publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Effects of anobiid damage on shear strength parallel to the grain in single step joints. Materials and Structures. 2023
- Statistical correlation investigation of a single-doweled timber-to-timber joint. Engineering Structures. 2022
- Experimental Stress Analysis of Cross-Laminated Timber Elements under Cyclic Moisture. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2022
- Apparent and resistant section parametric modelling of timber structures in HBIM. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- HBIM Application in Historic Timber Structures: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2022
- Combination of laser scanner and drilling resistance tests to measure geometry change for structural assessment of timber beams exposed to fire. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures: Selected Papers from the SHATIS'19 Conference. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- Experimental evaluation of dowel-type timber joints with wooden dowels. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2020
- HBIM for storing life-cycle data regarding decay and damage in existing timber structures. Automation in Construction. 2020
- Corrigendum to “Quasi-static tests on a two-story CLT building” [Eng. Struct. 201 (2019) 109806] (Engineering Structures (2019) 201, (S0141029619312957), (10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109806)). Engineering Structures. 2020
- Special issue on “existing timber structures”. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2018
- Análise comparativa do desempenho de ultrassons na avaliação não destrutiva da madeira de castanho. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2015
- Construção em altura com MLCC 2015
- Estudo e caracterização de espécies portuguesas de madeira termicamente modificada 2015
- Estudo e caracterização de espécies portuguesas de madeira termicamente modificada. 2015
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams 2015
- Coberturas tradicionais de madeira : caracterização, inspeção e classificação 2014
- Madeira termicamente modificada 2014
- Malhas estruturais em madeira 2014
- The influence of moisture content variation on the withdrawal capacity of self-tapping screws 2014
- Effectiveness and subjectivity of visual inspection as a method to assess bending stiffness and strength of chestnut timber elements. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Glulam mechanical characterization. Materials Science Forum VI. 2013
- RILEM TC “Reinforcement of timber elements in existing structures. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Seismic analysis of a 2-storey log house. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- ttt torre turística transportável: estrutura de madeira polivalente como segundo pavilhão de Portugal na EXPO Xangai2010. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2011
- Analysis of laterally loaded nailed timber-to-concrete connections. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
- Caracterização mecânica de toros de madeira lamelada colada. Mecânica Experimental. 2009
- Asnas tradicionais de madeira: evolução, comportamento e reforço com materiais compósitos 2008
- Traditional timber trusses: evolution, behaviour and strengthening with composites. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2008
- Compósitos de CFRP unidireccionais no reforço de vigas de madeira lamelada-colada 2006
- Structural grades of timber by bending and compression tests 2006
- Lajes mistas de madeira-betão. Engenharia Civil. 2002
artigo de conferência
- Edifícios em madeira como estratégia para a neutralidade carbónica: Contextualização da aplicação estrutural da madeira em Portugal 2024
- Modular timber-hybrid seismic design performance: A state-of-the-art review 2024
- Construção modular com madeira: Normalização e recomendações para a sua conceção e projeto 2024
- A Evolução Construtiva de Braga: Padrões e Tipologias 2023
- Sistema construtivo em painéis pré-fabricados de madeira para edifícios em altura: Análise do desempenho térmico 2022
- The wood moisture factor on the biological deterioration of wooden structures 2022
- Prediction of the acoustic insulation of a prefabricated wooden-based system for collective buildings 2022
- Current practice as potential associated with innovative natural based materials for buildings retrofitting 2022
- Prefabricated wooden based system for collective buildings 2021
- Study in the changes of the moisture content in wood. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2021
- Statistical dependence investigation related to Dowel-Type timber joints. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Application of fragility analysis to timber-framed structures for seismic and robustness assessments. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Cohesive zone models of single step joint damaged due to the shear crack 2020
- Propagation of visual inspection on timber members through Bayesian methods 2019
- Analysis and storage of the decay degree level, cracks and lack of material in timber built heritage for HBIM 2019
