publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Assessing the Seasonal and Spatial Dynamics of Zooplankton through DNA Metabarcoding in a Temperate Estuary. Animals. 2023
- Current status and topical issues on the use of eDNA-based targeted detection of rare animal species. Heredity. 2023
- Hurdles and opportunities in implementing marine biosecurity systems in data-poor regions. Bioscience. 2023
- Impacts of diffuse urban stressors on stream benthic communities and ecosystem functioning: A review. Limnetica. 2023
- Assessing the seasonal dynamics of zooplankton in a recreational marina of the northwest of Portugal through multi-marker DNA metabarcoding. ARPHA Conference Abstracts. 2022
- Detection and monitoring of invertebrate non-indigenous species through DNA metabarcoding in a recreational marina of the Northwest of Portugal. ARPHA Conference Abstracts. 2022
- Testing COI primers for ichthyoplankton metabarcoding and their capability to assess local mesozooplankton communities. ARPHA Conference Abstracts. 2022
- Surveillance of non-indigenous invertebrate species through DNA metabarcoding in recreational marinas in the North and Center of Portugal. ARPHA Conference Abstracts. 2021
- Current status of the DNA barcode reference library of non-indigenous marine species occurring in European coastal regions. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019
- Species gap analysis in DNA barcode reference libraries of marine non-indigenous species in the Azores archipelago. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019
- Patterns of spatial and temporal variation in estuarine meiofaunal communities assessed through DNA metabarcoding: a case study in the Lima estuary (NW Portugal). Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019
- Compiling a DNA barcode reference library for benthic molluscs of the Southern European Atlantic coast.. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2016
artigo de conferência
- Current status of the DNA barcode reference library of non-indigenous marine species occurring in European coastal regions 2019
- Patterns of spatial and temporal variation in estuarine meiofaunal communities assessed through DNA metabarcoding: a case study in the Lima estuary (NW Portugal). 2019
- Small-scale spatial variation of meiofaunal communities in Rio Lima estuary (NW Portugal) assessed through metabarcoding 2019
- Effects of riparian plant diversity loss on detritus food webs become more pronounced at longer times 2013
- An ubiquitous perspective of the intraspecific diversity of the aquatic fungus articulospora tetracladia 2012
- Biogeography of aquatic fungi: preliminary conclusions 2012
- Intraspecific diversity of A. tetracladia affects plant-litter decomposition in freshwaters 2012
- Long-term effects of riparian-plant diversity loss on a stream invertebrate shredder 2012
- Long-term effects of riparian vegetation diversity on stream-dwelling microbes and litter decomposition 2011
- Temperature changes interspecific relationships among aquatic hyphomycetes 2011
- Effects of aquatic hyphomycete species richness and identity on leaf mass loss, fungal biomass and conidium production 2004
artigo de revista
- Artificial Seaweed Substrates Complement ARMS in DNA Metabarcoding-Based Monitoring of Temperate Coastal Macrozoobenthos. Diversity. 2023
- Macrozoobenthos monitoring in Portuguese transitional waters in the scope of the water framework directive using morphology and DNA metabarcoding. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2023
- Compilation, Revision, and Annotation of DNA Barcodes of Marine Invertebrate Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) Occurring in European Coastal Regions. Diversity. 2023
- Environmental DNA metabarcoding for benthic monitoring: A review of sediment sampling and DNA extraction methods. Heredity. 2022
- Revision and annotation of DNA barcode records for marine invertebrates: report of the 8th iBOL conference hackathon. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics. 2021
- The network structure of intertidal meiofaunal communities from environmental DNA metabarcoding surveys in Northwest Iberia. Aquatic Sciences. 2021
- Gaps in DNA sequence libraries for Macaronesian marine macroinvertebrates imply decades till completion and robust monitoring. Diversity and Distributions. 2021
- Integration of DNA-Based Approaches in Aquatic Ecological Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Water. 2021
- Status and prospects of marine NIS detection and monitoring through (e)DNA metabarcoding. Heredity. 2021
- Assessment of species gaps in DNA barcode libraries of non-indigenous species (NIS) occurring in European coastal regions. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics. 2020
- Legacy of Summer Drought on Autumnal Leaf Litter Processing in a Temporary Mediterranean Stream. Ecosystems. 2020
- Meiofauna metabarcoding in Lima estuary (Portugal) suggests high taxon replacement within a background of network stability. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2020
- Small-scale spatial variation of meiofaunal communities in Lima estuary (NW Portugal) assessed through metabarcoding. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2020
