publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Quantitative image analysis for assessing extracellular polymeric substances in activated sludge under atrazine exposure. Separation and Purification Technology. 2024
- Cookie composition analysis by Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy coupled to chemometric analysis. Food Chemistry. 2024
- Fate and occurrence of microplastics in wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Science: Advances. 2023
- Occurrence of Microplastics in Wastewater Treatment Plants: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives. Water. 2023
- The role of extracellular polymeric substances in biological wastewater treatment . Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2023
- Biosorption of hexavalent chromium based on modified y zeolites obtained by alkali-treatment. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2010
- Uptake, equilibrium and kinetics studies for the adsorption of 3-pentanone onto four different clays. Antibiotics. 2010
- Iron and Chromium Removal from Binary Solutions of Fe(III)/Cr(III) and Fe(III)/Cr(VI) by Biosorbents Supported on Zeolites. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Lead (II) and Iron (II) removal from aqueous solution: Biosorption by a bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon. Resource and Environmental Biotechnology. 2002
artigo de conferência
- Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in nir spectroscopy and chemometrics 2019
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique 2019
- Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy 2018
- Application of near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology 2017
- Characterization of the effects of pharmaceuticals in activated sludge using quantitative image analysis 2017
- Removal of paracetamol by an activated sludge bioreactor 2017
- Wine chemical characterization by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric analysis 2017
- Remoção de ibuprofeno por um sistema aeróbio de lamas ativadas 2016
- Recovery of biotreatment supports as catalysts in ciclohexene oxidation 2009
- Biosorption of hexavalent chromium by Arthrobacter viscosus 2008
- Biosorption of CrVI supported on mordenite zeolite 2008
- Application of an E. coli biofilm supported on Kaolin to the removal of Cd(II), Cr(VI), Fe(III) and Ni(II) from aqueous solutions 2008
- Treatment of chromium solutions in a 15 dm3 pilot bioreactor 2008
- Biosorption of Cr VI supported on mordenite zeolite 2008
- Iron and chromium removal from binary solutions of Fe(III)/Cr(III) and Fe(III)/Cr(VI) by biosorbents supported on zeolites. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Comparative study between natural and artificial zeolites as supports for biosorption systems. Key Engineering Materials. 2006
- Equilibrium modelling of a biosorption system consisting of a bacterial biofilm supported on a GAC for removal of chromium (VI) and organics compounds from a aqueous solution 2005
- Catalytic behavior of biosorbents supported in zeolites 2005
- Encapsulated pyridazine Cr(III) complexes prepared from biosorbents supported in zeolites. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. 2005
- Equilibrium modelling of a biosorption system consisting of a bacterial biofilm supported on GAC for removal of chromium (VI) and organic compounds from aqueous solutions 2005
- Fixação simultânea de metais pesados e compostos orgânicos em matriz biológica 2001
artigo de revista
- Effects of desloratadine on activated sludge: Behaviour of EPS and sludge properties. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- The Role of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in Micropollutant Removal. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering. 2022
- FT-NIR spectroscopy analysis for monitoring the microbial production of 2-phenylethanol using crude glycerol as carbon source. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2022
- Effect of ibuprofen on extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production and composition, and assessment of microbial structure by quantitative image analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021
- Assessment of an aerobic granular sludge system in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021
- Environmentally-friendly technology for rapid identification and quantification of emerging pollutants from wastewater using infrared spectroscopy. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2020
- Degradation of widespread pharmaceuticals by activated sludge: Kinetic study, toxicity assessment, and comparison with adsorption processes. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2020
- Discrimination of Camellia japonica cultivars and chemometric models: An interlaboratory study. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019
- NIR spectroscopy applied to the determination of 2-phenylethanol and L-phenylalanine concentrations in culture medium of Yarrowia lipolytica (1st author). Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2019
- Quantification of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater samples by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Talanta. 2019
- New PLS analysis approach to wine volatile compounds characterization by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Food Chemistry. 2018
- An Overview of the Evolution of Infrared Spectroscopy Applied to Bacterial Typing. Antibiotics. 2018
- Monitoring biological wastewater treatment processes: recent advances in spectroscopy applications. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology. 2017
- Exploiting intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy to discriminate between Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species. Nanoscale. 2017
- Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. 2015
- Chlorella vulgaris biomass enriched by biosorption of polyphenols. Algal Research. 2015
- Tailored zeolites for the removal of metal oxyanions: Overcoming intrinsic limitations of zeolites. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014
- An approach to the metabolic degradation of diethylketone (DEK) by Streptococcus equisimilis: Effect of DEK on the growth, biodegradation kinetics and efficiency. Ecological Engineering. 2014
- Bioremoval of diethylketone by the synergistic combination of microorganisms and clays: Uptake, removal and kinetic studies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2013
