publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Portugal in the nuclear realm: a case of broad multilateralization. International Politics. 2023
- Institutional Inertia and Change: Explaining the Czech and Portuguese Engagement in European Defence Market Integration. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 2023
artigo de conferência
- Impactful creativity: The role of entrepreneurship education in driving sustainable development [abstract] 2023
- Literacy(ies) and skills in times of digital education: exploring communication and interaction in digitally mediated learning worlds 2023
- Online assessment: More student cheating than on-site? 2021
- Teacher collaboration in PBL: Setting the example for the students 2021
- Do student initial expectations about PBL match their final perceptions? 2020
- Aprendizagem Colaborativa e Desenvolvimento Profissional 2019
- Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum 2018
- Students’ perceptions and motivation in an industrial engineering and management program along their academic journey: First results 2018
- Students’ perceptions and motivation in an industrial engineering and management program along their academic journey: First results 2018
- Teacher Collaboration and professional Development: findings from a case study 2017
- Active learning in higher education: developing projects in partnership with industry. INTED Proceedings. 2017
- Atas do I Congresso Internacional sobre Avaliação das Aprendizagens e Sucesso Escolar 2017
- PBL in the first year of an industrial engineering and management program: A journey of continuous improvement 2017
- PBL in the first year of an industrial engineering and management program: A journey of continuous improvement 2017
- Teacher’s perspectives on collaboration and professional development in Portuguese schools 2017
- Student’s role in the implementation of a lean teaching and learning model 2016
- Assessing student individual performance within PBL teams: findings from the implementation of a new mechanism 2015
- Atas do 1º Colóquio Desafios Curriculares e Pedagógicos na Formação de Professores - Proceedings of the 1st Colloquium Curricular and Pedagogical Challenges in Teacher Training 2015
- Atas do I Congresso Desafios Curriculares e Pedagógicos na Formação de Professores. 2015
- Final year Lean projects: advantages for companies, students and academia 2014
- Proceedings of the sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2014) 2014
- IEM@ProjectNetworking: bringing first year students closer to professional practice 2013
- Proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2013) 2013
- Project Based Learning in First Year, First Semester of Industrial Engineering and Management: some results 2013
- Aprendizagem baseada em projetos interdisciplinares no ensino superior: implicações ao nível do trabalho docente 2012
- Teamwork in Project-Based Learning: engineering students’ perceptions of strengths and weaknesses 2012
- Bologna process and its implications: what does the research literature tell us? 2011
- O project-led education (PLE) como estratégia de aprendizagem cooperativa : potencialidades e constrangimentos 2011
- A first year and first semester Project-Led Engineering Education approach 2009
- An Academic Results Analysis of a First Year Interdisciplinary Project Approach to Industrial and Management Engineering Education 2009
- Aprendizagem Baseada em Projectos Interdisciplinares num Curso de Engenharia: uma leitura dos resultados académicos 2007
artigo de revista
- O esfriamento da amizade entre a Ásia Central e a Rússia após a guerra na Ucrânia. Relações Internacionais (R:I). 2023
- A ambição marítima e a projeção de poder da Rússia: o peso da dimensão continental 2022
- Kaliningrad and the Lithuanian geopolitical code. Sovremennaja Evropa. 2022
- O impacto da guerra na Ucrânia nas relações UE-Rússia. 2022
- Portugal na Europa e no mundo: a força do multilateralismo 2022
- The security dilemma in Russia's new national security strategy: between militarism and being a geographical pivot. 2022
- Uma forte presença no mundo: a diplomacia portuguesa e a Rússia 2021
- Improving the performance of student teams in project-based learning with Scrum 2021
- The Portuguese Presidency of the European Union 4.0 2021
- Graduate employability and competence development in higher education - a systematic literature review using PRISMA. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Studying European margins in the illiberal turn: a spacio-normative approach. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2019
- Estonia and Portugal in Europe: escaping peripherality, capitalizing on marginality. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 2019
- Nota introdutória: Trinta anos do fim do comunismo: O regresso dos nacionalismos na Europa Central e Oriental 2019
