publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Design of a sensor to estimate suspended sediment transport in situ using the measurements of water velocity, suspended sediment concentration and depth. Journal of Environmental Management. 2024
- Comparative Analysis between Remote Sensing Burned Area Products in Brazil: A Case Study in an Environmentally Unstable Watershed. Fire. 2024
- A review of methods and instruments to monitor turbidity and suspended sediment concentration. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2024
- Estudo da composição florística para a conservação da biodiversidade no Parque das Camélias (Munícipio de Braga) 2024
- Assessment of the potential for hydrokinetic energy production in the Douro river estuary under sea level rise scenarios. Energy. 2023
- Combinação de métodos geofísicos, geoquímicos e geoespaciais para estudo de locais mineiros – o caso de estudo da Mina de S. Domingos 2023
- UAV data and GPR prospection for the study of a pre-historic necropolis in NW Portugal 2023
- Remote sensing indicators to assess riparian vegetation and river ecosystem health. Ecological Indicators. 2022
- A low-cost, low-power and low-size multi-parameter station for real-time and online monitoring of the coastal area. OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads. 2022
- Hazard mapping based on observed coastal erosion rates and definition of set-back lines to support coastal management plans in the north coast of Portugal. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. 2022
- Development of an automated sensor for in-situ continuous monitoring of streambed sediment height of a waterway. Heredity. 2022
- A multi-scale modelling framework to guide management of plant invasions in a transboundary context 2016
- A simplified approach to motion estimation in a UAV using two filters. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2016
- Fine-scale patterns of vegetation assembly in the monitoring of changes in coastal sand-dune landscapes. Web Ecology. 2010
- On the interest of plant functional classifications to study community—level effects of increased disturbance on coastal dune vegetation. Acta Botanica Gallica. 2010
- Programa domicílios livres de fumo. 2009
- Smoked-free homes programme: past, present and future 2009
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental changes in the coastal zone of northwestern Portugal. Journal of Quaternary Science. 2006
- Metodologia para a optimização do cálculo das terras de cobertura nos aterros sanitários 1997
artigo de conferência
- Estudo de soluções para a estabilização e proteção da restinga de Ofir 2023
- Contribuição dos municípios para a promoção da geodiversidade: o exemplo da iniciativa Geovaldevez 2023
- Engraved equines from Minho (North of Portugal): valorising rock art through the Equestrian Tourism 2023
- Estudo da dinâmica recente no litoral norte de Portugal com recurso a veículos aéreos não tripulados e fotogrametria 2023
- Building coastal resilience through erosion rates knowledge in the Portuguese Northern Coast 2022
- On the age and extent of the Serra da Peneda glaciation, NW Portugal 2022
- Engraved equines from Minho (North of Portugal): valorising rock art through the Equestrian Tourism 2021
- Avaliação da geodiversidade de Portugal Continental 2021
- Avaliação e efeitos de eventos extremos e alterações climáticas na erosão costeira no norte de Portugal 2021
- Cost Effective CTD for Long Term Deployments in Water Columns 2021
- Deteção remota apoiada por veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANT) aplicada à monitorização de áreas sujeitas a incêndios florestais 2021
- Integrating GPR geophysical prospection and UAV’s for the study of the Chã da Mourisca Neolithic Mound (Northwest Portugal) 2021
- TERRAMATER project: a tool for post-fire rehabilitation and restoration of soils 2021
- Responses of Riparian Vegetation NDVI to changes in water availability in heterogenous ecosystems 2020
- Optical device for in situ monitoring of suspended particulate matter and organic/inorganic distinguish 2019
- Remote sensing in post-fire impact assessment and vegetation recovery monitoring 2019
- Use of UAV's and geophysical prospection as a way to promote prehistorical archaeological heritage 2019
- Evaluation and Effects of Extreme Events and Climate Change ¿ Implications for the Use of Coastal Waters on the North of Portugal 2018
- Can geosites be restored? The example of the Alto Vez geosite (Peneda Mountain, Portugal) 2018
- Geoconservation in action: restoring the Alto Vez Geosite 2017
- Evaluation of Erosion Levels on the Northwest Coast of Portugal 2016
- Avaliação de Alterações no Cabedelo do Rio Douro com Recurso a VANT’s 2016
- Close range photogrammetry as a method for monitoring of coastal geoecology (On the example of Ramalha beach, Portugal) 2015
- New methodologies for the promotion of Geological Heritage using multimedia technology, 3D and augmented reality. 2015
- Water resources assessment using GIS procedures: application in Ceará State (Brazil) 2015
- Vulnerabilidade em património geomorfológico não protegido: o caso do geossítio "Vale do Alto Vez" (Serra da Peneda) 2013
- Coastal monitoring 2011
- Coastal zone geomorphologic interactions: natural versus human-induced driving factors 2011
