publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Students and teachers’ perception of the teaching-learning process: what brings them together or apart,. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, . 2022
- Perception of university students about the embodiment of Service-Learning in the curriculum as Social Economy pedagogical instrument. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 12(4): 329-359. 2021
- Service Learning as an Educational Outreach Project for Communitys Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Support. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 19(1-3): 53-69. 2021
- The Academic Curriculum in The Humanisation of Business Teaching: The Perception of University Professors. Journal of Business Management and Economic Research. 2020
- Managing with Social Responsibility: Reflection. Strategies in Accounting and Management. 2020
- The Service-Learning based education: Experiential pedagogical practice.. International Journal of Commerce and Management. 2020
- The service-learning and the humanisation of the academic curriculum in economics. Journal of Educational Research and Reviews. 2019
- Values and trust in human capital: University students’ perceptions, 2015-2017. Revista Galega de Economia. 2019
- Service Learning: Benefits of Another Learning Pedagogy Orlando Petiz Pereira Carlos Arriaga Costa. Journal of Business Management and Economic Research. 2019
- Soft Skills in Knowledge-Based Economics. Marketing and Management of Innovations. 2019
- Solidarity economy, Social Entrepreneurship and spiritual intelligence: the vertices of social inclusion. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 9(2): 38-51. 2019
- The Evaluation of Learning Assessment in Higher Education: from the perception of students to the ideal evaluation. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal. 2018
- A competitividade regional externa das NUTS II de Portugal e Espanha. European Journal of Applied Business Management, . 2017
- The University: An Institution of Co-creation and Social Transformation. Eastern European Business and Economics Journal. 2017
- VET: A strategic approach for economic, organizational and personal development in EU countries,A vet: Un achegamento estratéxico para o desenvolvemento económico, corporativo e persoal nos países da UE. Revista Galega de Economia. 2015
- Crisis y transformaciones en los servicios de bienestar en Portugal. Una mirada al Sistema de la Seguridad Social. Documentación Social: Revista de Estudios Sociales y de Sociología Aplicada, nº 175, Edición: Cáritas Española, Madrid, pp. 177-200, ISSN: 0417-8106. .- 2014
- How Important Is Learning on the Firm's Performance?. International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context. 2014
- Intellectual capital, The Dynamics of Potential for Organizational Renewal. International Review of Business and Economic Studies. 2014
- Spiritual Capital and Leader Performance: How can Strategy be Defined?. Journal of Strategic and International Studies, Volume IX, Number 3: 45-53, ISSN 2326-3636.. 2014
- Metacompetences: How important for organizations? Analysis of a survey in Portugal. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. 2013
- Soft skills: From university to the work environment. Analysis of a survey of graduates in Portugal. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. 2013
- Innovation and intangible patrimonial values in the social and economic sustainability in discontinued spaces. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 2012
- Entrepreneurship, innovation and business competitiveness in the service-producing sector: Implementation to mainland Portugal. Applied Econometrics and International Development. 2012
- Society and technological evolution: Challenges and opportunities. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. 2012
- Vitality and requalification of cities: A contribution to a reconceptualization of a sustainable urban planning. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. 2011
- Entrepreneurship and human capital: A framework for organisational creativity and uinnovation. International Journal of Learning. 2010
- Ethics and leadership: The cornerstones for regional and economic succes in organisations of the XXI century. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. 2009
- Knowledge Society and the Challenges to University Teaching: Application to Portugal . Estudios Económicos de Desarrollo Internacional. 2009
- Spillovers de Conhecimento e Desenvolvimento Regional: O Papel Estratégico das Universidades.. Eixo Atlântico – Revista da Eurorrexión Galicia-Norte de Portugal, 15: 73-92. 2009
- Competitiveness through Entrepreneurship: an International Analysis. Management, Issue 47-48, Year XIII: 44-58, ISSN 1820-0222. 2008
- Evolución tecnológica en una perspectiva cognitiva: nuevos desafíos y efectos sobre las ventajas competitivas organizacionales. Paradigma . 2008
- Learning and Development as Cornerstones for Sustaining the Knowledge Economy. International Journal of Learning. 2008
- Organizations as Knowledge Laboratories. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. 2008
- The Role of Knowledge Management within Learning Organizations: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. 2008
- Firms and universities - Do spillovers enhance firm's performance?. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 2007
- Ethics and Wellbeing in Institutions: Analysis of Administration Staff Opinions in Universities of Portugal, Cape Verde and Great Britain. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies (RSES). 2007
- Externalidades da Investigação Universitária Sobre a Produtividade Das Empresas Em Portugal. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies (RSES). 2007
- Learning Organisations and Knowledge Maps: analysis of a Survey in Portugal.. International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies. 2007
- The Post Graduate Education Environment and Entrepreneurship: a gender comparative analysis between University of Minho and The European University in Portugal. Management - casopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta 2007, vol. 12, br. 46, str. 51-61. 2007
