publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The climate regime after Paris: an opportunity for regional leadership beyond the State?. npj Climate Action. 2024
- Portuguese MEPs and religion as a case of ‘dual identity’: Christians at heart, secular at work. Religion, State and SocIETy. 2023
- Frontrunners but different games? Comparing Catalan and Basque paradiplomacy towards the EU. Territory, Politics, Governance. 2023
- Made in the USA? The paradiplomatic strategies of California and Illinois to the EU. Territory, Politics, Governance. 2023
- Seen but overlooked? The Emergence of Regional Leadership in Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris. 2023
- Accepting ultraperiphery: the role of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) in the territorial mobilization strategy of the Government of the Azores with the European Union 2022
- The European Union, subnational mobilization and state rescaling in small unitary states: a comparative analysis. Regional and Federal Studies. 2020
- ‘No person and no place left behind’: compatibilities and inconsistencies of the EU Green Deal and the Next Generation EU in a post-Covid scenario 2020
- The Scottish Referendum 2014: the Political Process Before and After the “No” Vote’ 2015
- The scottish referendum 2014: the political process before and after the "no" vote 2015
- The scottish referendum 2014:The political process before and after the ‘no’ vote. 2015
- France-Portugal: la paradiplomatie des régions. Pouvoirs Locaux, nº56, 1/2003. 2003
artigo de revista
- Assumir a ultraperiferia: o papel da CRPM na estrate´gia de mobilizac¸a~o territorial do Governo dos Ac¸ores junto da Unia~o Europeia 2022
- ‘No person and no place left behind’: compatibilities and inconsistencies of the EU Green Deal and the Next Generation EU in a post-Covid scenario 2020
- State rescaling and a ‘Europe of the Regions’ in small unitary states: A damp squib?. Regional and Federal Studies. 2020
- With or without you: Mobilization strategies of Portuguese regional authorities in the European Union. Regional and Federal Studies. 2020
- The scottish referendum 2014: the political process before and after the "no" vote 2015
capítulo de livro
- Europeanization and territorial politics in small unitary states: a comparative analysis 2021
- Self-determination in a Context of Shared Sovereignty: how to devise a European approach? 2020
- Self-determination in a context of shared sovereignty? Bringing functional autonomy in a federal mold 2020
- Negociação Internacional: Estratégias e Táticas 2018
- UK and the EU referendum: which option to take, Brexit or Bremain? 2016
- UK, Scotland and the European dilemma: Brexit in a few words 2016
- Yes scotland versus better together: how did it all happen? 2016
- Scottish Referendum and the Smith Process: what’s next for Scotland? 2015
- A política identitária em Portugal: caracterização da sua presença 2023
- A transformação ideológica dos partidos de centro-direita: o caso do PSD 2023
- Os partidos populistas de direita radical e a “ideologia de género”: o caso do Chega 2022
- Assumir a ultraperiferia: o papel da CRPM na estratégia de representação do governo dos Açores junto da União Europeia 2021
- O contributo do ACNUR na prática da repatriação voluntária: ‘o caso dos refugiados afegãos’ 2021
- O populismo de Bolsonaro: uma análise das eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2018 2021
- The role of Erasmus+ programme in fostering European identity during the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
- A estratégia de marketing político da Federação Distrital do Porto do Partido Socialista nas redes sociais: a análise das eleições legislativas de 2019 2020
- Nigel Farage nas campanhas eleitorais para o Parlamento Europeu de 2014 e 2019: eurocético e/ou populista? 2020
- “O papel da cultura na internacionalização da empresa: o caso da Safe Feet Company” 2020
- “Um modelo federal funcional como proposta para a acomodação nacionalista Catalã em Espanha” 2020
- A utilização das redes internacionais e sua influência no processo de internacionalização das Born Globals 2019
- The role of Governmental and Non-Governmental International Organizations in the management of the refugee crisis 2017
- A extensão da plataforma continental portuguesa : um potencial energético e mineral por explorar? 2014
- O poder da palavra no referendo sobre o processo da Regionalização de Portugal Continental em 1998 2005