publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Mechanical and Environmental Performance of Asphalt Concrete with High Amounts of Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) for Use in Surface Courses of Pavements. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Installation and Use of a Pavement Monitoring System Based on Fibre Bragg Grating Optical Sensors. Infrastructures. 2023
- Development and Application of a Microsurfacing Mix Design Method to Assess the Influence of the Emulsion Type. Applied Sciences. 2023
- A pavement full-depth reclamation case study using cold in situ recycling with foamed bitumen. Transportation Research Procedia. 2023
- Effect of using different types of emulsions on the design of microsurfacing asphalt mixtures. Transportation Research Procedia. 2023
- Use of steel industry by-products as promoters of pavement repair solutions. Transportation Research Procedia. 2023
- Developing enhanced modified bitumens with waste engine oil products combined with polymers. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2018
- Estudo para Produção de Misturas com Betume Borracha a Menores Temperaturas. Engenharia Civil. 2014
- Development of an innovative bio-binder using Asphalt-rubber technology. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2013
- Overview on transportation infrastructure research in Portugal. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2013
- Effect of Different Production Conditions on the Quality of Hot Recycled Asphalt Mixtures. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2012
- Development of a Rubber Modified Fractionated Bio-oil for Use as a Non-Crude Petroleum Binder in Flexible Pavements. Transportation Research Circular. 2012
- An evaluation of unusual warm mix asphalts produced with wax additives. Europeanroads Review (err). 2011
- Assessment of the Performance of Warm Mix Asphalts in Road Pavements. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2010
- Pavement Recycling: an environmentally sustainable rehabilitation alternative (Part I). Drumuri Poduri. 2008
- Pavement Recycling: an environmentally sustainable rehabilitation alternative (Part II). Drumuri Poduri. 2008
- Pavement recycling : an environmentally sustainable rehabilitation alternative (Part I) 2008
- Pavement recycling : an environmentally sustainable rehabilitation alternative (Part II) 2008
- A Reabilitação da Rede Rodoviária no Século XXI - A Contribuição da Inovação para uma Visão Global da Reabilitação Rodoviária. Engenharia Civil. 2007
- A reabilitação da rede rodoviária no século XXI : a contribuição da inovação para uma visão global da reabilitação rodoviária 2007
- Methodology used in a recent highway construction in Portugal 2007
- The road network rehabilitation for the 21st century: a global vision on innovation in road rehabilitation 2007
- Methodology used in a recent highway construction in Portugal. Intersections. 2006
- The Road Network Rehabilitation for the 21st Century. A Global Vision on Innovation in Road Rehabilitation. Intersections. 2006
artigo de conferência
- The effect of sidewalk paving materials in the comfort and safety of walking: a case study in Braga, Portugal 2023
- Industrial scale production of innovative asphalt mixtures with steel slag aggregates and reclaimed asphalt 2023
- A new life for plastic footwear wastes as asphalt binder modifiers for road pavements 2023
- Life cycle assessment and sensitivity analysis of asphalt mixtures with higher reclaimed asphalt incorporation 2023
- Performance challenge of recycled mixtures with increased incorporation of reclaimed asphalt 2023
- Reutilización y reciclado en firmes, Autopista A4 Globalvia 2023
- Use of fibre-optic sensors in pavement condition monitoring 2023
- Caso de estudo de reciclagem a frio in situ com betume-espuma 2022
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitorização para avaliar o desempenho de pavimentos rodoviários durante o seu ciclo de vida - APP PAV 4.0 LC 2022
- Efeito do uso de diferentes tipos de emulsões no estudo de microaglomerados betuminosos a frio 2022
- Utilização de subprodutos da indústria siderúrgica como elementos potenciadores de soluções de reparação em pavimentos betuminosos 2022
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitorização para avaliar o desempenho de pavimentos rodoviários durante o seu ciclo de vida – APP PAV 4.0 LC 2022
- Case study on premature cracking of an asphalt pavement with resin bonded coating 2016
- Avaliação de estruturas de pavimentos rodoviários através de pista e simulador de ensaios acelerados à escala real 2016
- Avaliação de métodos de caracterização de betumes modificados 2016
- Betumes modificados com resíduos para aplicação em misturas convencionais e recicladas 2016
- Modificação de betumes com aditivos líquidos para aplicação em países tropicais 2016
- Soluções de pavimentos rodoviários para países com climas tropicais: projeto de I&D tropical-PAV 2016
- Soluções de pavimentos rodoviários para países com climas tropicais – projeto de I&D tropical-PAV 2016
- Desenvolvimento de equipamento para avaliação do consumo e da desagregação devido à resistência ao rolamento de pavimentos rodoviários 2016
- Recycled asphalt mixtures with foamed bitumen: an alternative to build ecofriendly road pavements 2015
- Can oil, plastic and RAP wastes have a new life in novel asphalt mixtures? 2015