- Convent of Christ In Tomar - Safety assessment of the Charola roof 2019
- Lateral tests on a two-story CLT house 2019
- Probabilistic modelling of glued-laminated timber beams using information from onsite tests and randomly generated defects 2019
- Detection of shear crack propagation on timber elements using acoustic emission tests 2018
- A utilização sustentável das malhas estruturais de madeira 2018
- Fragility analysis of a mass-timber frame structure with ring-doweled moment-resisting connections 2018
- Geometria de secções de elementos de madeira através de varrimento por laser e testes de perfuração controlada 2018
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements 2018
- Numerical modeling of CLT diaphragms tested on a shake-table experiment 2018
- Intervir em coberturas de madeira e seus impactos: ensaios em escala real a duas asnas de madeira 2017
- Predicting mechanical properties of timber elements by regression analysis considering multicollinearity of non-destructive test results 2017
- Uncertainty of Visual Inspection on the Reliability Analysis of Timber Elements 2017
- Consolidation of a collar truss with a steel cable system. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Finite element modelling of the cyclic behaviour of CLT connectors and walls 2016
- Repair techniques used in two existing collar beam trusses: Experimental results of full size scale tests 2016
- Repairing of a timber truss through two different techniques using timber elements and screwed metal plates. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Single step joint: overview of European standardized approaches and experimentations 2016
- Strategies to avoid humidity causing damages in tall timber buildings 2016
- Tectonic design elastic timber gridshells 2016
- Tectonic design of elastic timber gridshells 2016
- State-of-the-art review on cyclic behaviour of connections used in CLT multi-storey buildings: test results and modelling 2015
- Avaliação experimental de elementos de pequenas dimensões de madeira Câmbala 2015
- Behaviour of a dovetail joint solved using force analyses 2015
- Experimental analysis of the cyclic response of traditional timber joints and their influence on the seismic capacity of timber frame structures 2015
- Implementation of a probabilistic based framework for safety assessment of existing timber elements 2015
- Influence of the wood mechanical properties in the dovetail joint behavior 2015
- Interdisciplinary knowledge transfer and technological applications for assessment, strengthening and monitoring of timber structures in Europe 2015
- Mechanical characterization of traditional timber connections: experimental results 2014
- Application of the component method to traditional dovetail joints of timber trusses 2014
- Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber structures: FPS COST ACTION FP1101 2014
- Avaliação da robustez de estruturas de madeira em zonas sísmicas 2014
- Double Span Continuous Glulam Slabs Strengthened with GFRP. RILEM Bookseries. 2014
- Estudo e caracterização de espécies portuguesas de madeira termicamente modificada 2014
- Influence of moisture content and gaps on the withdrawal resistance of self tapping screws in CLT 2014
- Intervir em construções existentes de madeira 2014
- Mechanical characterization of traditional timber connections : experimental results 2014
- Structural repair of decayed old timber end beams 2014
- UT system : a structural system to build taller urban timber houses with aspired spatial flexibility 2014
- Use of random sampling and Bayesian methods in the prediction of chestnut timber beams bending stiffness 2014
- Low cost construction: state of the art and prospects for using structure wood apartment buildings in Portugal Autor(es): Oliveira, M. 2013
- A project contribution to the development of sustainable multi-storey timber buildings 2013
- Avaliação em laboratório do comportamento térmico de soluções construtivas em madeira 2013
- Guidelines to improve sustainability and cultural integration of temporary housing units 2013
- Innovative architectural and structural design to preserve historical centers 2013
- Low cost construction: State of the art and prospects for using structure wood apartment buildings in Portugal 2013
- Low cost construction: State of the art and prospects for using structure wood apartment buildings in Portugal 2013
- RILEM TC: reinforcement of timber elements in existing structures. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Seismic performance assessment of a timber log house 2013
- Sustainable design of prefabricated solutions for the rehabilitation of ancient buildings 2013
- The role of spontaneous construction for post-disaster housing 2013
- Avaliação em Laboratório do Comportamento Térmico de Soluções Construtivas em Madeira 2012
- Análise e reforço de coberturas tradicionais 2012
- Assessment of strength and stiffness variation within old timber beams 2012
- Avaliação do comportamento de ligações estruturais em madeira lamelada colada por meio de parafusos autoperfurantes 2012