- Integração de metodologias no estabelecimento de um programa de monitorização costeira para avaliação de risco 2011
- Programa multidisciplinar de monitorização de curto termo para apoio ao planeamento e gestão da zona costeira 2011
- Small harbours risks: Lowering for fishery and increasing erosion. The case of Portinho da Aguda (Nw Portugal) 2011
- Early indicators of coastal dynamics in climate change vulnerability assessment 2010
- Risk assessment in coastal zones based on a comprehensive short term monitoring program 2010
- Application of a Low cost Mobile Mapping to Coastal Monitoring 2009
- Breaking Through the Bottleneck Transportation to Make Stewart a Viable New York Airport 2009
- Smoking : prevention, treatment and protection : proceedings of the I International Conference on Smoking Prevention and Treatment 2009
- Smoking: prevention, treatment and protection: proceedings of the I International Conference on Smoking Prevention and Treatment 2009
- Rocks, minerals, and microscopes: a multimedia application 2004
- New data and new ideas concerning recent geomorphological changes in the NW coastal zone of Portugal 2002
- Rochas de Portugal ao microscópio: um hiperdocumento para o ensino experimental das ciências naturais 2001
- The geological heritage of the Peneda-Gerês National Park (NW Portugal) and its electronic divulgation 1999
artigo de revista
- Analysis of Spectral Separability for Detecting Burned Areas Using Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS Images under Different Biomes in Brazil and Portugal. Forests. 2023
- Design and In Situ Validation of Low-Cost and Easy to Apply Anti-Biofouling Techniques for Oceanographic Continuous Monitoring with Optical Instruments. Bioengineering. 2023
- Evaluation of the Ability of SLSTR (Sentinel-3B) and MODIS (Terra) Images to Detect Burned Areas Using Spatial-Temporal Attributes and SVM Classification. Forests. 2022
- Is It Worth Assessing Geodiversity Numerically? A Comparative Analysis between Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Miguel Pereira Municipality, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Geosciences. 2022
- Between heroes or deities? iron age sacrificial agencies depicted in rock 6 from monte de Porreiras (Northwest Portugal). Zephyrus. 2022
- Remote sensing depicts riparian vegetation responses to water stress in a humid Atlantic region. Heredity. 2021
- Assessment of k-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest Classifiers for Mapping Forest Fire Areas in Central Portugal Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and Terra Imagery. Remote Sensing. 2021
- Algae in Acid Mine Drainage and Relationships with Pollutants in a Degraded Mining Ecosystem. Minerals. 2021
- Design of a Multipoint Cost-Effective Optical Instrument for Continuous In-Situ Monitoring of Turbidity and Sediment. Bioengineering. 2020
- A Discussion on the Quantification and Classification of Geodiversity Indices Based on GIS Methodological Tests. Geoheritage. 2020
- Technical and scientific aspects of dams in Brazil: A theoretical approach,Aspectos técnico-científicos de barragens no Brasil: Uma abordagem teórica. Revista Ambiente e Água. 2020
- Development of a Cost-Effective Optical Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Turbidity and Suspended Particulate Matter in Marine Environment. Bioengineering. 2019
- Studying the Construction of Floor Mosaics in the Roman Villa of Pisões (Portugal) Using Noninvasive Methods: High-Resolution 3D GPR and Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing. 2019
- Studying the Construction of Floor Mosaics in the Roman Villa of Pisões (Portugal) Using Noninvasive Methods: High-Resolution 3D GPR and Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing. 2019
- Methodologies to Represent and Promote the Geoheritage Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Multimedia Technologies, and Augmented Reality. Geoheritage. 2018
- A multi-scale modelling framework to guide management of plant invasions in a transboundary context. Forest Ecosystems. 2016
- Evaluating an unmanned aerial vehicle-based approach for assessing habitat extent and condition in fine-scale early successional mountain mosaics. Applied Vegetation Science. 2016
- Close range photogrammetry in the survey of the coastal area geoecological conditions (on the example of Portugal). Earth Sciences. 2015
- Methods for coastal monitoring and erosion risk assessment: two Portuguese case studies. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. 2015
- Methods for coastal monitoring and erosion risk assessment: two Portuguese case studies. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. 2015
- UAV photogrammetry for topographic monitoring of coastal areas. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2015
- Desenvolvimento de aplicações educativas em geologia : um exemplo 2000
capítulo de livro
- "Engraved equines from Minho (North of Portugal): valorizing rock art through the Equestrian Tourism". In Equinology and Equestrian Tourism, Viana do Castelo: Câmara Municipal (no prelo) (ver PDF anexo ao projeto) 2023
- UAV¿s Multimedia Technology and Augmented Reality (Geointegration): New Concept and New Paradigm of Geodiversity Presentation 2020
