publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Multidisciplinary Engineering-Based Approach for Tunnelling Strengthening with a New Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete Technology. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2024
- Self-healing assessment and variability in plain and recycled tyre fiber reinforced concrete based on tensile splitting test. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024
- Characterization and analysis of filled knitted fabric formworks for advanced manufacturing of composite structures. Developments in the Built Environment. 2023
- Correction: Influence of the printing direction and age on the mechanical properties of 3D printed concrete. Materials and Structures. 2023
- Evaluation of the Best Solution for the Functionalization of Photocatalytic, Superhydrophobic, and Self-Cleaning Properties on Asphalt Mixtures. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2021
- Influence of the printing direction and age on the mechanical properties of 3D printed concrete. Materials and Structures. 2021
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
artigo de conferência
- GWP assessment of structural concrete with EAFS aggregates and ceramic residue 2023
- Application of nano-TiO2 and micro-PTFE on recycled asphalt mixtures for superhydrophobic functionalization 2021
- Efecto de la velocidad y la inclinacion en ensayos de arrancamiento de fibras lisas y conformadas 2019
- Towards the development of damage tolerant engineered cementitious composites with super-elastic reinforcement 2019
- Development of cement-based mortars for 3D printing through wet extrusion 2019
- Efecto de la velocidade y la inclinación en ensayos de arrancamiento de fibras lisas y conformadas 2019
- The effect of loading direction on the compressive behaviour of a 3D printed cement-based material 2019
- Betão de alta resistência reforçado com fibras exposto a elevadas temperaturas 2018
- Reactive powder concrete reinforced with steel fibres exposed to high temperatures. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Creep behaviour of cracked steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete: from micro-mechanics to composite behaviour 2016
- Ductility and durability of strain hardening cementitious composites in the marine enviornment 2016
- Tensile strain hardening of metakaolin based fibre reinforced composite 2016
- Time dependent flexural behaviour of SFRSCC 2016
- Ductility and durability of strain hardening cementitious composites in the marine environment 2016
- Tensile strain hardening of a metakaolin based fibre reinforced composite 2016
- Influence of the enviornemental exposure in the post-cracking behaviour of self-comapcting reinforced concrete 2015
- Influência do efeito de exposições ambientais no comportamento pós-fissurado de um BAC reforçado com fibras de aço 2015
- Affordable Prefabricated Modular Houses using cement and polymer based materials and advanced design tools 2015
- orrelation between thermography camera and resistograph test results to assess the integrity of old wood beams” (in Portuguese) 2014
- An input on the characterization of timber frame structural system of tabique walls 2014
- Schist buildings in the Peso da Régua region (in Portuguese) 2014
- Mechanical performance of fibre reinforced concrete: the role of fibre distribution 2014
- Caracterização construtiva de edifícios de xisto no concelho de peso da régua, Portugal: contributo para intervenções de reabilitação. REHABEND. 2014
- Correlação entre ensaios com câmara termográfica e resistógrafo na avaliação da integridade de vigas antigas de madeira 2014
- Edifícios de xisto no concelho de Peso da Régua 2014
- Mechanical performance of fibre reinforced concrete : the role of fibre distribution and orientation 2014
- Numerical modelling of the punching behavior of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete flat slabs 2013
- A contribution to assess the structural vulnerability of traditional timber pavements 2013
- Recycling of textile waste by reinforcing earthy render with micro-fiber 2013
- Numerical modelling of the punching behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete flat slabs 2013
- A contribute to the assessment of the termal behaviour of tradinitional portuguese buildings” (in Portuguese) 2012
- Contribuição para a avaliação do comportamento térmico de edifícios tradicionais portugueses 2012
- Energy Rehabilitation of Portuguese Ancient Buildings 2012
- Energy rehabilitation of portuguese ancient buildings : a first step into the existing schist buildings in the Alto Douro Wine Region 2012
- Camada de regularização com agregado de granulado de caroço da espiga de milho 2012
- Argamassa de reboco reforçada com resíduos da indústria têxtil do tipo fio 2012
- Assessment of fibre distribution and orientation in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels 2012
- Assessment of fibre orientation and distribution in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels 2012
- Granulated corn cob as aggregate for regulzarization layers 2012
- Numerical simulation of indirect tensile tests – Two distinct approaches 2012
- Numerical simulation of three-point bending tests : two distinct approaches 2012
- Plaster reinforced with textile industry residues” (in Portuguese) 2012
- Analysis of reinforcement techniques for wood structures (in Portuguese) 2011
- Reinforcement of wood structures with concrete and steel elements 2011
- Reabilitação estrutural: análise de técnicas de reforço em estruturas de madeira 2011
