publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Setting priorities in health: The managers' perspectives versus general public. International Journal of Care Coordination. 2023
artigo de conferência
- Determinação da rigidez de uma areia com recurso a bender elements e acelerómetros: princípio de medição e aplicações 2014
- Medição e interpretação da rigidez de uma areia no âmbito das muito pequenas deformações 2014
- Utilização de bender elements na determinação do módulo de distorção 2013
- Capacidade de carga de fundações superficiais em maciços rochosos de acordo com o EC7 2012
- Design of spread foundations on rock masses according to Eurocode 7 2012
- Segurança de maciços terrosos com cargas quaisquer. Alguns novos desenvolvimentos para a sua avaliação 2012
- A 3D FEM model to predict railtrack behaviour under moving loads 2011
- The cyclic triaxial test as tool to quantify coarse non-conventional materials response 2011
- A multi-mechanism elastoplastic approach to simulate monotonic and cyclic behaviour 2010
- Instrumentação axial e radial em ensaios triaxiais no domínio das pequenas deformações 2010
- Reforço com geogrelhas em estruturas ferroviárias : um caso de estudo 2010
- Triaxial cíclico de grandes dimensões para estudo de geomateriais sob carregamento cíclico 2010
- Previsão geotécnica do comportamento mecânico de uma fundação superficial em modelo físico 2010
- Precision triaxial equipment for the evaluation of the elastic behavior of soils 2009
- Equipamento triaxial de precisão para a determinação do limite elástico do comportamento de solos 2008
artigo de revista
- Mechanical Behavior of a Mine Tailing Stabilized with a Sustainable Binder. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Constitutive Behaviour of a Clay Stabilised with Alkali-Activated Cement Based on Blast Furnace Slag. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- A new stabilised scheme for the Richards’ equation with evapotranspiration. Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 2022
- Study on guardrail post behavior located on organic soil using simplified experimental and numerical methods. Soils and Rocks. 2022
- Combining experiments and in silico modeling to infer the role of adhesion and proliferation on the collective dynamics of cells. Acta Cytologica. 2021
- Unsaturated Response of Clayey Soils Stabilised with Alkaline Cements. Biomolecules. 2020
- Application of alkali-activated industrial wastes for the stabilisation of a full-scale (sub)base layer. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020
- Convection patterns gradients of non-living and living micro-entities in hydrogels. Applied Materials Today. 2020
- Improvement of a clayey soil with alkali activated low-calcium fly ash for transport infrastructures applications. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2019
- Increasing the reaction kinetics of alkali-activated fly ash binders for stabilisation of a silty sand pavement sub-base. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2018
- Influence of fibre reinforcement on the post-cracking behaviour of a cement-stabilised sandy-clay subjected to indirect tensile stress. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Influence of discrete fibre reinforcement on the uniaxial compression response and seismic wave velocity of a cement-stabilised sandy-clay. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 2015
- Finite element model with imposed slip surfaces for earth mass safety evaluation. Journal of Central South University. 2014
- Advanced triaxial technologies and modelling parameters 2008
capítulo de livro
- Water Management in Several Types of Soil – A Hands-On Science Experiment for Students 2022
- Identification of Persistent Discontinuities on a Granitic Rock Mass Through 3D Datasets and Traditional Fieldwork: A Comparative Analysis. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. 2020