- Characterization of old chestnut beams sections weakened by decay 2012
- Inspeção e monitorização de estruturas de madeira 2012
- Life-cycle assessment of a single-family timber house 2012
- Ligações estruturais de madeira laminada colada cruzada (CLT) utilizando parafusos autoperfurantes 2012
- MLCC na construção em altura 2012
- Optimization of design for floors, roofs and vaults 2012
- Sistemas em madeira e derivados na reabilitação urbana em situações pós-catástrofe 2012
- Traditional wooden buildings in Portugal: the Avieira house 2012
- Alvenaria estrutural com elementos de madeira 2011
- Avaliação experimental de ligações aparafusadas em pinho bravo e câmbala 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout bending tests 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout direct tests 2011
- Comportamento sísmico de um sistema log-house 2011
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams 2011
- Reabilitação de casas tradicionais em madeira do litoral norte e centro de Portugal. 2011
- Reliability based robustness of timber structures through NDT data updating 2011
- Response of FRP-glulam slab systems under five-point bending load 2011
- Robustness analysis of traditional timber trusses 2011
- Wood dimensional changes as consequences of its hygroscopic behavior 2011
- Lateral resistance of log timber walls subjected to horizontal loads 2010
- Avaliação da robustez da ponte pedonal em madeira de Góis 2009
- Avaliação estrutural de pontes utilizando a sua resposta dinâmica 2009
- Earthquakes and robustness for timber structures 2009
- Original and strengthened traditional timber connections 2009
- Portuguese traditional timber structures: survey, analysis and strengthening 2009
- Diagnosis and analysis of two king-post trusses 2008
- Diagnosis and analysis of two timber king-post trusses 2008
- Evaluation of wood density by means of distinct NDT 2008
- Field tests of a timber queen-post truss and numerical analysis 2008
- Geometric assessment and non-destructive evaluation of two timber king-post trusses 2008
- Analisi sperimentale su collegamenti tradizionali e rinforzati nelle capriate lignee 2007
- Asnas de madeira: a importância da rigidez das ligações 2006
- Behaviour of traditional Portuguese timber roof structures 2006
- Experimental analysis of original and strengthened traditional timber connections 2006
- Modelling of timber joints in traditional structures 2006
- Strengthening methodologies of portuguese traditional timber connections 2006
- Structural grades of timber by bending and compression tests. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Old timber beams – diagnosis and reinforcement 2005
- A Casa da Renda 2004
- Avaliação da aderência da ligação colada madeira-CFRP 2004
- Cobertura da sala do relicário do mosteiro de Santa Cruz : da inspecção e diagnóstico ao projecto 2004
- Reforço à flexão com compósitos de CFRP de vigas de madeira lamelada-colada 2004
artigo de revista
- Experimental Evaluation of Glulam Made from Portuguese Eucalyptus. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Numerical Analysis of Masonry-Infilled RC-CLT Panel Connections. Bioengineering. 2022
- Ductile Moment-Resisting Timber Connections: A Review. Bioengineering. 2022
- Current Practice and Potential Associated with Timber-Based Solutions for Buildings Retrofitting. Infrastructures. 2022
- Strain variation analysis of cross-laminated timber elements under cyclic moisture. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Mechanical Characterization of Iroko Wood Using Small Specimens. Bioengineering. 2021
- Behaviour of the adhesive bond between low-grade wood and GFRP reinforcements using epoxy resin. Composite Structures. 2021
- Thermal Performance and Comfort Conditions Analysis of a Vernacular Palafitic Timber Building in Portuguese Coastline Context. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Ability to Glue Portuguese Eucalyptus Elements. Bioengineering. 2020
- Elastic timber gridshells - structures with an integrated design. Informes de la Construcción. 2020
- Combination of non-destructive tests for assessing decay in existing timber elements. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. 2020
- Characterization of the mechanical performance in compression perpendicular to the grain of insect-deteriorated timber 2020
- Effects of extreme environmental exposure conditions on the mechanical behaviour of traditional carpentry joints. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Tridimensional parametric model for prediction of structural safety of existing timber roofs using laser scanner and drilling resistance tests. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Quasi-static tests on a two-story CLT building. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Structural and health assessment of historic timber roofs from the Convent of Christ in Tomar. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 2019
- Thermal modification of most representative Portuguese wood species. A preliminary study. Revista de la Construccion. 2019
