publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Lead in the Iron Quadrangle Mining Province, Brazil: geochemical mapping and reference values. Comunicações Geológicas. 2024
- Multi-elementary Indices for Assessment of the Quality of River Sediments in the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil. Comunicações Geológicas. 2024
- Seasonal impact of acid mine drainage on water quality and potential ecological risk in an old sulfide exploitation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2024
- Geochemical Mapping and Reference Values of Potentially Toxic Elements in a Contaminated Mining Region: Upper Velhas River Basin Stream Sediments, Iron Quadrangle, Brazil. Minerals. 2023
- Raw clays from Morocco for degradation of pollutants by Fenton-like reaction for water treatment. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2023
- A New Acidity-Based Approach for Estimating Total Dissolved Solids in Acidic Mining Influenced Water. Water. 2023
- Editorial for Special Issue “Pollutants in Acid Mine Drainage”. Minerals. 2023
- A Geostatistical approch for Mercury spatial patterns assessment in sediments in na old mining region – the Caveira Mine case study, Portugal. 2023
- Caracterização Mineralógica, Geoquímica e Potencial de Valorização de Resíduos de Mineração de Ouro (Minas Gerais, Brasil) 2023
- Combinação de métodos geofísicos, geoquímicos e geoespaciais para estudo de locais mineiros – o caso de estudo da Mina de S. Domingos 2023
- Acid sulfate soils decrease surface water quality in coastal area of West Malaysia: Quo Vadis?. Geoderma Regional. 2022
- Use of natural zeolite-rich tuff and siliceous sand for mine water treatment from abandoned gold mine tailings. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2021
- Hydrochemistry of pit lakes in the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- Hydrogeochemistry and distribution of potentially toxic elements in a metallogenic province - The Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- Partitioning of potentially toxic elements among two colloidal fractions and relevance for their mobility in different water types. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- Thorium and Uranium distribution in a passive system for mine water treatment. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- Thorium and Uranium distribution in a passive system for mine water treatment. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019
- WATER SUPPLY AND ACCESS TO SAFE WATER IN DEVELOPING ARID COUNTRIES. Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies (JESES). 2019
- Hydrochemical characterization of a river affected by acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Water Science and Technology. 2017
- Occurrence of sulphate efflorescences in são domingos mine,Ocorrência de eflorescências sulfatadas na mina de são domingos. Comunicações Geológicas. 2017
- Rare Earth Elements, Iron and Manganese in Ochre-precipitates and Wetland Soils of a Passive Treatment System for Acid Mine Drainage. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. 2017
- Erratum to Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water (Environ Sci Pollut Res, DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4776-0). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016
- Water quality in the municipality of são domingos (Santiago island, Cape Verde) | Qualidade da água no concelho de são domingos (Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde). Comunicações Geológicas. 2015
- Fuzzy Intelligence Approach for Modeling the Migration of Contaminants in a Reservoir Affected by AMD Pollution | Ein Fuzzy-Logik-Ansatz zur Modellierung des Schadstofftransports in einem durch Sauerwasser beeinflussten Stausee | Aproximación por inteligencia difusa para modelar la migración de contaminantes en un reservorio afectado por polución AMD. Mine Water and the Environment. 2014
- Geochemical evolution of waste-dumps and natural rehabilitation | Evolução geoquímica de resíduos em escombreiras e tendências de reabilitação natural. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Indicadores de drenagem ácida num sistema afetado por contaminação mineira: o caso da escombreira de Santo António de Penedono 2014
- Indicators of Acid Mine Drainage in an affected system: The case of the mine Santo António de Penedono | Indicadores de drenagem ácida num sistema afetado por contaminação mineira: O caso da escombreira de Santo António de Penedono. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Landslides risk evaluation: Proposal of a methodology | Avaliação do risco à ocorrência de movimentos de massa: Proposta de uma metodologia. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Mineralogy and environmental relevance of AMD-precipitates from the Tharsis mines, Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW, Spain). Applied Geochemistry. 2013
