publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- MAXIMAL SUBSEMIGROUPS OF INFINITE SYMMETRIC GROUPS. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical SocIETy. 2024
- Regular Elements and Green's Relations in Generalised Linear Transformation Semigroups . Southeast Asian Bull. Math.. 2014
- Duo semigroups of generalised transformations of sets. Pure Mathematics and Applications (PU.M.A.) . 2010
- The ideal structure of semigroups of linear transformations with lower bounds on their nullity or defect. Algebra Colloquium. 2010
- Inverse semigroups generated by linear transformations. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical SocIETy. 2005
- Baer-Levi semigroups of linear transformations. Royal Society of Edinburgh - Proceedings A. 2004
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- On a class of nonsingular matrices containing B-matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 2019
- Green’s relations, regularity and abundancy for semigroups of quasi-onto transformations. Semigroup Forum. 2015
- Regular elements and Green's relations in generalized transformation semigroups. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. 2013
- Almost Injective Transformations of an Infinite Set. Communications in Algebra. 2012
- The ideal structure of semigroups of transformations with restricted range. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical SocIETy. 2011
- The ideal structure of semigroups of linear transformations with lower bounds on their nullity or defect. Algebra Colloquium. 2010
- Semigroups of transformations restricted by an equivalence. Central European Journal of Mathematics. 2010
- The ideal structure of semigroups of linear transformations with upper bounds on their nullity or defect. Communications in Algebra. 2009
- Maximal inverse subsemigroups of the symmetric inverse semigroup on a finite-dimensional vector space. Communications in Algebra. 2006
- Semigroups of injective linear transformations with infinite defect. Communications in Algebra. 2006
- Inverse semigroups generated by linear transformations. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical SocIETy. 2005
- Baer-Levi semigroups of linear transformations. Proceedings of the Royal SocIETy of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics. 2004
- Tópicos de Matemática Discreta: exercícios resolvidos para a unidade curricular 2023
- Resolução dos exercícios propostos para a UC de Álgebra Linear da Licenciatura em Gestão 2020
- Notas para a unidade curricular Tópicos de Matemática Discreta - mestrado integrado em Engenharia Informática 2017
- Notas para a unidade curricular de Módulos e Anéis 2017