- Timber arch bridges with V-shaped hangers. Structural Engineering International. 2019
- Experimentations on the retrofitting of damaged Single Step Joints with Self-Tapping Screws. Materials and Structures. 2018
- First results on the combination of laser scanner and drilling resistance tests for the assessment of the geometrical condition of irregular cross-sections of timber beams. Materials and Structures. 2018
- On-site full-scale tests of a timber queen-post truss. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Combination of expert decision and learned based Bayesian Networks for multi-scale mechanical analysis of timber elements. Expert Systems with Applications. 2018
- Design of three step joint typologies: review of european standardized approaches. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Seismic assessment of a heavy-timber frame structure with ring-doweled moment-resisting connections. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- Single Step Joint: overview of European standardized approaches and experimentations. Materials and Structures. 2017
- Experimental in-plane evaluation of light timber walls panels. Bioengineering. 2017
- Non-destructive assessment, full-scale load-carrying tests and local interventions on two historic timber collar roof trusses. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Visual assessment and diagnosis of a timber railway station warehouse in Foz do Tua. International Wood Products Journal. 2017
- Experimental analysis of Maritime pine and Iroko single shear dowel-type connections. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Structural Assessment ofCompanhia Aurífícia, a 19th Century Industrial Building Located in Northern Portugal. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- A Holistic Methodology for Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Timber Elements Combining Onsite and Laboratory Data. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- Inference on stiffness and strength of existing chestnut timber elements using Hierarchical Bayesian Probability Networks. Materials and Structures. 2016
- Load-carrying capacity test of a long-span timber truss. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2016
- Performance evaluation of traditional timber joints under cyclic loading and their influence on the seismic response of timber frame structures. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- The influences of moisture content variation, number and width of gaps on the withdrawal resistance of self tapping screws inserted in cross laminated timber. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Use of bending tests and visual inspection for multi-scale experimental evaluation of chestnut timber beams stiffness. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2016
- Estudo e caracterização de espécies portuguesas de madeira termicamente modificada. Mecânica Experimental. 2015
- Construção em altura com MLCC 2015
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research. 2015
- Analysis and strengthening of carpentry joints. Composite Structures. 2015
- Analysis of the seismic performance of a two storey log house. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2015
- Análise comparativa do desempenho de ultrassons na avaliação não destrutiva da madeira de castanho. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2015
- Estudo e caracterização de espécies portuguesas de madeira termicamente modificada.. Mecânica Experimental. 2015
- In-plane stiffness of timber floors strengthened with CLT. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2015
- Onsite assessment of structural timber members by means of hierarchical models and probabilistic methods. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Shaking table tests of a two-storey log house. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2015
- The role of temporary accommodation buildings for post-disaster housing reconstruction. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 2015
- The influence of moisture content variation on the withdrawal capacity of self-tapping screws 2014
- Serviceability assessment of the Góis footbridge using vibration monitoring. Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation. 2014
- Madeira termicamente modificada 2014
- Characterization of cross sections from old chestnut beams weakened by decay. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2014
- Coberturas tradicionais de madeira : caracterização, inspeção e classificação 2014
- Dimensional variation of three softwood due to hygroscopic behavior. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Malhas estruturais em madeira 2014
- Prediction of global bending stiffness of timber beams by local sampling data and visual inspection. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2014
- Bond between glulam and NSM CFRP laminates. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- On the use of NDT data for reliability-based assessment of existing timber structures. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Temporary housing after disasters: A state of the art survey. Habitat International. 2013