- Statistical contrast analysis of hydrochemical parameters upstream of the tidal influence in two AMD-affected rivers. Mine Water and the Environment. 2013
- Rare-earth-element fractionation patterns in estuarine sediments as a consequence of acid mine drainage: A case study in SW Spain | Patrones de fraccionamiento de tierras raras en sedimentos estuarinos como consecuencia del drenaje ácido de mina: Estudio del SW de España. Boletín Geológico y Minero. 2012
- Application of fuzzy logic to qualify the environmental impact in abandoned mining sites. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2011
- A comparative study of the influence of geochemical parameters on the distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in two distinctive tidal marshes. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009
- The role of two acidophilic algae as ecological indicators of acid mine drainage sites. Journal of Iberian Geology. 2007
- Typology and evolution of the new mineralogy developed at the mine waste dump of Valdarcas (Vila Nova de Cerveira - N Portugal) - environmental implications | Tipologia e evolucao dos materiais de neoformacao supergenica detectados na escombreira da Mina de Valdarcas (Vila Nova de Cerveira - N Portugal) - implicacoes ambientais. Cuadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe. 1998
artigo de conferência
- The role of the iron oxyhydroxides and efflorescent sulfates in remediation by natural attenuation of mining contaminated systems 2023
- Study Of The Toxicity Of Mine Waters: Implications Of Suspended Matter On The Performance Of Tolerant Plants 2023
- Adsorption of arsenic dissolved in acid mine drainage water by an iron oxide hydroxide (ferrihydrite) 2023
- Copiapite group: occurrence and properties in mining contamination scenarios 2023
- Lead in the Iron Quadrangle Mining Province, Brazil: geochemical mapping and reference values 2023
- Multi-elementary Indices for Assessment of the Quality of River Sediments in the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil 2023
- Potential accumulation of strategic elements in mining dams - from remining to rehabilitation 2023
- A Geostatistical approch for Mercury spatial patterns assessment in sediments in na old mining region - the Caveira Mine case study, Portugal. 2022
- Characterization of Arsenical Mud from Effluent Treatment of AU Concentration Plants, Minas Gerais – Brazil 2021
- Acid Mine Drainage Precipitates at the Nanometric Scale ¿ Properties and Environmental Role 2021
- Acid Mine Drainage Precipitates at the Nanometric Scale – Properties and Environmental Role 2021
- Deteção remota apoiada por veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANT) aplicada à monitorização de áreas sujeitas a incêndios florestais 2021
- O uso do fogo controlado como ferramenta de gestão da vegetação em áreas de montanha e os seus efeitos nas propriedades físicas do solo 2021
- TERRAMATER project: a tool for post-fire rehabilitation and restoration of soils 2021
- Hidroquímica e qualidade da água, estudo de variações sazonais: o caso do furo FST-924, concelho de São Domingos 2020
- Physical and chemical conditions for colonization by Euglena mutabilis: case studies in two acid mine drainage sites 2019
- Spatial water interaction in radium/uranium mines – a Portuguese case study 2019
- Geo-accumulation indexes of trace elements in sediments from uranium environments (Central Portugal) 2019
- Mineralogical Attenuation Processes Associated With The Evolution Of Acid Mine Drainage In Sulfide-Rich Mine Wastes 2019
- Mineralogical Attenuation Processes Associated With The Evolution Of Acid Mine Drainage In Sulfide-Rich Mine Wastes 2019
- Mobility Control Of Uranium And Other Potentially Toxic Elements In Mine Waters By Ochre-Precipitates 2019
- Monitoring of a public water supply system: a case of groundwater contamination by acid rock drainage 2019
- Physical and chemical conditions for colonization by Euglena mutabilis: case studies in two acid mine drainage sites. 2019
- Spatial distribution of acid mine drainage indexes in different water environments. 2019
- Spatial distribution of acid mine drainage indexes in different water reservoirs 2019
- Spatial water interaction in radium/uranium mines - a Portuguese case study 2019
- Stream sediment contamination indexes in a U-enriched area 2019
- Monitoring of a public water supply system: a case of groundwater contamination by acid rock drainage 2018
- Characterization of water reservoirs and potential of mining contamination in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal. 2018
- Impact of acid mine drainage on acidophilic algae and evaluation of its effect on primary production 2018
- Mineralogical indicators of Acid rock drainage (ARD) in road cuts from different lithostratigraphic units 2018
- Mineralogical indicators of acid rock drainage (ARD) in road cuts from different lithostratigraphic units. 2018
