publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Self-healing assessment and variability in plain and recycled tyre fiber reinforced concrete based on tensile splitting test. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024
- Numerical analysis of the flow field and cross section design implications in a multifunctional artificial reef 2023
- A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa 2021
- Statistical Study of Curing Conditions in Alkali Activation of Mine Tailings. Environmental Geotechnics. 2019
- Non-structural Performance of Pastes and Mortars Fabricated from Alkali Activated Electric Arc Furnace Slag 2019
- Alkali-Activated Fly Ashes: Influence of Curing Conditions on Mechanical Strength. U.Porto Journal of Engineering. 2018
- Statistical Analysis of the Influence of Several Factors on Compressive Strength of Alkali Activated Fly Ash. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2017
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Modeling large underground structures in rock formations 2011
- Venda Nova II Powerhouse Complex – Geomechanical characterization, numerical Modeling and back Analysis of geomechanical parameters. ASCE, GSP. 2011
- Deep Rock Foundations of Skyscrapers. Soils and Rocks. 2010
- Retroanálise de parâmetros geomecânicos em obras subterrâneas : comparação do desempenho de algoritmos de optimização clássicos com um algoritmo baseado em inteligência artificial 2009
- Development of new models for geomechanical characterisation using data mining techniques 2008
- Determinação de parâmetros geomecânicos em formações rochosas e maciços heterogéneos 2006
- Ensaios de penetração nos solos graníticos da região norte de Portugal: Algumas correlações 2003
artigo de conferência
- Knitted textile KTPs for instrumented underwater building systems 2023
- Maintenance planning framework for rock slopes management 2021
- Rockburst risk assessment based on soft computing algorithms. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Electrical resistivity of sustainable fiber reinforced concretes for smart marine structures 2019
- Experimental characterization of the scour of innovative artificial reef prototypes using hydraulic flume and photogrammetry. Oceans Conference Record (IEEE). 2019
- Experimental testing and CFD modelling for prototype design of innovative Artificial Reef structures. Oceans Conference Record (IEEE). 2019
- Comportamento ao fogo de blocos de terra comprimida. REHABEND. 2018
- Comportamento ao fogo de blocos de terrra comprimida 2018
- Resistência termomecânica em regime estacionário de provetes de terra comprimida 2018
- Using soft computing tools for piezometric level prediction 2018
- Geodesign, eco-brutalist artefacts for architecture, tourism and urbanism 2017
- Borehole plan optimization in rock masses using geostatistical simulation 2016
- Desempenho mecânico de alvenaria de BTC estabilizados através da ativação alcalina de cinzas volantes 2016
- Mechanical performance of compressed earth block masonry using granitic residual soils 2016
- Metodologia de otimização da escolha do local de sondagens dos planos de prospecção em maciços rochosos 2016
- Multiobjective Optimization of Maintenance Scheduling: Application to Slopes and Retaining Walls. Procedia Engineering. 2016
- Numerical methodology to model heterogeneous rock masses 2016
- Sistema de alvenaria com incorporação de resíduos: blocos de terra compactada com ligante geopolimérico 2016
- Tensile strain hardening of a metakaolin based fibre reinforced composite 2016
- Thermal and acoustic performance of interlocking compressed earth blocks masonry 2016
- Application of Markov chains in the prediction of rock slopes degradation 2015
- SQI – A quality assessment index for rock slopes 2015
- CEBs stabilised with geopolymeric binders: mechanical performance of dry-stack masonry 2015
- Updating of the Hierarchical Rock Mass Rating (HRMR) system and a new subsystem developed for weathered granite formations 2014
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts: a case study from Portugal 2014
- Analysis of the performance of an evolutionary computation algorithm in the identification of geomechanical parameters in underground works 2014
- Analysis of the performance of an evolutionary computation algorithm in the identification of geomechanical parameters in underground works. 2014
- Bayesian approach to fuse NDT data to find dynamic elastic modulus of granite stone 2014
- Caraterização do comportamento ao corte de alvenaria de blocos de terra compactada com junta seca 2014
- Mechanical behaviour of compressed earth blocks stabilised with industrial wastes 2014
- Metodologia para adaptação do método de escavação e suporte de um túnel baseado no método observacional 2014
- Modelling of the structural behaviour of rammed earth components 2014
- Prediction of the mechanical compressive behavior of granite using intelligent tools 2014
- Prediction of the mechanical compressive behavior of granite using intelligent tools 2014