- Gap-analysis and annotated reference library for supporting macroinvertebrate metabarcoding in Atlantic Iberia. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2020
- Advances in the use of molecular tools in ecological and biodiversity assessment of aquatic ecosystems. Limnetica. 2020
- Intraspecific diversity affects stress response and the ecological performance of a cosmopolitan aquatic fungus. Fungal Ecology. 2019
- DNA barcode reference libraries for the monitoring of aquatic biota in Europe: Gap-analysis and recommendations for future work. Heredity. 2019
- Microbial decomposition is highly sensitive to leaf litter emersion in a permanent temperate stream. Heredity. 2018
- Continuous Enhancement of Science Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills through Scientific Lecturing. Frontiers in Public Health: Public Health Education and Promotion. 2018
- Responses of microbial decomposers to drought in streams may depend on the environmental context. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2017
- Taxa-area relationship of aquatic fungi on deciduous leaves. Antibiotics. 2017
- Environmental drivers are more important for structuring fungal decomposer communities than the geographic distance between streams. Limnetica. 2017
- Spring stimulates leaf decomposition in moderately eutrophic streams. Aquatic Sciences. 2017
- DNAqua-Net: Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in Europe. Research Ideas and Outcomes. 2016
- Differences in the sensitivity of fungi and bacteria to season and invertebrates affect leaf litter decomposition in a Mediterranean stream. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2016
- Seasonal Variability May Affect Microbial Decomposers and Leaf Decomposition More Than Warming in Streams. Microbial Ecology. 2016
- Does nutrient enrichment compensate fungicide effects on litter decomposition and decomposer communities in streams?. Aquatic Toxicology. 2016
- Effects of anthropogenic heavy metal contamination on litter decomposition in streams: A meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution. 2016
- Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes: Current knowledge and future perspectives. Fungal Ecology. 2016
- Microscopy- or DNA-based analyses: Which methodology gives a truer picture of stream-dwelling decomposer fungal diversity?. Fungal Ecology. 2015
- Plant litter diversity affects invertebrate shredder activity and the quality of fine particulate organic matter in streams. Marine and Freshwater Research. 2015
- Some new DNA barcodes of aquatic hyphomycete species. Mycoscience. 2015
- Stream-dwelling fungal decomposer communities along a gradient of eutrophication unraveled by 454 pyrosequencing. Fungal Diversity. 2015
- Current status of DNA barcoding of aquatic hyphomycetes. Sydowia. 2014
- Effects of Riparian Plant Diversity Loss on Aquatic Microbial Decomposers Become More Pronounced with Increasing Time. Microbial Ecology. 2013
- Temperature alters interspecific relationships among aquatic fungi. Fungal Ecology. 2013
- A decade's perspective on the impact of DNA sequencing on aquatic hyphomycete research. Fungal Biology Reviews. 2013
- Preliminary Insights into the Phylogeography of Six Aquatic Hyphomycete Species. Antibiotics. 2012
- Intraspecific Variation of the Aquatic Fungus Articulospora tetracladia: An Ubiquitous Perspective. Antibiotics. 2012
- The role of the freshwater shrimp Atyaephyra desmarestii in leaf litter breakdown in streams. Hydrobiologia. 2012
- Effects of Cadmium and Phenanthrene Mixtures on Aquatic Fungi and Microbially Mediated Leaf Litter Decomposition. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2011
- Assessing the dynamic of microbial communities during leaf decomposition in a low-order stream by microscopic and molecular techniques. Microbiological Research. 2010
- Effects of Zn, Fe and Mn on Leaf Litter Breakdown by Aquatic Fungi: a Microcosm Study. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2010
- Functional stability of stream-dwelling microbial decomposers exposed to copper and zinc stress. Freshwater Biology. 2009
- The Role of Early Fungal Colonizers in Leaf-Litter Decomposition in Portuguese Streams Impacted by Agricultural Runoff. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2009
- Microbial Decomposer Communities Are Mainly Structured by Trophic Status in Circumneutral and Alkaline Streams. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2009
- Mixtures of zinc and phosphate affect leaf litter decomposition by aquatic fungi in streams. Heredity. 2009
- High Diversity of Fungi may Mitigate the Impact of Pollution on Plant Litter Decomposition in Streams. Microbial Ecology. 2008
- Copper and zinc mixtures induce shifts in microbial communities and reduce leaf litter decomposition in streams. Freshwater Biology. 2008
- Aquatic hyphomycete diversity and identity affect leaf litter decomposition in microcosms. Oecologia. 2006
- Effects of Zinc on Leaf Decomposition by Fungi in Streams: Studies in Microcosms. Microbial Ecology. 2004
capítulo de livro
- A Bioinformatics Primer for the Analysis of Illumina MiSeq Data of Litter-Associated Fungi and Bacteria 2020
- Metabarcoding of Litter-Associated Fungi and Bacteria 2020
- Chapter 5. Fungi and Bacteria 2019
- Fungos e bactérias. Investigação. 2019