- Reforço de estruturas de madeira por recurso a elementos de betão armado e metálicos 2011
- Aging effect on the integrity of the traditional Portuguese timber roof structures 2011
- Comportamento em tracção uniaxial e flexão de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2010
- Tensile behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete. ACI Special Publication. 2010
- Uniaxial and flexural behaviour of self-compacting concrete” (in Portuguese) 2010
- Modeling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- An analytical model for assessing bond-slip relationship of hooked-end steel fibres 2008
- Analytical model for bond-slip of hooked-end steel fibres 2008
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Impact of the fibre manufacturing quality control on the fibre pullout performance 2008
- Influence of the fibre’s geometry and mechanical properties on its pullout behaviour (in Portuguese) 2008
- Influência da geometria e propriedades mecânicas de fibras de aço no desempenho ao arrancamento 2008
- Modelação analítica da influência da idade de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no seu comportamento à compressão 2006
- Modelling the compressive behaviour of self-comapctingconcrete (in Portuguese) 2006
- Compression and bending behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete 2005
- Steel Fibre reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete for Precasted Sandwich panels 2005
- Comportamento à tracção directa de elementos laminares de betão armado reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Self- compacting steel fibre reinforced concrete for precasted sandwich panels – experimental and numerical research 2004
- Self-compacting steel fibre reinforced concrete for precasted sandwich panels : experimental and numerical research 2004
- Uniaxial behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete laminar elements (in Portuguese) 2004
- Fibras de aço no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2003
- Modelação do comportamento à flexão do BRFA com base em lei tensão-extensão 2003
- Modelo de secção para dimensionamento à flexão de peças de betão 2003
- Avaliação da adequabilidade das leis propostas pela Rilem para caracterizar o comportamento fendilhado do betão reforçado com fibras de aço 2003
- Betão reforçado com fibras de aço : recomendações normativas, investigação experimental e numérica 2003
- Assessment of the RILEM proposal to characterize the post-cracking behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete (in Portuguese) 2003
- Cross section layer model for flexural design of reinforced concrete elements (in Portuguese) 2003
- Fibre reinforced concrete: guidelines, experimental and numerical research” (in Portuguese) 2003
- Modelling the SFRC flexural behavior using a stress-strain relationship (in Portuguese) 2003
- Post-Cracking Behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (RILEM Recommendations) 2003
- Steel fibres for the shear resistance of reinforced concrete beams 2003
artigo de revista
- Fiber-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Cements from Ceramic Waste and Ladle Furnace Slag without Thermal Curing. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2023
- Photocatalysis of functionalised 3D printed cementitious materials. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Design Procedures for Sustainable Structural Concretes Using Wastes and Industrial By-Products. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Sustainability assessment of half-sandwich panels based on alkali-activated ceramic/slag wastes cement versus conventional building solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023
- Blind competition on the numerical simulation of continuous shallow steel-fiber reinforced concrete beams failing in bending. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Blind competition on the numerical simulation of continuous shallow steel-fiber reinforced concrete beams failing in bending. Structural Concrete. 2023
- Competición a ciegas de simulaciones numéricas de vigas de hormigón reforzado con fibras que fallan a cortante. Hormigón y Acero. 2022
- Functionalization of Smart Recycled Asphalt Mixtures: A Sustainability Scientific and Pedagogical Approach. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- Effect of polyacrylonitrile fiber on the properties of alkali-activated ceramic/slag-based mortar. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Development of Photocatalytic 3D-Printed Cementitious Mortars: Influence of the Curing, Spraying Time Gaps and TiO2 Coating Rates. Bioengineering. 2021
- Effect of curing conditions on compressive strength behavior on alkali-activated ceramic wastes. Polo del Conocimiento. 2021
- Rate effect in inclined fibre pull-out for smooth and hooked-end fibres: a numerical study. International Journal of Fracture. 2019
- Effect of the displacement rate and inclination angle in steel fiber pullout tests. International Journal of Fracture. 2019
- Assessment of different methods for characterization and simulation of post-cracking behavior of self-compacting steel fiber reinforced concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Indirect tensile behaviour of fibre reinforced alkali-activated composites. Fibers. 2018
- Earth-based Render of Tabique Walls–An Experimental Work Contribution. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Influence of fibre reinforcement on the post-cracking behaviour of a cement-stabilised sandy-clay subjected to indirect tensile stress. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Time dependent behaviour of fibre pull-out in self-compacting concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- A two-phase material approach to model steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete in panels. Composite Structures. 2016
