publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- Isolation and characterization of a new bacteriophage against Rhodococcus erythropolis 2020
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique 2019
- Isolation and preliminary characterization of a new bacteriophage against Sphaerotilus natans 2018
- Optimizing lab-scale wastewater treatment reactors operation for enhanced assays 2017
- Use of biocides in the control of filamentous bulking in activated-sludge 2017
- Tackling Nitrosomonas europaea culture problems for future applications in inshore aquaculture 2016
- PROTOFILWW: two year-sampling of protozoa, little metazoa and filamentous bacteria in 37 Portuguese wastewater treatment plants. Antibiotics. 2015
- Survey of indoor fungi in hospital environments 2015
- Tracking relations among bacterial and protozoan communities in wastewater treatment plants 2015
- Biodegradation of diethylketone by two fungi 2014
- The socio-economic impact of a Polytechnic Institution in a local economy : some insights of field research 2013
- Characterization of the virulence and the antibiotic susceptibility profiles in bacteria isolated from wastewater treatment final effluents 2012
- New insights on the roles of bacteria and protozoa in activated-sludge processes 2012
- Profiling of pathogenic bacteria by colony morphology ¿ identification of potential biofilm resistance and virulence determinants 2012
- Profiling of pathogenic bacteria by colony morphology – identification of potential biofilm resistance and virulence determinants 2012
- Biofilm reactor technology as an alternative to control fungal filamentous bulking caused by Galactomyces geotrichum 2011
- Characterization of the filamentous bacteria Eikelboom Type 0581 in Portuguese activated-sludge systems 2011
- Growth of Galactomyces geotrichum in sequencing batch reactors under different organic loading conditions 2011
- Influence of the sewage composition in the development of the microfauna in a bench-scale activated-sludge system 2011
- Protozoa grazing evaluation : a novel way to assess wastewater treatment performance? 2011
- Use of an aerobic selector to overcome filamentous bulking in activated sludge 2011
- Ecological study of the filamentous bacteria in the mixed liquor of activated sludge : 1-year sampling of 16 WWTP from the North of Portugal 2010
- Growth enhancement of benthic diatoms for industrial applications 2010
- Interactions between eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms in activated sludge : a molecular approach to improve wastewater treatment 2010
- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic populations in activated-sludge 2010
- Protozoa grazing evaluation : a novel way to assess wastewater treatment performance? 2010
- Relationships between microfauna, filamentous bacteria and environmental conditions in activated-sludge processes in Portugal 2010
- Troubleshooting of filamentous bulking using biofilm reactors 2010
- Troubleshooting of filamentous bulking using hybdrid systems 2010
- Contribution of the PROTOFILWW project to the knowledge of the activated sludge ecology : uncommon microfauna species 2009
- Microbiologic assessment of indoor air quality in hospitals 2009
- PROTOFILWW: insights in the ecology of activated-sludge systems 2009
- Avaliação do desempenho da ETAR de Barcelos através da observação da comunidade de protozoários das lamas activadas 2008
- Impact of biofilm growth in the microbial community composition of a sequencing batch reactor 2008
- In vitro and in vivo evaluation of campylobacter bacteriophages 2008
- Isolation, characterization and in vivo performance evaluation of a coliphage 2008
- PROTOFILWW : contribuição do estudo ecológico dos sistemas de lamas activadas para a avaliação do desempenho do tratamento biológico 2008
- PROTOFILWW: contribuição do estudo ecológico dos sistemas de lamas activadas para a avaliação do desempenho do tratamento biológico 2008
- Production of a salmonella bacteriophage in a non-pathogenic E. coli strain 2008
- The use of antibiotics to improve phage detection and enumeration by the double-layer agar technique 2008
- A mathematical model for a Salmonella bacteriophage 2007
- Aplicação de técnicas de análise de imagem e de estatística multivariável no reconhecimento de protozoários e metazoários típicos de sistemas por lodos ativados 2007
- Bacteriophage therapy in Campylobacter-infected broiler chickens 2007
- Bacteriophage therapy in salmonella infected broiler chickens 2007
- Characterisation of lytic bacteriophages for Escherichia coli strains collected from infected birds 2007
- In vivo phage lisate toxicity study in chickens 2007
- Pitfalls and successes in phage therapy : the involvement of the UMinho Team in the European Project Phagevet-P 2007
- Stalked protozoa identification by image analysis and multivariable statistical techniques 2007
- Toxicity assessment of eight azo-dyes using Tetrahymena pyriformis 2007
- Viability and preservation of the lytic spectra of Salmonella bacteriophages during storage 2007
- Isolation and selection of campylobacter bacteriophages from poultry carcasses 2006
- Modelling bacteria and bacteriophage population dynamics 2006