- Caracterización hidrogeoquímica de efluentes de escombreras en el grupo minero la Zarza-Perruna 2017
- Estudio hidroquímico de los embalses afectados por procesos de drenaje ácido de mina en la faja pirítica ibérica 2017
- Mapping mining wastes and analyzing affected areas through expeditious physico-chemical parameters 2017
- Propuesta de un modelo de minería circular a partir de datos hidrogeoquímicos asociados a escombreras de la faja pirítica ibérica (SW España) 2017
- Relationships between physico-chemical indicators of acid mine drainage 2017
- Salt efflorescences in the iberian pyrite belt: occurrence and distribution 2017
- Caracterização ambiental do Complexo Mineiro de São Domingos – Cartografia de infra-estruturas e impacte sobre o meio hídrico. 2017
- Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on the environmental quality and potential accumulation of strategic metals in water dams located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. 2017
- Mapping mining wastes and analyzing affected areas through expeditious physico-chemical parameters. 2017
- Papel de las diatomeas como indicadores del grado de afección de embalses receptores de AMD: influencia del PH en el modo de ocurrencia 2017
- Relationships between physico-chemical indicator of acid mine drainage. 2017
- AMD-precipitates formed in an arsenic-rich environment: the case of the Penedono mine waste-dumps (N Portugal) 2016
- Aportaciones del Centro de Investigación para la Ingeniería en Minería Sostenible (CIPIMS) al conocimiento de la hidrogeoquímica de los ríos Tinto y Odiel 2016
- Fraccionamiento de tierras taras en aguas superficiales afectadas por drenaje ácido de mina en la Faja Pirítica Ibérica 2016
- Isótopos de Uranio en aguas de embalses potencialmente afectados por drenaje ácido de mina en la Faja Pirítica Ibérica (Huelva, SW de España) 2016
- Mineralogy of the sediments of water dams affected by acid mine drainage in the Spanish sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Europe) 2016
- Propuesta metodológica para la caracterización de un embalse minero mediante técnicas geofísicas y posterior contraste de resultados mediante ICP y DRX 2016
- Variaciones estacionales en la concentración de metales pesados en la materia en suspensión de un estuario afectado por A. M. D. (La Ría de Huelva) 2016
- AMD-precipitates formed in an arsenic-rich environment – the case of Penedono mine waste-dumps (N Portugal). 2016
- Aportaciones del Centro de Investigación para la Ingeniería en Minería Sostenible (CIPIMS) al conocimiento de la hidrogeoquímica de los ríos Tinto y Odiel. 2016
- Blooms of sulfate efflorescences in São Domingos mine. 2016
- El embalse El Sancho: un escenario singular afectado por procesos AMD 2016
- Escombreiras reactivas da mina de Valdarcas (NW de Portugal): evolução da cobertura vegetal 2016
- Magnesium and aluminum sulfates in salt efflorescences from acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) 2016
- Mineralogy of the sediments of water dams affected by Acid Mine Drainage in the Spanish sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Europe). 2016
- Mobility of rare earth elements in AMD-precipitates, Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain). Geo-Temas. 2016
- Propriedades do efluente da mina de Valdarcas (NW de Portugal): evolução de espacial e temporal das características hidroquímicas da drenagem ácida 2016
- pH, Acidity and Electrical Conductivity Relationships in Acid Mine Drainage in São Domingos Mine (SW Portugal). 2016
- Metals and arsenic enrichment processes in sulfide-rich waste dumps - the role of the clay size fraction 2014
- Avaliação do risco à ocorrência de movimentos de massa: proposta de uma metodologia 2014
- Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water. 2014
- Distribution and role of benthic diatoms as indicators of acid mine drainage in affected water dams. 2014
- Evaluation of dilution processes in streams affected by acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. 2014
- Geochemical evolution of waste-dumps and natural rehabilitation 2014
- Indicators of acid mine drainage in an affected system: the case of the mine Santo António de Penedono 2014
- Metals and arsenic enrichment processes in sulfide-rich waste dumps - the role of the clay size fraction. 2014
- Mn mining wastes as an industrial income for concrete production: Inventory of waste-dumps and resources estimation in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain. International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference-Sgem. 2014
- The application of fuzzy logic techniques to the characterisation of treatment systems in two sewage plants 2014
- Comparative analysis of different types of wastewater treatment plants: Application of statistical methods to large data sets of effluent quality parameters 2013
