publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Organizational mindfulness to innovation at an organization in the cork sector. Information Technology & People. 2023
- Interpretative Research in Information Systems: Two qualitative research design projects 2018
- An Empirical Study on Crowdsourcing Innovation Intermediaries. Sustainable Economic Growth, Education Excellence, and Innovation Management Through Vision 2020, Vols I-Vii. 2017
- Crowdsourcing: Innovation for Information Systems Intermediaries. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT. 2016
- Open Innovation in Big Companies: An Empirical Study. Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability To Global Economic Growth, Vols I - Vi. 2016
- Improving the Mann–Whitney statistical test for feature selection: An approach in breast cancer diagnosis on mammography. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2015
- An Ontology Roadmap for Crowdsourcing Innovation Intermediaries. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing. 2014
- Impact of Ensemble Learning in the Assessment of Skeletal Maturity. Journal of Medical Systems. 2014
- Interpretative Research in Information Systems: Two Qualitative Research Design Projects. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (Ecrm 2014). 2014
- And we Shall Spend the First Million Together: Narrative as Basis for a Case Study Research Process. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research Methodology For Business and Management Studies. 2013
- Challenges in adopting open innovation strategies in SMEs : an exploratory study in Portugal 2013
- Crowdsourcing: Personal Values and Self-Efficacy as Antecedents to Creative Behavior. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research Methodology For Business and Management Studies. 2013
- Requirements specifications and recovered architectures as grounded theories 2013
- Crowdsourcing Innovation: A Strategy to Leverage Enterprise Innovation. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vols 1 and 2. 2012
- Crowdsourcing innovation: a proposal for a brokering architecture focused in the innovation needs of SMEs 2012
- Looking at the past to enrich the future: A reflection on klein and myers' quality criteria for interpretive research. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods. 2012
- Quality Criteria for Interpretive Research in Information Systems: A Reflection on Klein and Myers' set of Principles. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Research Methods. 2012
- Crowdsourcing: a social networking approach to outsourcing. Cutter It Journal. 2009
- Como tornar o seu negócio realmente competitivo : desafios tecnológicos e de gestão 2006
- Como tornar o seu negócio realmente competitivo: desafios tecnológicos e de gestão. CXO – Tecnologias de Informação para Executivos. 2006
- Is emotion relevant to requirements engineering?. Requirements Engineering. 2005
- Requirements engineering for organizational transformation. Information and Software Technology. 2005
- Social construction of information technology supporting work. Journal of Cases on Information Technology. 2005
- Specification of Requirements Models. Engineering and Managing Software Requirements. 2005
- Knowledge discovery process supporting organizational learning 2003
artigo de conferência
- Designing digital workplaces for employee engagement: Practical guidelines from a systematic literature review 2022
- Using Simulation to Leverage Digital Transformation of SMEs: A European Perspective 2022
- Preventing dating violence: the goodvibes project 2021
- Impact of IT use on the collective attentional engagement to innovation: The case of a organization in the cork sector 2020
- Gender Equality in the Information Systems and Technology Fields: A Comprehensive Diagnosis at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho 2019
- Gender equality in the information systems and tecnhonology fields: A comprehensive diagnosis at the school of engineering of the University of Minho 2019
- Impact of IT use on the collective attentional engagement to innovation: The case of a organization in the cork sector 2019
- STEM, high school students, gender: Are they compliant issues? 2018
- A Positive Perspective to Implementation of a Gender Equality Plan: A question of design, time and participation. AI Communications. 2018
- Indicators to assess the quality of organizational attention: Towards a theoretical model 2018
- Indicators to assess the quality of organizational attention: first steps towards a measurement instrument 2018
- An empirical study on crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries 2017
- FTSI - A Web platform for the characterization of the higher education in information systems in Portugal,FTSI - uma plataforma Web para a caraterização da oferta de ensino superior em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação em Portugal. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- Crowdfunding and resilience of communities: A case study,Crowdfunding e resiliência das comunidades: Estudo de caso 2016
- Crowdsourcing: Innovation for information systems intermediaries. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation. 2016
- Open innovation in big companies: An empirical study 2016
- The influence of the entrepreneurial orientation of project manager's intention to adopt platforms of crowdsourcing innovation,A influência da orientação empreendedora dos gestores de projetos na intenção de adotar plataformas de crowdsourcing innovation 2016
- Aprendizagem organizacional e o uso estratégico da informação contábil na captação de recursos 2015
- Organizational learning and the strategic use of accounting information in fundraising 2015
- Organizational learning and the strategic use of accounting information in fundraising,AMCIS2015 Puerto Rico: Aprendizagem organizacional e o uso estratégico da informação contábil na captação de recursos 2015