- Lightweight concrete masonry units based on processed granulate of corn cob as aggregate. Mater. Construcc.. 2015
- Time-dependent flexural behaviour of cracked steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels. Cement and Concrete Research. 2015
- Influence of casting condition on the anisotropy of the fracture properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC). Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Influence of casting condition on the anisotropy of the fracture properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC). Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Influence of discrete fibre reinforcement on the uniaxial compression response and seismic wave velocity of a cement-stabilised sandy-clay. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 2015
- Numerical simulation of galvanized rebars pullout. Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale. 2015
- The influence of fibre orientation on the post-cracking tensile behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete. Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale. 2015
- On the tensile properties and fracture behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete laminar structures. Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale. 2014
- Bond between glulam and NSM CFRP laminates. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Coating mortar reinforced with textile threads 2013
- Relation between fibre distribution and post-cracking behaviour in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels. Cement and Concrete Research. 2013
- Render reinforced with textile threads. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP's by pullout tests. Composite Structures. 2012
- A finite element model with discrete embedded elements for fibre reinforced composites. Computers & Structures. 2012
- Corn cob lightweight concrete for non-structural applications. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- An integrated approach for modelling the tensile behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. 2011
- Pullout behavior of steel fibers in self-compacting concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2010
- Modelling the influence of age of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete on its compressive behaviour. Materials and Structures. 2008
- Post-cracking behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures. 2005
capítulo de livro
- Application of nano-TiO2 and micro-PTFE on Recycled Asphalt Mixtures for Superhydrophobic Functionalization 2021
- Development of cement-based mortars for 3D printing through wet extrusion 2019
- The effect of loading direction on the compressive behaviour of a 3D printed cement-based material 2019
- Advanced treatment for arthritic diseases based on the capture and inactivation of interleukin-6 by biofunctionalized polymeric nanoparticles 2017
- Defense strategies of stingless bee Nannotrigona testaceicornes 2015
- A finite element model with discrete embedded elements for fibre reinforced composites 2012
- Assessment of fibre orientation and distribution in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete panels 2012
- Numerical simulation of three-point bending tests : two distinct approaches 2012
- Comportamento em tracção uniaxial e flexão de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2010
- Modelling of bond between galvanized steel rebars and concrete 2009
- Analytical model for bond-slip of hooked-end steel fibres 2008
- Impact of the fibre manufacturing quality control on the fibre pullout performance 2008
- Influência da geometria e propriedades mecânicas de fibras de aço no desempenho ao arrancamento 2008
- Modelling the influence of age of steel fibre reinforced self : compacting concrete on its compressive behaviour 2008
- Bond-slip mechanisms of hooked-end steel fibers in self-compacting concrete 2007
- Modelação analítica da influência da idade de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no seu comportamento à compressão 2006
- Compression and bending behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete 2005
- Comportamento à tracção directa de elementos laminares de betão armado reforçado com fibras de aço 2004
- Self-compacting steel fibre reinforced concrete for precasted sandwich panels : experimental and numerical research 2004
- Avaliação da adequabilidade das leis propostas pela Rilem para caracterizar o comportamento fendilhado do betão reforçado com fibras de aço 2003
- Betão reforçado com fibras de aço : recomendações normativas, investigação experimental e numérica 2003
- Fibras de aço no reforço ao corte de vigas de betão armado 2003
- Modelação do comportamento à flexão do BRFA com base em lei tensão-extensão 2003
- Post-cracking behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete (RILEM Recommendations) 2003
- Pullout behaviour of hooked-end steel fibres in self-compacting concrete 2007
- Compression behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete : age influence and modeling 2006
- PABERFIA : lightweight sandwhich panels in steel fiber reinforced self compacting concrete 2005
- PABERFIA : painéis sandwich pré-fabricados de betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço 2005
- Modelo de secção para dimensionamento à flexão de estruturas de betão : formulação e manual do programa DOCROS 2003