- Evaluation of foamed bitumen efficiency in warm asphalt mixtures recycling 2015
- Toxicity measurement techniques for building materials with wastes 2015
- A mechanical analysis of asphalt recycled mixtures produced with high recycling rates 2015
- Effect of incorporating different waste materials in bitumen 2015
- Study of the interaction between asphalt and plastic wastes in new polymer modified binders (PMB) 2015
- Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de avaliação da resistência ao rolamento de diferentes misturas betuminosas 2015
- Foamed Bitumen: an alternative way of producing asphalt mixtures 2015
- Mechanical analysis of asphalt mixtures produced with waste plastic modified binders 2015
- Regeneração de misturas betuminosas recicladas pela utilização de betumes modificados 2015
- Utilization of waste materials to improve asphalt mixtures performance 2015
- Innovative low noise surfaces - Comparison of damping and Absorption 2014
- Innovative low noise surfaces : comparison of damping and absorption 2014
- Avaliação do desempenho de misturas betuminosas recicladas com elevadas taxas de material fresado 2014
- Desenvolvimento e estudo de ligantes modificados inovadores para infraestruturas de transporte 2014
- Recombination of asphalt with bio-asphalt : binder formulation and asphalt mixes application. Asphalt Paving Technology: Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists-Proceedings of the Technical Sessions. 2014
- Tecnologias para a produção de misturas betuminosas temperadas: Estudo da expansão do betume-espuma 2014
- Estudo do comportamento de betumes envelhecidos modificados com rejuvenescedores 2013
- Combining asphalt-rubber (AR) and fast-pyrolysis bio-oil to create a binder for flexible pavements (best paper award) 2013
- Development of a novel modified bitumen with waste materials 2013
- Combining asphalt-rubber (AR) and fast-pyrolysis bio-oil to create a binder for flexible pavements 2013
- Development of an innovative bio-binder using asphalt-rubber technology (Best paper award) 2013
- Incorporation of waste plastic in asphalt binders to improve their performance in the pavement 2013
- Estudo de material fresado para incorporação em misturas betuminosas a quente com altas taxas de reciclagem 2013
- Formulação e caracterização de ligantes numa mistura betuminosa com uma taxa de reciclagem elevada 2013
- Avaliação da influência da camada de desgaste na sustentabilidade dos pavimentos rodoviários 2013
- Solutions to improve the recycling rate and quality of plant produced hot mix asphalt 2013
- The role of rejuvenating agents in the recycling of asphalt mixtures 2013
- Utilização de nanopartículas de TIO2 para o desenvolvimento de pavimentos rodoviários com capacidade fotocatalítica 2013
- Valorização de materiais reciclados na produção de betumes modificados para pavimentos 2013
- Valorização de resíduos plásticos na modificação de betumes para pavimentos rodoviários 2013
- Current practices on the recycling of bituminous mixtures 2012
- Performance and temperature reduction evaluation of different Warm Mix Asphalt technologies 2012
- Sustainability comparison between pavements with conventional and recycled hot mix asphalt 2012
- Estudo das condições de aplicação duma mistura temperada produzida com um novo aditivo e do seu desempenho num trecho experimental 2011
- Laboratory and field study of a WMA mixture produced with a new temperature reduction additive 2011
- Waste polymers recycling in high performance asphalt mixtures 2011
- Asphalt mixtures produced with 100% reclaimed materials 2011
- Combined action of waxes and surfactants in WMA mixtures 2011
- Rheological quantification of aging, rejuvenation and modification in bitumen 2011
- Use of rejuvenators on recycled bituminous materials 2011
- A laboratory study on the fatigue performance of warm mix asphalt mixtures 2010
- Identification of a fuel contamination problem in the production of warm mix asphalts 2010
- New experimental methods to monitor and characterize asphalt rubber binders 2010
- An evaluation of the use of WMA wax additives in the production of unconventional bituminous mixtures 2010
- Study on the use of a WMA surface agent additive on recycled and asphalt rubber mistures 2010
- Changes in the rubber morphology caused by the interaction with bitumen 2010
- Monitoring rubber swelling and de- and re-vulcanization through AR elastic recovery 2010
- Rheological analysis of bitumen aging 2010
- Avaliação do Desempenho de Misturas Betuminosas Temperadas 2009
- Comparação de diferentes métodos de ensaio normalizados para avaliação do módulo de rigidez e da resistência à fadiga das misturas betuminosas 2009
- Comportamento das Interacções entre o betume e a borracha 2009
- Fabrico de misturas betuminosas de alto módulo a menores temperaturas com betume 35/50 e parafinas 2009
- Utilização de Betumes de Elevada Penetração Aditivados em Misturas Betuminosas de Desgaste 2009
- Influence of the Bitumen Properties on the Functional and Rheological Behaviour of Asphalt Rubber Binders 2009
- Assessment of the Performance of Warm Mix Asphalts in Road Pavements 2009
- The influence of material variability on the strength of cold "in situ" pavement recycling with cement 2009
- The influence of material variability on the strength of cold “in situ” pavement recycling with cement 2009