- "Security Union" and the digital sphere: unpacking securitization processes. UNIO – EU Law Journal. 2018
- (Re)securitisation in Europe: the Baltic States and Russia. Debater a Europa. 2018
- Comparative Study of 2D and 3D Optical Imaging Systems: Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery in an Ex Vivo Model.. Surgical Innovation. 2017
- Applying lean concepts to teaching and learning in higher education: findings from a pilot study. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- Managing PBL Difficulties in an Industrial Engineering and Management Program. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 2016
- Polycentrism in a post-hegemonic world and the future of the European Union. Revista Debater a Europa . 2016
- Teacher's experiences in PBL: implications for practice. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2016
- Perceptions of university teachers about teaching and the quality of pedagogy in higher education: A study in Portugal. Infancia y Aprendizaje. 2015
- Pre-service Teachers’ Views of Their Training: Key Issues to Sustain Quality Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability. 2014
- Engaging students in learning: Findings from a study of project-led education. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2014
- A docência no contexto da avaliação do desempenho no ensino superior : reflexões no âmbito de um estudo em curso. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa. 2012
- Students' views of assessment in project-led engineering education: Findings from a case study in Portugal. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 2012
- A aprendizagem baseada em projectos interdisciplinares: avaliação do impacto de uma experiência no ensino de engenharia. Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Entrepreneurship Learning: Applying a Revised Experiential Learning Model to Cultural and Creative Industries 2023
- Mediação socioeducativa na prevenção de conflitos: uma revisão de literatura 2021
- Rússia: estratégia de Segurança Nacional. IDN Cadernos. 2021
- Student-Centered Assessment Practices 2020
- Os conceitos e a evolução do multilateralismo: O nexo reflexão-ação 2019
- Contextos e abordagens de mediação, formação e desenvolvimento profissional: [introdução] 2018
- Aprendizagem em contexto de trabalho: oportunidades para a a aprendizagem profissional de professores 2018
- Introdução. Contextos e abordagens de mediação, formação e desenvolvimento profissional 2018
- Policentrismo num mundo pós-hegemónico e o futuro da União Europeia: Portugal num mundo de Incertezas 2017
- Portugal: waiting for better in the adversity 2016
- O contributo da formação pedagógica docente para a inovação do Ensino Superior 2016
- Portugal: a weak case for Euroscepticism 2016
- Construção e validação de toolbox para o desenvolvimento curricular no ensino superior 2015
- Aprendizagem baseada em projetos interdisciplinares: análise da implementação em duas estruturas curriculares distintas 2014
- Aprendizagem baseada em projetos interdisciplinares: análise da implementação em duas estruturas curriculares distintas. 2014
- A Avaliação dos Alunos no Contexto de um Projeto Interdisciplinar 2011
- Estrutura de Gestão para Planejamento e Execução de Projetos Interdisciplinares de Aprendizagem em Engenharia 2011
- Nota introdutória: A guerra da Rússia na Ucrânia: O primeiro balanço 2023
- Atas do I Colóquio - Desafios Curriculares e Pedagógicos na Formação de Professores [Proceedings of the I Conference - Curricular and Pedagogical Challenges in Teacher Education] 2015
- Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2015), integrated in the International Joint Conference on the Learner in Engineering Education (IJCLEE’2015) 2015
- Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches (PAEE2014) 2014
- Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2014) 2014
- Engaging Engineering freshman students in Mathematics, Sciences and Programming courses 2013
- Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2013) 2013
- Tutoring in higher education 2011
- Bologna process and its implications: what does the research literature tell us? 2011
- Teaching and learning in project-based education: a case study in engineering education 2011
- Project-Based Learning: implementação no primeiro ano de um curso de Engenharia 2021
- O multilateralismo: conceitos e práticas no século XXI 2019
- Contextos de mediação e de desenvolvimento profissional 2018
- Ten Years of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Minho 2017
- O contributo da formação pedagógica docente para a inovação do Ensino Superior 2016
- Tutors’ and students’ views of tutoring : a study in higher education 2013
- A Project Management Framework for Planning and Executing Interdisciplinary Learning Projects in Engineering Education 2012
- Student assessment in project based learning 2012