publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Identification of Waste Potential from Maritime Activity - Incorporating Polyethylene Cables into Building Construction. Key Engineering Materials. 2024
- A Nature-Inspired Green–Blue Solution: Incorporating a Fog Harvesting Technique into Urban Green Wall Design. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Thermal comfort in the Modern Movement — Evaluating¿ the winter behavior of a housing building in Porto, Portugal. Energy Reports. 2023
- Optimization of a Quantitative PCR Methodology for Detection of Aspergillus spp. and Rhizopus arrhizus . Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy Journal . 2022
- Retrofitting Dwellings in Traditional Coastal Settlements in Egypt and Portugal Using Nature-Based Solutions and Conventional Thermal Insulation Materials: Technical and Economic Assessment. Journal of Architectural Engineering. 2022
- Embodied carbon and economic cost analysis of a contemporary house design using local and reused materials. Sustainable Futures. 2022
- Simulation tools for energy performance evaluation of buildings with minimum material resources 2020
- Membrane Sunspace for Old Buildings Refurbishment: Environmental Impact, Economic and Building Technology's Comparison to Conventional Solutions. Matec Web of Conferences. 2019
- Overview of Constructions Made with architectural Membranes: Market, Geographical and Temporal Distribution. Matec Web of Conferences. 2019
- Architectural membranes on building's functional refurbishment. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Bioclimatic Performances of Traditional Straw Construction in Italy and in Portugal. ATHENS JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES. 2016
- Comparative environmental and economic analysis of south european building constructive systems 2014
- Soil: A material for bio-compatible and eco-sustainable contemporary buildings. Advanced Structured Materials. 2013
- Functional assessment of lightweight construction solutions in view of sustainability. Improvement of Buildings' Structural Quality by New Technologies - Proceedings of the Final Conference of COST Action C12. 2005
- Construção em Pedra e Conforto Térmico – Implicações na Redução do Impacto Ambiental. Revista Rocha & Equipamentos. 2002
artigo de conferência
- Thermal and Natural Light Comfort Analysis of Bouça Social Housing Development in Porto, Portugal 2024
- Performance-Based Design: Report of an academic workshop with energy efficiency simulation tools 2023
- Additive manufacturing Earthbased composite: strategical and computational methodology for building shell geometries 2022
- Book of Abstracts of the II Symposium in Applied Biochemistry 2021
- Thermal comfort in the modern movement - consequences of constructive definition on the summer behaviour of a housing building in Porto, Portugal. Biomedical Materials. 2021
- Membrane for rooftop extensions: an economical and environmentally efficient alternative. ICEE International Conference on Energy & Environment. 2019
- Digital fabrication and crafting for flexible building wall components: design and development of prototypes 2019
- Fog harvesting meshes physical, economic and environmental characterization. ICEE International Conference on Energy & Environment. 2019
- O guia PCS para a reabilitação de edifícios em Portugal 2017
- Green walls an efficient solution for hygrothermal, noise and air pollution control in the buildings 2017
- Housing flexibility assessment 2017
- Tendências contemporâneas na reabilitação de fachadas 2016
- Architectural membranes on building refurbishment: contribution to functional performance and sustainability 2016
- Atelier Inovação e Tecnologia: propostas arquitectónicas para a requalificação da zona de Couros em Guimarães 2016
- Building Rehabilitation with Dry and Wet Systems-Embodied Water Comparison. Matec Web of Conferences. 2016
- Reabilitação funcional do património industrial edificado com recurso a membranas arquitectónicas: aspectos contextuais, climáticos e funcionais 2016
- Reabilitação funcional do património industrial edificado com recurso a membranas arquitectónicas: aspectos programáticos, construtivos e económicos 2016
- Vantagens da utilização de materiais naturais ou pouco transformados 2015
- Arquitetura Vernácula, Arquitetura Bioclimática e Eficiência Energética 2014
- Environmental impact and comparative economic analysis among different building constructive systems used in Portugal 2014
- Low cost construction: State of the art and prospects for using structure wood apartment buildings in Portugal 2013
- Low cost construction: State of the art and prospects for using structure wood apartment buildings in Portugal 2013
- Membrana divisória adaptável 2013
- O Atelier Sustentabilidade no Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura da Universidade do Minho 2012
- Characterization of polyester with fiberglass materials as reinforcement in interior dividing walls 2012
- Potential of polyester fibrous materials in interior dividing walls 2012
- Flexibilidade como estratégia para o futuro 2012
- Interior partition walls in mediterranean climates: lightweight versus heavyweight 2012
- Life-cycle assessment of lightweight textile membrane partition walls 2012
- Memory of an ephemeral architecture 2012
- Textile membranes in housing – adaptation to tropical climates 2012
- Traditional wooden buildings in Portugal: the Avieira house 2012
- Validação experimental de uma solução eco-eficiente de paredes divisórias 2012
- Characterization of porous acoustic materials applied to lightweight partition walls 2011
- Life-cycle Assessment of different building technologies for partion walls - contribution to future developments on interior partition concepts 2011
- As paredes divisórias num sistema integrado de alvenaria estrutural em BTC 2011
- Avaliação económica de soluções leves em climas temperados 2011
- Cost analysis of lightweight membranes in housing at temperate climates 2011
- Divisórias leves em climas temperados 2011
