pectus Excavatum com base na informação imagiológica pré-cirúrgica 2009
- Cellular materials: structural behaviour, modelling and characterisation 2017
- Numerical simulation of compressive response of open-cell aluminum foams 2014
- Quasi-static compressive properties of aluminium foams with functionally graded properties 2014
- Study of a W-beam guardrail behaviour in road safety barriers 2014
- Experimental procedures for the identification of material properties of intervertebal disc - a contribution for the development of biomimetic substitutes for the nucleus pulposus 2016
- Análise e simulação do processo de dobragem de um tubo elíptico utilizando um aço avançado de elevada resistência 2015
- Desenvolvimento de acessórios de máquinas de movimentação de terras recorrendo a soluções avançadas em aço de alta resistência 2015
- Design of mechatronic system for handling bedridden people 2015
- Engenharia de embalagens: propostas de acondicionamento na indústria de autorrádios 2015
- Estudo e melhoramento de técnica de aparafusamento de um autorrádio 2015
- High strain rate constitutive modeling forhistorical structures subjected to blast loading 2015
- Projecto de componentes estruturais recorrendo a soluções avançadas em aços de alta resistência 2015
- Projeto de produção de tubo elíptico em aço avançado de elevada resistência para uma serra de arco 2015
- Simulação numérica do comportamento ao impacto de componentes metálicos para aplicações de crashworthiness utilizando iniciadores de deformação configuráveis 2015
- Simulação numérica do comportamento ao impacto de componentes para calçado de segurança 2015
- Derivados de cortiça : caraterização mecânica e anti-vibratória 2012
- Simulação numérica do comportamento ao impacto de componentes em alumínio 2012
- Simulação numérica do comportamento ao impacto de estruturas com resposta adaptada à intensidade do choque 2012
- Simulação numérica do comportamento ao impacto de estruturas utilizadas em segurança rodoviária 2012
- Simulação numérica e verificação experimental do comportamento elástoplástico de espumas metálicas 2012