- Using Social Media as organizational memory consolidation mechanism according to attention Based View theory 2015
- An ontology roadmap for crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries 2014
- Crowdsourcing: A tool for organizational knowledge creation 2014
- Improving the performance of machine learning classifiers for Breast Cancer diagnosis based on feature selection 2014
- Interpretative research in information systems: two qualitative research design projects. European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management. 2014
- Preface,Prefácio 2014
- The role of crowdsourcing in the resilience of communities,O papel do crowdsourcing na resiliência das comunidades. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2014
- And we shall spend the first million together : narrative as basis for a case study research process 2013
- Abstracts of papers presented at the 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies 2013
- Adoption of open innovation strategies among SMEs: a comparative study In Portugal and Turkey 2013
- Compreendendo a memória organizacional a partir dos sistemas integrados de gestão (ERP) 2013
- Crowdsourcing: personal values and self-efficacy as antecedents to creative behavior 2013
- Government - academy different approaches to technology transfer 2013
- Collaborative Research (CR) as a reduced transaction cost in Open Innovation 2012
- Crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries Functions 2012
- Crowdsourcing innovation: a strategy to leverage enterprise innovation 2012
- Open Innovation in entrepreneurships: agents of transformation towards the knowledge-based economy 2012
- Quality criteria for interpretive research in information systems: a reflection on Klein and Myers' set of principles 2012
- Is Open innovation imperative to small and medium enterprises?: A comparative study 2011
- Knowledge metamodel for crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries 2011
- Knowledge management in organizations: A new proposal. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2010
- An action research on open knowledge and technology transfer. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2009
- Managing risks of crowdsourcing innovation: An action research in progress. Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2009
- Open innovation and the solver community 2009
- The measurement of competitive intelligence - CI: A proposal 2007
- Understanding information systems in organizations: from Anthony’s framework to the organizational mind 2006
- Algumas Considerações sobre as Principais Declarações que Suportam o Movimento de Acesso Livre 2005
- Algumas considerações sobre as principais declarações que suportam o movimento Acesso Livre 2005
- Best practices considered harmful 2005
- Competitive intelligence an exploratory study 2005
- The organizational mind: A comprehensive framework for the intelligent organization 2005
- RepositóriUM - Implementing DSpace in Portuguese - Lessons for the future and Research Pathways 2004
- Identidade e cultura organizacional: reflexões sobre a vivência na Digital Equipment (DEC) 2004
- RepositóriUM: implementação do DSpace em português: lições para o futuro e linhas de investigação. 2004
- RepositóriUM: implementing DSpace in portuguese: lessons for the future and research pathways 2004
- The behavior of academic investigators using an institutional repository 2004
- A meta-analysis of information systems research diversity in Portugal 2003
- As tecnologias de informação e a construção de realidades de trabalho inovadoras 2003
- Data Mining no suporte à construção de conhecimento organizacional 2003
- Knowledge Construction: The Role of Data Mining Tools 2003
- Knowledge Discovery Process Supporting Organizational Learning 2003
- Use of Grounded Theory in Information Systems Area: An Exploratory Analysis 2002
artigo de revista
- A Perspective Review on Integrating VR/AR with Haptics into STEM Education for Multi-Sensory Learning†. Robotics. 2022
- The delphi method in information systems research (2004-2017). Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods. 2019
- The resilience of a small company and the grounds of capitalism: Thriving on Non-Knowledgeable Ground. Sustainability (MDPI). 2016
- Different approaches to technology transfer by government and academy. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. 2015
- ECONOMIC RESILIENCE AND CROWDSOURCING PLATFORMS. JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management. 2015
- INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ORGANIZATIONAL MEMORY: A LITERATURE REVIEW. JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management. 2015
- Challenges in adopting open innovation strategies in SMEs : an exploratory study in Portugal. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. 2013
- Requirements specifications and recovered architectures as grounded theories. Grounded Theory Review : An International Journal. 2013
- Understanding organizational memory from the Integrated Management Systems (ERP). JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management. 2013
- Crowdsourcing innovation: a proposal for a brokering architecture focused in the innovation needs of SMEs. Connexio. 2012
- Looking at the past to enrich the future: a reflection on Klein and Myers’ quality criteria for interpretive research. Electronic Journal on Business Research Methods. 2012
- Crowdsourcing: a social networking approach to outsourcing. Cutter It Journal. 2009
- Como tornar o seu negócio realmente competitivo: desafios tecnológicos e de gestão 2006
- Social construction of information technology supporting work. Journal of Cases on Information Technology. 2005
- Knowledge discovery process supporting organizational learning 2003
- Visualização tridimensional de imagem médica 1997
capítulo de livro
- Data Mesh Adoption: A Multi-case and Multi-method Readiness Approach 2024