- Contribution of gpr and magnetic methods to the definition of the internal structure of a clogged mining dam in the riotinto mine, south west Spain 2013
- Inventory of mining and quantification of affected areas in the iberian pyrite belt (Sw Spain). a methodological contribution to environmental management 2013
- Natural remediation of mine waste-dumps – mapping the evolution of vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical environments. 2012
- Mineralogical composition and metals retention in the fine-fraction streambed precipitates of on AMD affected system 2011
- Natural remediation of mine waste-dumps: mapping the evolution of vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical environments 2011
artigo de revista
- Hydrochemistry, Elements Distribution and Their Potential Recoveries in Gold Metallurgical Treatment Tailings Dams. Water. 2023
- Adding Value to Mine Waste through Recovery Au, Sb, and As: The Case of Auriferous Tailings in the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil. Minerals. 2023
- A Comparison of Analytical Methods for the Determination of Soil pH: Case Study on Burned Soils in Northern Portugal. Fire. 2023
- Geochemistry and mineralogy of auriferous tailings deposits and their potential for reuse in Nova Lima Region, Brazil. Acta Cytologica. 2023
- Rare earth elements - Source and evolution in an aquatic system dominated by mine-Influenced waters. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022
- Hydrochemistry and Evolution of Water Quality in a Context of Aridity and Increasing Agriculture in Three River Sub-Basins of Santiago Island (Cape Verde). Geosciences. 2021
- Water-Rock Interaction and Potential Contamination Risk in a U-Enriched Area. Geosciences. 2021
- Algae in Acid Mine Drainage and Relationships with Pollutants in a Degraded Mining Ecosystem. Minerals. 2021
- Geoenvironmental Study of Gold Mining Tailings in a Circular Economy Context: Santa Barbara, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mine Water and the Environment. 2021
- Spatial Mobility of U and Th in a U-enriched Area (Central Portugal). Applied Sciences. 2020
- Biogeochemistry of Household Dust Samples Collected from Private Homes of a Portuguese Industrial City. Geosciences. 2020
- Guidance for the Integrated Use of Hydrological, Geochemical, and Isotopic Tools in Mining Operations. Mine Water and the Environment. 2020
- Methodological approach for mineralogical characterization of tailings from a Cu(Au,Ag) skarn type deposit using QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy). Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2020
- Photosynthetic pigments in acid mine drainage: Seasonal patterns and associations with stressful abiotic characteristics. Chemosphere. 2020
- Water supply and access to safe water in developing arid countries. Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies (JESES). 2019
- Addressing Quality and Usability of Surface Water Bodies in Semi-Arid Regions with Mining Influences. Environmental Processes. 2018
- Mineralogical controls on mobility of rare earth elements in acid mine drainage environments. Chemosphere. 2018
- Are Cu isotopes a useful tool to trace metal sources and processes in acid mine drainage (AMD) context?. Chemosphere. 2018
- Caracterização e proveniência dos materiais de construção e dos fragmentos cerâmicos do povoado da idade do ferro do Outeiro do Castro da Bóca (Vila Nova de Famalicão) 2018
- Dilution Versus Pollution in Watercourses Affected by Acid Mine Drainage: A Graphic Model for the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) | Umweltschädliche Einträge versus Verdünnungseffekten in von saurem Grubenwasser beeinflussten Wasserläufen: ein grafisches Modell für den Iberischen Pyritgürtel (Südwest-Spanien) | Dilución versus dispersión de contaminantes en los cursos de agua afectados por drenaje . Mine Water and the Environment. 2018
- Bromine soil/sediment enrichment in tidal salt marshes as a potential indicator of climate changes driven by solar activity: New insights from W coast Portuguese estuaries. Heredity. 2017
- Occurrence of sulphate efflorescences in São Domingos mine. Comunicações Geológicas. 2017
- A Statistical Determination of the Transit Speed of Pollutants in a Water Reservoir Affected by Acid Mine Drainage from the Iberian Pyrite Belt | Eine statistische Bestimmung der Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit von Schadstoffen eines von Acid Mine Drainage betroffenen Wasserreservoirs des Iberischen Pyritgürtels | Una determinación estadística de la velocidad de tránsito de contaminantes en un reservorio. Mine Water and the Environment. 2016
- Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016
- Enrichment of trace elements in the clay size fraction of mining soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016
- Polonium behaviour in reservoirs potentially affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW of Spain). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2016
