publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The Phillips curve at 65: Time for time and frequency. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2023
- Economic forecasts and executive approval. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2023
- The performance of OECD's composite leading indicator. International Journal of Finance & Economics. 2023
- How Far is Gas from becoming a Global Commodity?. Energy Journal. 2022
- Opinion expression on hazing: has the Spiral of Silence reached the Portuguese higher education?. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 2021
- What are the best quorum rules? A laboratory investigation. Public Choice. 2019
- Transparency, Policy Outcomes, and Incumbent Support. Kyklos. 2019
- Procedural Fairness, the Economy, and Support for Political Authorities 2019
artigo de conferência
- CO2 Price Dynamics in the Carbon Market of California 2015
- Carbon Financial Markets: a time-frequency analysis of CO2 price drivers 2014
- Inflation rate dynamics convergence within the euro. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Forecasting in data-rich environments 2004
artigo de revista
- Okun's Law across time and frequencies. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2020
- A time–frequency analysis of the Canadian macroeconomy and the yield curve. Empirical Economics. 2018
- Estimating the Taylor rule in the time-frequency domain. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2018
- California's carbon market and energy prices: a wavelet analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal SocIETy A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2018
- Business cycle synchronization across US states. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2017
- Experimental evidence that quorum rules discourage turnout and promote election boycotts. Experimental Economics. 2016
- Energy and carbon prices: a comparison of interactions in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and the Western Climate Initiative market. Carbon Management. 2015
- Carbon financial markets : a time–frequency analysis of CO2 prices. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2014
- Carbon financial markets : a time–frequency analysis of CO2 prices. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2014
- The continuous wavelet transform : moving beyond uni and bivariate analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys. 2014
- Convergence of the economic sentiment cycles in the Eurozone : a time-frequency analysis. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 2013
- The nationalization of electoral cycles in the United States: a wavelet analysis. Public Choice. 2013
- Convergence of economic sentiment cycles in the euro area : a time-frequency analysis 2012
- Cycles in politics : wavelet analysis of political time-series. American Journal of Political Science. 2012
- Forecasting Spanish elections. International Journal of Forecasting. 2012
- Foreign direct investment and home-country political risk : the case of Brazil. Latin American Research Review. 2012
- OPEC's oil exporting strategy and macroeconomic (in)stability. Energy Economics. 2012
- The yield curve and the macro-economy across time and frequencies. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2012
- Wavelets and economics 2011
- Business cycle synchronization and the Euro: a wavelet analysis. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2011
- Oil and the macroeconomy : using wavelets to analyze old issues. Empirical Economics. 2011
- How quorum rules distort referendum outcomes: Evidence from a pivotal voter model. European Journal of Political Economy. 2010
- Referendum design, quorum rules and turnout. Public Choice. 2010
- Challenges ahead for the Portuguese. South European SocIETy and Politics. 2009
- Using wavelets to decompose the time–frequency effects of monetary policy. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2008
- A note on the stability properties of Goodwin's predator-prey model. Review of Radical Political Economics. 2008
- Understanding the large negative impact of oil shocks. Journal of Money Credit and Banking. 2007
- Capital gains. International Journal of Economic Theory. 2006
- Public vs private schooling in an endogenous growth model. Economics Bulletin. 2005
capítulo de livro
- How far is gas from becoming a global commodity? 2021
- A time-frequency analysis of sovereign debt contagion in europe 2019
- Okun’s law across time and frequencies 2019
- The Phillips Curve at 60: time for time and frequency 2019
- What are the best quorum rules? A Laboratory Investigation 2019
- Estimating the Taylor Rule in the Time-Frequency Domain 2018
- Procedural fairness, the economy, and support for political authorities 2018
- A time-frequency analysis of the Canadian macroeconomy and the yield curve 2017
- California´s carbon market and energy prices: a wavelet analysis 2017
- Procedural fairness and economic voting 2017
- Optimum currency area and business cycle synchronization across U.S. States 2015
- Carbon and energy prices : surfing the wavelets of California 2014
- Carbon financial markets: a time-frequency analysis of CO2 price drivers 2014
- Dynamics of CO2 price drivers 2014
- Estimating the Taylor Rule in the time-frequency domain 2014
- Experimental evidence that quorum rules discourage turnout and promote election boycotts 2013
- Oil shocks and the euro as an optimum currency area 2013
- Emprego e TSU: o impacto no emprego das alterações nas contribuições dos trabalhadores e das empresas [Dados] 2012
- Oil shocks and the Euro as an Optimum Currency Area 2012
- A poupança em Portugal 2011
- Cycles in politics : wavelet analysis of political time-series 2011
- Forecasting spanish elections 2011
- OPEC´s oil exporting strategy and macroeconomic (in) stability 2011
- The continuous wavelet transform : a primer 2011
- Business cycle synchronization and the euro: a wavelet analysis 2010
- O euro e o crescimento da economia portuguesa : uma análise contrafactual 2010
- On waves in war and elections wavelet analysis of political time-series 2010
- Synchronism in electoral cycles : how united are the United States? 2010
- The Yield Curve and the Macro-economy across Time and Frequencies 2010
- The continuous wavelet transform: a primer 2010
- Growth, centrism and semi-presidentialism : forecasting the portuguese general elections 2008
- Referendum design, quorum rules and turnout 2008
- A note on the stability properties of goodwin's predator-prey model 2007
- Oil dependence and economic instability 2007
- Using cross-wavelets to decompose the time-frequency relation between oil and the macroeconomy 2007
- Using wavelets to decompose time-frequency economic relations 2007
- Foreign direct investment in Brazil and home country risk 2006
- Understanding the impact of oil shocks 2005
- Public vs private schooling in an endogenous growth model 2004
- Foreign trade and equilibrium indeterminacy 2004
- Predicting the performance of a first year graduate student 2003
- The adequacy of the traditional econometric approach to nonlinear cycles 2001
- The stability properties of goodwin's growth cycle model 2001