- Alien Plant Species: Environmental Risks in Agricultural and Agro-Forest Landscapes Under Climate Change. Climate Change Management. 2019
- Previsão e avaliação do risco. 2018
- A Green City: Impossible Dream or Necessity? 2016
- Geossítios de relevância nacional e internacional em Portugal Continental. 2013
- Use of multispectral images in the identification of geological features in the Estremoz-Barrancos sector 2023
- Engraved equines from Minho (North of Portugal): valorising rock art through the Equestrian Tourism 2023
- Application of unsupervised machine learning techniques for lithological and soil mapping in Ossa-Morena Zone 2022
- Soil and lithological mapping using supervised classification in the Mociços Mine. The use of drone imagery 2022
- Remote sensing in Ossa-Morena Zone: lithological and mineralogical mapping using satellite and multispectral drone imagery 2022
- Geointegration of webmaps and multimedia elements for the representation of databases in Geosciences: Case study of Talhado's viewpoint, Alagoas-Brazil 2021
- Avaliação da geodiversidade de Portugal Continental 2021
- Virtual tour of the Serra das Russas¿s mylonites, Pernambuco, Brazil: a database tool based on graphical interactivity for interpreting the geosite 2020
- Design of a Multipoint Cost-Effective Optical Instrument for Continuous In-Situ Monitoring of Turbidity and Sediment 2020
- Responses of Riparian Vegetation NDVI to changes in water availability in heterogenous ecosystems 2020
- Use of UAV's and geophysical prospection as a way to promote prehistorical archaeological heritage 2019
- Remote sensing in post-fire impact assessment and vegetation recovery monitoring 2019
- Can geosites be restored? The example of the Alto Vez geosite (Peneda Mountain, Portugal). Geophysical Research Abstracts. 2018
- Geoconservation in action: restoring the Alto Vez geosite 2017
- Investigação participativa e multidisciplinar na Villa Romana de Pisões. Resultados preliminares de Geofísica e Fotogrametria. 2017
- UNESCO Global Geopark Geological Map Terra dos Cavaleiros 2016
- New methodologies for the promotion of Geological Heritage using multimedia technology, 3D and augmented reality. 2015
- Caracterização e Estratificação de Parcelas de Vinha na região demarcada do Douro, com recurso a Fotografias Aéreas capatadas por um Veículo Aéreo não Tripulado 2013
- Coastal zone geomorphologic interactions: natural versus human-induced driving factors 2011
- Integração de metodologias no estabelecimento de um programa de monitorização costeira para avaliação de risco 2011
- Programa multidisciplinar de monitorização de curto termo para apoio ao planeamento e gestão da zona costeira 2011
- Smoking: prevention, treatment and protection: proceedings of the I International Conference on Smoking Prevention and Treatment 2009
- Rocks, minerals, and microscopes: a multimedia application 2004
- Desenvolvimento de aplicac¸o~es educativas em geologia : um exemplo 2000
- The geological heritage of the Peneda-Gere^s National Park (NW Portugal) and its electronic divulgation 1999
- Actas do I Congresso Nacional de Educação para a Saúde 1998
- Sediment circulation and accumulation sensors for in situ continuous monitoring 2024
- Assessment of the potential of hydrokinetic energy production in the Douro River estuary under climate change scenarios 2023
- Contributo para a catalogação da geodiversidade submarina ao largo de Viana do Castelo e reconstituição da evolução da linha de costa durante o Holocénico 2023
- Evolução de superfícies planetárias: Marte - planeta dinâmico 2022
- Evolução recente da dinâmica costeira da Praia do Camarido à Praia de Moledo 2022
- Mapeamento de flora dunar através de veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs) 2022
- Monitorização costeira da Praia da Aguçadoura - Póvoa de Varzim 2022
- Multi-scale fluvial remote sensing - a study on spatial scaling discrepancies between Sentinel-2 and UAV multispectral data on riparian zones in Northwest Portugal 2022
- Caracterização de solos sujeitos a incêndios 2021
- Mapeamento da suscetibilidade a movimentos de massa e inundações no município de Estância, Estado de Sergipe, Brasil 2021
- Evolução recente da dinâmica costeira no sector Cabedelo-Amorosa (Viana do Castelo) 2020
- Identificação de dispositivos de infiltração e drenagem nas planícies de Marromeu: unidades elementares na zonografia de cheias do baixo Zambeze - Moçambique 2019
- Caracterização morfológica e ambiental de um trecho do Rio Torto - Ribeira de Panóias e área envolvente: determinação do potencial de risco de ocorrência de cheias e potenciais restrições ao uso da água 2018
- Monitorização e modelação da morfodinâmica costeira através de veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANT): o caso das praias de Ofir e Bonança (Esposende, noroeste de Portugal) 2018
- Desenvolvimento de um sensor de turbidez para aplicações marítimas por sensorização ótica e por reflexão acústica 2017
- Avaliação e valorização do património geológico do concelho de Fafe 2015
- Cartografia geomorfológica do Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros 2014
- Metodologia espacio – temporal de avaliação, controlo de riscos e intervenção na linha de costa do litoral Norte 2013
- Monitorização da zona costeira tendo em vista a sua vulnerabilidade – aplicação à zona costeira noroeste de Portugal 2007