publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Environmental Effects on the Spatiotemporal Variability of Sardine Distribution Along the Portuguese Continental Coast. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics. 2023
- Presence-Only for Marked Point Process Under Preferential Sampling. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics. 2023
- UM departamento com ESTATÍSTICA 2020
- METMAVI-VIth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Biometrical Journal. 2014
- Monitoring NO3 contamination of aquifer system of Bacia do Cávado/Ribeiras Costeiras. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 2011
- Fast estimation of aggregates in unstructured networks. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, ICAS 2009. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Modeling human timing behavior 2017
- Influências das variações climáticas na incidência de casos de dengue na cidade de Goiânia, Brasil 2016
- Modelling intra- and inter-day variability of NO2 concentrations in Portugal 2016
- Analysis of clinical outcome of patients with lung emphysema 2010
- A lightweight approach to NFS replication 1994
- A portable lightweight approach to NFS replication 1994
artigo de revista
- Bayesian spatio-temporal CPUE standardization: Case study of European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) along the western coast of Portugal. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 2022
- Spatio-temporal analysis of land use/land cover change dynamics in Paraguai/Jauquara Basin, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2022
- Estimating the COVID-19 Prevalence in Spain With Indirect Reporting via Open Surveys. Frontiers in Public Health: Public Health Education and Promotion. 2021
- UM departamento com ESTATÍSTICA. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística. 2020
- Modelling informative time points: an evolutionary process approach. TEST. 2020
- Mixed-effects modelling for crossed and nested data: an analysis of dengue fever in the state of Goias, Brazil. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2020
- Modelling irregularly spaced time series under preferential sampling. REVSTAT: Statistical Journal. 2020
- Mixed-effects modeling for analyzing land use change in the Brazilian Pantanal subregion of Cáceres. Remote Sensing Applications: SocIETy and Environment. 2019
- Modelling preferential sampling in time. Boletin de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa. 2019
- Parameter estimation of the Linear Phase Correction model by hierarchical linear models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 2018
- Development of a statistical method to help evaluating the transparency/opacity of decorative thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2018
- Modelling spatio-temporal data with multiple seasonalities: The NO2 Portuguese case. Spatial Statistics. 2017
- Spatio-temporal statistical methods in environmental and biometrical problems. Spatial Statistics. 2017
- Nonparametric construction of probability maps under local stationarity. Environmetrics. 2017
- Spatial–temporal modellization of the (Formula presented.) concentration data through geostatistical tools. Statistical Methods and Applications. 2016
- Spatial modeling of factor analysis scores. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014
- Assessing interpolation error for space-time monitoring data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 2014
- Bootstrap approaches for spatial data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA). 2014
- Spatio-temporal stochastic modelling (METMAVI). Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA). 2014
- An approach for valid covariance estimation via the Fourier series. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2012
- Estimation of the spatial distribution through the kernel indicator variogram. Environmetrics. 2012
- Extrema Propagation: Fast Distributed Estimation of Sums and Network Sizes. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2012
- Geostatistical inference under preferential sampling. Journal of the Royal Statistical SocIETy. Series C: Applied Statistics. 2010
- Nonparametric spatial prediction under stochastic sampling design. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 2010
- Assessing the effect of clustered and biased multi-stage sampling. Environmetrics. 2009
- A kernel variogram estimator for clustered data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 2008
- A comparison of approaches for valid variogram achievement. Computational Statistics. 2006
- Developing a 3D Web-GIS Mapping Platform to Support Seismic Vulnerability: An Introduction 2024
- Amostragem preferencial: modelação de dados auto-correlacionados 2017
- Modelação de séries temporais longas de variáveis hidrológicas. O caso do rio Danúbio 2017
- Modelling environmental monitoring data coming from different surveys 2016
- Alterações climáticas na incidência de casos de dengue na cidade de Goiânia no período de 2008 a 2015 2016
- Modelling intra- and inter-day variability of NO2 concentrations in Portugal 2016
- Nonparametric approaches for estimating risk maps 2016
- Análise do impacto da amostragem preferencial 2015
- Influência das variações climáticas na incidência de casos de dengue na cidade de Goiânia no período de 2000 a 2009 2015
- Assessing spatial dependence for clustered data 2006
- Geostatistical analysis under preferential sampling 2006
- An application to Galicia pollution data and a model for preferential sampling 2005