- Recognition of protozoa and metazoa using image analysis tools, discriminant analysis and neural network 2006
- Assessment of aquatic toxicity with Tetrahymena pyriformis : alternatives to the growth impairment assays 2005
- Semi-automatic recognition of protozoa and metazoa by image analysis, neural networks and decision trees 2005
- Estudo da citotoxicidade in vitro de corantes azo em Tetrahymena pyriformis 2004
- Étude de cytotoxicologie in vitro en Tetrahymena pyriformis exposé aux colorants azo 2004
- A importância da microfauna como ferramenta de trabalho em estações de tratamento de águas residuais 2002
- Importância da identificação das espécies responsáveis pelo crescimento filamentoso nas ETARs 2002
- Exemplo de aplicação do índice biótico de lamas ao diagnóstico de funcionamento de ETAR'S 2001
- Implementação dos protistas como organismos-teste : estudo integrado com Tretahymena pyriformis GL 2001
- Toxicidade da microfauna nas lamas activadas : alterações da estrutura da comunidade e organismos indicadores 2001
- Estudo da comunidade de protozoários exposta a tóxicos em estações de tratamentos de águas residuais 1999
- Os protozoários como ferramenta da monitorização biotecnológica da poluição: ensaios in vitro 1999
- Automated characterization of protozoa in activated sludge 1998
- Motility assessment of the ciliated tetrahymena pyriformis after exposition to toxic compounds using image analysis 1998
- Physiological responses of the ciliated protozoa tetrahymena pyriformis to toxic compounds 1998
- Resposta da actividade predadora do ciliado Tetrahymena pyriformis à presença de compostos tóxicos 1997
artigo de revista
- Negative impacts of cleaning agent DEPTAL MCL® on activated sludge wastewater treatment system. Heredity. 2022
- Exploring electroactive microenvironments in polymer-based nanocomposites to sensitize bacterial cells to low-dose embedded silver nanoparticles. Acta Biomaterialia. 2022
- The first sequenced Sphaerotilus natans bacteriophage - Characterization and potential to control its filamentous bacterium host. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2021
- 2´OMethylRNA EFG1 antisense oligomer to control Candida albicans filamentation. Antibiotics. 2020
- Tailoring Bacteria Response by Piezoelectric Stimulation. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2019
- Nitrifying Soil Bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea: Operational Improvement of Standard Culture Medium. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2019
- Monitoring Amphora sp. growth by flow cytometry. Diatom Research. 2018
- Biocoatings: a new challenge for environmental biotechnology. Antibiotics. 2017
- Biodegradation of diethylketone by Penicillium sp. and Alternaria sp.: a comparative study biodegradation of diethylketone by fungi. Current Biochemical Engineering. 2015
- Study of 16 Portuguese activated sludge systems based on filamentous bacteria populations and their relationships with environmental parameters. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015
- The impact of polytechnic institutes on the local economy. Tertiary Education and Management. 2015
- Bovine lactoferrin induces cell cycle arrest and inhibits mTOR signaling in breast cancer cells. Nutrition and Cancer. 2014
- Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) applied to diatom identification: influence of culturing age. Aquatic Biology. 2014
- Relationship between protozoan and metazoan communities and operation and performance parameters in a textile sewage activated sludge system. European Journal of Protistology. 2014
- Use of an aerobic selector to overcome filamentous bulking in an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Technology. 2014
- A flat microbial fuel cell for decentralized wastewater valorization : process performance and optimization potential. Environmental Technology. 2013
- Biofilm formation with mixed cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa/Escherichia coli on silicone using artificial urine to mimic urinary catheters. Antibiotics. 2013
- Improvements on colony morphology identification towards bacterial profiling. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2013
- Influence of carrier concentration on the control of Galactomyces geotrichum bulking and bacterial community of biofilm reactors. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2012
- Influence of carrier concentration on the control of Galactomyces geotrichum bulking and bacterial community of biofilm reactors. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2012
- Influence of the organic loading rate on the growth of Galactomyces geotrichum in activated sludge. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part a Toxic/hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 2012
- Cytotoxic effects of native and recombinant frutalin, a plant galactose-binding lectin, on HeLa cervical cancer cells. Biomed Research International. 2011
- Efficacy of a broad host range lytic bacteriophage against E. coli adhered to urothelium. Current Microbiology. 2011
- The effect of bovine milk lactoferrin on human breast cancer cell lines. Journal of Dairy Science. 2011