- Promoting gender equality at two European universities through structural change interventions: The EQUAL-IST project 2023
- The Future of Information Systems in a Post-COVID World by TC8 (Information Systems) 2021
- Interpretative Research in Information Systems: Two Qualitative Research Design Projects 2014
- Benchmarking Datasets for Breast Cancer Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CADx) 2013
- Preface [to] Knowledge and technologies in innovative information systems 2012
- The Relevance of Results in Interpretive Research in Information Systems and Technology 2012
- Introdução [a] Business intelligence: tecnologias da informação na gestão de conhecimento 2009
- Business Intelligence: tecnologias da informação na gestão de conhecimento 2006
- Constructionist perspective of organizational data mining 2005
- Towards constructionist Organizational Data Mining (ODM) : changing the focus from technology to social construction of knowledge 2003
- Preface. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. 2019
- Preface [to] Knowledge and technologies in innovative information systems 2012
- Introdução [a] Business intelligence: tecnologias da informação na gestão de conhecimento 2009
- Algumas considerações sobre as principais declarações que suportam o movimento Acesso Livre 2005
- The behavior of academic investigators using an institutional repository 2004
- The construction of work realities assisted by the adoption of computer-based systems 2003
- The VOIL Digital Transformation Competence Framework. Evaluation and Design of Higher Education Curricula 2020
- Foreword 2019
- Collaborative research (CR): To reduce transaction cost in open innovation 2015
- Ontology methodology building criteria for crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries 2015
- Open Innovation in SMEs: prospects and challenges 2014
- Organizational Memory: A Preliminary Model Based on Insights from Neuroscience 2014
- Organizational memory: The role of business intelligence to leverage the application of collective knowledge 2014
- A research model for open innovation: Synthesizing opportunities and challenges surrounding SMEs 2013
- Ethical data mining applications for socio-economic development 2013
- Open innovation in SMEs of developing and transitional economies 2013
- Open innovation strategies in SMEs: Development of a business model 2013
- Research and practices on open innovation: Perspectives on SMEs 2013
- Rvolta, a case for open innovation: How can a SME be innovative in a competitive industrial environment? 2013
- Stages of e-government maturity models: Emergence of e-governance at the grass roots 2013
- The case of a portuguese intermediary of open innovation: Inovamais 2013
- Trends of open innovation in developing nations: Contexts of SMEs 2013
- Crowdsourcing Innovation: A Strategy to Leverage Enterprise Innovation 2012
- Open innovation in SMEs of developing and transitional economies 2012
- The relevance of results in interpretive research in information systems and technology 2012
- A research model for open innovation: Synthesizing opportunities and challenges surrounding SMEs 2011
- Cardmobili: Innovation technology in everyday life 2011
- Knowledge repository framework for crowdsourcing innovation intermediary: A proposal 2011
- Open innovation strategies in SMEs: Development of a business model 2011
- Research and practices on open innovation: Perspectives on SMEs 2011
- Rvolta, a case for open innovation: How can a SME be innovative in a competitive industrial environment? 2011
- The case of a Portuguese intermediary of open innovation: Inovamais 2011
- Trends of open innovation in developing nations: Contexts of SMEs 2011
- Definition of a crowdsourcing innovation service for the European SMEs 2010
- “Business Intelligence – Tecnologias de Informação na Gestão de Conhecimento”, 2ª Edição – Actualizada e Aumentada 2009
- Advances in information systems research, education and practice: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, TC 8, Information Systems, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy 2008
- Business Intelligence – Tecnologias de Informação na Gestão de Conhecimento 2006
- Business Intelligence: tecnologias da informação na gestão de conhecimento 2006
- Reinventing the future: A study of the organizational mind 2006
- Constructionist perspective of organizational data mining 2005
- Towards constructionist Organizational Data Mining (ODM) : changing the focus from technology to social construction of knowledge 2003
- The role of emotion, values, and beliefs in the construction of innovative work realities 2002
- As disfunções da memória organizacional e suas implicações no uso dos sistemas de informação: um caso de estudo 2015
- Crowdfunding e resiliência das comunidades: estudo de caso 2015
- Modelo de conhecimento para intermediários de inovação com Crowdsourcing 2015
- Urbanismo participativo e resiliência das comunidades: especificação de uma aplicação 2015
- O papel do Crowdsourcing na resiliência das comunidades 2014
- Componentes da resiliência organizacional 2013
- Sistemas de apoio à gestão de inovação 2012
- The role of business intelligence in organizational memory supporti 2012
- A estrutura da memória organizacional : uma nova proposta 2011
- Gestão de riscos em Crowdsourcing 2011
- Iniciativa de crowdsourcing na UM 2011
- A medição da competitive intelligence – CI : desafios para as organizações 2009
- Diplomacia na era da informação e gestão do conhecimento 2009
- Rede social na UM : um estudo de caso : análise e estratégias de utilização de portais situados na dinamização da rede social – Flickr 2008
- Diagnóstico da maturidade da gestão do conhecimento nas pequenas e médias empresas portuguesas 2007
- A utilização do balanced scorecard para monitorar o desempenho de um hospital 2006
- Aplicações das tecnologias de informação que suportam as dimensões estrutural, social, política, simbólica do trabalho 2000