publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- UAV data and GPR prospection for the study of a pre-historic necropolis in NW Portugal 2023
- Analysis of Thermoelectric Generator Incorporating n-magnesium silicide and p-tetrahedrite Materials. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021
- Erratum: Martins, M.S., et al. Wideband and Wide Beam Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) Acoustic Transducer for Broadband Underwater. Sensors 2019, 19, 3991. Bioengineering. 2019
- Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 Thin Films with Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties for Flexible Thermal Sensors. Applied Sciences. 2018
artigo de conferência
- A microfluidic device for size-based microplastics and microalgae separation 2023
- Portable and Low-Cost Fluorometer for Phytoplankton Monitoring 2023
- Integrating GPR geophysical prospection and UAV’s for the study of the Chã da Mourisca Neolithic Mound (Northwest Portugal) 2021
- Design and technical validation of a wearable biofeedback system for robotic gait rehabilitation. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2020
- Contributos para o estudo arqueométrico de pavimentos ou rebocos da idade do ferro: O caso de estudo do povoado de Monte Castro ou de S. João de Rei (Norte de Portugal) 2020
- Cost-Efective Lab-on-a-Chip Device for Seawater pH Quantification by Optical Methods 2019
- Geothermal resources research in the Cávado Basin (NW Portugal) 2019
- Use of UAV's and geophysical prospection as a way to promote prehistorical archaeological heritage 2019
- Estimating volumes and tonnage using GPR data 2017
- Hydrogeochemistry of an ancient groundwater system (Sete Fontes, Braga, Northern Portugal). 2017
- Let there be light... 2016
artigo de revista
- Design and In Situ Validation of Low-Cost and Easy to Apply Anti-Biofouling Techniques for Oceanographic Continuous Monitoring with Optical Instruments. Bioengineering. 2023
- Geothermal resources research in a granitic basement - the Braga area case study (NW Portugal). European Geologist Journal. 2022
- The Challenge of Long-Distance Over-the-Air Wireless Links in the Ocean: A Survey on Water-to-Water and Water-to-Land MIoT Communication. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Methodology for Phytoplankton Taxonomic Group Identification towards the Development of a Lab-on-a-Chip. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Underwater Energy Harvesting to Extend Operation Time of Submersible Sensors. Bioengineering. 2022
- High-performance self-powered photodetectors achieved through the pyro-phototronic effect in Si/SnOx/ZnO heterojunctions. Nano Energy. 2021
- PtOEP-PDMS-Based Optical Oxygen Sensor. Bioengineering. 2021
- Touch sensor and photovoltaic characteristics of CuSbS2 thin films. Ceramics International. 2021
- Wearable Inertial Sensor System Towards Daily Human Kinematic Gait Analysis: Benchmarking Analysis to MVN BIOMECH. Bioengineering. 2020
- A Multi-Analytical study of Rock Paintings from Leandro 5 Megalithic Barrow, North-Weastern Portugal. Rock Art Research. 2019
- Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3 films for flexible thermal sensors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019
- The "Sete Fontes" groundwater system (Braga, NW Portugal): historical milestones and urban assessment. Sustainable Water Resources Management. 2019
- Integrated analytical techniques for the study of colouring materials from two megalithic barrows. Archaeometry. 2017
- Sensitive label-free electron chemical capacitive signal transduction for D-dimer electroanalysis. Electrochimica Acta. 2015
- Proof of Concept of the Electrochemical Sensing of 3-Iodothyronamine ( T1AM) and Thyronamine ( T0AM). Chemelectrochem. 2014
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