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP's by pullout tests. Composite Structures. 2012
- Structural behaviour of log timber walls under lateral in-plane loads. Engineering Structures. 2012
- ttt torre turística transportável: estrutura de madeira polivalente como segundo pavilhão de Portugal na EXPO Xangai2010. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2011
- Experimental evaluation of different strengthening techniques of traditional timber connections. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Robustness of timber structures in seismic areas. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Structural analysis of two King-post timber trusses: Non-destructive evaluation and load-carrying tests. Composite Structures. 2010
- Caracterização mecânica de toros de madeira lamelada colada. Mecânica Experimental. 2009
- Experimental analysis of laterally loaded nailed timber-to-concrete connections. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
- Asnas tradicionais de madeira: evolução, comportamento e reforço com materiais compósitos. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2008
- Compósitos de CFRP unidireccionais no reforço de vigas de madeira lamelada-colada. Revista Internacional Construlink. 2006
- Lajes mistas de madeira-betão. Engenharia Civil. 2002
capítulo de livro
- Application of a Prefabricated Wooden-Based System for Collective Buildings in a Four-Storey Portuguese Building 2023
- Reinforcement of historic timber roofs. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2021
- Reinforcement of timber elements in existing structures. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2021
- Reinforcement of traditional carpentry joints. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2021
- Service life design of timber structures 2019
- Repair and Strengthening of Traditional Timber Roof and Floor Structures 2018
- Assessment and diagnosis of two collar timber trusses by means of visual grading and non-destructive tests. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Hierarchical modelling of timber reference properties using probabilistic methods: Maximum Likelihood Method, Bayesian Methods and Probability Networks 2015
- Sustainability and Cultural Heritage Buildings 2015
- Reforço de elementos existentes de madeira 2014
- Da inspeção à avaliação de segurança na reabilitação de estruturas de madeira 2014
- Coberturas tradicionais de madeira 2013
- Casas de madeira: da tradição aos novos desafios 2013
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento sísmico de casas de madeira 2013
- Dos abrigos da pré-história aos edifícios de madeira do século XXI 2012
- Earthquakes and robustness 2011
- Current Practice and Potential Associated with Timber-Based Solutions for Buildings Retrofitting 2022
- Preface [18th International Probabilistic Workshop - IPW 2020]. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, SHATiS’2019. 2019
- Intervir em Construções Existentes de Madeira 2014
- A project contribution to the development of sustainable multi-storey timber buildings 2013
- Guidelines to Improve Sustainability and Cultural Integration of Temporary Housing Units 2013
- Innovative architectural and structural design to preserve historical centers 2013
- Low cost construction: State of the art and prospects for using structure wood apartment buildings in Portugal 2013
- Seismic performance assessment of a timber log house 2013
- Sustainable design of prefabricated solutions for the rehabilitation of ancient buildings 2013
- The role of spontaneous construction for post-disaster housing 2013
- Avaliação do comportamento de ligações estruturais em madeira lamelada colada por meio de parafusos autoperfurantes 2012
- Conservação e restauro do património construído 2012
- Life-cycle assessment of a single-family timber house 2012
- Optimization of design for floors, roofs and vaults 2012
- Sistemas em madeira e derivados na reabilitação urbana em situações pós-catástrofe 2012
- Alvenaria estrutural com elementos de madeira 2011
- Avaliação experimental de ligações aparafusadas em Pinho 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout bending tests 2011
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP’s using pullout direct tests 2011
- Comportamento sísmico de um sistema log-house 2011
- Diagnosis and analysis of two king-post trusses 2011
- Field tests of a timber queen-post truss and numerical analysis 2011
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams 2011
- Original and strengthened traditional timber connections 2011
- Portuguese traditional timber structures: Survey, analysis and strengthening 2011
- Reabilitação de casas tradicionais em madeira do litoral norte e centro de Portugal. 2011
- Reliability based robustness of timber structures through NDT data updating 2011
- Response of FRP-glulam slab systems under five-point bending load 2011
- Robustness analysis of traditional timber trusses 2011
- ttt torre turística transportável: estrutura de madeira polivalente como segundo pavilhão de Portugal na EXPO Xangai2010 2011