- Removal of Ni(II) from aqueous solutions by an Arthrobacter viscosus biofilm supported on zeolite: From laboratory to pilot scale. Bioresource Technology. 2013
- Improved biosorption for Cr(VI) reduction and removal by Arthrobacter viscosus using zeolite. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2012
- Kinetics of biodegradation of diethylketone by Arthrobacter viscosus. Biodegradation. 2012
- Optimization of production of extracellular polymeric substances by Arthrobacter viscosus and their interaction with a 13X zeolite for the biosorption of Cr(VI). Environmental Technology. 2011
- The effect of clay treatment on remediation of diethylketone contaminated wastewater: Uptake, equilibrium and kinetic studies. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011
- Biosorption of hexavalent chromium based on modified Y zeolites obtained by alkali-treatment. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2010
- Effect of the supporting zeolite structure on Cr biosorption: Performance of a single-step reactor and of a sequential batch reactor-A comparison study. Antibiotics. 2010
- Immobilization of chromium complexes in zeolite Y obtained from biosorbents: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic behaviour. Applied Catalysis. B: Environmental. 2010
- Removal of organic compounds by a biofilm supported on GAC: Modelling of batch and column data. Biodegradation. 2010
- Biosorptive performance of an Escherichia coli biofilm supported on zeolite NaY for the removal of Cr(VI), Cd(II), Fe(III) and Ni(II). Antibiotics. 2009
- Removal of Cd(II), Cr(VI), Fe(III) and Ni(II) from aqueous solutions by an E. coli biofilm supported on kaolin. Antibiotics. 2009
- Retention of Cr(VI) and Pb(II) on a loamy sand soil. Kinetics, equilibria and breakthrough. Antibiotics. 2009
- Treatment of chromium(VI) solutions in a pilot-scale bioreactor through a biofilm of Arthrobacter viscosus supported on GAC. Bioresource Technology. 2009
- Biosorption of Cr (VI) using a bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon and on zeolite. Bioresource Technology. 2008
- Biosorption of Cr(VI) by a Bacillus coagulans biofilm supported on granular activated carbon (GAC). Antibiotics. 2008
- Biosorption of Cr(VI) by three different bacterial species supported on granular activated carbon-A comparative study. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008
- Immobilization of Fe(III) complexes of pyridazine derivatives prepared from biosorbents supported on zeolites. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2008
- Zeolites as supports for the biorecovery of hexavalent and trivalent chromium. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2008
- Competitive biosorption of ortho-cresol, phenol, chlorophenol and chromium(VI) from aqueous solution by a bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2006
- Oxidation catalysts prepared from biosorbents supported on zeolites. Applied Catalysis. B: Environmental. 2006
- Lead(II) and Iron(II) removal from aqueous solution : biosorption by a bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon. Resource and Environmental Biotechnology. 2002
- Removal of chromium(VI) and cadmium(II) from aqueous solution by a bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon. Biotechnology Letters. 2001
capítulo de livro
- Challenges and future perspectives for tackling PPCPs 2024
- Innovative technologies for emerging issues in pharmaceuticals 2024
- Bio Strategies for the Removal of Contaminants of Emerging Concern from Wastewater 2023
- Innovative technologies for emerging issues in pharmaceuticals 2023
- Quantitative Image Analysis as a Valuable Tool to Assess Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems 2023
- Bio strategies for the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) from wastewater 2022
- CHAPTER 2. Impact of Industrial Wastewater Discharge on the Environment and Human Health 2022
- Quantitative Image Analysis as a valuable tool to assess aerobic wastewater treatment systems 2022
- Biosorption of metals – from the basics to high value catalysts production 2015
- Comparative study between natural and artificial zeolites as supports for biosorption systems 2006
- Encapsulated pyridazine Cr(III) complexes prepared from biosorbents supported in zeolites 2005
- Remoção de crómio de efluentes industriais por biossorção 2001
- EPS and aggregates changes on activated sludge under atrazine exposure 2023
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique 2019
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique (poster communication) 2019
- Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in nir spectroscopy and chemometrics 2019
- Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy 2018
- Characterization of the effects of pharmaceuticals in activated sludge using quantitative image analysis 2017
- Wine chemical characterization by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric analysis 2017
- Application of near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology 2017
- Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products 2015
- Study of Ni (II) and diethylketone removal from aqueous solutions using a biofilm of Streptococcus equisimilis supported on vermiculite 2014
- Biodegradation of diethylketone by S. equisimilis 2013
- Recovery of biotreatment supports as catalysts in ciclohexene oxidation 2009
- Catalytic oxidation of ciclohexanol with supports from biosorption of hexavalent chromium 2009
- Desorption kinetics of phenantrene and lead from a contaminated soil 2009
- Enhanced EPS production by an Arthrobacter viscosus biofilm supported on zeolite for biosorption purposes 2009
- Heavy metals transport in typical portuguese loamy sand soils 2009
- Novel environmental catalysts prepared with residual metals on bioactive nanomaterials 2009
- Biosorption of heavy metals from aqueous solutions by an E. coli biofilm supported on zeolite NaY 2008
- Iron and chromium removal from binary solutions of Fe(III)/Cr(III) and Fe(III)/Cr(VI) by biosorbents supported on zeolites 2007
- Pyridazine chromium complexes in NaY zeolite 2007
- Comparison between the biosorption performance of three different biofilms supported on GAC for removal of Cr(VI) 2006
- Biosorption of Cr(VI) by an E. coli biofilm supported on GAC 2006
- Encapsulated pyridazine Cr(III) complexes prepared from biosorbents supported in zeolites 2005
- Bacterial biofilm supported on granular activated carbon and on natural zeolites- an application to wastewater treatment 2004