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts : a case study from Portugal 2014
- Shear behaviour of rammed earth walls repaired by means of grouting 2014
- Sistema de avaliação de qualidade de taludes rochosos em fase de exploração 2014
- The performance of ultrasonic pulse velocity on the prediction of tensile granite behaviour : a study based on artificial neural networks 2014
- Uso de cadeias de markov na previsão da degradação de taludes 2014
- Vibration propagation in discrete element particle models of rock 2014
- Evaluation of code formulations for NSM CFRP bond strength of RC elements 2013
- Prediction of hard rock TBM penetration rate based on Data Mining techniques 2013
- Rammed earth: feasibility of a global concept applied locally 2012
- Assessment of the Luiz Bandeira historical bridge 2012
- Avaliação da estabilidade de taludes. Desempenho das redes neuronais versus máquinas de vectores de suporte 2012
- Capacidade de carga de fundações superficiais em maciços rochosos de acordo com o EC7 2012
- Design of spread foundations on rock masses according to Eurocode 7 2012
- Models for geomechanical characterization of the rock mass formations at DUSEL using Data Mining techniques 2012
- Nondestructive evaluation of granite building stones and relation with key mechanical parameters 2012
- Prediction of rockburst based on an accident database 2012
- Prediction of rockburst based on experimental systems and artificial intelligence techniques 2012
- Rammed earth : feasibility of a global concept applied locally 2012
- Relation between tensile and compressive engineering properties of granites 2012
- Residual granitic soil improvement for rammed earth construction 2012
- Development of models for geomechanical characterization using Data Mining techniques applied to a database gathered in underground structures 2011
- Seminário aspectos geotécnicos do projecto, construção, exploração e análise de risco em obras subterrâneas 2011
- Aplicação de um modelo hidromecânico na avaliação da segurança de uma barragem gravidade 2010
- Application of data mining techniques to the safety evaluation of slopes 2010
- Correlações entre algumas propriedades mecânicas de rochas graníticas com vista à escavação de túneis 2010
- Estudo do desempenho de TBM na escavação de maciços graníticos do norte de Portugal utilizando o sistema QTBM 2010
- Número mínimo de ensaios em ancoragens 2010
- Previsão geotécnica do comportamento mecânico de uma fundação superficial em modelo físico 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- Back analysis of geomechanical parameters using classical and artificial intelligence techniques 2009
- Determinação de parâmetros geomecânicos utilizando técnicas numéricas avançadas 2009
- Análise numérica das cavernas principais do complexo hidroeléctrico da venda nova II e retroanálise de parâmetros geomecânicos 2008
- Bayesian framework for the deformability modulus updating in an underground structure 2008
- Equilíbrio limite (ELU) de maciços terrosos carregados. Modelos numéricos 2D e 3D para obter Fs 2008
- Metodologia bayesiana para a actualização do módulo de deformabilidade numa estrutura subterrânea 2008
- Alternative models for the calculation of the RMR and Q indexes for granite rock masses 2007
- Alternative models for the calculation of the RMR and Q indexes for granite rock masses 2007
- Geomechanical parameters updating in an underground work 2007
- Inverse analysis on two geotechnical works : a tunnel and a cavern 2007
- Numerical analysis of the Venda Nova II powerhouse complex 2007
- Numerical analysis of the Venda Nova II powerhouse complex 2007
- Use of aI techniques and updating in geomechanical characterisation 2007
- Análise do comportamento estrutural da estação Faria Guimarães 2006
- Prediction of geomechanical parameters using a KBS system. Application to two case studies of underground structures 2006
- Determination of geomechanical parameters using a KBS system and application to an underground station 2005
- Modelação numérica de uma central hidroeléctrica subterrânea utilizando parâmetros geomecânicos obtidos através de técnicas de inteligência artificial 2005
- Determinação de parâmetros geomecânicos em formações graníticas através de um sistema baseado em conhecimento 2004
- Geomechanical parameters in granite formations obtained by a knowledge based system 2004
- Numerical modeling of a large underground powerhouse using geomechanical parameters obtained by artificial intelligence techniques 2004
- Análise da informação geológico-geotécnica dos maciços graníticos ao longo dos trechos enterrados do metro ligeiro do Porto 2003
artigo de revista
- Fiber-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Cements from Ceramic Waste and Ladle Furnace Slag without Thermal Curing. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2023