- Why We Need Sustainable Networks Bridging Countries, Disciplines, Cultures and Generations for Aquatic Biomonitoring 2.0: A Perspective Derived From the DNAqua-Net COST Action. Advances in Ecological Research. 2018
- Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) in microbial ecology: insights from freshwaters 2012
- Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) in Microbial Ecology - Insights from Freshwaters 2012
- Assessing seasonal and spatial dynamics of zooplankton communities in a temperate estuary through DNA metabarcoding 2024
- DNA Metabarcoding as a tool to identify fish species in zooplankton samples: a proof-of-concept study on the Portuguese coast 2024
- Detection of non-indigenous invertebrate species in recreational marinas of North of Portugal using DNA metabarcoding: impact of season and sample type 2024
- A comparison of eDNA metabarcoding and morphological analyses for detecting ichthyoplankton in the Guadiana estuary 2023
- Assessing seasonal and spatial dynamics of zooplankton communities in a temperate estuary through DNA metabarcoding 2023
- DNA Metabarcoding as a tool to identify fish species in zooplankton samples: a proof-of-concept study on the Portuguese coast 2023
- Deteção precoce de espécies invasoras em ecossistemas costeiros através de ferramentas baseadas em DNA Barcoding. Atividade com alunos do Ensino Básico. 2023
- Old meets new: 1. Morphological analyses of Guadiana ichthyoplankton as a basis for DNA-based approaches 2023
- Old meets new: 2. eDNA metabarcoding vs morphological analyses for detecting ichthyoplankton in the Guadiana estuary 2023
- Compilation, revision, and annotation of DNA barcodes of marine invertebrate non-indigenous species (NIS) occurring in European coastal regions 2023
- Testing COI primers for ichthyoplankton metabarcoding and their capability to assess local mesozooplankton communities 2023
- Assessing the seasonal dynamics of zooplankton in a recreational marina of the northwest of Portugal through multi-marker DNA metabarcoding 2022
- COI metabarcoding of mesozooplankton communities: the impact of OTU versus ASV-based pipelines on recovered diversity 2022
- Current status on the use of eDNA-based tools for the targeted detection of endangered and rare species 2022
- Environmental DNA for detecting marine fish species: testing the volume of sampled water, markers and primers in a public oceanarium 2022
- Detection and monitoring of non-indigenous invertebrate species in recreational marinas through DNA metabarcoding of zooplankton communities in the North of Portugal 2022
- Testing the efficiency of environmental DNA metabarcoding for detecting marine fish species using a public aquarium 2022
- Testing COI primers for ichthyoplankton metabarcoding and their capability to assess local mesozooplankton communities 2022
- Detection and monitoring of invertebrate non-indigenous species through DNA metabarcoding in a recreational marina of the Northwest of Portugal 2022
- Manual das aulas teórico-práticas de Farmacologia Ocular 2022
- Manual of the Teoretical-practical classes of Eye Pharmacology 2022
- The spatial network structure of intertidal meiofaunal communities derived from environmental DNA metabarcoding surveys in Northwest Iberia 2021
- Current status of DNA barcode reference libraries for marine invertebrates from Macaronesia 2020
- Estado das bibliotecas de referência de DNA barcodes de invertebrados marinhos da Macaronésia 2020
- The URBIFUN project - Urbanization effects on the relationship between microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning 2020
- Status and prospects of marine NIS detection and monitoring through (e)DNA metabarcoding 2020
- A barcode gap-analysis for aquatic biomonitoring in Europe 2019
- Small-scale spatial variation of meiofaunal communities in Rio Lima estuary (NW Portugal) assessed through metabarcoding) 2019
- A timely to look at effects of agricultural on fluvial DOM: the role of hydrology. AGRHYDROM, 2nd Young collaborative project from the Iberian Association of Limnology 2017
- DNA metabarcoding on estuarine meiofauna: testing the effect of sample¿s amount and primer pair 2017
- DNA metabarcoding on estuarine meiofauna: testing the effect of sample’s amount and primer pair 2017
- Species gap analysis in DNA barcode reference libraries of macrobenthic fauna from transition and coastal waters along the western European Atlantic coast 2017
- Compiling a DNA barcode reference library for macrobenthic invertebrate fauna from the southern European Atlantic coast 2016
- Compiling a DNA barcode reference library for benthic molluscs of the Southern European Atlantic coast 2016
- A meta-analysis on the effects of heavy metal contamination on litter decomposition in streams 2015
- Eutrophication alters responses of stream-dwelling microbial decomposers to drought 2014
- Nutrient enrichment affects microbial decomposition and invertebrate feeding activity more than fungal diversity 2014
- A case of using traditional and molecular approaches to assess the effects of season and eutrophication on fungal communities on plant litter decomposing in streams 2014
- Seasonal variability overwhelms effects of global warming on microbial decomposers in streams 2013
- Can summer drought affect leaf decomposition when the water flow returns to the stream? 2013