- Selection and Characterization of a Multivalent Salmonella Phage and Its Production in a Nonpathogenic Escherichia coli Strain. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2010
- Method for bacteriophage isolation against target Campylobacter strains. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2010
- Production of fermented cheese whey-based beverage using kefir grains as starter culture : evaluation of morphological and microbial variations. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Antibiotherapy and pathogenesis of uncomplicated UTI : difficult relationships. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2009
- In vivo toxicity study of phage lysate in chickens. British Poultry Science. 2009
- The influence of the mode of administration in the dissemination of three coliphages in chickens. Poultry Science. 2009
- The use of antibiotics to improve phage detection and enumeration by the double-layer agar technique. BMC Microbiology. 2009
- Two-dimensional gravitactic bioconvection in a protozoan (tetrahymena pyriformis) culture. Zoological Science. 2009
- Stalked protozoa identification by image analysis and multivariable statistical techniques. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2008
- Development of an image analysis procedure for identifying protozoa and metazoa typical of activated sludge system. Water Research. 2007
- Microfauna as indicator of copper, zinc, and cycloheximide in activated sludge processes. Environmental Engineering Science. 2007
- Raw Data Pre-Processing in the Protozoa and Metazoa Identification by Image Analysis and Multivariate Statistical Techniques. Journal of Chemometrics. 2007
- Recognition of protozoa and metazoa using image analysis tools, discriminant analysis, neural networks and decision trees. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2007
- Effect of copper in the protistan community of activated sludge. Chemosphere. 2005
- Effect of different toxic compounds on ATP content and acid phosphatase activity in axenic cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2004
- Trends in the use of protozoa in the assessment of wastewater treatment. Research in Microbiology. 2001
- Miniaturization and application of the MTT assay to evaluate metabolic activity of protozoa in the presence of toxicants. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 1999
- Physiological responses of Tetrahymena pyriformis to copper, zinc, cycloheximide and Triton X-100. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 1999
- Semi-Automated Recognition of Protozoa by Image Analysis. Biotechnology Techniques. 1999
- Semi-Automated Recognition of Protozoa by Image Analysis. Biotechnology Techniques. 1999
- The use of immunocytochemical methods for toxicity assessment in Tetrahymena pyriformis 1998
- Os protozoários como indicadores da qualidade biológica das lamas activadas. Boletim de Biotecnologia. 1997
capítulo de livro
- Bacteriophages have potential to control foaming caused by Rhodococcus erythropolis in WWTP 2022
- Electroactive materials for a new generation of antimicrobial surfaces 2021
- Electrically and magnetically active polymer composites for tailoring mammalian and bacterial cell response 2021
- Isolation and characterization of a new bacteriophage against Rhodococcus erythropolis 2020
- Evaluation of the bacterial response to piezoelectrical microenvironments 2019
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique 2019
- Growth optimization of marine diatom Amphora sp. by tailoring silica and nitrate concentration 2019
- Impact of professional cleaning agent used in fish-canning industry in wastewater treatment 2018
- Isolation and preliminary characterization of a new bacteriophage against Sphaerotilus natans 2018
- Optimizing lab-scale wastewater treatment reactors operation for enhanced assays 2017
- Use of biocides in the control of filamentous bulking in activated-sludge 2017
- Tackling Nitrosomonas europaea culture problems for future applications in inshore aquaculture 2016
- Tracking relations among bacterial and protozoan communities in wastewater treatment plants 2015
- Survey of indoor fungi in hospital environments 2015
- Characterization of the virulence and the antibiotic susceptibility profiles in bacteria isolated from wastewater treatment final effluents 2012
- Profiling of pathogenic bacteria by colony morphology – identification of potential biofilm resistance and virulence determinants 2012
- New insights on the roles of bacteria and protozoa in activated-sludge processes 2012
- Influence of the sewage composition in the development of the microfauna in a bench-scale activated-sludge system 2011
- Biofilm reactor technology as an alternative to control fungal filamentous bulking caused by Galactomyces geotrichum 2011
- Characterization of the filamentous bacteria Eikelboom Type 0581 in Portuguese activated-sludge systems 2011
- Growth of Galactomyces geotrichum in sequencing batch reactors under different organic loading conditions 2011
- Protozoa grazing evaluation : a novel way to assess wastewater treatment performance? 2011