- Rheological and functional evaluation of the interactions between bitumen and rubber 2009
- Evaluation of the rheological behaviour of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) modified binders 2009
- Rheological changes in bitumen caused by aging and by the interaction with rubber 2009
- Reciclagem de pavimentos "in situ": influência das condições de obra na capacidade de suporte após reabilitação 2008
- Study on the Consequences of Affixing the CE Marking to Bituminous Mixtures 2008
- The Use of the Gyratory Compactor in the Design of Portuguese Bituminous Mixtures 2008
- Study on the use of bituminous mixtures modified with acrylic fibres in road pavement overlays 2008
- The Use of Cyclic Triaxial Tests in the Characterization of Portuguese UGM 2008
- Avaliação da Interacção entre o Betume, a Borracha e o Filer em Misturas Betuminosas 2008
- An alternative deflection analysis for the evaluation of the pavement condition 2008
- Influence of temperature on the fatigue life of flexible pavements 2008
- Reciclagem de pavimentos “in situ”: influência das condições de obra na capacidade de suporte após reabilitação 2008
- Pavement recycling: an environmentally sustainable rehabilitation alternative 2007
- Correlation between monotonic and repetitive test results in bituminous mixtures 2007
- Study of aggregate-mastic bond properties in bituminous mixtures 2007
- Influence of the mastic binder in the bituminous mixtures behaviour 2005
- Laboratory tests to characterize the mastic of bituminous mixtures 2005
- Influence of the mastique binder in the bituminous mixtures behaviour 2005
- Determinação das características físicas e mecânicas do mastique betuminoso existente nas misturas betuminosas 2004
- Evaluation of the bond between mastic and coarse aggregates 2003
- Comparison between tensile, stiffness and fatigue life tests results 2003
- The influence of fine aggregate on the bituminous mixture mechanical behaviour 2003
- Desenvolvimento de Ensaios para Estudo da Adesividade nas Misturas Betuminosas 2002
- Development of a Laboratory Test for Characterization of Asphalt-Aggregate Adhesion 2002
- Evaluation of Mastic in Bituminous Mixtures 2002
artigo de revista
- The Effect of Microwave Radiation on the Self-Healing Performance of Asphalt Mixtures with Steel Slag Aggregates and Steel Fibers. Materials. 2023
- Generalised Kelvin contact models for DEM modelling of asphalt mixtures. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. 2023
- Use of data mining techniques to explain the primary factors influencing water sensitivity of asphalt mixtures. Composite Structures. 2022
- Steel Slag and Recycled Concrete Aggregates: Replacing Quarries to Supply Sustainable Materials for the Asphalt Paving Industry. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- Viability of Using High Amounts of Steel Slag Aggregates to Improve the Circularity and Performance of Asphalt Mixtures. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Low-Temperature Performance of Polymer-Modified Binders in Stone Mastic Asphalts. Infrastructures. 2021
- Surface rehabilitation of Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements using single or double surface dressings with soft bitumen, conventional or modified emulsions. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Use of polymer modified binders as rejuvenators in recycled asphalt mixtures. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2020
- Carbon dioxide emissions and heavy metal contamination analysis of stone mastic asphalt mixtures produced with high rates of different waste materials. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019
- Estimation of energy consumption on the tire-pavement interaction for asphalt mixtures with different surface properties using data mining techniques. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2019
- Mechanical, surface and environmental evaluation of stone mastic asphalt mixtures with advanced asphalt binders using waste materials. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2019
- Using waste polymers as a reliable alternative for asphalt binder modification - Performance and morphological assessment. Composite Structures. 2019
- Developing enhanced modified bitumens with waste engine oil products combined with polymers. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Recycled stone mastic asphalt mixtures incorporating high rates of waste materials. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Improving Asphalt Mixture Performance by Partially Replacing Bitumen with Waste Motor Oil and Elastomer Modifiers. Applied Sciences. 2017
- Suitability of different foamed bitumens for warm mix asphalts with increasing recycling rates. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- A New Life for Cross-Linked Plastic Waste as Aggregates and Binder Modifier for Asphalt Mixtures. Applied Sciences. 2017
- Asphalt surface mixtures with improved performance using waste polymers via dry and wet processes. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017
- Effect of incorporating different waste materials in bitumen. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2017
- Foamed bitumen: an alternative way of producing asphalt mixtures. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2017
- Study of the interaction between asphalt and recycled plastics in new polymer modified binders (PMB). Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2017