- Relationships between sources of acid mine drainage and the hydrochemistry of acid effluents during rainy season in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Water Science and Technology. 2016
- Spatial distribution of major and trace elements in a mining dam: sources and relationships among elements of environmental concern. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2016
- Spatial evolution of an AMD stream in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Process characterization and control factors on the hydrochemistry. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques. 2016
- Study of the transit and attenuation of pollutants in a water reservoir receiving acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain). Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2015
- Acid mine drainage in semi-arid regions: The extent of the problem in the waters of reservoirs in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain). Hydrology Research. 2015
- Bromine enrichment in marsh sediments as a marker of environmental changes driven by Grand Solar Minima and anthropogenic activity (Caminha, NW of Portugal). Heredity. 2015
- Definition of redox and pH influence in the AMD mine system using a fuzzy qualitative tool (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015
- Fuzzy intelligence approach for modeling the migration of contaminants ina reservoir affected by AMD pollution. Mine Water and the Environment. 2015
- Geochemistry of rare earth elements in a passive treatment system built for acid mine drainage remediation. Chemosphere. 2015
- Hydrochemical changes in a reservoir that receives water contaminated by acid mine drainage. Hydrology Research. 2015
- Iron and arsenic-rich nanoprecipitates associated with clay minerals in sulfide-rich waste dumps. Catena. 2015
- Mineralogy and geochemistry of a clogged mining reservoir affected by historical acid mine drainage in an abandoned mining area. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2015
- Qualidade da água no Concelho de São Domingos (Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde). Comunicações Geológicas. 2015
- Stratification of metal and sulphate loads in acid mine drainage receiving water dams - Variables regionalization by cluster analysis. Water Environment Research. 2015
- Widespread Environmental Contamination with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Revealed by a Molecular Detection Protocol. Antibiotics. 2015
- Avaliação do risco à ocorrência de movimentos de massa: proposta de uma metodologia. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Statistical contrast analysis of hydrochemical parameters upstream the tidal influence in tinto and odiel rivers (SWS Spain). Mine Water and the Environment. 2014
- Characterization of acid mine drainage sources in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Base methodology for quantifying affected areas and for environmental management. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2014
- Evolução geoquímica de resíduos em escombreiras e tendências de reabilitação natural. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Hydrochemical characterization of an acid mine drainage-affected reservoir: The Sancho Reservoir, Huelva, southwest Spain | Caractérisation hydrochimique d'un réservoir affecté par un drainage de mine acide: Le réservoir de Sancho, Huelva, Sud-Ouest espagnol. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques. 2014
- Indicadores de drenagem ácida num sistema afetado por contaminação mineira: o caso da escombreira de Santo António de Penedono. Comunicações Geológicas. 2014
- Metal Uptake by Native Plants and Revegetation Potential of Mining Sulfide-Rich Waste-Dumps. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2014
- Recycling of manganese gangue materials from waste-dumps in the Iberian Pyrite Belt : application as filler for concrete production. Composite Structures. 2014
- Characterisation of AMD Pollution in the Reservoirs of the Iberian Pyrite Belt | Charakterisierung der Verunreinigung der Talsperren des Iberischen Pyrit-Gürtels durch saure Grubenwässer. Mine Water and the Environment. 2013
- Control factors on the composition of superficial sediments in estuaries of the coast of Huelva (SW Spain): A statistical approach | Factores de control sobre la composición de sedimentos superficiales de los estuarios de la costa de Huelva (SO de España): Un acercamiento estadístico. Journal of Iberian Geology. 2013
- Hydrogeochemical variables regionalization - applying cluster analysis for a seasonal evolution model from an estuarine system affected by AMD. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2013
- Impact of AMD processes on the water dams of the iberian pyrite belt: Overall hydrochemical characterization (Huelva, SW Spain). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2013