- Use of an aerobic selector to overcome filamentous bulking in activated sludge 2011
- Interactions between eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms in activated sludge: a molecular approach to improve wastewater treatment 2010
- Troubleshooting of filamentous bulking using hybdrid systems 2010
- Growth enhancement of benthic diatoms for industrial applications 2010
- Ecological study of the filamentous bacteria in the mixed liquor of activated sludge : 1-year sampling of 16 WWTP from the North of Portugal 2010
- Relationships between microfauna, filamentous bacteria and environmental conditions in activated-sludge processes in Portugal 2010
- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic populations in activated-sludge 2010
- Protozoa grazing evaluation : a novel way to assess wastewater treatment performance? 2010
- Contribution of the PROTOFILWW project to the knowledge of the activated sludge ecology : uncommon microfauna species 2009
- Microbiologic assessment of indoor air quality in hospitals 2009
- PROTOFILWW: insights in the ecology of activated-sludge systems 2009
- Avaliação do desempenho da ETAR de Barcelos através da observação da comunidade de protozoários das lamas activadas 2008
- PROTOFILWW: contribuição do estudo ecológico dos sistemas de lamas activadas para a avaliação do desempenho do tratamento biológico 2008
- Impact of biofilm growth in the microbial community composition of a sequencing batch reactor 2008
- In vitro and in vivo evaluation of campylobacter bacteriophages 2008
- Isolation, characterization and in vivo performance evaluation of a coliphage 2008
- Production of a salmonella bacteriophage in a non-pathogenic E. coli strain 2008
- The use of antibiotics to improve phage detection and enumeration by the double-layer agar technique 2008
- Characterisation of lytic bacteriophages for Escherichia coli strains collected from infected birds 2007
- Pitfalls and successes in phage therapy : the involvement of the UMinho Team in the European Project Phagevet-P 2007
- Viability and preservation of the lytic spectra of Salmonella bacteriophages during storage 2007
- In vivo phage lisate toxicity study in chickens 2007
- Stalked protozoa identification by image analysis and multivariable statistical techniques 2007
- Bacteriophage therapy in salmonella infected broiler chickens 2007
- A mathematical model for a Salmonella bacteriophage 2007
- Bacteriophage therapy in Campylobacter-infected broiler chickens 2007
- Toxicity assessment of eight azo-dyes using Tetrahymena pyriformis 2007
- Isolation and selection of campylobacter bacteriophages from poultry carcasses 2006
- Modelling bacteria and bacteriophage population dynamics 2006
- Recognition of protozoa and metazoa using image analysis tools, discriminant analysis and neural network 2006
- Assessment of aquatic toxicity with Tetrahymena pyriformis : alternatives to the growth impairment assays 2005
- Ciliated Protists as Test Organisms in Toxicity Assessment 2005
- Semi-automatic recognition of protozoa and metazoa by image analysis, neural networks and decision trees 2005
- Étude de cytotoxicologie in vitro en Tetrahymena pyriformis exposé aux colorants azo 2004
- Protists as indicators of toxicants entrance in activated sludge processes 2004
- Exemplo de aplicação do índice biótico de lamas ao diagnóstico de funcionamento de ETAR'S 2001
- Implementação dos protistas como organismos-teste: estudo integrado com Tretahymena pyriformis GL 2001
- Toxicidade da microfauna nas lamas activadas : alterações da estrutura da comunidade e organismos indicadores 2001
- Protozoários como indicadores biológicos da poluição : fundamentos e aplicações 1998
- Automated characterization of protozoa in activated sludge 1998
- Motility assessment of the ciliated tetrahymena pyriformis after exposition to toxic compounds using image analysis 1998
- Physiological responses of the ciliated protozoa tetrahymena pyriformis to toxic compounds 1998
- The use of immunocytochemical methods for toxicity assessment in Tetrahymena pyriformis 1998
- Os protozoários como indicadores da qualidade biológica das lamas activadas 1997
- Resposta da actividade predadora do ciliado Tetrahymena pyriformis à presença de compostos tóxicos 1997
- Protozoários como indicadores biológicos da poluição : fundamentos e aplicações 1996
- Development of techniques to enhance the productivity of marine diatoms 2016
- Characterization of microbial populations in a wastewater treatment plant focusing on Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2015
- Avaliação da comunidade microbiológica das ETAR exploradas pela AGERE-EM 2013
- Avaliação dos mecanismos de interação entre hospedeiro e fago em biofilmes 2013
- Controlo analítico da ETAR de Serzedo e avaliação do desempenho da instalação 2013
- Caracterização da virulência e dos perfis de resistência de populações microbianas patogénicas presentes no efluente final de ETAR 2012
- Isolation and characterization of the genomic variability in activated-sludge : a comparative analysis between bacterial isolates and operation parameters 2012
- Study of new methods for the characterisation and the preservation of diatom cultures 2011