- Estudo das propriedades térmicas de materiais aplicados em paredes divisórias leves 2011
- Integration of interactive optimisation in the conceptual design stage of shading devices 2011
- Life-cycle assessment of different building technologies for partion walls : contribution to future developments on interior partition concepts 2011
- Lightweight membranes with fibre materials in interior dividing walls 2011
- Low-cost housing in underdeveloped countries : simple strategies for a more sustainable construction 2011
- Paredes divisórias, passado, presente e futuro 2011
- Proposta de uma solução inovadora e eco-eficiente para paredes divisórias 2011
- Reabilitação de casas tradicionais em madeira do litoral norte e centro de Portugal. 2011
- Simulation of porous acoustic materials applied to lighweight partition walls 2011
- Underground contemporary buildings: Portugal and Turkey 2011
- Low-span lightweight membranes in housing : environmental and structural potentialities 2010
- A flexibilidade na arquitectura tradicional 2010
- Habitação social em países subdesenvolvidos – Estratégias de intervenção com recursos mínimos 2010
- Innovative masonry blocks for partition walls 2010
- Nature and structural design in architecture 2010
- Social housing in North of Portugal: cost/benefit analysis of different constructive systems 2010
- Social housing in Portugal: case studies “Bairro das Fontaínhas” and “Bairro da Travessa do Salgueiros” in Porto 2010
- The use of natural fibres on architecture : the local economy and the arts and crafts 2010
- Underground contemporary houses in the North of Portugal 2010
- Standard housing: economic concepts and future research in Portugal 2008
- Modelo de avaliação do potencial de desconstrução efectivo de um edifício na fase de concepção 2007
- Non-structural adobe walls in housing buildings: environmental performance 2007
- Sustainability assessment of an energy efficient optimized solution 2007
- Sustainability assessment of an energy efficient optimized solution 2007
- Sustainable Test Cell – Performance Evaluation 2006
- Achieving Thermal Inertia In Lightweight Constructions 2006
- Sustainable test cell : performance evaluation 2006
- Potentialities of Lightweight Construction Solutions for Sustainability 2005
- Functional assessment of lightweight construction solutions in view of sustainability 2005
- Avaliação do Comportamento Acústico de Soluções Construtivas não Convencionais 2004
- Acoustic Evaluation of Some Non-Conventional Solutions in Construction 2004
- Environmental Impact Reduction on Indirect Gain 2002
- Acoustic Performance of a MBT Solution 2002
- Análise do ComportamentoTérmico de Soluções Construtivas Mistas 2002
- Comparison between Conventional and MBT Constructive Solutions from an Economical and Environmental Point of View - Case study 2002
- Daylight Evaluation of a MBT Solution 2002
- Thermal Performance of a MBT Solution 2002
- Como Pode a Redução do Peso da Construção Contribuir para a Redução do Impacto Ambiental? 2001
- Planning Through Environmental Strategies 2001
- Smart Buildings, an Environmental Approach 2001
- The Minimal Environmental Impact of Buildings 2001
- The ‘Skin’ Strategy on Construction and the Environmental Impact Reduction 2001
- Tratamento da Radiação Solar em Construções Ligeiras 2000
- Construções Solares Passivas de Madeira em Clima Temperado 2000
- Diseño Participativo de Viviendas Solar Pasivas en Climas Temperados 2000
- Avaliação e Estudo do Comportamento de Elementos Sombreadores com Lâminas Fixas 2000
- Sustainable Building Construction – A Minimalist Approach 1999
- The Loss of Weight and the New Attitude Towards Thermal Behaviour of Buildings 1999
- Opening the Design on Bioclimatic Architecture – A Case Study 1999
artigo de revista
- Shading Calculation Methods and Regulation Simplifications—The Portuguese Case. Bioengineering. 2023
- Evaluating the efficiency of membrane's refurbishment solutions to perform vertical extensions in old buildings using a multicriteria decision-support model. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. 2022
- Fungal Infections Diagnosis – Past, Present and Future. Research in Microbiology. 2021
- Simulation tools for energy performance evaluation of buildings with minimum material resources. SMC Magazine. 2020
- Roof Replacement of a Heritage Building Using Transparent Solutions: Room Acoustic Performance Comparison. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2020
- Energy performance of vertical extensions on old buildings: Comparison between architectural membranes and conventional building technologies. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2020
- Heritage buildings as a contribution to the contemporary city: The relocation of braga's district archive. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism. 2020
- Selecting fog harvesting meshes for environmental conditioning structures. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2020
- Architectural Membranes for improving the functional performance of buildings. SMC Magazine. 2019
- Prefabricated building systems: evaluation of the construction practitioners’ perception on the environmental and economic benefits. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2018
- Advantages and Constraints of Living Green Façade Systems. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2017
- Análise ambiental e económica para o norte de Portugal de soluções de alvenaria térmicas existentes 2017
- Bioclimatic performances of traditional straw construction in Italy and in Portugal. ATHENS JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES. 2016
- Environmental benefits from the use of vegetable materials in building construction: case study in the south of Portugal. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2016
- Environmental and economic cost analysis of housing in temperate climate using an innovative lightweight partitioning system. International Journal of Sustainable Energy. 2015