- PH, electric conductivity and sulfate as base parameters to estimate the concentration of metals in AMD using a fuzzy inference system. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2013
- Contraste estadístico de parámetros contaminantes entre los rios Tinto y Odiel 2012
- Mineralogical attenuation for metallic remediation in a passive system for mine water treatment. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2012
- Natural stabilization of mine waste-dumps - Evolution of the vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical and mineralogical environments. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2012
- Rare-earth-element fractionation patterns in estuarine sediments as a consequence of acid mine drainage : a case study in SW Spain. Boletín Geológico y Minero. 2012
- Geochemistry and mineralogy of ochre-precipitates formed as waste products of passive mine water treatment. Geochemistry-Exploration Environment Analysis. 2011
- Impact of acid mine drainage on the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Tinto-Odiel estuary (SW Spain) | Impacto del drenaje ácido de mina en las características hidrogeoquímicas del estuario de los ríos Tinto y Odiel (SO España). Journal of Iberian Geology. 2011
- Instability of AMD samples and evolution of ochre precipitates under laboratory conditions. Geochemistry-Exploration Environment Analysis. 2011
- A associação yanomamite-scorodite e a mineralização supergénica de In em detritos mineiros de zonas de cisalhamento com W-Au-As-Zn - Norte de Portugal. e-Terra. 2010
- Diagnóstico geológico de potencialidades e estrangulamentos no ordenamento do Vale do rio Estorãos (Ponte de Lima – Portugal). e-Terra. 2010
- Um modelo de programa para a caracterização e valorização de espaços mineiros devolutos – O caso do Couto Mineiro de Lagares do Estanho, Vila Nova de Paiva. e-Terra. 2010
- A comparative study of the influence of geochemical parameters on the distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in two distinctive tidal marshes. Journal of Coastal Research. 2009
- Environmental constraints of foraminiferal assemblages distribution across a brackish tidal marsh (Caminha, NW Portugal). Marine Micropaleontology. 2009
- Fuzzy modelling of acid mine drainage environments using geochemical, ecological and mineralogical indicators. Environmental Geology. 2009
- Occurrence, properties and pollution potential of environmental minerals in acid mine drainage. Heredity. 2009
- Occurrence of calcareous foraminifera and calcite-carbonate equilibrium conditions - A case study in Minho/Coura estuary (Northern Portugal). Hydrobiologia. 2007
- The role of two acidophilic algae as ecological indicators of acid mine drainage sites. Journal of Iberian Geology. 2007
capítulo de livro
- Acid Mine Drainage Precipitates at the Nanometric Scale – Properties and Environmental Role 2023
- Evaporation-dissolution Cycles In Highly Acidic Mine-influenced Waters And Their Control Over The Secondary Paragenesis Of Sulfate Salt Efflorescences 2022
- Geo-accumulation Indexes of Trace Elements in Sediments from Uranium Environments (Central Portugal). Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI). 2022
- Geoenvironmental Characterization of Gold Mine Tailings from Minas Gerais and Goiás, Brazil. 2022
- Investigação em Ambiente em tempos de pandemia 2020
- Aspectos hidroquímicos de las aguas del rio Cobica 2012
- Caracterización hidroquímica de un efluente minero en la Faja Pirítica Ibérica 2012
- Espaço mineiro devoluto em contexto de ordenamento do território: modelo conceptual para as minas do Rebentão - Couto de Lagares - Vila Nova de Paiva 2012
- Estabilidade da scorodite perante efluentes mineiros : exemplos do Norte de Portugal 2012
- Estudio de las variaciones hidroquímicas en profundidad en un embalse afectado por procesos de drenaje acido de mina 2012
- Estudio preliminar de la afeccion por AMD en embalses de la faja pirítica ibérica 2012
- Potencial de reutilización industrial de residuos asociados al tratamiento de AMD 2012
- Procesos AMD en la Faja Pirítica Ibérica: implicaciones ambientales asociadas a los efluentes de Mina Herrerías 2012
- A tradição mineira como veículo de promoção do património local. Conteúdos geológicos na valorização natural e cultural da Serra d’Arga (NW Portugal) 2010
- Contributo para um método de recolha e análise de testemunhos orais da actividade extractiva minhota no decurso do séc. XX 2010
- Metodologia de análise de acervos documentais mineiros – subsídio para a valorização do património geomineiro em contexto de ordenamento territorial 2010
- Recursos e património geológico e mineiro 2008
- Sediments accumulated in mining dams - contamination risks versus natural attenuation potential 2023
- Potential accumulation of strategic elements in mining dams - from remining to rehabilitation 2023
- Study Of The Toxicity Of Mine Waters: Implications Of Suspended Matter On The Performance Of Tolerant Plants 2023