- Is intraspecific diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes on decomposing leaves in streams related to season? 2013
- New DNA barcodes for 8 aquatic hyphomycete species 2013
- Effects of riparian plant diversity loss on detritus food webs become more pronounced at longer times 2013
- Ingold's journey in the discovery of aquatic hyphomycetes: the main agents of organic matter recycling in rivers 2013
- Science from 3 to 11 - Experimental activities in Biology and Environment 2013
- Preliminary Insights into the phylogeography of six aquatic hyphomycete species 2012
- An ubiquitous perspective of the intraspecific diversity of the aquatic fungus Articulospora tetracladia 2012
- Intraspecific diversity affects plant-litter decomposition in freshwaters 2012
- Intraspecific diversity of A. tetracladia affects plant-litter decomposition in freshwaters 2012
- Biogeography of aquatic fungi: preliminary conclusions 2012
- Long-term effects of riparian-plant diversity loss on a stream invertebrate shredder 2012
- Intraspecific variation of the aquatic fungus Articulospora tetracladia : an ubiquitous perspective 2012
- Farmacologia: exercícios teórico práticos 2011
- Temperature changes interspecific relationships among aquatic hyphomycetes 2011
- Long-term effects of riparian vegetation diversity on stream-dwelling microbes and litter decomposition 2011
- Pharmacology - Theoretical-practical exercises 2011
- Physiological systems: from theory to practice 2011
- ITS barcodes as unambiguous discriminators of strains of Articulospora tetracladia 2010
- Can microbial decomposers of plant litter be used as bioindicators of anthropogenic stress in streams? 2009
- Fungal communities in sediments from streams with contrasting water chemistry 2009
- High diversity of fungi may mitigate the impact of pollution on plant litter decomposition in streams 2009
- The role of early colonizers in leaf-litter decomposition in streams 2008
- Effects of heavy metals on leaf litter breakdown by aquatic fungi: a microcosm study 2007
- Mixtures of zinc and phosphate affect leaf litter decomposition by aquatic fungi 2007
- Assessment of fungal biomass based on Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis band intensities 2006
- Diversity and activity of fungi and bacteria on decomposing leaves in a low-order stream 2006
- Effects of copper and zinc mixtures on leaf decomposition by freshwater fungi and bacteria 2006
- Fungal diversity may be more sensitive to pollution than fungal biomass and leaf decomposition in streams 2006
- Effects of aquatic hyphomycete species richness and identity on leaf mass loss, fungal biomass and conidium production 2004
- Effects of zinc on leaf decomposition by fungi in streams : studies in microcosms 2004
- Catch me if you can: current status and topical issues on the use of eDNA-based targeted detection of rare and endangered animal species
- Comparing DNA metabarcoding with morphology in the assessment of macrozoobenthos in Portuguese transitional waters in the scope of the Water Framework Directive monitoring
- DNA barcode reference libraries for the monitoring of aquatic biota in Europe: Gap-analysis and recommendations for future work
- DNA barcodes of aquatic hyphomycete species (GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741)
- DNA metabarcoding-based detection of non-indigenous invertebrates in recreational marinas: influence of sample type and seasonal variation
- GenBank Accession numbers: JX089461-JX089572 (111 ITS sequences), under the project "Preliminary insights into the phylogeography of six aquatic hyphomycete species"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF730795-KF730849 (55 ITS sequences), under the project "New DNA barcodes for 9 aquatic hyphomycete species"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF730795-KF730849 (55 ITS sequences), under the project "New DNA barcodes for 9 aquatic hyphomycete species"
- GenBank Accession numbers: JF895397-JF895437 (41 ITS sequences), under the project "Intraspecific variation of the aquatic fungus Articulospora tetracladia: an ubiquitous perspective"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741 (136 ITS sequences), under the project "DNA barcoding of aquatic fungi"
- GenBank Accession numbers: KF952606-KF952741 (136 ITS sequences), under the project "DNA barcoding of aquatic fungi"
- Revision and annotation of DNA barcode records for marine invertebrates: report of the 8th iBOL conference hackathon
- Sequence Read Archives accession numbers SRR11266720, SRR11266719, SRR11266718, SRR11266717, SRR11266715, SRR11266716, SRR11266714, SRR11266713 (total of 2.285,095 COI and 2.127,456 18S Illumina MiSeq reads), under the project "Small-scale spatial variation of meiofaunal communities in Lima estuary (NW Portugal) assessed through metabarcoding"
- Status and prospects of marine NIS detection and monitoring through (e)DNA metabarcoding
- Biodiversity and activity of microbial decomposers in streams under anthropogenic stress 2008
- Biodiversity and activity of microbial decomposers of leaf litter in streams under anthropogenic stress 2008
- Effects of zinc on Alnus glutinosa litter decomposition by aquatic hyphomycetes: studies in stream and microcosms 2002