- Análise comparada do desempenho acústico e térmico da solução de divisória interior em alvenaria de tijolo cerâmico com soluções de alvenaria alternativas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2015
- Análise comparada dos aspetos funcionais associados com a montagem entre a solução de divisória interior em alvenaria de tijolo cerâmico com soluções de alvenaria alternativas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2015
- Environmental impact reduction from using local natural construction materials: case study in the North of Portugal. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2015
- Lightweight adjustable partition system: Evaluation of resistance to horizontal loads and functional failure from impacts. Informes de la Construcción. 2015
- Production, characterization and prediction of mechanical properties of waste fibre reinforced composite panels for application in adjustable partition walls of buildings. International Journal of Plastics Technology. 2015
- Mudança de paradigma na compartimentação da habitação - das divisórias estáticas às divisórias nómadas. 2014
- ADjustMEMBRANE : innovative lightweight adjustable partition wall system. International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design. 2014
- ADjustMEMBRANE | Membrana divisória adaptável 2014
- Comparative environmental and economic analysis of south european building constructive systems. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2014
- Earth architecture in north of Portugal: case study from vernacular to contemporary. SMC Magazine. 2014
- Inovação e projeto na arquitectura : o ensino e a investigação. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2014
- Proposal of an innovative solution for partition walls : mechanical, thermal and acoustic validation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- (Archi)textiles partitions : design specifications for reuse after deconstruction. Annals of the University of Oradea. Fascicle of Textile, Leatherwork. 2013
- Estudo das propriedades térmicas de materiais fibrosos aplicados em paredes divisórias leves. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2013
- Sustainability assessment of an innovative lightweight building technology for partition walls - Comparison with conventional technologies. Building and Environment. 2013
- Textile membrane design : case-study of a membrane house prototype in Portugal. Annals of the University of Oradea. Fascicle of Textile, Leatherwork. 2013
- Public housing renovation in Porto : typology versus occupancy density. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2012
- Economic and construction analysis of lightweight membranes in housing in temperate climates. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2011
- Standard housing: economic concepts and future research in Portugal. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2009
- Optimização da geometria de sombreadores de lâminas fixas 2008
- O ensino da arquitectura no contexto de Bolonha 2007
- Sustainable housing with mixedweight strategy - A case study. Building and Environment. 2007
capítulo de livro
- Can an Environmentally Sustainable Construction be Affordable? 2023
- Evaluating the Potential of Vegetation to Capture Pollutants in Urban Environment. Environmental Science and Engineering. 2022
- Urban Rehabilitation Based on Uses and Social Diversity: A Case Study in Porto, Portugal 2022
- Functional conditioning systems for urban environments: regarding hygrothermal comfort, air and noise pollution 2019
- Environmental and economic potential of using earth as building material in the north of Portugal 2016
- Projecto: abrigo em árvore 2013
- Underground construction in contemporary architecture (Cappadocia & Portugal) 2013
- A fachada como elemento mediador 2012
- As paredes divisórias num sistema integrado de alvenaria estrutural em BTC 2011
- Deconstruction roles in the construction and demolition waste management in Portugal: from design to site management 2011
- Lightweight dividing walls : adaptation to temperate climates. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review. 2011
- Proposta de uma solução inovadora e eco-eficiente para paredes divisórias 2011
- The environment as part of the architectural curricula in the University of Minho 2011
- Arquitectura do século XX em Guimarães 2009
- Advanced Diagnostic for Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis: qPCR Panels for Aspergillus Detection and Cryptic Species Differentiation 2024
- Guest editor introduction [Architecture and Planning Journal, v. 26, issue 1]. Architecture and Planning Journal. 2020
- Special Issue "Functional Rehabilitation of Built Environment". International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2020
- Avaliação da Qualidade da Água do Rio Cávado 2019
- MATEC Special Issue “3rd International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering (ICBMM2019)” 2019
- Simulation Tools for Energy Performance Evaluation of Buildings with Minimum Material Resources 2019
- Interaction between materials and techniques on digital fabrication 2018
- The evolution of architectural membranes 2017
- Living green façade systems: contribution to near zero emission buildings 2016
- Life-cycle assessment of lightweight textile membrane partition walls 2012
- Potentialities of interior textile membrane partition walls 2012
- Validação experimental de uma solução eco-eficiente de paredes divisórias 2012
- Paredes divisórias, passado, presente e futuro 2011
- Life-cycle assessment of different building technologies for partion walls : contribution to future developments on interior partition concepts 2011
- Reabilitação de casas tradicionais em madeira do litoral norte e centro de Portugal. 2011
- Portugal SB10: sustainable building affordable to all : low cost sustainable solutions 2010
- Proceedings of the international conference "Portugal SB10: Sustainable Building Affordable to All" 2010
- Public housing renovation Plus Space transformation 2009
- Digital design, optimisation and manufacturing of architectural components 2008
- Sustainability assessment of an energy efficient optimized solution 2007