- Mechanical Behavior of a Mine Tailing Stabilized with a Sustainable Binder. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Design Procedures for Sustainable Structural Concretes Using Wastes and Industrial By-Products. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Sustainability assessment of half-sandwich panels based on alkali-activated ceramic/slag wastes cement versus conventional building solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023
- Constitutive Behaviour of a Clay Stabilised with Alkali-Activated Cement Based on Blast Furnace Slag. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- Mechanical Characterization of Masonry Built with iCEBs of Granite Residual Soils with Cement–Lime Stabilization. Bioengineering. 2022
- Study on guardrail post behavior located on organic soil using simplified experimental and numerical methods. Soils and Rocks. 2022
- Effect of polyacrylonitrile fiber on the properties of alkali-activated ceramic/slag-based mortar. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Thermal performance assessment of masonry made of ICEB's stabilised with alkali-activated fly ash. Energy and Buildings. 2021
- Iron and Aluminium Production Wastes as Exclusive Components of Alkali Activated Binders—Towards a Sustainable Alternative. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Stabilisation of a Plastic Soil with Alkali Activated Cements Developed from Industrial Wastes. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Thermal Effects on the Drilling Performance of a Limestone: Relationships with Physical and Mechanical Properties. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Effect of curing conditions on compressive strength behavior on alkali-activated ceramic wastes. Polo del Conocimiento. 2021
- Compressed earth blocks stabilized with glass waste and fly ash activated with a recycled alkaline cleaning solution. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021
- A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Live-scale testing of granular materials stabilized with alkali-activated waste glass and carbide lime 2021
- Alkali activation of recycled ceramic aggregates from construction and demolition wastes. Materiales de Construcción. 2020
- Unsaturated Response of Clayey Soils Stabilised with Alkaline Cements. Biomolecules. 2020
- Piezometric level prediction based on data mining techniques. Expert Systems with Applications. 2020
- Application of alkali-activated industrial wastes for the stabilisation of a full-scale (sub)base layer. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020
- Development of a Numerical Tool for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Vernacular Architecture. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2019
- Improvement of a clayey soil with alkali activated low-calcium fly ash for transport infrastructures applications. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2019
- Evaluating the seismic behaviour of rammed earth buildings from Portugal: From simple tools to advanced approaches. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Modelling Geotechnical Heterogeneities Using Geostatistical Simulation and Finite Differences Analysis. Minerals. 2018
- Geomechanical characterization of volcanic rocks using empirical systems and data mining techniques. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2018
- Increasing the reaction kinetics of alkali-activated fly ash binders for stabilisation of a silty sand pavement sub-base. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2018
- Indirect tensile behaviour of fibre reinforced alkali-activated composites. Fibers. 2018
- Prediction of the mechanical properties of granites under tension using DM techniques. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2018
- Boreholes plans optimization methodology combining geostatistical simulation and simulated annealing. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2017
- ICEBs stabilised with alkali-activated fly ash as a renewed approach for green building: Exploitation of the masonry mechanical performance. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Influence of fibre reinforcement on the post-cracking behaviour of a cement-stabilised sandy-clay subjected to indirect tensile stress. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- The use of data mining techniques in rockburst risk assessment. Engineering. 2017
- Using data mining algorithms to predict the bond strength of NSM FRP systems in concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Effectiveness of the repair of unstabilised rammed earth with injection of mud grouts. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Geostatistical simulation to map the spatial heterogeneity of geomechanical parameters: A case study with rock mass rating. Engineering Geology. 2016
- Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the amorphous phase of a Class F fly ash dissolved during alkali activation reactions – Effect of mechanical activation, solution concentration and temperature. Composite Structures. 2016
- Truncated Gaussian Simulation to Map the Spatial Heterogeneity of Rock Mass Rating. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2016
