publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Building meanings through annual reports. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración. 2024
- Managing Brazil’s participation in the 1970 football World Cup: meaning in the service of power. Management and Organizational History. 2023
- A implementação de ERP nos hospitais universitários federais brasileiros: uma análise institucional. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado (Management and Administrative Professional Review). 2023
- The environment in Petrobrás magazine (1961-1979): Meaning mobilized by corporate discourse. RBGN: Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios. 2023
- The Sustainability Reporting by Portuguese Municipalities. Accounting and Management Review. 2020
- Disclosure of tangible fixed assets according to IAS 16 and its compliance,La divulgation des actifs fixes tangibles selon la norme IAS 16 et son degré de conformité,A divulgação dos ativos fixos tangíveis segundo a IAS 16 e o seu grau de cumprimento,La divulgación de los activos fijos tangibles según la IAS 16 y su grado de cumplimiento. Innovar. 2015
- Stakeholder Theory and the Voluntary Disclosure of Intellectual Capital Information. Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research. 2013
- Intangible assets and value relevance: Evidence from the Portuguese stock exchange. British Accounting Review. 2010
- Intellectual capital reporting in sustainability reports. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2010
- Firm-specific determinants of intangibles reporting: evidence from the Portuguese stock market. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting. 2006
- O Relato Financeiro do Desempenho Ambiental: Estudo das Empresas Cotadas na Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa e Porto. Estudos De Gestão. 2005
- O Capital Intelectual nas empresas cotadas na bolsa: análise do rácio valor de mercado/valor contabilístico. Estudos De Gestão. 2001
- O relato financeiro dos intangíveis em Portugal. Revista De Gestão e Economia. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Why Reporting Sustainability: Pressures for Non-Financial Reporting 2021
- Impressões Sobre Imagens de Relatórios Anuais: Uma Análise Goffmaniana e Barthesiana da RSC Relatada pela Petrobras 2019
- Gerenciamento de impressões em Informações sobre o Meio Ambiente: o Caso Petrobras (1954-1984) 2019
- Estado, Contabilidade e Governo Eletrônico: Uma Análise Acerca destas Relações no Brasil 2019
- The Sustainability Reporting by Portuguese Municipalities 2019
- O Relato Corporativo da Petrobras Durante o Período de Ditadura Militar 2017
- Resistance strategies through the CEO communications in the media 2017
- An analysis of the relationship between e-government, accounting and technological innovations: After the implementation of the e-Government program in Brazil 2016
- Impression management in the president¿s letter: The case study of EDP 2016
- Impression management in the president’s letter: The case study of EDP 2016
- The impact of the financial crisis and austerity in a local hospital: the case of antibiotics consumption and its costs 2013
artigo de revista
- Management Control Systems and the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into Business Models. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Resistance strategies through the CEO communications in the media. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 2020
- Telling a success story through the president’s letter. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. 2019
- A adequabilidade do controle interno no Comando da Aeronáutica: uma percepção endógena. Innovar. 2018
- Stakeholder theory and the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital information 2013
- Factors associated with the publication of a CEO letter. Corporate Communications. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Annual reports and corporate culture communication 2020
- The processes of change in the management of the Brazilian Federal University Hospitals 2020
- Impressions on the images of the annual reports: a Goffmannian and Barthesian analysis of CSR reporting in Petrobras 2020
- Annual reports and corporate culture communication 2017
- Accountability and discourse: Identity construction of 'Aguas de Portugal, S.A.'. 2013
- The Portuguese Health Sector and the implemented accounting standards: the problematic of consolidated financial statements 2013
- The impact of the financial crisis and austerity in a local hospital: the case of antibiotics consumption and its costs 2013
- A carta do presidente como meio de divulgação de informação : o caso do capital intelectual 2011
- Financial reporting of environmental performance: the portuguese case 2002
- The measurement and financial reporting of intellectual capital by portuguese listed companies 2002
- How effective is financial reporting of intellectual capital? Empirical Evidence for Portugal 2001
- Os Activos Intangíveis e a Informação Contabilística 2000