- Educação e produtividade na Euroregiao Galiza – Norte de Portugal, 1995-2002,. Regional and Sectorial Economic Studies (RSES). 2006
- Human Resources and Entrepreneurship within the Economic Dynamism,. International Journal of Applied Institutional Governance, 1(3): 1-31,. 2006
- Spillovers de Conhecimento e Desenvolvimento Regional: evidência de Portugal.. Estudos Regionais – Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2006
- The Management of the Tacit Knowledge Dimension in Organizations. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. 2006
- The value added role of continuous training on the technology-based growth model.. Journal for Management Theory and Practice- Management. 2006
- Tourism: a Source of Wealth and Well being. . Journal for Management Theory and Practice- Management. 2005
- A empresa e a formação profissional: uma aplicação aos têxteis portugueses. Regional and Sectorial Economic Studies (RSES). 2005
- Human Resources and Entrepreunership within the Economics Dynamism. Management, nº 38, year X, . 2005
- Importância da intervenção pública na economia de mercado. Estúdios Económicos de Desarrollo Internacional (EEDI). 2005
- Lifelong learning and the knowledge Economy: the challenges amidst the current volatile context, . Lusíada, Ciências Empresariais, Vila Nova de Famalicão, I chaper. 2005
- Políticas Públicas e Coesão Social. Estúdios Económicos de Desarrollo Internacional (EEDI). 2005
- The Level of Motivation in Organizations: an empirical application. Lusíada – Ciências Económicas e de Empresa, Porto, I série . 2004
- Financiamento da inovação: quem deve financiar a formação profissional?. ECOS, Revista Científica Do ISVOUGA. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Methodology for individual air pollution exposure estimation based on data from air pollution concentration maps, daily routes and activities 2019
- A matter of emotions and trust: Impact of shared leadership on organisational performance 2017
- Is distributed leadership in HEI environments the answer to the innovation conundrum? 2017
- The nexus of unlearning and innovation in HEIs 2017
- Constructing better roads with asphalt rubber 2015
- O papel estratégico dos fatores da tensão criativa na estruturação do desenvolvimento regional 2013
- High Performance Working Practices: The New Framework for Nurturing Sustainability? 2011
- Estado, sociedade e nova economia 2010
- Learning and development as cornerstones in organisational flexibility 2009
artigo de revista
- The importance of soft skills in the university academic curriculum: The perceptions of the students in the new society of knowledge. International Journal of Business and Social Research. 2017
- A competitividade regional externa das NUTS II de Portugal e Espanha. European Journal of Applied Business and Management. 2017
- VET: a strategic approach for economic, organisational and personal development in EU countries. Revista Galega de Economia. 2015
- Intellectual capital: the dynamics of potential for organizational renewal. International Review of Business and Economic Studies. 2014
- Crisis y transformaciones en los servicios de bienestar en Portugal: Una mirada al Sistema de la Seguridad Social. Documentación Social. 2014
- How important is learning on the firm’s performance?. International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context. 2014
- Metacompetences : how important for organizations? Analysis a survevy in Portugal 2013
- Soft skills : from university to the work environment : analysis of a survey of graduates in Portugal. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. 2013
- Entrepreneurship, innovation and business competitiveness in the service-producing sector: implementation to mainland Portugal. Applied Econometrics and International Development. 2012
capítulo de livro
- A New Perspective in Competitiveness for Business Education 2021
- Service Learning 2021
- The Culture of Learning in Organisations: What is the Current Perspective for Sustainable Development? 2021
- Demystifying Unlearning and Innovation in Higher Education Institutions 2019
- Education 2019
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2019
- Learning-Performance Relationship 2019
- Service Learning 2019
- Unravelling Hurdles to Organizational Sustainability by Virtue of Sharing and Creating Knowledge 2019
- A New Perspective in Competitiveness for Business Education 2018
- Holistic Education as the Conduit to Humanizing the Economy 2018
- Learning-Performance Relationship 2018
- Feedback and Feedforward Dynamics 2017
- On Trust, Knowledge Sharing and Innovation 2016
- Shift in Paradigm 2016
- On Trust, Knowledge Sharing and Innovation 2013
- Micropatterned substrates to accelerate pathological smooth muscle cells aging 2016
- New Path Ways for Organisational Learning, global business and technology association exploring the possibilities for sustainable future growth 2015
- Empreendedorismo, criatividade e habilidades: eixos dinâmicos do desenvolvimento regional 2012
- Transição dos Licenciados para o Mercado de Trabalho 2010
- Educação, Competências e Habilidades na Perspectiva Evolucionista 2008
- Felgueiras: Que Futuro? Estudo prospectivo da economia municipal no contexto do emprego e da formação 2007
- Un Análisis de la Distribución Espacial y Sectorial del Sector Agropecuario Gallego 2004
- un Modelo Microeconómico de optimización de las funciones de un departamento universitario 2003
- Learning and Development as Cornerstones for Sustaining the Knowledge Economy. Part I: Overview of the Knowledge Worker and Work-Based Learning
- The Role of Knowledge Management within Learning Organizations: A Comparative Study
- SERVICE LEARNING: da rutura do ensino à triangulação ativa da comunidade-aluno-escola 2023
- Economia Social: Desafios Ocultos da Economia Portuguesa 2022
- Percurso de uma Vida 2021
- Challenges enhancing social and organizational performance 2017
- Embracing innovation and creativity through the capacity of unlearning 2017
- Paths to success: Leveraging culture, leadership, and learning strategies 2017
- Paths to success: Leveraging culture, leadership, and learning strategies 2015
- Organisational flexibility through human capital development 2012
- Export performance and productivity in Portuguese manufacturing SMEs 2008