- Rheological characterization of EVA and HDPE polymer modified bitumens under large deformation at 20 °C. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Influence of ageing on the properties of bitumen from asphalt mixtures with recycled concrete aggregates. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015
- Recycled asphalt mixtures produced with high percentage of different waste materials. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- The importance of the use phase on the LCA of environmentally friendly solutions for asphalt road pavements. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2014
- Finite element model with imposed slip surfaces for earth mass safety evaluation. Journal of Central South University. 2014
- Estudo para produção de misturas com betume borracha a menores temperaturas. Engenharia Civil. 2014
- Rheological changes in the bitumen caused by heating and interaction with rubber during asphalt-rubber production. Rheologica Acta. 2014
- Development of an innovative bio-binder using Asphalt-rubber technology. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2013
- Development of photocatalytic asphalt mixtures by the deposition and volumetric incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Incorporation of waste plastic in asphalt binders to improve their performance in the pavement. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2013
- Pushing the asphalt recycling technology to the limit. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2013
- Use of a warm mix asphalt additive to reduce the production temperatures and to improve the performance of asphalt rubber mixtures. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2013
- Mutual changes in bitumen and rubber related to the production of asphalt rubber binders. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- The role of a surfactant based additive on the production of recycled warm mix asphalts - Less is more. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Development of a rubber-modified fractionated bio-oil for use as noncrude petroleum binder in flexible pavements. Transportation Research Circular. 2012
- Are totally recycled hot mix asphalts a sustainable alternative for road paving?. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2012
- An evaluation of unusual warm mix asphalts produced with wax additives. Europeanroads Review (err). 2011
- Optimization of warm mix asphalts using different blends of binders and synthetic paraffin wax contents. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2010
- Assessment of the performance of warm mix asphalts in road pavements. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2010
- Changes in Rubber Due to its Interaction with Bitumen when Producing Asphalt Rubber. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2010
- Rheological quantification of bitumen aging : definition of a new sensitive parameter. Applied Rheology. 2010
- Pavement recycling : an environmentally sustainable rehabilitation alternative (Part II). Drumuri Poduri. 2008
- Pavement recycling : an environmentally sustainable rehabilitation alternative (Part I). Drumuri Poduri. 2008
- A reabilitação da rede rodoviária no século XXI : a contribuição da inovação para uma visão global da reabilitação rodoviária. Engenharia Civil. 2007
- Methodology used in a recent highway construction in Portugal. Intersections. 2007
- The road network rehabilitation for the 21st century: a global vision on innovation in road rehabilitation. Intersections. 2007
capítulo de livro
- Laboratory Investigation of Sensors Reliability to Allow Their Incorporation in a Real-Time Road Pavement Monitoring System. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2022
- Cold in-place stabilization with foamed bitumen in Portugal: case study on a rehabilitation work in the regional road ER361 between Amiais de Cima and Alcanena (Portugal) 2022
- Cold in-place stabilization with foamed bitumen: rehabilitation works in the regional road ER361 between Amiais de Cima and Alcanena (Portugal) 2022
- Neuroevolutionary multiobjective optimization of injection stretch blow molding process in the blowing phase. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- May recycled concrete be used as an alternative material for asphalt mixtures? 2019
- Valorisation of steel slag as aggregates for asphalt mixtures 2019
- Dextrin 2016
- Plastic waste use as aggregate and binder modifier in open-graded asphalts 2015
- Different solutions for road pavement recycling 2013
- The effect of sidewalk paving materials in the comfort and safety of walking: a case study in Braga, Portugal 2023
- The importance of microsurfacing asphalt mix design in improving the performance of this cold surface treatment 2023
- Use of fibre optic sensors in pavement condition monitoring 2023
- Overview on transportation infrastructure research in Portugal. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2013
- Rheological quantification of aging, rejuvenation and modification in bitumen 2011
- A reabilitação da rede rodoviária no século XXI : a contribuição da inovação para uma visão global da reabilitação rodoviária 2007
- The road network rehabilitation for the 21st century : a global vision on innovation in road rehabilitation 2007