- Tunnel engineering – influence of the type and the quantity of measurements in the back analysis of geomechanical parameters. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2016
- A Bayesian approach for NDT data fusion: The Saint Torcato church case study. Engineering Structures. 2015
- A new empirical system for rock slope stability analysis in exploitation stage. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2015
- Assessing the production of jet mix columns using alkali activated waste based on mechanical and financial performance and CO<inf>2</inf> (eq) emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015
- Influence of discrete fibre reinforcement on the uniaxial compression response and seismic wave velocity of a cement-stabilised sandy-clay. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 2015
- Mechanical characterisation of dry-stack masonry made of CEBs stabilised with alkaline activation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Methodology for real-time adaptation of tunnels support using the observational method. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2015
- Rockburst laboratory tests database - Application of data mining techniques. Engineering Geology. 2015
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Updating of the hierarchical rock mass rating (HRMR) system and a new subsystem developed for weathered granite formations. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2014
- Luiz Bandeira Bridge: Assessment of a Historical Reinforced Concrete (RC) Bridge. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2013
- Back analysis of geomechanical parameters in underground works using an Evolution Strategy algorithm. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2013
- Rammed earth construction with granitic residual soils : the case study of northern Portugal. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Rheological properties of alkaline activated fly ash used in jet grouting applications. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Estimation of the Rock Deformation Modulus and RMR Based on Data Mining Techniques. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2012
- Soil stabilisation using alkaline activation of fly ash for self compacting rammed earth construction. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Modeling large underground structures in rock formations 2011
- Back analysis of geomechanical parameters by optimisation of a 3D model of an underground structure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2011
- New models for strength and deformability parameter calculation in rock masses using data-mining techniques. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2011
- Bayesian methodology for updating geomechanical parameters and uncertainty quantification. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2009
- Retroanálise de parâmetros geomecânicos em obras subterrâneas : comparação do desempenho de algoritmos de optimização clássicos com um algoritmo baseado em inteligência artificial 2009
- Development of new models for geomechanical characterisation using data mining techniques. Geomechanik und Tunnelbau. 2008
- Determinação de parâmetros geomecânicos em formações rochosas e maciços heterogéneos. Engenharia Civil. 2006
- Ensaios de penetração nos solos graníticos da região norte de Portugal: Algumas correlações. Engenharia Civil. 2003
capítulo de livro
- Maintenance Planning Framework for Rock Slope Management 2022
- Identification of Persistent Discontinuities on a Granitic Rock Mass Through 3D Datasets and Traditional Fieldwork: A Comparative Analysis. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. 2020
- Development of alkali activated ceramic residue and fly ash blends 2019
- Application of Data Mining techniques for the development of new rock mechanics constitutive models 2013
- Application of Data Mining techniques for the development of new geomechanical characterization models for rock masses 2012
- Underground hydroelectric schemes 2012
- Knitted textile KTPs for instrumented underwater building systems 2023
- Maintenance planning framework for rock slopes management 2021
- SustIMS – Sustainable Infrastructure Management System, Relatório Técnico-Científico Final 2015
- Bayesian approach to fuse NDT data to find dynamic elastic modulus of granite stone 2014
- Geotécnica I: manual da unidade curricular 2012
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-betão 2010
- Sistemas de solo compósito-betão : caracterização da interface geocompósito-solo 2010
- Desenvolvimento de sistemas de inteligência artificial para análise de risco em túneis 2006
- Correlations between Dynamic Penetrometer Light and Cone Penetration Tests in Intermediate Soils: a Statistical Comparison. 2018
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Conservation and New Construction Solutions in Rammed Earth 2014
- Application of data mining techniques for the development of new rock mechanics constitutive models 2013
- Underground hydroelectric schemes 2012