- A Madeira na Construção 2004
- 18th International Probabilistic Workshop 2021
- Proposal of a CLT Reinforcement of Old Timber Floors 2019
- Experimental and analytical assessment of the capacity of traditional single notch joints and impact of retrofitting by self-tapping screws 2016
- FP1101 and RILEM TC 245 RTE Training School on assessment and reinforcement of timber elements and structures: The role of the academic community in disseminating knowledge 2016
- Load-bearing capacity of traditional dovetail carpentry joints with and without dowels: comparison of experimental and analytical results 2016
- Hierarchical modelling of timber reference properties using probabilistic methods: Maximum Likelihood Method, Bayesian Methods and Probability Networks 2015
- Sustainability and cultural heritage buildings 2015
- Métodos de inspeção e classificação visual de elementos de madeira: manual de curso 2014
- Analysis and strengthening of timber floors and roofs 2014
- Da inspeção à avaliação de segurança na reabilitação de estruturas de madeira 2014
- In-Plane Stiffness of Traditional Timber Floors Strengthened with CLT 2014
- Métodos de inspeção e classificação visual de elementos de madeira : manual de curso 2014
- Reforço de elementos existentes de madeira 2014
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento sísmico de casas de madeira 2013
- Casas de madeira : da tradição aos novos desafios 2013
- Coberturas tradicionais de madeira 2013
- Effectiveness and subjectivity of visual inspection as a method to assess bending stiffness and strength of chestnut elements 2013
- Glulam mechanical characterization 2013
- Seismic analysis of a 2-storey log house 2013
- Dos abrigos da pré-história aos edifícios de madeira do século XXI 2012
- Earthquakes and robustness 2011
- Nondestructive testing of wood 2008
- Assessment and reinforcement of existing dowel-type joints 2019
- Elastic timber gridshells. from the finding form process to the erection of efficient lightweight structures 2019
- Robustness of multi-story timber buildings in seismic regions 2019
- Wooden pegs in the retrofit of timber constructions 2019
- Caracterização das propriedades de madeiras africanas, Câmbala e Sapelli 2017
- Combination of non-destructive tests for surface and in depth location of decay in timber structures 2017
- Conceção, análise e construção de malhas estruturais em madeira 2016
- Dimensionamento de estruturas de madeiras usando o programa TimberTech 2016
- Experimental and numerical assessment of the seismic behaviour of log and cross- Laminated Timber Systems 2016
- Experimental evaluation of timber-to-timber connections using wood dowels 2016
- A integração de técnicas BIM (Building Information Modeling) no projeto e na construção de estruturas de madeira 2015
- Analise técnico-funcional da parede WoodenQuark 2015
- Avaliação de vigas de madeira de Castanho tendo por base a classificação visual e ensaios não destrutivos 2015
- Criação de uma malha industrial de madeira a partir da análise das técnicas de cestaria 2015
- Diagnóstico e ensaio de carga de asnas tradicionais de madeira 2015
- Fendas de secagem em vigas de madeira: causas, efeitos na capacidade resistente e métodos de reparação 2015
- Reforço de ligações tradicionais de madeira 2015
- Reutilização de resíduos de couro como material construtivo na área arquitetónica 2015
- Efeito do tratamento térmico nas fachadas em madeira de Acácia, Eucalipto e Pinho 2014
- Explorar a potencialidade de um edifício construído com madeira lamelada colada cruzada (MLCC) : da organização espacial interior à relação interior - exterior 2014
- Numerical modeling of traditional timber connections 2014
- Potencialidades de elementos pré-fabricados de madeira na reabilitação 2014
- A "pele" em madeira: elemento articulador da pré-fabricação com a especificidade do lugar 2013
- Comportamento térmico de soluções construtivas com estrutura em madeira 2013
- Mechanical characterization of traditional connections in half-timbered walls : experimental results and retrofitting solutions 2013
- Methodology for safety evaluation of existing timber elements 2013
- Técnicas de reparação de vigas de MLC submetidas à flexão 2013
- A sustentabilidade do uso da madeira na construção 2012
- Avaliação experimental da estabilidade dimensional de elementos em pinho bravo e madeira tratada termicamente 2012
- Comportamento à flexão de vigas vidro-madeira 2012
- Eficácia do UPV na avaliação não destrutiva de elementos de Castanho 2012
- Incorporação de lamas de pedreira em argamassas 2012
- Incorporação de serrim em argamassas cimentícias 2012
- Reforço de asnas tradicionais de madeira 2012
- Asnas tradicionais de madeira: caracterização e reforço 2011
- Comportamento sísmico de um sistema log-house 2010
- Avaliação do comportamento de asnas antigas de madeira de grande vão 2009
- Influence of the joints stiffness in the monotonic and cyclic behaviour of traditional timber trusses. Assement of the efficaccy of different strengthenning techniques 2008
- Comportamento das ligações tipo cavilha em estruturas mistas madeira - betão 2003