- Combinação de métodos geofísicos, geoquímicos e geoespaciais para estudo de locais mineiros – o caso de estudo da Mina de S. Domingos 2023
- Pollutants in Acid Mine Drainage 2023
- Stream sediments: a compositional baseline assessment at the Caveira mine, Portugal. 2022
- Combinação de métodos geofísicos, geoquímicos e geoespaciais para estudo de locais mineiros - o caso de estudo da Mina de S. Domingos 2022
- A Geostatistical approach for Mercury spatial patterns assessment in sediments in na old mining region ¿ the Caveira Mine case study, Portugal 2022
- Mine-influenced waters: the relationship between Total Dissolved Solids/Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids/Acidity 2022
- Sulfate mineral salts associated to dehydration of mine waters: effects of humidity and temperature conditions 2022
- Caracterização Mineralógica e Geoquímica de Rejeitos de Mineração de Ouro e Seus Potenciais de Geração de Drenagem Ácida (Minas Gerais, Brasil). 2021
- Avaliação do risco associado à presença de elementos potencialmente tóxicos em água de consumo da Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde 2020
- Hidroquimica e qualidade da agua, estudo de variações sazonais - o caso do furo FST - 924, concelho de São Domingos 2020
- Hidroquímica e qualidade da água, estudo de variações sazonais: o caso do furo FST-924, concelho de São Domingos 2020
- Study of acid mine drainage toxicity through the use of tolerant plants 2020
- Geoquimica, mineralogia e biodisponibilidade oral de chumbo, zinco e antimónio em poeiras domésticas recolhidas em habitações da cidade de Estarreja 2019
- Physical and chemical conditions for colonization by euglena mutabilis: case studies in two acid mine drainage sites. 2019
- Pit lakes – hydrochemistry and water contamination in sulphide-rich context (Iberian Pyrite Belt). 2019
- Spatial water interaction in radium/uranium mines - a Portuguese case study 2019
- Stream sediment contamination indexes in a U-enriched area 2019
- Environmental characterization of the Mining Complex of São Domingos - Mapping of infrastructures and impact on the water environment 2017
- AMD-precipitates formed in an arsenic-rich environment – the case of Penedono mine wastedumps (N Portugal) 2016
- Mobility of rare earth elements in AMD-precipitates, Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) 2016
- pH, Acidity and Electrical Conductivity Relationships in Acid Mine Drainage in São Domingos Mine (SW Portugal). 2016
- A fuzzy qualitative model for the definition of redox potential and PH influence in the AMD of the poderosa mine system (Iberian Pyrite Belt SW Spain) 2014
- Distribution and role of benthic diatoms as acid mine drainage indicators in affected water dams 2014
- Distribution and role of benthic diatoms as indicators of acid mine drainage in affected water dams. 2014
- Evaluation of dilution processes in streams affected by acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt 2014
- Four abandoned mines, one acid mine drainage affected river and an unsolved issue for a water supply reservoir 2014
- Proposal of a model of the horizontal moving of pollutants in a water reservoir receiving acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) 2014
- Spatial behavior of acid mine drainage in a peculiar stream : physical-chemical evolution from the source until the temporarlly receptor in the Iberian Pyrite Belt 2014
- Definition of a clean energy system for decontamination of acid mine waters and recovering their metal load 2013
- Mineralogical and geochemical properties of a water dam receiving historical AMD contamination by sulfide tailings in Riotinto mine SW Spain 2013
- Relation between diatom communities and the degree of AMD affection in selected water dams in Iberian Pyrite Belt 2013
- Relation between diatom communities and the degree of AMD affection in selected water dams in Iberian Pyrite Belt. 2013
- Occurrence, distribution and mineral-alga interactions in acid mine drainage systems. 2012
- Natural remediation of mine waste-dumps: mapping the evolution of vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical environments 2011
- Migration of pollutants in AMD rivers. Characterization of theTinto River in the generating source and receiving environment 2011
- Natural remediation of mine waste-dumps – mapping the evolution of vegetation cover in distinctive geochemical environments. 2011
- Partitioning of Fe and heavy metals in sediments from Odiel and Tinto Rivers (SW Spain) 2011
- Properties of the ochre-precipitates formed during passive treatment of AMD for potential reuse 2011
- Rapid method of field for preliminary characterization of contaminant capacity for waters in AMD sources 2011
- Potential of reuse and environmental behavior of ochre-precipitates from passive mine treatment 2010
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